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  • What's going on guys before we get into it?

  • Just want to say that if you want to see this week's episode of Zachary News, head over to the U.

  • S.

  • A goddamn TV channel where that is now posted, I'll have a link for that down below.

  • You guys can check that out, subscribe to that channel.

  • You want to follow the news videos that are going to be coming out there, Uh, past.

  • Why a little while that I've been doing those I've been also.

  • Ah, like doing a simultaneous upload here on my channel with just some updates, things to update you guys on.

  • But there's not really too much stuff.

  • Do you guys on at this point in time?

  • I have a couple of painting projects that I'm working on and different things than working on, but not really too much to update you guys on.

  • So I figure it's a good time to get back to doing some resin.

  • Third party news is something that you guys didn't want to see.

  • I know some of you expressed to me that you didn't want to see disappear from the gunplay news segment.

  • So now that I'm doing Czako news over another channel.

  • I did still want to cover some resident third party stuff.

  • So I'm just gonna do that here on my channel, maybe like once a month or something.

  • When Whenever I've got new stuff to talk to you guys about and I have been gathering some information about some kits that are on the way, So we'll talk about some of these today.

  • And also, I don't have any particular website or links for this stuff.

  • So if there's any thing that the for the stuff that you're interested in, there's not any particular shop that would recommend because some of the stuff is gonna be available here or there.

  • The price may vary.

  • So I'm just gonna let you guys know some general information about these.

  • And then if you want to learn more, you interested in buying any of these kits ordering any of them?

  • I'll leave that up to you guys to head over to Google and, you know, find out a good source where you guys come by these kits, obviously anything kind of resin.

  • If it's anywhere out of, like China or Hong Kong, Thailand, anything like that usually that stuff's all available on Tao Bao.

  • Otherwise, there's other different sites where you can order this stuff from as well.

  • So leave that up to you guys.

  • But I just want to let you guys know about these just in case the new thing is maybe interesting for any of you.

  • You want to check some more this stuff out.

  • At least you're informed about its existence.

  • So the first thing here is from med works, So Med works coming out with a 100 scale shining Gundam conversion kits.

  • This one is based off of the master grade A ll strike version or M.

  • That's the kid that you'll need for the base kit for this and then just conversion kit to convert this into a really cool version of the shining on them.

  • That's cool.

  • Really hoping that bend I will eventually make some 2.0 master grade kits from G Gundam.

  • Not sure if they would do it for the shining on him, most likely for the God Gundam, but something to hopefully look forward to in the future.

  • I would personally love most a master grade 2.0, Master Gundam.

  • But we'll have to see on that.

  • So this one should be costing you around $80 for that also.

  • I'm not sure.

  • And maybe one of you guys can answer this for me.

  • I don't think this is entirely new.

  • I think this is maybe one that maybe has been out for a little while, but it's kind of rare.

  • So I think it's the new maybe another run of that.

  • Yeah.

  • I'm not sure exactly what the details of that.

  • Let me know if you know for sure.

  • Uh, next, we have, ah, 100 scale Master Grade Dynamics conversion kit.

  • So not too long since the original dynamics Master Key obviously has been out for less than a year now.

  • At this point, fortune meows is the company.

  • Fortunately, I was the company that's making.

  • This should be costing you around $110 for this one for a conversion kit.

  • Not too bad.

  • Looks very highly detailed.

  • Of course, as you would expect.

  • Also, I like how they have changed from the proportions and things as well.

  • It's definitely much bulkier in certain areas.

  • They also completely redone the sniper rifle.

  • It looks like so it looks like that'll be maybe an entirely new kit.

  • You know, they're just building the weapon entirely out of resin Here.

  • It's not converting the existing sniper rifle.

  • It looks like that looks awesome.

  • Uh, that Yeah, definitely looks like something that I would be interested in just cause I like the what they've done with the design there for the dynamics.

  • Uh, next thing here from a Okay, Silver Oaks, a 1 35th scale.

  • And she busts set.

  • So not too long ago, I got a set here of the son.

  • Andrew and saz be 13 full scale head said this is in the same series as those they've also done had Sculpt of the Unicorn.

  • I believe as well.

  • So it's just a banshee version of that.

  • So I've got it in unicorn mode and destroy mode, coming as a set here, 13 fiscal had, since they're relatively cheap, I haven't seen what the price is gonna be for these yet, but fire remember correctly, it wasn't more than, like, $40 or left 30 35 $40 in like that.

  • Not too expensive for these sets of just 2135 skill heads.

  • So pretty cool.

  • You look really nicely detailed.

  • So those will be coming out.

  • And also for the RG new Gundam resin conversion kits here from trouble Toys for the RG New coming out for around $60.

  • So reasonable price for that one.

  • I think details on this one look really nice.

  • So if you've already got the RG new Gundam and maybe having painted yet this is a good chance for you to pick up a nice resin conversion kit for that adds a nice detail to it and then go in and paint it up, you know, do all that stuff on it.

  • So this one looks really nice, actually.

  • Really?

  • Quite like the look of that RG New Gundam conversion kit.

  • All right.

  • The next one here from a C studio is a 100 scale kid here of the goddamn GPO one.

  • It's ah, conversion kit of sorts in that not that it converts a band like it, but it does use a plastic frame this soon, but it uses a It's called the Circle model, A B s full action frame architect.

  • So basically it's just a generic A B s plastic action frame.

  • Then you're building all the resin parts around on that.

  • So this one also going for around $115 should be around for this one.

  • So ah, it's pretty cool.

  • And that's using this articulated frame.

  • And so the articulation of this kids should be pretty nice.

  • I'm not really too personally into the design they've gone with for the GPO on in this case.

  • It's not really too appealing to me.

  • But the kid, I think, should be pretty interesting to be cool, to see how that comes together.

  • So hopefully someone I know gets this kid and works on it so I can at least watch the work in progress.

  • Onix.

  • I'm interested in that.

  • But it's not something that I think I would want to spend too much time on.

  • Personally does look pretty cool, though.

  • Next thing here we have a master grade a stray gonna zero dragon and conversion kit to version tm one also going for around 100 $1515 for this one.

  • Uh, it's just a really cool obviously very stylistic take on the astray.

  • There s O that looks pretty interesting.

  • And then this one also has a pre order bonus if you pre order it.

  • There's a bonus of a 1 50 scale version of the head bust of this kid.

  • So be maybe about, like that big, not that large double the size of the head that's on actual kit.

  • But you'll have that as a nice preorder bonus for this, so that's pretty awesome to have included.

  • Ah, that as well.

  • It's always nice when they have some cool preorder bonus included with this stuff helps ease the pain of the cost of this stuff.

  • Sometimes, although $115 for the for a nice resin conversion kit like this is not unheard of, it's pretty standard thinks that one does look pretty interesting.

  • Uh, next one here is not resin, but actually a plastic dress up kit, which is not very common.

  • This one is for the mass greatest and undo.

  • This is from Takumi a studio, and I haven't seen the price for this one either side have to check some more into what the price is gonna be for this one, but at least for the time being, it's a plastic version, which is very convenient for anyone who's maybe not as comfortable working with resin.

  • Ah, this one is just for the master creation in Ju just keeps kind of the same general look of the Shantou but very different stylistically, as you can see there.

  • And also, um, they've also done with this like what you bend I did with the RG where they separated the lining parts in like a plate of gold and then black to separate that they've done that here for the master grains.

  • So some people who I know wanted to have that in the master grade can now have that here in misread forms.

  • So that's pretty cool.

  • And it will be played a gold that looks nice.

  • And they also have some plated silver parts for the thruster bells or a chrome plated parts there for the rest rails on that.

  • So it should be a pretty nice kind of plastic dress up kit, which is pretty, very interesting.

  • Yeah, And in the last couple things here are just things that are not totally done yet.

  • Not totally ready yet, but just some products that are in the works from usual land.

  • A 100 scale master grade Gundam hai nu vor ka conversion kit is in the works and looks really nice.

  • I really like the look of this conversion kit.

  • There has been, I think, Ah, couple different dress up kids for the high new Vir Cotto at this point.

  • But I really like the look of this one, so it looks really cool.

  • Of course, the details, everything looks good on that.

  • So looking forward to some more news updates about the release of that kit also from Extreme Squad, we got a teaser for 100 scale cam for kit to be coming out some at some point this year as well.

  • So that should be interesting as well.

  • We had the version.

  • I think it's the version.

  • Evo Farmer quickly was the name of that which was originally G Systems was a It was a resident.

  • We are a resident kind of kids, which I believe was Jesus.

  • And maybe I could be wrong on that was made into a plastic kid and I didn't really like I don't care for the design of that one personally, so I'm interested to see what Extreme Squad comes out with later this year could be interesting.

  • I still like the look of Ben dies Master grade camper To be honest, well, it's a pretty old kids, not the best kid out there.

  • I like the design and proportions of band eyes.

  • Original master grade, to be honest, but we'll see what extreme squad comes out with.

  • Interested to see what the that ends up looking like.

  • But for the time being, that's it for the news on some reason conversion kits and a couple of little plastic things in there as well.

  • You guys know of anything else that I missed.

  • Feel free to let me know in the comments down below, and I'll try to include that in the next video.

  • So thank you all so much for watching.

  • Hopefully I was interesting.

  • Yeah, Like I said, if you found any of that stuff interesting there, wanting to order any of those kits than just head over to Google, you know, type of the name and I'm sure you'll be able to find that.

  • So if you are unable to find anything about that, then we get in touch with me and I'll try to help you find a source for that.

  • But you guys should be able to find stuff about that again.

  • I would try.

  • At the very least, tell Bo should have some of that stuff you guys can check out there.

  • So All right.

  • That's it for this episode, guys.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • I'll see you next time.

What's going on guys before we get into it?


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レジンニュース!ガンプラコンバージョンキット MGダイナモス/MGアストレイ/RGνガンダム/バンシィバスト/GP01 (Resin News! Gunpla Conversion Kits - MG Dynames / MG Astray / RG Nu Gundam / Banshee Bust / GP01)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日