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[Chris] So Natsuki, how was your trip to Europe?
[Natsuki] Amazing! Super adventure. [Chris] Super adventure.
[Natsuki] Super adventure. [Chris] Super adventure.
Hey guys!
So as you hopefully know we recently went to Europe to make a video, kind of documentary, about Natsuki.
And it went well, it was good. [Natsuki] It's good. [Chris] It was a pretty good trip actually.
In the run-up to going, we, Natsuki has been taking English classes
with the hope that when he was there in Europe, he would speak lots of English.
Which he did, you did use a lot of English.
[Natsuki] I can use it. [Chris] Yeah. Everyday?
[Natsuki] Everyday~~ Everyday! 24 hours! [Chris] Everyday.
But in the run-up to going we had some English lessons that were generously funded
by italki, the online tutoring service and the lessons went pretty well, we showed you the first one in March.
[Natsuki] I was... [Tutor] I was gobsmacked.
[Natsuki] God...? [Tutor] Not God.
[Natsuki] God Smack!
[Chris] He'd spoke English very... He did a good job. [Natsuki] Yeah, it's broken. [Chris] It's... *laughs*
[Chris] Yeah... it's kind of broken English. Yeah... [Natsuki] Word. Word. Word. Word.
And today we want to show you Natsuki's most recent and final lesson just before he went on the trip.
I mentioned that Natsuki's lessons were generously funded by italki. They've also given vouchers to anyone watching this video
who's considering using an online tutor or taking classes learning another language
You can find the $10 vouchers in the description box below but for now. Let's see how you got on.
How was your final lesson?
[Natsuki] I became animal ?. [Chris] You became animal. [Natsuki] Yeah. *laughs*
[Natsuki] No, ze bu ra. [Chris] You said that so casually.
[Natsuki] Hello Charlie. Good to see you. Yeah! [Tutor] Hey Natsuki. How's it going? Good to see you too.
Are you excited for your upcoming trip?
Exciting. Yeah.
What are you looking forward to doing when you go to London?
[Natsuki] Shopping [Tutor] Shopping? [Natsuki] Shopping~
I think it would be good to do a role play
So I will be the shop assistant and you are going into the shop, and you're trying to find your item.
[Tutor] Okay? [Natsuki] Okay.
[Natsuki] Hello~ [Tutor] Can I help you sir?
[Natsuki] uh uh... Lecord.
[Tutor] *laughs* uh "L-Lego"? [Natsuki] Lecord.
[Natsuki] And vintage lecord. [Tutor] ... okay!
[Natsuki] And... And... *laughter*
[Tutor] So... what, what, like a British Soldier? Like the red and black hat? British Soldier Lego...?
[Natsuki] Ah, chigau (oh, no differently)
[Natsuki] LP! LP! [Tutor] *laughs*
[Natsuki] Lecord.
[Natsuki] Lecord.
[Tutor] I understand Lego. Yeah... [Natsuki] Lecord.
[Natsuki] No Lego! No Lego! Lecord! Lecord! Lecord. [Tutor] Ohhhhhhhh!
[Natsuki] Not Soldier
[Tutor] Ok. Ok. So that's the same, the same sound. [Natsuki] Lecord.
[Tutor] The "R" and the "L"
"Ra", "Rah", "Re", "Record"
[Natsuki] Record. *laughs*
[Natsuki] Record.
[Tutor] Natsuki, we're going to start by doing some warm-up fillers, okay?
[Natsuki] Yeah, warm-up. [Tutor] And this warm-up is called a "Tongue Twister".
[Natsuki] Tw-ister!
[Tutor] Yeah [Natsuki] Tongue Tw-ister!
[Tutor] So I will read the first one. First. Then you next. Okay? [Natsuki] First...? Yeah, okay.
crammed in clean cans.
[Natsuki] Clean
c-climb, claim?
in clean... cans.
[Tutor] Very good! [Natsuki] Very good!?
[Natsuki] Yeah! *claps*
[Tutor] Some words were slightly different.
World. Wide. Web.
[Tutor] Brilliant! Really good. [Natsuki] (proudly) Really good. Ni~ce!
[Tutor] Yeah! Yeah. [Natsuki] Yeah.
[Tutor] Pronunciation is good. It's just that, it's just that sound.
[Natsuki] "Clabs"
[Tutor] Rah - Rah - Rah. "Crabs"
[Natsuki] Rah - Rah - Rah. Rah - R/Lah - Lah.
[Tutor] We're now going to do another Role-Play. But, it's a bit different, a bit strange.
[Natsuki] Strange. Strange. [Tutor] So.
[Tutor] So I'm going to be a lion. Okay. [Natsuki] Yeah.
[Tutor] And you, are a zebra.
[Tutor] And I want to eat you... because... that's what lions do.
[Natsuki] Are you hungry? [Tutor] I'm very hungry.
[Natsuki] Wow!
[Tutor] And you, you need to persuade me... NOT to eat you.
[Tutor] You need to communicate to the lion, saying "Don't eat me."
[Tutor] So I'm coming up to you and "Oh! You look tasty! I'm gonna eat you!"
[Tutor] Is that alright?
[Natsuki] No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no!
[Tutor] No? [Natsuki] No. Wait. Wait, wait wait.
[Natsuki] But... I'm horses.
*dramatic pause*
[Tutor] And... Did you just say "I'm a horse?" [Natsuki] *laughing uncontrollably*
[Natsuki] Horse. I'm horse. Because I'm horse.
[Tutor] Ah. Okay. [Natsuki] You know?
[Tutor] Uuum... yeah well. [Natsuki] A horse.
[Tutor] A zebra. A horse. I'm hungry, you've got meat. You've got muscles. I'm gonna eat you.
[Natsuki] I have a poison.
[Natsuki] Because...
Many poison.
[Tutor] Really? [Natsuki] (casually) Yeah.
[Tutor] But I've eaten loads of zebras before.
[Tutor] And they were yummy!
[Natsuki] Woooooh....No, no, no, no. Close your eyes.
[Natsuki] Yeah.
[Natsuki] Sorry.
[Natsuki] I. Escape.
[Tutor] So you ran, you ran away?
[Natsuki] Yeah. [Tutor] Very good. Very good.
[Tutor] So I'm going to teach you some words and phrases.
[Natsuki] Phrases. [Tutor] And then we're going to them into a story, okay.
[Tutor] The first or phrase is: To cock up. To cock up.
[Natsuki] Cock up.
[Natsuki] What do you mean, Cock up? [Tutor] Yeah.
[Tutor] Is to make a mistake.
[Natsuki] Mistake? Ah Mistake!
[Natsuki] Excuse me. I'm... I'm cock up.
my bag
It's my bag. Wow!
Cock up!
[Natsuki] It's my bag. *laughs*
Cock up.
[Natsuki] No? [Tutor] Not quite. Not, I'm not sure where we're going there.
[Tutor] But cock up, for example, if I went like this
[Tutor] and I spilt it. *Wah!* I've cocked up! [Natsuki] Wah!
[Tutor] I've cocked up. [Natsuki] Ah cock up. Ah.
[Tutor] Alright, you're hungry now, aren't you Natsuki? You need to eat.
So when you go to London where would you like to go to eat?
Where would you like to dine?
[Natsuki] A nice dine!
Good dines.
For example, Michelin Star
[Tutor] Oh. Okay. [Natsuki] Three stars.
[Tutor] Alright, so you are ready to spend some mon~ey!
[Natsuki] But, I'm no money!
[Natsuki] Okay? [Tutor] You might be washing the dishes.
[Tutor] Okay, so you want to go to a very fancy restaurant.
[Tutor] And, what type of food?
[Natsuki] Eh. Meat (not zebra) Special meat.
[Natsuki] English beef, beef. English Beef! *laughter*
[Tutor] So let's pretend that you are at the restaurant and I am greeting you
and I'm your waiter
[Tutor] Good evening. Do you have a reservation with us this evening? [Natsuki] No no no no no no no no no
[Natsuki] I'm just now.
[Tutor] We have a table for one, is that right?
[Natsuki] One, one, one, I'm one. [Tutor] Alright.
[Natsuki] But, no money!
[Tutor] Okay. Alright sir, come this way. Come this way. [Natsuki] Okay shop!
[Tutor] Well, please have a seat and our waiter will be with you shortly.
[Natsuki] *Thinking Deeply* I want um...
[Tutor] Okay, normally we start with a drink. [Natsuki] Ah drinks.
[Natsuki] Uh... Natural water. Water please. [Tutor] You want some natural water? Okay.
[Tutor] Okay would you like a starter? Would you like any, any bread or anything like that?
[Natsuki] Sa-la-da [Tutor] Okay, you would like some salad.
[Natsuki] Salad.
[Tutor] Okay, we can get you some salad. Coming this way.
[Natsuki] On the corn.
[Natsuki] Sa-la-da on the corn.
[Tutor] Corn on the cob, okay? Well, we'll find you some corn on the cob and some salad as well.
[Tutor] Okay, so would you like a main? Would you like a main, sir? [Natsuki] Main?
[Natsuki] Uuuuhhhhhhhmmmmmmm...
One pound.
[Natsuki] One pond beef. One pound beef. [Tutor] A pound of beef.
[Tutor] Okay, alright. Coming up.
[Natsuki] Please, just now! Because I'm hungry!
[Tutor] Okay, would you a nice red wine to go with that?
[Natsuki] Ah please, red wine!
[Natsuki] Old, old. Vintage wine.
Nineteen, seventeen, three. Expensive.
[Tutor] We got-how about this sir?
[Natsuki] Ah, thank you. In London.
*laughter* [Natsuki] Cheers!
[Natsuki] London night! Mmm!
[Natsuki] Nice flavour. Good country.
[Tutor] Is your steak okay? [Natsuki] Napkin. Open the napkin.
*meticulously adjusting napkin*
*laughing and eating* [Tutor] What the hell...
[Tutor] Good?
[Natsuki] Ohhh...
[Tutor] Fine dining experience. [Natsuki] Meat. Meat sauce.
[Tutor] Meat sauce? Hey~ [Natsuki] We got meat sauce. Ooo nice sauce!
[Tutor] You are using some response food vocabulary. Very good Natsuki. Yeah.
[Natsuki] Good flavour. Good meat. Taste. It's a dogs bollocks. (It's the best!)
[Tutor] Ha-Hah hah! [Natsuki] Yeah! *clapping*
[Tutor] Alright, so we're going to leave it there. Thank you so much Natsuki.
[Tutor] I think you are ready for your London adventure.
[Natsuki] Adventure~ Thank you Charlie.
[Tutor] Okay, so really enjoy yourself, and you've work very hard with these lessons, I'll see you soon hopefully, but take care for now.
[Natsuki] Thank you for teaching me. [Tutor] My pleasure. My pleasure.
[Natsuki] Arigatou (Thank you) [Tutor] Bye for now.
[Natsuki] Bye, bye for now.