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  • [Ringing]

  • [Music playing]

  • Hey.”

  • Hey.

  • How’s it going?”

  • Good.

  • What’s going on?”

  • Not much.

  • I’m eating Raisin Bran.”

  • The fact that you do everything for Grimes

  • you write.

  • You perform.

  • You record yourself.

  • You produce, engineer.

  • You make the art.”

  • “I shouldn’t.

  • I should probably stop doing all these things.

  • It’s insane.”

  • [MusicGrimes, “Delete Forever“]

  • [Singing] “I see everything.

  • I see everything.

  • Don’t you tell me now that I don’t want it.”

  • This album has been many years in the making.

  • Where in the process didDelete Foreverstart?”

  • That was, like, an early

  • one of the first songs.

  • Cause I know I made most of it when Lil Peep died.

  • I’ve had, like, a few of my very close friends

  • die from opioid addiction-related problems.

  • So when Lil Peep died, I was just super hardcore triggered.

  • Like, I just had a mini breakdown.

  • But then kind of just, like, went to work on music.”

  • [Guitar playing]

  • You ever like go to a punk show or something

  • and someone just plays an acoustic?

  • Like, I love, like, sort of like violent acoustic punk music.

  • The guitar is weirdly actually, like, from a sample pack

  • that I, like, stretched and pitched a bunch.

  • I just wanted it to sound really raw because I was just

  • feeling really raw.”

  • There aren’t many Grimes songs

  • that are based around acoustic guitar, right?”

  • No.

  • I weirdly like acoustic guitar.

  • I just can’t be that basic, like, from an ego perspective.

  • Sorry.

  • Oh, it’s nice and mushy now.”

  • [Music playing]

  • “I feel like there was, like, eight years where I just

  • couldn’t get over my first friend who passed away,

  • because I was, like, very, very close with her.

  • Like, it was just really intense, like, when

  • youre that young to have, like, one of your best friends

  • die in such a, like, disturbing way, I guess.

  • I’ve never actually done heroin.

  • But it is a little bit about being self-destructive

  • and how [bleep] you feel being self-destructive

  • after your friends [bleep] died.

  • Youre just like [bleep] on your friend’s grave by just, like,

  • dealing with the grief, by doing this thing that

  • killed them basically.

  • How do we emotionally deal with this stuff?

  • Do you know, like, Jack Kirby’s ‘New Gods’?

  • I just got really compelled by the title.

  • I was like, yeah.

  • I want to make new gods.

  • I want to make up the goddess of climate change,

  • or in this case, the goddess of opioid addiction.

  • Some of the first great art that we see

  • is, like, the personification of painful or beautiful

  • abstract concepts as gods.

  • Maybe that helps people cope better.

  • Maybe that helps society come together better.

  • It seems easier to digest certain things

  • when theyre fictionalized.

  • So this song is kind ofyes, kind of meant to be

  • sort of about the goddess of addiction,

  • the demon of addiction, or something like that.

  • The drums are kind of my favorite part.”

  • It sounds like a ’90s pop rock radio song or something.”

  • Yeah.

  • I think that 808 at the chorus,

  • first chorus, is slightly too strong now,

  • but whatever.”

  • [Chimes]

  • “I like it.”

  • You do like it?

  • O.K. I can’t tell if it’s insane.

  • Sometimes I’m like, whoa.

  • Mightve gone too far.

  • Because the guitar is a loop,

  • I was trying to make it artificially

  • make it feel more organic.

  • You know?”

  • Artificially make it feel more organic.”

  • Yeah.

  • No, I was going through doing all these weird production

  • things to make it sound like

  • just like little textures and things in there, like,

  • so that it’s, like, you can barely hear them,

  • but it just adds like a —”

  • [Sound effects]

  • So are there any real instruments on this track

  • or is it all digital?”

  • No, there’s, like, a real banjo, real violin.

  • I had just always dreamed of making music with a banjo.

  • And it was sort of like this dream that was,

  • like, cut short tragically.

  • The first instrument, before I madeVisions,’ I bought

  • a banjo.

  • And it was like $126.

  • I remember this whole thing.

  • It was my first instrument.

  • And I was like, oh, I love Dolly Parton.

  • I’m going to make a country record

  • and be like a country artist.

  • Which was, like, so crazy.

  • And then as I was bringing the banjo home

  • I got it on Craigslist

  • I was bringing it home and this guy [bleep]

  • followed me off the bus and followed me

  • into this, like, stairwell of my apartment building.

  • I was, like, wait, is this guy going to attack me right now?

  • So I just, like, turned around and just started

  • screaming and beating him with the banjo.

  • And I destroyed the banjo, but he left.

  • Then I was like

  • like the craziest.”

  • So you paid $126 for a banjo, like, 10 years ago.”

  • Yeah.”

  • And then you beat a man with it in self-defense.”

  • Yeah.”

  • [Laughing]

  • Yeah.”

  • OK. Wow.”

  • [Violin playing]

  • And what is your skill like on the violin?”

  • Extremely poor, but I’m really good at comping

  • and studio magic.”

  • So youre just playing little bits at a time?”

  • Yeah.

  • I’d be, like —”

  • [Vocalizing notes]

  • Tape it in.

  • Tape it in.

  • Like, I could put in 200 hours and be good at the violin,

  • or I could put in, like, 45 minutes

  • and make something really beautiful.

  • And then, like, make more things."

  • What if you hired a violin player?”

  • Or I could hire a violin player.”

  • But that doesn’t seem like it’s an option for you.

  • Is there also like a D.I.Y. ethos?”

  • Yeah, I guess.

  • It’s not so much an ethos as a comfortable

  • like, I’m just so much more comfortable alone.”

  • [Music playing]

  • So you get this done really fast, this version of it,

  • and then what happens?”

  • “I was super embarrassed of this song.

  • Like, it’s so clean and the vocals are so high

  • and, like, I’m still kind of embarrassed

  • of singing, to be honest.

  • It’s just very naked.

  • It’s like when things are cloaked in,

  • like, cool sounds and stuff, it’s less vulnerable.”

  • It’s such a nice counterpoint from something like ‘4 AEM.’ ”

  • [MusicGrimes, “4AEM”]

  • Do you think this is the most vulnerable Grimes song?”

  • One of them, for certain, for sure.

  • Can you say, ‘for sure-tain’?”

  • And was it cathartic to finally write

  • a song about it?”

  • “I’ve been wanting to write a song about it

  • for a long time.

  • But I just also, like, felt [bleep] writing a song about it

  • because, you know.

  • Like if it was all streaming and I didn’t have to sell it

  • on iTunes and it wasn’t on the vinyl,

  • it would, like, make me feel better, because there’s

  • something about, like, selling it that just makes me

  • feel really uncomfortable.”

  • [Music playing]

  • Are you making a video for this song?”

  • Were recreating a scene fromAkira,’ the cover of Book Four.

  • It’s sort of a Nero-type thing.

  • It’s, like, an empress sitting in, like, a decaying city

  • as it’s, like, being bombed to the ground.

  • Akirais a perfect piece of art actually, pretty much.

  • And it was all made by one [bleep] guy, Katsuhiro Otomo.

  • It’s crazy.”

  • There you go, just like Grimes.”

  • [Music playing]

  • Where did you make

  • are you feeling OK?”

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Oh no, I’m just like

  • this is probably TMI, but I can’t burp.

  • I have this burping issue.”

  • Is that a function of pregnancy?

  • Or you could never burp?”

  • Never burped.

  • I’ve burped two or three times in my whole life.”

  • Wow.”

  • [Singing] “I've got the horses in the back.”

  • Dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee.”

  • The debt I owe.

  • Got to sell my soul because I can’t say no.

  • No, I can’t say no.”

  • Man, what’s the deal?

  • Man, I’m coming through.

  • It’s your girl, Lizzo.”

  • [Screams]

  • [Laughing]



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B1 中級

グライムスが音楽を使って悲劇に立ち向かう方法|歌の日記 (How Grimes Used Music to Confront Tragedy | Diary of a Song)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日