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  • top of morning to all you ladies out there.

  • Welcome to your life.

  • We're starting a brand new life together.

  • Hope you're excited about it.

  • I am very excited about this life.

  • That's so great because we're not in it together.

  • Let's get let's get a life going together, shall.

  • We were playing a game called Bit Life, but it's something a little while ago called something pretty cool.

  • Imagine life times where we got to build out our life together.

  • I dated my teacher.

  • Things got very weird very quickly.

  • So this is a mobile game called Bit Life, where you get to do basically the same thing.

  • I got it and I tried it out a tiny little bit just to see what it was like.

  • But we're going to start a new life together.

  • We're going to start Patty's life.

  • I'm creating a character called Putty Fitzpatrick.

  • He's from Ireland in Shannon.

  • Shannon is not a county in Ireland, so I don't know why they just picked from there.

  • They're probably like, Oh, Irish people.

  • Shannon.

  • Got it.

  • Okay, let's start Patty's life together.

  • Okay, buddy, you're already off to a bad start already making a lot of nights.

  • Happiness.

  • 86%.

  • Health isn't 89% smarts are 93%.

  • I'm smarter as a newborn baby day old infant than I am in real life at almost 30 years old.

  • But the looks at 15%.

  • That's not great.

  • Now, 50% is not good.

  • We're gonna have to grow into our faces.

  • And, like I didn't realize was well on you.

  • When I was born, it looked like it was carved from a sport.

  • Most Irish people locator card from rocks.

  • Anyway, so, uh, Petty Fitzpatrick age zero years.

  • I was born a male in Shannon, Ireland.

  • I was conceived on a camping trip.

  • How romantic.

  • My birthday is April 24th and I'm a Taurus.

  • All right, we're gonna let that slide, all right?

  • It's airy season, so we're going to see if this will even work.

  • My father is William Fitzpatrick on Army enlistee.

  • Among voters.

  • Isabella, Authority, a travel agent.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Prospects.

  • High hopes.

  • Right.

  • What do we do?

  • Infant?

  • What could he do?

  • Is an infant?

  • Uh, not a whole lot in infants can do anything.

  • I have zero acids cause I'm zero years old.

  • I have a bank's balance of zero as well.

  • Because, let's face it, babies don't need money.

  • Uh, that's a jewel.

  • Okay.

  • Age one year my father has promoted was promoted to sergeant first, guys, my mother been promoted to general manager.

  • That's great.

  • But what about me?

  • Okay.

  • My stats kind of went off.

  • My looks went up 1%.

  • I thought you were supposed to be really cute as a baby.

  • And apparently Emma, a nobly defector.

  • IGs, lights and two years old.

  • The moderate is suffering from the flu.

  • How am I supposed to do vaccination?

  • Your mother is taking you to the doctor's office to get vaccinated.

  • Vaccinate your kids.

  • Okay.

  • This is gonna be a thing of if and or just do it through Attention, biter or trained Stay camp.

  • I'll try and stay calm because I'm in a single child.

  • You know what?

  • That's boring.

  • I'm not going to live the life that they already had.

  • All right?

  • We're in this life together.

  • Recorded were messed off or we would have foot.

  • We're gonna have lived the life that we want.

  • Basically, I'm picking all the shots anyway, so whatever you say in the comment after this doesn't matter, because I don't.

  • Anyway, I remain.

  • Cam, when my mother took me to the doctor's office to get vaccinated Good lad.

  • Uh, can I do anything else?

  • I went up 17% though.

  • Relationships relationships with my mother and fighter are good.

  • That's that's mighty break up.

  • Your mother and fighter have ended the relationship.

  • What already are three years old?

  • I have to deal with the divorce.

  • Jesus wasn't me.

  • Um, I see the problem.

  • Is it because he looks only at 18%?

  • My parents wanted me to actually be a good looking baby.

  • I'm not.

  • So they got divorced.

  • I broke up my parentsmarriage by being so ugly.

  • My father has been promoted to Master Sergeant.

  • My mother and fighter ended their relationship.

  • You're here to see it happen, lads.

  • All right.

  • And four years old.

  • Is anything happening to me?

  • It?

  • No.

  • I'm just gonna keep agent up until I go to school.

  • Your mother has married your new stepfather, John Murray, 28 year old trucker.

  • They went to the Elephant Festival for the road and people said romance is dead.

  • Chivalry is dead.

  • But getting divorced with a three year old son on, then John Murray's out here as a trucker, bringing my mother to the elephant.

  • Festive for the honeymoon.

  • What a mad Oh, no.

  • He has lots of money, but no kindness.

  • That's not really the ratio that you want in those.

  • John Murray, your stepfather.

  • Did you have a stepfather?

  • You're wondering how to address.

  • What do you call him?

  • Named John Murray.

  • We got him, Murray.

  • You called him?

  • John Murray.

  • Hey, John Murray.

  • I'm sick.

  • Can I go to school?

  • Maybe she got dude e do.

  • Bye, Mom.

  • Later do.

  • All right, I've grown into May face a small bit About 21%?

  • No.

  • Well, what would you rate this leave?

  • Leave your rating off my face.

  • In the comments below, it better be high.

  • Or my self esteem is not gonna be able to handle it later.

  • Addressed when you step Fatter is dude.

  • And now we're in school.

  • Were six years old in school primary school.

  • So let's see, What could we do in school?

  • A drop out drop out of primary school.

  • I don't want to start school.

  • You know what?

  • My parents got divorced when I was tree.

  • It's a hard life I'm probably not gonna grow up to be great.

  • All right, Who's in my class?

  • Olivia Hajar.

  • Tig Fitton.

  • Sadie Lynch.

  • Robin.

  • Really?

  • Robert Reese.

  • Pontes Ortega.

  • A great name.

  • Kyle O'Toole.

  • Hey, was a tool Evo to your brother and sister.

  • Cousins E for Roberts.

  • Alex Driscoll.

  • I should've got you guys to try and pronounce this name.

  • That's it for a or I Evi Eva.

  • Grand old Mrs Address.

  • Get Mrs.

  • Driscoll Doesn't like me, though.

  • Right now.

  • What did I do?

  • I'm only knew one classes because because I haven't grown into my vision is because of the no defect.

  • Alright, it's complimentary.

  • You told your teacher, Mrs Driscoll, that she's fly?

  • Yeah, that's that's the way Irish people talk.

  • What's up, teacher?

  • Later, dude.

  • Yeah.

  • You're super fi awesome.

  • Yeah, I dig it.

  • It's no Irish people talk.

  • He'll be like, Mrs Driscoll, your deadly by your class.

  • All right.

  • Um, what should we do?

  • Can I do anything else?

  • Let's just age up for no age seven family vacation.

  • Your mother wants to take you on a family road trip around Ireland.

  • That sounds lovely.

  • I'd love to go on a road trip around.

  • Well, at seven years old.

  • I don't think I would've wanted to be appreciative Complained, but go refused to go complain.

  • But I go anyway.

  • You know I want to see my country and the heritage.

  • I'm not happy boat.

  • It was stupid.

  • Your mother took you on a family road trip around?

  • Well, Feck her.

  • Anyway, next time she asked me to go to truly You're not gonna let her dictate what I'm doing.

  • All right.

  • What else could we do in my class?

  • How am I doing?

  • What?

  • Everybody else?

  • Jay's lass is grand.

  • Who do I want to do?

  • We want to size up.

  • Maybe Kale Or tool.

  • Maybe we don't mess with him.

  • Are you sure you want to mess with classmate Kyle?

  • Uh, yeah.

  • I couldn't resist.

  • You blew a spitball right on your classmate Kyle's throat.

  • Oh, into his throat.

  • Gross.

  • I said I wanted to mess it up, not give him a infection.

  • You only have a 22% face.

  • Your looks are only 22%.

  • You can't afford to be going around spitting stuff.

  • Don't let throats.

  • Widow baby went to the principal who snitched on you to the headmaster.

  • Mrs Everett who looks like I'm gonna have to break little Kyle's ankles.

  • Shit.

  • Headmaster's office.

  • You've been sending a headmaster.

  • Mrs.

  • Evans is office for messing with another shoot.

  • What would you do?

  • Uh, argue with her?

  • No holds barred kind of young lad.

  • You know, I'm not going far in life after me.

  • Dad left, go with the army, and then he stepped out as a lot of money.

  • But he's not coming too tall.

  • The remoter wrong, Your Honor didn't open up Perry Salto.

  • So are you sure you want to give his headmaster?

  • Hell, yeah.

  • Those problems at home.

  • And I need help.

  • You're gonna be boots.

  • The headmaster, Mrs Evans, told you that she is confidence that you will turn things around.

  • You know what?

  • That's good.

  • That's a good headmaster.

  • Even though I'm being a little box.

  • She turned around and she had my back.

  • She wants to help me out.

  • You know, I feel bad for being a troubled youth.

  • Kyle doesn't like me anymore, though.

  • I'm kind of okay with it.

  • You know what we will do?

  • Well, third, a vote tool she related to kill you because they want to flirt with her if they float her on mess with him.

  • But family is not gonna know what's going on.

  • You passed a note to your classmate Ava in class for receptiveness.

  • Not great.

  • We're looking for greens here, ever.

  • We're not looking for reds were not a red kind of guy.

  • The face is already in the red, but happiness is about to head there next.

  • All right, with a job troublemaker.

  • Your classmate Punts just set off a stink bomb in the middle of a test.

  • What will you do?

  • What I gotta do?

  • God, the choices are laughing him.

  • Report him to the headmaster.

  • Indoors.

  • Antics.

  • A rubble with it.

  • Come on.

  • What age my age?

  • I think I'm eight years old.

  • I think I'm gonna laugh at him.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • That's good.

  • I am growing into my face, though.

  • That's good.

  • You see this?

  • About 23% little higher.

  • It'll be 1/4 of the way there to perfection.

  • All right.

  • What I was gonna do with my classes classes boring.

  • Can you want to drop out of school, interact with your teachers?

  • Ah, here we go.

  • Mrs Evans.

  • Headmaster, What will I do with her?

  • uh, it's stuck up for you.

  • Left a lot of pop on Headmaster Mrs Evans, his desk as a gift That's not sucking up to your teacher.

  • Do you know it's soaking up?

  • Means just cause a lot of just cause you stuck in a lollypop does not mean you could suck up to your teacher.

  • Just give him one to her.

  • Make any sense you should go in and say, Like James, Mrs Evans, you're looking grand today.

  • Hose those ankles and of you, you know, it's been fears.

  • Hired me after since Jimmy left.

  • Whatever she spent time with me.

  • Step dad.

  • I probably should.

  • Shouldn't I spent time of them or go to the movies?

  • That's been time.

  • Let's see what he's into.

  • Leave me alone.

  • You ask yourself, ready to go with make friendship bracelets?

  • But he refused.

  • You know what, buddy?

  • I'm not surprised.

  • Go to make friendship.

  • Friendship speaking English doesn't sound good.

  • All right.

  • It's a joke.

  • We're age nine.

  • No, baby sister already cheeses.

  • Christ, Mother, calm down.

  • Your mother and stepfather just had a baby girl named Fay.

  • Your new half sister, Faye Murray.

  • John Murray.

  • Your stepfather told you that He never knew how difficult being a parent could be until he met you.

  • What would you do?

  • I'm out here, John.

  • You know, Baron may soul to you.

  • You're trying to be alive, trying to spend time with you trying to connect, you know, lad, toe, lad, potato, potato.

  • And you didn't want money, and then you went off, had sex with the motor.

  • No one has sex with my mother and gets away with it.

  • All right?

  • I'm insulted.

  • You don't belong here.

  • You called your step fighter Brainless.

  • You could have been anything.

  • They're putty.

  • You could've gone with your gob shade.

  • You're a Luger.

  • You're a food.

  • You're an angel.

  • No, You want meto brain is whatever.

  • Dont ut f He attacked you with a laser blaster.

  • But missed what?

  • This is getting very violent.

  • There's domestic violence in my video games.

  • I'm not sure I like this.

  • Wait.

  • Did he train?

  • Did he trade like, shoot me with a laser out of the laser blaster?

  • Or that he actually like, throw the later blazer Blast right?

  • Me?

  • Try and hit me in the head with a train pistol Whip me with a laser buys.

  • I should tell me Mother on Where's Isabella is about it.

  • Uh, conversation.

  • You and your mother had a chat about whether or not students should wear uniforms.

  • That's not what I wanted to talk about.

  • You know what?

  • Open it up to people is hard, I'm afraid.

  • Would Kyle sister again?

  • Oh, your mother wants to buy you and your half sister pet Doberman named Jackson.

  • That sounds awesome.

  • I'm Jack and he would be my son.

  • Jackson Health.

  • Yeah.

  • Happiness.

  • Yeah.

  • Smart.

  • Your craziness.

  • Yes.

  • I want him.

  • Yes, Mother.

  • I don't have a dog in real life because I travel too much right now and I will get a dog eventually.

  • It's gonna be the best, most wonderful time of my life.

  • But until then, I'm gonna have to live out my fantasies in a game.

  • People bought you a dog named Jackson for you and your half sister.

  • Really?

  • It's just for me.

  • I know you're buying it for me on my sister, but I know what you're really up to.

  • Motor.

  • It's because John doesn't like me.

  • All right, let's get in with a vegan.

  • Eva.

  • Let's pay her a compliment.

  • Torture classmate Ava that she's Golden.

  • She called you a dingbat.

  • There's nobody like me.

  • I visit the doctor.

  • See what the doctor has to say about me.

  • Is it the emergency room?

  • Seek Western medicine.

  • Seek Western medicine.

  • Which local medical doctor will you visit?

  • Dr Lily Bennett or Dr Jacob Burns?

  • Go with Lily.

  • But the lily ballot Bennett has determined you are not currently suffering from any conditions.

  • So it's everybody else's fault.

  • That really?

  • That's what you're telling me?

  • My relationship with everybody else is on the rocks.

  • But I am doing Grant.

  • All right.

  • I'm 11 years old.

  • Troublemaker.

  • Your tires made.

  • Jack just came into class late and slammed the door.

  • I mean, what do you want me to do about it?

  • Am I going to snitch on him?

  • No.

  • Snitches get stitches.

  • I don't want stitches.

  • Is horrible.

  • He's a terrible friend.

  • Didn't wanna hang out with him.

  • Ignores antics.

  • Whatever.

  • I'm trying to figure out my own life here.

  • I'm still 24%.

  • Look, So my face isn't doing well with age.

  • I fail, right?

  • As I came out of the womb, I came out of the womb looking like a sport.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, God, I hit upon my accent.

  • You had a conversation with your classmate Ava about why Pharrell is better than Enrique Iglesias.

  • Okay, not the most riveting conversations, but we're in.

  • We have our foot in the door with Eva.

  • It's gonna be upset.

  • What do we do with him?

  • Let's have a conversation with him and see what happens when you start a conversation with your classmate Kyle about who will be next.

  • Who will be the next UFC champion?

  • He called you and asked him.

  • Yeah, that sounds about right.

  • He's not wrong.

  • All right.

  • Your friend and classmate Darren tells you that he is going to fail your art.

  • He's going to figure our teacher Mrs Sheen's class unless you let him cheat off you on the upcoming exam.

  • You do not want to cheat off me.

  • It's like the blind leading the blind.

  • I I was actually gonna cheat off somebody else, um, from sturdy and said I'm helping him study Well, yeah.

  • You have your classmate earns three for a test.

  • He failed the exam again.

  • He would have failed.

  • And if he copied off me So it was a lose lose situation.

  • I see.

  • This is an absolute loss.

  • Erin, Erin has the attention span of a shovel anyway.

  • So what was going to do with it?

  • Second, Arun lines, what are we going to do?

  • Is schedule.

  • Well, gotta have stress.

  • I don't want stress.

  • Stress sucks.

  • Strive stress in real life, I don't stress of games, skips class and do something else.

  • I could just drop out of school and live my life is ah, clown makeup.

  • Who have activities now?

  • What do we do?

  • Animal Rights Club.

  • You know what that is?

  • I can infer from the name basketball team, choir, cross country team, dance club, diving team, Environment Club for a night.

  • Which two of golf?

  • The cross.

  • We don't have lacrosse in Ireland unless they've changed Ireland since I was there.

  • Uh, let's trying to sokrati the football team.

  • Oh, my athleticism is phenomenal.

  • Only rivaled by my health.

  • I am going straight to the top.

  • I'm going to be the IRS.

  • Ronaldo.

  • Where do we start?

  • You success.

  • We tried out and were selected for the junior secondary school soccer team that my looks go up.

  • You know what?

  • You know what?

  • I'm gonna flirt with Dave again.

  • She's going to like a bad boy.

  • You know, you did the shoot dance move to try and impress your classmate Ava.

  • Her receptivity, bread lads even knows what's up.

  • Your looks may be bad, but as soon as you join the football team, everyone's like, Ooh, yeah, I'll have me some of that.

  • Look at that.

  • Fine young potato action.

  • Oh, no.

  • You have an opportunity to have your first kiss with a girl from your class named Eva O'Toole.

  • What will you do?

  • Oh, no.

  • Who me?

  • Heart leads.

  • Oh, this is where the stress is coming away.

  • Coming in, Run away from her.

  • No, kiss her, but definitely no talking.

  • Kiss her with home.

  • You know what?

  • I do want to go like full Alfa, Just, like fully dominate this situation that's going on coming into the 12 12 year old being like I was Oh, my 13.

  • I have no idea what age I am.

  • Life comes at you fast.

  • It's just like a vis face and I have to make a decision.

  • All right, let's cancer without told I'm young.

  • I don't know what this thing does yet compared even to say words you tongue kissed a bow tool.

  • She tasted like dog.

  • What?

  • She tasted like hot dog.

  • Hot dogs are awesome.

  • Maybe not in a kiss.

  • I don't know if I'd want somebody to take like a hot dog in the case, but that's good.

  • We gave a kiss to Eva.

  • I should look at that experience.

  • There's hair in this chest and I'm going to the big leagues.

  • I thought I told you not to talk.

  • Kiss Eva, though.

  • Also did my looks go down.

  • I thought that was a 25% of one point, you know, about 24%.

  • What's going on?

  • Oh, God.

  • I stand up for social media.

  • What is going on with my small lad body?

  • My looks are down to 20% now.

  • What is my?

  • I'm 14 years old.

  • I work for the Shannon.

  • Times deliver newspapers.

  • I want a football team.

  • I had my first hot dog case, but my looks are deteriorating fast.

  • My happiness is 100%.

  • My health is at 99 my smarts.

  • 100%.

  • Life is going great.

  • Except for right here.

  • Maybe I have some sort of like second head or something going on.

  • That the game hasn't told me yet.

  • You know what?

  • I'm going to prove that it's not all about looks.

  • All right.

  • You see this?

  • I didn't get anywhere in life because of a good hooks that's perfected.

  • Sure, I'm a talker.

  • That's what they do.

  • I'm a talker, and I make the 40 hives.

  • But this was getting me nowhere, so I had to retire, diverge into different paths.

  • We're going to do that for Petty Fitzpatrick.

  • In the next episode, we had our first kiss, though.

  • Life is bloom and life is great.

  • Life is good.

  • My looks just earned.

  • No, you leave it in your hands.

  • Where's Patty going from here?

  • Three.

  • We make him the really bad ass bad boy.

  • Or do we make him go somewhere nice in life?

  • What type of character are we gonna make?

  • Party, Fitzpatrick.

  • You get to decide from this video for the next one, so leave it down in the comments below.

  • What?

  • You want me to see what you want me to?

  • What you want to see me do with Patty?

  • Can't even speak.

  • I told you, this thing can't even say words Also don't forget to leave like on the video.

  • If you don't even like on the video, then Patty Fitzpatrick's gonna come over and Tom kiss you like a hot dog.

  • Also subscribe to the channel because we upload videos every single day on.

  • We have a lot of fun here together, So until next time, I will see you then.

  • I don't know what that sign office.

  • Uh, bye.

top of morning to all you ladies out there.


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私の両親は、私があまりにも醜いので離婚しました - BitLife (My Parents Got Divorced Because I Was Too Ugly - BitLife)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日