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  • While the Corona virus pandemic is causing economic pain for so many American businesses, some companies are booming and hiring.

  • So let's take a look by the numbers As Americans stock up on household basics.

  • Dollar General announced today they'll higher up to 50,000 additional workers by the end of April for their 16,000 stores nationwide.

  • CBS Help, the nation's largest pharmacy chain, will also add 50,000 full and part time workers and will give cash bonuses up to $500 to existing in store employees.

  • Online grocery delivery company Insta Card announced plans today to add 300,000 full service shoppers over the next three months for grocery delivery and pick up online.

  • Retail giant Amazon announced plans last week to add 100,000 warehouse and delivery workers.

  • It is boosting minimum pay by $2 an hour through April.

  • WalMart is also adding 150,000 temporary hourly workers and finally, with so many Americans now working remotely from home, video conferencing company Zoom is taking off.

  • And while the stock market has dropped 10,000 points since February, Zoom has seen its stock rise from $70 a share in late January up to $160 a share today.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel.

  • If you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

  • And don't forget to download the ABC News after breaking news alerts.

  • Thanks for watching.

While the Corona virus pandemic is causing economic pain for so many American businesses, some companies are booming and hiring.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

コロナウイルスのパンデミックは経済的な痛みを引き起こすが、多くの企業が好景気で採用している (Coronavirus pandemic causes economic pain, but many companies are booming and hiring)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日