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  • It's how to learn.

  • In the age of the Corona virus crisis, Emma, Alicia and Benjamin Dorado are all hard at work, attending school remotely from their dining room table.

  • Right now, we're on the Agent Egypt kind of section.

  • I'm working on English homework right now.

  • Mom.

  • Grace is forced to work from home as well, so she can keep an eye on her kids.

  • This is a sign of the times as school shut down around the country.

  • Here in Seattle, the school district has ordered 23,500 students to stay home.

  • For the most part, they're okay, but we run into a little issues where someone's talking along with their work and other people are trying to concentrate.

  • The kids are using the video conferencing tool Zoom, which allows instructors to teach multiple students at one time.

  • This is thesis.

  • How 13 year old Emma is attending choir practicing out loud is hitting a sour note with her siblings.

  • Shut your mouth.

  • I'm watching the world's most boring video right now, and I need to be able to focus on it.

  • And that's disrupting another issue.

  • Turns out, 12 year old Ben talks a lot when he does Maggie for you.

  • You can stop now.

  • That annoys the sisters.

  • Their new schedule is also an adjustment.

  • Oh, my God.

  • What?

  • Alicia just realized she missed her Spanish class zoom meeting.

  • This was having an hour ago.

  • So what grade do these kids give their new remote school?

  • I would give it a B, maybe B plus.

It's how to learn.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

リモートラーニングは子供やティーンエイジャーのための新しい現実 (Remote Learning is the New Reality for Kids and Teens)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日