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  • Yes, you have to make a twist on apple dumpling and also how to fold them in three different ways.

  • So many steps spit in.

  • Today's too much.

  • Maybe I should keep some stuff.

  • So as you may understand, this is just a quick super video to help the people who are suffering big time at the moment from the massive and devastating recent earthquake.

  • If you want more information, if you want to donate, I'll put a link in the description box, you know, and at the end of the day, So the nepotism thing's called.

  • Most are really simple, yet very tasty and so vested they are made with very, very dream.

  • Oh, very doom or very one more.

  • Very simple.

  • Yes, So first up, let's make the dough makes a cup of flour with a bit less than half a cup of water, like maybe 40 bucks still with your finger until you release.

  • Come do it anymore.

  • Drop that flats of face and work it out like seriously smoove your back.

  • Just the part about the conjunction after about 10 to 15 minutes have well, it should be smooth like a groupie rapid and set it aside way we move on to the feeling off course.

  • You can use a classic best, which would works 90% of the time off.

  • Let's say garlic, ginger, onions, cabbage that would go perfectly in our moments.

  • But conjuction this time not the body, because basically moments but wouldn't mean anything.

  • It would well, never mind that classic savoury filling.

  • Some of them have been boring, so I made a sweet feeling.

  • Instead, you shot grain rights.

  • So Keating coconut here with a Sprinkle of sugar.

  • They're warming for a few minutes until it absolved from Stacy Moisture.

  • Mix it with a handful of finding each other.

  • Men go, and that is our stay inspired feeling.

  • All right, It's time to shake those bad boys, and for that you have two options.

  • Just one.

  • You make a B so sage with Joe, and then you cut it into small bowls.

  • So sage little bowls.

  • How many more in windows in this video?

  • Well, let's find out in the next absurd off to get inappropriate with the French, you can always flatten the whole dough and carry out some separate it with a cookie, terror or with Robson water.

  • The edges now.

  • Place a bloody feeling inside and don't be shy instead of two.

  • Slightly overload it and make one of the following shakes.

  • Shape number one is the problem.

  • Boomer raised full in half and start in the center.

  • Move your way to one side or your little bitches and pressing one edge.

  • Don't you ship him back to Cuba.

  • Politics.

  • It's about the same thing sick around, though, instead of going from one end to another one.

  • Shape number.

  • Three.

  • Italian jobs.

  • It's pretty straightforward.

  • Pulled half, Bring back and president together.

  • It looks a bit like there are many different ways to forge those lovely dumplings.

  • And don't worry, we will cover that in a future.

  • Video.

  • Those lovely Mobil's for about 10 minutes.

  • What does nobody's mama's or something?

  • Be chilly outside and sweet and fruity inside puppet with sesame seeds and please, very amazing.

  • A bit outside of the bus, if you ask me.

  • Well, go ahead, ask me.

  • Yes, they are a bit outside of the book.

  • Thanks for asking.

  • By the way, Bonus track.

  • If you wouldn't make it quick dip.

  • You could always mix lime and the leftover coconut milk and maybe a bit of money off sugar against that.

  • I hope you enjoy those recipes.

  • And if you did, please give it a like thumbs up and share the white world over on your social media.

  • Everyone really needs your help.

  • And especially never.

  • People at the moment are suffering so much from that massive earthquake.

  • I told you, I will put some link in the description box down below.

  • And you guys take care and I'll get you next time for delicious video in the next level.

  • And I want to see my wife.

  • I will bite you when you see.

Yes, you have to make a twist on apple dumpling and also how to fold them in three different ways.


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B1 中級

ネパールのモモの折り方3つの方法!ねじり込み付き मोमो (How to Fold Nepalese Momos 3 ways ! Twist included मोमो)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日