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  • I want to speak really English from your first lesson.

  • Sign up for your free lifetime account at English Class 101 dot com Let's go, Let's go!

  • I am not a parent at all.

  • All right.

  • Hi, everybody.

  • My name is Alicia.

  • Welcome back to top words.

  • Today we're going to talk about 10 words and phrases for babies and small Children.

  • So let's guilt newborn.

  • The first word is newborn newborn, so we use this word to talk about a baby that has been born very recently.

  • So a newborn baby it's an adjective like this is a newborn child or the newborn creature.

  • I don't know.

  • We can use this for words other than human Children like a newborn calf, for example.

  • But we use it for babies.

  • Human babies.

  • So a newborn, a newborn baby brand new baby in a sentence.

  • I saw my friends newborn baby last week, Baby, the next word is baby, baby, So a baby is just a small human.

  • But baby, I feel like would really the line between like baby and child is I don't know exactly where that line is or we're exactly where that line falls.

  • But We'll talk about a word kind of between baby and child in just a moment.

  • But a baby really means like that, that stage of life where maybe they really need someone else to do absolutely everything so they can't walk.

  • They can't talk, they can't crawl.

  • They're just They're just they're babies.

  • A baby can do pretty much nothing except like cry and processed food like That's pretty much it, I suppose.

  • I don't know again.

  • I'm not a parent, but a baby.

  • A baby.

  • Is that initial that initial phase of life of human life?

  • We call those tiny humans babies in a sentence.

  • Babies take a lot of patients.

  • Toddler.

  • The next word is toddler Toddler, so you'll see the word toddle.

  • Toddle is a verb, which means like, to walk Unsteadily.

  • So we have this word toddler, which we used to mean small Children that have just gained the ability to walk So they're not steady.

  • It's and this is I don't know.

  • I imagine maybe like one and 1/2 to 2 years old, perhaps I'm not sure, but a small human who has just learned howto walk is called a toddler, a toddler so This is the word we use between, like baby and like, a child or kid.

  • Really a toddler.

  • They're just learning how to walk.

  • Not so steady.

  • They toddle a lot.

  • A toddler in a sentence.

  • My nephew is a toddler now months old.

  • The next expression is something something, months old, months old.

  • So when babies are new, we often track their growth in months, or maybe even in weeks.

  • So instead of using an expression like my baby is zero years old or something like that, especially in this in that first period in that first period of time just after the baby is born, um well, often use months old, so she's six months old or he's nine months old or like 13 months old.

  • So in those first few months or in the first, maybe even year or two parents or people talking about babies might use months old instead of years old to talk about their Children or a child, uh, somewhere so innocent.

  • It's she's four months old diaper.

  • The next word is diaper diaper, So diapers are used, of course, for babies who do not have the ability to use the toilet by themselves yet so diapers are think very important.

  • Part of parenting.

  • Eso These are the o often disposable disposable means you can throw them away.

  • Or maybe they're like washable diapers as well.

  • So I suppose each family has a different approach to that, but a diaper.

  • So that's the thing.

  • Special underwear for babies so that everybody can have a happier time, I imagine.

  • I don't know.

  • All right.

  • It is sentence changing.

  • Diapers is an important task Nap.

  • The next word is nap.

  • Nap.

  • So this is a word that adults can use two?

  • Of course.

  • A nap is a short sleep in the day.

  • Essentially.

  • So, like in the afternoon or maybe the evening?

  • I don't know.

  • Maybe even the early morning.

  • Any time you take a short sleep, we call that a nap and afternoon nap.

  • Like I don't know, an hour, 30 minutes or an hour arrest is called a nap.

  • So babies sometimes take naps or I think babies need lots of naps.

  • Probably.

  • I need lots of naps, for that matter.

  • I would love lots of naps.

  • I don't know about you.

  • Okay.

  • In a sentence.

  • Little kids take lots of naps.

  • Bottle So the next word is bottle bottle.

  • You'll see that this word is spelled B o T T l E bottle, but we don't use a strong tea sound.

  • At least in American English.

  • We use kind of more of a D sound bottle bottle.

  • So a bottle is that piece of equipment.

  • It's that thing that you use, just as you would use like a water bottle.

  • Here we say, Ah, we used bottle for the thing that we give babies, you know, to give babies food or to give well to give babies their milk.

  • Whatever it is that baby's consumed like we only use the word bottle.

  • So although this is technically a bottle, we would say like we would say water bottle for this.

  • But if we just use the word bottle, it means the one that babies you.

  • So where is the baby's bottle?

  • Or I need to give the baby his bottle.

  • So that means I need to feed the baby, in other words, using this thing this bottle.

  • So that's what it is.

  • A bottle and a sentence.

  • I forgot the baby's bottle sent the dunk formula.

  • The next word is formula formula So sometimes, maybe parents choose to give their Children what's called formula, so it's kind of it's a to my understanding.

  • It's a mixture that has lots of vitamins and nutrients in it that is used like in the baby's bottle.

  • So, like it, it's like similar to milk in my understanding.

  • Or it provides nutrients for the baby.

  • It's food.

  • Essentially, it's food for the baby, but we call it formula formula.

  • So the baby's formula is filled with vitamins and nutrients and other good things to help babies grow, presumably in a sentence.

  • What do you think about using formula teasing?

  • The next word is T ving T.

  • Ving.

  • So this is a word that's related to a phase when young Children begin to grow teeth.

  • So we say the baby is teething or my toddler is T ving, perhaps, which means their teeth are growing in their growing their teeth.

  • And so this may be a painful experience for little kids, so they might feel upset.

  • They might cry or feel angry, so the process of teething can perhaps be a difficult one for Children and parents.

  • I think in ascendance.

  • Children may get upset when they're teething raise.

  • The last word is raise raise.

  • So I want to introduce this word because a lot of people make a mistake with vocabulary choice here.

  • Sometimes I hear students say I want to grow my Children, but we use the verb grow for plants so like to grow plants in a garden.

  • For example, When you're talking about Children, though, we use the verb raise.

  • So, like I want to raise my Children in a safe environment, or I want to raise my Children to be happy and healthy, for example.

  • So please use the verb raise when you're talking about bringing up Children in a sentence.

  • Many people say that raising Children is tough but rewarding, so those are 10 words and phrases for babies and small Children.

  • I hope that that was helpful for you, especially if you are a parent.

  • Or maybe you're thinking about becoming a parent.

  • I don't know if there are some other words or other phrases that you think would be useful, or that you have questions about Please let us know in the comments section.

  • If you like the video, give us a thumbs up, check us out in English Class 101 dot com for some other good resource is and subscribe to the channel.

  • If you haven't already, thank you very much for watching this episode of top words and we will see you again soon.

  • Bye bye.

  • There really should be a person who is a parent teacher giving the most clinical, possible explanation of, like, child related things ever because I'm not a parent.

I want to speak really English from your first lesson.


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赤ちゃんや小さな子供について英語で話すための単語とフレーズトップ10 (Top 10 Words and Phrases for Talking about Babies and Small Children in English)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日