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  • So now we're rolling up to the start.

  • Finish line, starting finish line.

  • If ever there is the most important.

  • Qualifying is always here, always in Monica, because pole position is God.

  • You know, the cars have started up.

  • I cannot see the light's so they've got to go when they see the cars in front of you.

  • Rely on other people have to rely on other people because there's no way of being able to get that signal back to them in time.

  • So you're sitting here, your heart rate of sky high, you nail it, you get a decent start.

  • What you thinking?

  • It's a very short run up to the first corner, just a Sunday vote.

  • As a team boss, I'd be saying, Be clean through the first corner.

  • Have to be sure that the wings stay on the car and you don't hit someone.

  • You don't pick up a puncture.

  • Rory.

  • The thing about Monaco, the driver does not get a chance at any part of the lab to relax because there are Corner's coming so quickly.

  • This is a casino square at the hotel, the hurry.

  • This is where I really, really need to be brave in a Formula One car.

  • It's also a great place to go car spotting.

  • I see I see McClaren's see Ferraris and Aston.

  • I would always say Never try to pass at the pheromone corner, which used to be the lows.

  • And the reason is just make sure you make your car as wide as possible so no one can dive up your inside.

  • I'll come around on your outside because it is the easy is the one where you get like way have the right away.

  • Anyway, I don't think even my right away away.

  • So now we're approaching the tunnel.

  • So the tunnel from May has always been a difficult place.

  • It looks so easy on television.

  • You're going through this at 182 100 miles an hour.

  • It is hard.

  • You can't see the exit.

  • Of course you can.

  • On that is the problem mentally telling yourself to keep your foot absolutely buried in it When in reality is that you know anything goes wrong and it's an almighty shots also, you've got natural life and then you got the lights of the lights inside the tunnel and this is where older people make mistakes, especially towards the chicane.

  • I don't know why this is, but there is a movement in the ground here which drags you to the right hand side.

  • And you see so many cars, so many drivers being pulled into the guard rail.

  • This'll is back corner.

  • And I think it's how you position the car here.

  • You want to just up the car drifting.

  • You naturally get a bit of oversteer here.

  • So the back steps out ever so slightly old important swimming pool so fast.

  • I think it's how the car interesting corner balances, jumps on the brakes on, then exits.

  • Swimming pool for me is on awesome corner so fast he's an impersonator.

  • How does that go?

  • Some company I wear mine.

  • Ferraris are red.

  • I like that Red.

  • Actually, I like that, right.

  • I think you're gonna be walking home, Eddie.

  • As we approach the start, finish straight.

  • I think it's a great place to end.

So now we're rolling up to the start.


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A2 初級

モナコGPサーキット|エクストラギア|トップギア (Monaco Grand Prix Circuit | Extra Gear | Top Gear)

  • 7 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日