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  • Hey guys! Welcome to a new video. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you

  • some of my absolute favourite products that I have been enjoying for the past few months.

  • I haven't made a favourites video in a while, so these things have been piling up,

  • and I have been dying to tell you guys about some of them.

  • Because I'm just so in love with these things that I've found recently

  • and hopefully you guys will be able to get some use out of this video as well,

  • and find some new products that you'll love like I do.

  • I'm gonna be talking about some beauty stuff, some health stuff,

  • some snacks, some shows I'm enjoying, music, lots of different things so I hope you enjoy.

  • Alright I'm gonna start with beauty because these are the things that I am most excited to tell you guys about.

  • The first is this product from "Lush".

  • It is called "Let The Good Times Roll" and this is a face scrub.

  • I got this product for the first time at Taylor's birthday party,

  • and I have been using it ever since then

  • and it's my like absolute favourite beauty product at the moment.

  • This is a fresh container, I just purchased this one yesterday

  • because I'm running low and I'm just terrified that I'll run out of it.

  • This is what it looks like when you open it up. It smells like caramel corn.

  • Caramel corn!

  • You don't actually use these popcorn pieces, they're just there for decoration.

  • You take them out before you use it.

  • So you take a little bit out of the tub, and you mix a little bit of warm water with it in your hand.

  • And then put this on your face after you have removed all your make up and washed your face.

  • And just massage it around your face as a scrub, and it smells SO NICE. (´ ε ` )♡

  • I-I can't explain this well, and just imagine caramel corn, on your face.

  • And then rinse it off with warm water, and it'll leave your skin feeling super smooth and also moisturized.

  • My skin has felt SO much nicer. Just healthier, more moisturized.

  • And it feels so clean after you use this scrub.

  • Oh, I'm so happy with this guys~ I really hope you go out and try it~.

  • Next is another skin product that I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT (*ノωノ).

  • And it's starting to run out, and I'm really scared because as soon as it does, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

  • I contacted the company, and they're actually sold out of it at the moment.

  • So, I'm waiting for it to come back into stock. It should be in stock next week.

  • But this is the "Klairs: Rich Moist Soothing Cream".

  • This is just a really simple face moisturizer.

  • I recommend it to anybody, whether you have a very complicated skincare routine, you like to use a lot of products.

  • Or if you just like wash your face with soap-and-go kind of person.

  • I really recommend adding this into your routine because, again, this has made my skin feel so nice.

  • It has such a nice, fresh scent too.

  • It's very subtle, it's like an extremely subtle citrus scent?

  • I wanna say?

  • But really really subtle. *chuckles*

  • It just makes my skin feel so nice. It's not oily, it absorbs into the skin nicely,

  • and it keeps my face moisturized all day.

  • And I can't ask for anything else, really. I absolutely love this.

  • And I think it's the type of moisturizer that would work for any skin type.

  • Sometimes my skin's really dry.

  • Sometimes it gets super oily, depending on the weather, depending on how I'm feeling.

  • But this has just worked wonderfully for my skin.

  • So again, another skincare product that I really recommend.

  • I'm actually gonna do a more detailed skincare video this week,

  • showing you all the products that I'm in love with at the moment.

  • I'm not gonna show them all today because I am planning on doing that video.

  • Uh, in a few days so keep an eye out for that.

  • If you are interested in how I take care of my skin.

  • The next product I have been really loving is this,

  • "Shea Moisture Shave For Women",

  • "Shave Butter Créme".

  • It says "For Women" but...┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌

  • Anybody can use it OBVIOUSLY. I'm sure you can also use it on your face, if you like.

  • Or, probably anywhere. I use it on my legs, and underarms.

  • And it just makes for such a smooth shave,

  • and you can get super close, and you won't get any nicks or cuts from your razor.

  • And afterwards, when you rinse it off,

  • it'll leave your skin feeling so smooth and moisturized.

  • It's just a step up from like your typical shaving foam type deal.

  • And I've been really enjoying this, so I really recommend this one.

  • I got this off "iHerb".

  • I am not sure if you guys will be able to find it in like a drug store, or a health-fit store, where you live.

  • You might be able to, but I'll have the links to everything down below,

  • if you guys wanna see where I got them from.

  • Next is the soap from "Lush".

  • Most of you have probably heard of this, but if you haven't, I'm gonna tell you,

  • because you're gonna need to go out and get it.

  • It's gonna change your life. (ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

  • This is called "Rockstar".

  • It's a pink soap. It looks very basic. It's just a pink cube.

  • But this is the best scent I have ever smelled.

  • *smells in English*

  • It smells like CANDY, and like a slight FLORAL scent. (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃━✿✿✿✿✿✿

  • But I'm usually really picky with floral stuff.

  • I don't like most of it. *smells again*

  • But this is...

  • SO GOOD ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡


  • I'm just looking at the ingredients to see if I can see where any of the smells are.

  • It says there's also some vanilla in here.

  • It's a very sweet, *smells*, very sweet and candy, and like...

  • ( ╥ω╥ )

  • I don't know, it just makes me happy. *laughs*

  • It's wonderful showering with this in the morning.

  • And just leaving it in your shower when you're done,

  • it will make your whole like, bathroom area smell like it.

  • And it's just...

  • So good. It's totally worth the price.

  • "Lush" soap can be kinda pricey, but they do last for a decent length of time.

  • And they just smell so good, and they make my skin feel so soft.

  • So...

  • I think it's worth the splurge, every once in a while, anyways.

  • While we're talking about "Lush" stuff, I'll show you guys my favourite bathbomb,

  • since I did pick this one up yesterday.

  • *paperbag crumpling noises*

  • I think this one is pretty much everyone's favourite bathbomb.

  • But recently I've been trying out a whole bunch of different ones,

  • and this one is still my absolute favourite.

  • This is "Intergalactic (Bath Bomb)".

  • It's got a slight minty smell to it.

  • But when you put this in your bath, it makes THE prettiest bath, guys.

  • Even after all the foamy colors and fun stuff has disappeared,

  • it makes the water this deep blue colour, filled with sparkles.

  • And it just really does look like, the night sky. So I can see where it got it's name from.

  • This is so nice guys.*smells*

  • Again, kinda pricey~ This is about ¥700 (~$7-8) in Japan.

  • But I love it. I think it's a great treat to use every once in a while.

  • So, I do splurge on these every once in a while.

  • Alright, the last beauty, body care type item.

  • I wanna talk to you guys about is


  • You guys have been seeing this in the background of my videos, because I have it on my shelf here.

  • This is the "Tria - Hair Removal Laser".

  • The 4 times strength one.

  • I got this last time I was in Canada.

  • Which I think was September

  • And I've really been liking it~

  • Lots of people have the impression that laser hair removal means like,

  • once you do a few treatments, it's permanent and it'll never come back.

  • However, I find that what this does, is it makes the hairs thinner.

  • And they grow back a lot slower.

  • And it makes it so you don't have to shave nearly as much as you originally did.

  • I've been using this on my legs and under my arms. And I still need to shave them if I want to get rid of all the hair.

  • But it's made the hair so much thinner, and just less noticable?

  • So I can go a lot longer without shaving.

  • Pain wise, it's pretty painful. It does have different settings.

  • So if you do not want to have deal with the pain, you can put it on setting 3, I would say.

  • And it's really not that bad, maybe like a slight snap of an elastic.

  • It goes up to level 5, which is the most painful and...

  • It is quite painful. However, the pain goes away instantly.

  • Like it "beeps" on the area, and while it's beeping, it hurts, and then it stops. You don't feel anything after.

  • It's not like you're in pain.

  • To me, it's worth it because, I would...

  • Pay that price to have less hair on my legs.

  • The only thing I really don't like about it is how small the...

  • Treatment, uh, head area is.

  • I don't know what to call it.

  • So this little inner circle here, that is the size of the area skin it will treat each time.

  • You "beep" it across your skin. It's very small.

  • As you can see, it's the size of my fingernail. *chuckles*

  • So when you're going across, treating your skin, it takes a long time.

  • You need to like, set aside like a good chunk of your day.

  • In order to treat your legs *laughs*.

  • Which sucks, but overall, I really like it. And I'm happy that I purchased it.

  • It was really expensive. I think it was around $400? I can't remember exactly how much I paid for it.

  • BUUUT~

  • If it means I can shave less, and spend less money on razors, and all that shaving stuff.

  • Then, it's totally worth it to me, and I'm very happy with it.(*♡∀♡)

  • Okay moving on to the best part, EDIBLE STUFF. ( ˘▽˘)っ♨


  • OF ALL TIME~ (/▽\*)。o○♡

  • Very big thank you to my lovely friend in France, who sent this to me.

  • I really really wish you could all try this.

  • This is cola flavored, black tea.

  • It smells...

  • *smells and deciphering the smell of tea*

  • Like Cola o3o.

  • The taste is very subtle, but the smell is so nice that when you're drinking it,

  • it like, I don't know, it's a really nice experience.

  • I don't know if you can even imagine what a cola flavored tea would taste like.

  • But it's AMAZING. (♡°▽°♡)

  • And, I really recommend it. So if you can get your hands on this, please do buy a box and try it out.

  • I think you'll absolutely love it.

  • Usually when I'm drinking black tea, I like to add some soy milk to it to kinda like,

  • water down the taste.

  • But something about this tea is so delicious that I don't want to put anything in it.

  • I really enjoy the tea flavor, even without the cola, I think this is just a very nice black tea.

  • Whatever they did making this tea, they did a wonderful job.

  • The next edible thing that I've been enjoying is THIS.

  • Um... "Nutiva"?

  • It is ground flax chia and hemp seeds.

  • And you can basically put it in whatever you like.

  • It's got a little bit of coconut in it to sweeten it up a little bit.

  • So it does taste nice if you just sprinkle it on top of something like, oatmeal or like soy yogurt or something.

  • I like to blend it into my smoothies in the morning.

  • And put it into my oatmeal.

  • And it's just a great way to get some added nutrition

  • I love hemp seeds, but I can't find them ANYWHERE! ;;

  • Uh, they don't have them on iHerb and I can't find them in stores here in Japan.

  • So this was the closest thing I could get to hemp seeds.

  • But it's nice that it has flax and chia in there as well.

  • It says on the package here that it's a great source of Omega-3s,

  • and there's also 3 grams of fiber in just one tablespoon.

  • And this is something that I have been doing recently. This is "Daily Turmeric"

  • It is not the best flavor, I'm gonna tell you that *laughs*

  • It's straight up.

  • It, I don't know, it's like a spice flavor?

  • I don't know if you had turmeric before. It tastes like kinda like dirt, and...

  • Dirt?

  • Yea, it taste like dirt *laughs* ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭

  • It's very healthy for you.

  • According to the Journal of the American Chemical Society,

  • turmeric contains a wide range of anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal,

  • anticarcinogenic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Basically it's just amazing and does lots of great things for your body.

  • This is a blend of turmeric, tart cherry and black pepper.

  • They say that you can get benefits of the turmeric without eating it with black pepper.

  • So, this is nice that it's all blended together. You don't have to worry about like, mixing stuff.

  • You can just eat this.

  • I like to take a scoop of this and put it in some orange juice. Mix it up and just like chug that in the morning.

  • It's not something you eat to enjoy the flavor, it's just a supplement that is healthy for you.I

  • I got this from iHerb, but I think this is a brand that you can get from many different health fit stores.

  • So if you're lucky enough to have a health fit store near you, they MAY carry this.

  • Okay, as for shows I've been enjoying recently.

  • I've been binging Netflix series recently.

  • The first one I watched was called "Lovesick".

  • And I really enjoyed it, I really recommend that if you're looking for a kind of like...

  • Not a romantic comedy, it's about romance and dating people, and it is funny...

  • But it's not like when you say "romantic comedy", you kinda think of those cheesy romantic movies,

  • It's more, I'd say realistic?

  • I don't know, I really liked it.

  • And at the moment, I'm watching one called "Love".

  • Which is a Netflix original series, and it's so awkward.

  • All the characters are SUPER AWKWARD, and I just FEEL awkward watching it.

  • But I really like it. (ᵔ.ᵔ)

  • I'm on season 2 right now. They just released season 2 recently, and I've been really enjoying it.

  • So, these are 2 shows that I recommend you guys to check out.

  • PLEASE let me know if you have any Netflix recommendations.

  • The Japanese Netflix I think is slightly different to Netflix in other areas of the world, but...

  • I think we do have many of the same shows and movies?

  • So, if there's anything good that you're watching, that you're really enjoying,

  • Please let me know in the comments.(◕‿◕)♡

  • I really appreciate it ^^.

  • As for music, I have one song to recommend to you guys~

  • If you're not already a BTS fan, please check out BTS - Spring Day.

  • I've been listening to it on repeat.

  • Even if you're not a kpop fan, check it out! It's really catchy, they have really lovely voices,

  • And they're really cute boys o3o. So you can enjoy the music video as well~

  • It's just a really great song, it always keep me in a good mood.

  • Alright, this next section is things my cats are obsessed with.(=^・ω・^=)

  • There are two toys that Maro and Luna both LOVE,

  • like when I say 'love', I mean if I just pick it up,

  • my door is closed at the moment, but if I open the door and she heard this, this toy,

  • she would just come like RUNNING IN HERE.

  • Trash the place.

  • She loves this so much, so originally this was on a stick, um it's down to the wire and a very squished looking...

  • mouse? *laughs*

  • She just chewed this toy to like all sh*t.

  • It used to be a really nice mouse shape, but she absolute loves it.

  • And she pulled the stick off but it's okay, because she likes dragging it around the house.

  • I think it's more convenient to not have the stick on it.

  • This is a toy that I received from a friend, but they do sell it on Amazon.

  • I think I'm gonna have to get a replacement soon, because...

  • This one's almost had it, but she's had this for quite a long time now.

  • It has survived her attacks. *laughs* It is very good quality, and if you want you can clip off this little mouse..

  • And it comes off, and you can get replacement toys for the end, so you don't need to buy completely new...

  • Wire and stick.

  • And the other toy that the cats are loving is~

  • THIS~

  • Again, slightly destroyed.

  • It's just a little plastic spring *laughs*

  • Luna FREAKING LOVE this, Maro also loves it but Luna loves it a little more~

  • She'll carry it in her mouth around the house, throw it up in the air, throw in down the stairs...

  • She'll play with this for hours~ (=^ ◡ ^=)

  • This is just a really simple spring toy, but it makes her life so much better.

  • So if you have cats, these two toys, I really recommend them. I'll link them down below if I can find it online.

  • And I think that's it from my AWESOME products that I'm loving recently~ (´。• ω •。`) ♡

  • I hope something in there was helpful to you. You found something that you might be able to use~

  • If you guys have anything that you're loving recently, let me know down below,

  • not just TV shows, but like food, beauty products, or whatever ^^

  • Let me know because I really like getting recommendations from you guys.

  • Many of these things you guys told me to try, or I read about it in the comments, and I really appreciate that.

  • It's really cool.

  • Thanks for watching guys! Please leave a thumbs up if you did enjoy this video,

  • and you would like to see more favourites videos from me ^^

  • AAAANNNDD I will see you soon!! Bye!! \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ


Hey guys! Welcome to a new video. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you


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今、気に入っているもの (Things I'm LOVING Right Now!)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日