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  • I think every costume on this show is incredibly thought about and impressive.

  • It's kind of a free for all because it's this alternative world.

  • It's a real pleasure to have all these things designed and made.

  • The clothes you wear determine the way people see you.

  • It was interesting, the style of the show and the sort of period because it's not set in

  • a particular period again. It's kind of that freedom to explore. It sort of could be 40's,

  • but we pushed the boundaries of that and modernised it slightly.

  • I like it.

  • Blue is quite your colour.

  • That era where you're never without a shirt and a tie, you know even if you're

  • not wearing a suit you've got a shirt and a tie on.

  • And this might be one of the only times you don't see his shirt and tie.

  • You have to find a logic and there has to be a logic within Lyra's world.

  • We've dressed people in non-definable clothing.

  • It's trying to mix up things that exist and create a look that you'd believe but is timeless.

  • There's different technologies in Lyra's world.

  • They travel by zeppelin so there would be certain things,

  • fabrics and technology that exist in Lyra's world.

  • So then that will influence how people dress.

  • Costumes are really interesting. There's something slightly military to him,

  • even though he's been a theologian and he is a scientist.

  • He's also an adventurer and explorer and I think we've reflected that really well.

  • I loved the first costume of all of them.

  • But then I got my beautiful fur coat, which is a bit of a pain when you're

  • doing location and it's boiling hot in September but it's great for when you're at the studio

  • and it's freezing.

  • Caroline is an incredible designer and we had good fun actually, because

  • the gypsies are so cool. You'll see when you see all of the extras and everything.

  • We were like 'we're so cool!'

  • So we do, we have a great old time with our costumes.

  • I think my character looks well cool. This jacket is sick.

  • Look at my ring. It's a hawk.

  • We had to make a costume that would look of the earth, of the forest.

  • Like she had just wrapped rags around her,

  • but also be sturdy enough for her to fly, for me to have a harness underneath my costume.

  • I'm in awe of them. It really helps me as an actor.

  • Yeah man, I have never dressed more badass in my life.

  • I've worn blouses on stage, I've worn guayaberas on stage,

  • but going cowboy is very much my aesthetic. I'm very much enjoying it.

  • I had these most glorious costumes.

  • And the best thing about this job is that you know that she's gonna look good.

  • A shoulder bag.

  • Well it's perhaps a little old for you.

  • I mean everything's been made for me as well, so it's a real

  • pleasure to have all these things designed and made.

I think every costume on this show is incredibly thought about and impressive.


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衣装はどのようにストーリーから映画化されるのか|His Dark Materials(ヒズ・ダーク・マテリアルズ)|BBC予告編 (How costumes are adapted from story to screen | His Dark Materials | BBC Trailers)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日