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These are the 10 most liveable cities in the world, according to monocle.com
monocle.com によると、世界で最も住みやすい 10 の都市は以下の通りです。
Number 10: Stockholm
10 位:ストックホルム。
Top-notch education and welfare, but it needs more integration for immigrants to increase its diversity.
Number 9 is Auckland.
9 位はオークランドです。
Hosted the rugby world cup did wonders for it, motivating it to create new entertainment precincts, and public transportation was greatly improved as well.
Number 8 is Sydney, Australia.
8 位は、オーストラリアのシドニーです。
Innovative mixed-use districts incorporating cycling paths, vertical gardens are one way the Australian waterside giant is becoming more sophisticated.
Number 7 is Tokyo.
7 位は東京です。
Hidden under the façade of a neon-lit megacity is a small town spirit featuring world-class shopping and business opportunities.
Number 6 is Melbourne.
6 位はメルボルンです。
Australia's cultural hub is getting even better with a big push to ease traffic congestion.
Number 5 is Munich, where unemployment is low, but failure to act on a few key projects has hurt its standing.
5 位はミュンヘンです。失業率は低いが、いくつかの重要なプロジェクトに失敗したため、地位を揺るがしました。
Its airport needed a third runway to compete with the other global cities on this list but didn't get one.
ミュンヘンの空港は、このリストにある他のグローバル都市と競争するために第 3 滑走路を必要としていますが、それを手に入れることはできなかったです。
Number 4 is Vienna, which continues to evolve from a beautiful relic to a modernized classic.
4 位は、美しい遺跡からモダンに進化し続けるウィーンです。
Affordable housing there and an imminent brand new campus for the Vienna University's school for economics and business will inject youth into the city.
Number 3 is Copenhagen.
3 位はコペンハーゲンです。
The Danes are the happiest people on earth because of places like this, with near-perfect integration between city life and the outdoors.
The city aims to be carbon neutral by 2025.
2025 年までにカーボンニュートラルな都市を目指しています。
Number 2 is Helsinki, Finland.
2 位はフィンランドのヘルシンキです。
Crowned world design capital in 2012, it is unveiling a new metro line and converting its harbors into attractive residential areas.
2012 年には世界のデザイン都市に選ばれ、新しい地下鉄の開通や港湾の魅力的な住宅地化も進んでいます。
It's a city where good ideas can quickly come to life.
And number 1 is Zurich.
そして 1 位はチューリッヒです。
With 50 impressive museums, concert halls, and theaters, and the strict corporate culture, this clean, beautiful city is one larger cities should learn from.
50 の印象的な博物館、コンサートホール、劇場があり、厳格な企業文化を持つこの清潔で美しい都市は、大都市が見習うべきものの一つです。
In the end, the cities that make the cut are not just okay,
but places that are benchmarks for urban renaissance and rigorous reinvention in everything from environmental policy to transportation.
Notably, no city in the Americas made the top 10, and no city in South America or Africa made the top 25.
注目すべきなのは、アメリカ大陸の都市がトップ10に入らず、南米とアフリカの都市がトップ 25 に入らなかったことです。
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