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Hey guys. I just wanted to do a really casual
like sit down and chat with you type of video today.
There are gonna be some big changes around here in the next couple of months
and I wanted to fill you guys in on them. Nothing bad so don't worry.
The other day my sister sent me an email
for those of you that don't know, my sister lives in Canada.
I have one younger sister. We don't talk that often
we basically just email each other when we have something fun to share
like I got some cool Pokemon merch or have a cute picture of the cats to show
or she's showing me pictures of my cats back in Canada.
Um but she sent me a really serious email the other day
and it kind of like surprised me because we don't really talk about stuff like that um, ever [LAUGH].
And she was telling me that she's been feeling very depressed for a while now
and I was getting really worried because like I said it's not
really like her to talk to me about stuff like that
so I know it must have taken lots of courage for her to email me
and tell me how she was feeling, really big props to her for doing that.
I know how hard it is to like reach out to somebody when you're feeling depressed.
If any of you guys are feeling depressed,
don't feel bad about telling a friend or someone in your family
just tell them how you're feeling. There's going to be people that really care about you
and want to help you so don't feel, like, embarrassed or shy or worried
about what they might think or anything.
If there isn't anyone in your life that you can talk to,
there are lots of services online where you can talk to people.
I will link a couple down below just in case any of you guys need that
so that you don't feel alone. So I got that email from my sister
and she told me that she hasn't been doing very well
so I asked her if she wanted to come move in with us in Japan.
I figure the change of scenery might be nice for her just to get out of Canada
kind of like a breath of fresh air and just change it up a bit.
And she said yes and she bought a ticket already
so she will be arriving here at the beginning of May
and she's gonna be living with us. We're not sure for how long yet
it could just be for a month or two, I told her she can stay as long as she likes
so we'll just see how it goes.
But I'm really excited and I think she's really excited too.
There's so many things that I'm looking forward to showing her here.
We're thinking about doing some road trips going down to Kyoto definitely
because I want to show her the beautiful temples
and kind of like the traditional side of Japan as well as, you know, the typical, like Harajuku.
and I'm definitely gonna take her Nakano Broadway
because she's a big
nerd like I am and there's just so many
things I want to show her. And because it's her first time
in Japan, I think it's gonna be
lots of fun to see her reactions.
I've been here for over ten years.
So, you know, I'm used to everything.
Everything is just like everyday life to me.
I don't really get super excited
about anything anymore, but I think she's
really gonna love it and I think it's
going to be fun vlogging with her.
I'm not sure if she's going to be
comfortable having her face in my videos
um I'll talk that over with her and see
what she feels like doing, but hopefully
you guys will support her decision either way.
She's definitely comfortable
with me vlogging, but I'm just not sure if she'll want to show her face or not
I will leave that completely up to her so we'll see, but yeah I guess I just
wanted to fill you guys in on that since she will be living with us.
and you will be seeing her a lot in my videos.
I really hope she enjoys her time here and
the break away from her daily routine will make her feel a little better.
I think it will. I think it's going to be
really fun.
Other than that, in other news
My friend, Greg, from university
my really good friend Greg has moved back to Japan
if any of you guys have been following
my channel since the very beginning you
might remember Greg from such classics
as "Wasabi Chicken Nuggets". So are...
What was another one? "A day in Harajuku
with Leo." Greg was in a bunch of my
videos. He had to, all of a sudden, move
back to America to have surgery and then
he was there while he was healing for a
couple years. So, I haven't seen him in
the longest time, but he just arrived
back in Japan a couple days ago and I
cannot wait to hang out with him.
So, you guys are going to be seeing more of
Greg. I can't wait I'm so excited Greg is so
much fun. I'm hoping we can make some
more videos talking about our university
experience because I do get lots of
questions about that, but I like making
those kind of videos when I have someone to
chat with about it. I think it's cool to
get like more than one perspective.
It's election time in Japan, so if you hear
like trucks blasting speeches in the
background, that's what the candidates do. They
drive around in trucks with like a
speaker and they tell people to vote for
them. That's all I hear from morning till
night for the next couple weeks
until elections are over. It's great.
Anyway, so, yes, Greg is going to be here
I'm so excited about that and also I
have a couple friends coming to visit
from America and Canada. Candy is here
right now and we're going to be doing
some really fun things this week and
next week we've got a few things planned.
So, watch out for that in my vlogs. I'm
definitely going to be vlogging because
I'm super excited. Hopefully the weather
is ok. And then in a couple months my
friend Jackie, nerdy crafter, is coming
back to Japan and again we've got lots
of fun stuff planned. So, these next
couple of months are going to be super
busy from me, but I think it's going to
be really great I am so excited about my
sister coming here and I hope you guys
enjoy the videos that I'm going to be
making with everyone. So I guess that's
it for updates now you guys know what's
going on in my life, well some of it. Let
me know what's going on with you guys;
what's new, what have you been enjoying
recently. Let me know in the comments.
I loved hearing all your recommendations
for Netflix shows to watch. I have this
humongous list now stuff that I have to
watch, thanks to you guys. I'm excited to
get started and I will see you soon for
another video. Thanks for watching! Bye guys.