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  • You know what’s really keeping me down?

  • Gravity.

  • Everywhere I go, there it is.

  • Scientists noticed this too, and since 2000 have used satellites to map the Earth’s

  • gravitational field.

  • Now theyve developed a new instrument that uses quantum phenomena to deliver the most

  • accurate measurements yet.

  • You may be wondering what point there is to mapping the Earth’s gravity.

  • If youve taken high school physics you probably learned that Earth’s gravity pulls

  • things toward its center at a rate of 9.8 m/s2.

  • It turns out that while that’s a good enough approximation for the kinds of math problems

  • youll tackle in high school, it’s not entirely accurate.

  • The Earth’s gravitational pull isn’t uniform, it varies from one place to another, and it

  • can change over time.

  • What might cause the Earth’s gravity to change?

  • Well, gravity is directly related to mass, and the more massive an object is, the more

  • it pulls on other objects.

  • And what has a lot of mass that covers most of the Earth and can shift around?

  • That’s right, water.

  • There are other things that can contribute to a change in Earth’s gravity, but the

  • shifting mass of water is the biggest factor.

  • If a glacier melts or water gets trapped underground, its mass will be redistributed.

  • So measuring the minute changes in the gravitational field is a way to track what Earth’s water

  • is doing, and how the water cycle is being affected by climate change.

  • Previous NASA missions like GRACE and its successor GRACE-Follow On used twin satellites

  • to map the field.

  • The principle was one satellite would follow the other, and as they passed through fluctuations

  • in the gravitational field, they would get closer or farther apart.

  • Measuring the change in distance would tell scientists how the gravity over that part

  • of the world differed.

  • But since the goal is always more accuracy and precision, NASA teamed up with the company

  • AOSense, Inc. to try an entirely different approach.

  • The new prototype sensor uses about 100 million cesium atoms sealed in a vacuum near absolute zero.

  • This keeps the atoms insulated from outside factors that may affect the measurements.

  • The only force pulling on these atoms is gravity.

  • Thanks to the bizarre nature of quantum physics, these atoms are coaxed into behaving like

  • light waves.

  • Lasers can split and send these waves down different paths, and as they travel they interact

  • with gravity.

  • Finally the waves meet up again, and when they do, they form an interference pattern

  • where some sections of the waves have a higher amplitude while others have a lower amplitude.

  • By studying this interference pattern, the instrument can determine how gravity affected

  • the atoms with unprecedented accuracy.

  • While past atom-based instruments needed components the size of a room, the new sensor is small

  • enough to fit on a spacecraft.

  • That doesn’t mean it’s sacrificing sensitivity; during testing, the device reported different

  • gravitational measurements after the scientists came back from their lunch break... because

  • it was detecting the added mass from the food in their stomachs.

  • And once it’s up in space, the sensor will map the Earth’s gravity 10 times more precisely

  • than GRACE-Follow On, at four times the spatial resolution.

  • An instrument like this could have uses beyond Earth one day, like measuring the interiors

  • of other planets, moons, and comets.

  • It could also be tuned to detect gravitational waves in new frequency ranges that we haven’t

  • been able to see yet.

  • Whatever it ends up being used for, the new instrument is an ingenious application of

  • scientific principles to solve a problem and a testament to just how clever scientists

  • are.

  • Gravity mapping satellites can also help us probe the Earth's secrets, like what’s happening

  • under Antarctica.

  • Maren has a video on that here.

  • If you liked this video, let us know down in the comments, and make sure to subscribe

  • to get all your quantum news here.

  • Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time.

You know what’s really keeping me down?


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B1 中級

NASAの量子センサーは、地球の重力を測定するために原子を使用しています、ここではどのように (NASA’s Quantum Sensor Is Using Atoms To Measure Earth’s Gravity, Here’s How)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日