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  • Hey guys!

  • So I get asked all the time on my Instagram

  • how I edit my photos

  • I like to add cute stamps and frames and stuff to them

  • So today I'm going to introduce you guys to

  • probably the most popular photo editing app in Japan right now

  • I'm not really sure if its popular overseas but it should be

  • because it's awesome!

  • It used to be called LINE Camera

  • but they have rebranded themselves and now it's called

  • "aillis" I'm not sure how to say it

  • I will show you how I use it and everything

  • and the types of things that you can do with it

  • There's so much to this app

  • So I'll just show you what I do with my pictures

  • but definitely fool around with it yourselves

  • and see all the different cool things you can do with it

  • it's available for both iPhone and Android

  • Alright, so it is this app right here

  • Mine is pink, but you guys can change it to whatever colour you want!

  • if you click this button down at the bottom here

  • and choose "skin colour" you can choose lots of different options

  • It also has an option for you to add your own photo as the background

  • So let's choose a picture of Maro!

  • So to get started you can choose "album" here

  • and choose the photo that you wanna work on

  • Let's start with a selfie

  • Since that's probably what most of you guys are gonna use this app for

  • So at the bottom here it's got 2 choices

  • "beauty" and "design"

  • If you want to adjust your skin you can click "beauty"

  • It will brighten up your skin for you automatically

  • But you can adjust the levels to however you like it

  • If you click this button here, you can see the before and after to compare them

  • One other thing that I really love is this skin tool

  • you click that and then you click on "blemish"

  • You can remove any pimples! Yaaay!

  • I don't think I have any pimples today

  • I'll remove this mole on my cheek here

  • so you can get an idea of how it works

  • Just tap on the area that you want to remove

  • You can do it a couple times until it's completely gone

  • And there you go!

  • You can see the before and after

  • It's pretty awesome!

  • So next, let's see...

  • You can add filters to it if you want to

  • but if you've already done the beauty step

  • you probably don't even need a filter

  • But I'll just go through a couple of them and show you

  • This is one of my favourites it's called "sakura"

  • It leaves a little pink tinge to your photos

  • You can adjust the level a bit as well

  • Alright, time for some stamps!

  • So these are all the stamps that you can purchase

  • They have so many to choose from

  • But if you click this button up here

  • These ones are all free, so you can download any of these ones for free

  • Some of them have like a time limit and they'll disappear within a month or so

  • But some of them last forever as well

  • and it's always updating so you can always get new ones

  • and then there's some hearts and stars and sparkles

  • all these ones are free as well

  • These cartoon ones are super cute, I love them!

  • Just downloaded these ones today

  • They're adorable!

  • The next one is... oh these glasses!

  • This if fun because these are stickers you can put on your face

  • to like change stuff

  • There's hairstyles, glasses and makeup

  • I really like that one

  • and then there's some written messages

  • and the last one down here is lettering

  • So let's go back to the one with makeup and stuff

  • and I think I'm going to put some blush on my cheeks

  • Let's go with this one!

  • You can tap the stamp and just resize it

  • and change the angle

  • If you click again, another one of the same stamp will come out

  • So I'm gonna put some blush on the cat as well

  • Perfect!

  • Let's go down to the anime section

  • Here we go

  • And get those cheek stripe things because those are really cute

  • Put some of those on there as well

  • As you can see I'm not going for the natural look

  • If you resize the blush and stuff, you can make it look pretty natural as well

  • There we go

  • Awesome!

  • Alright let's add some text to the picture

  • Type whatever you want in the box here

  • Click the "next" button in the upper hand corner there

  • and it'll show you some fonts that you can choose from

  • If you're not happy with those ones there, click this button up top here

  • and you can download any of these fonts for free

  • and there's lots of cute ones, they're not like your boring basic fonts

  • They're super adorable

  • Let's download this one here!

  • There we go

  • Now it's in my list there, at the top

  • You can also use Japanese, Korean and Chinese

  • So let's type something in Japanese

  • As you can see there's some cute Japanese fonts there

  • You can also download lots more Japanese ones as well

  • I'm gonna go with that one at the top

  • Make it a little bigger

  • Then I choose this rainbow button in the corner here

  • You can choose whatever colour you want from the colour wheel on the left

  • but let's just go with this purple here

  • If you use this sliding tool you can make it kinda transparent

  • which I think look really awesome

  • Let's put an outline on it

  • Isn't that cute?

  • I love that

  • Alright, I think that looks pretty good so let's save this

  • and there we go!

  • For you guys that don't want all the cute makeup-y stuff

  • I am gonna show you how you can turn your cat into Godzilla

  • so let's take this picture of Maro

  • and we don't need the beauty function

  • so let's just go straight onto design

  • And we don't really need a filter either

  • let's just put some stamps on it

  • So back to that cartoon page

  • They have some really cute godzilla stamps

  • down in this one here, there we go

  • Let's get some fire shooting action going out of his mouth here

  • Perfecttt

  • and maybe add some buildings at the bottom

  • and another mini godzilla

  • There we go!

  • In 30 seconds you have transformed your cat into Godzilla!

  • pretty awesome

  • I hope that was helpful for you guys!

  • Definitely download the app

  • and check it out yourself! It's lots of fun :)

  • Oh I almost forgot!

  • I visited the headquarters of LINE in Shibuya the other day

  • They gave me these super cute stickers

  • I don't know if you can see them~

  • They're just the most adorable stickers

  • These are actually stamps that you can get for your photos

  • These are the most popular stamps that they have

  • They gave me 2 sheets of these super adorable stickers

  • So I figured I would give one of them away to you guys

  • I have already stuck mine all over my laptop

  • If you are they to win these adorable stickers

  • Leave a comment telling me your favourite cartoon character

  • and I will randomly pick one of you

  • and we can swap mails and I'll get your address

  • and send them to you :)

  • Hope you enjoyed this video!

  • And I'll see you guys soon! Bye!

Hey guys!


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

How I Edit My Photos Japanese Style | aillis プリクラ風の写真が作れるおすすめアプリ♡ (How I Edit My Photos Japanese Style | aillis プリクラ風の写真が作れるおすすめアプリ♡)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日