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  • Have you met beautiful people in your life? Well beautiful from the heart but also from

  • the exterior. Their personalities were so catchy that you always wanted to kind of give

  • them a compliment but all you could say in the end was, “I think you're really amazing”,

  • “I think you're really great”… Well today's lesson is one such lesson, because

  • in today's lesson we are going to be talking about super catchy ways to describe appearances

  • and people and their personalities, so what are we waiting for? If you want to continue

  • learning all of these phrases please stay tuned with me on this lesson, my name is Hridhaan

  • and I welcome you with a very big heart on Let's Talk. Let's get started, the first phrase

  • in the list is, “a fraidy catso here we havecat’, fraidy, what does fraidy

  • mean? It's got something to do with someone, someone whogets scared easilyso what

  • is a fraidy cat? Fraidy cat is a person who gets scared easily. For example, do you think

  • children are fraidy cat? A lot of children definitely are. Let's see how we can use it

  • in an example, “stop being a fraidy cat get inside the room and switch off the lights”.

  • Well at night who doesn't get scared and so it is being instructed to the person that

  • stop being a fraidy cat please, step inside the room and switch, switch the tube light

  • let's sayThis is for the fraidy-cat, let's move on to the next one, the next one isan

  • old hand”. What is an old hand? An old hand is a person who's an expert at doing things,

  • because that person has an experience in doing that thing for a very, very long time. For

  • example, “this one is a very complicated machine, it needs an old hand to run it”,

  • what is the meaning of an old hand? It means it needs an expert to run this machine back

  • again because it is a complicated one. So a person who has a lot of experience in using

  • the machine already can only help us in running it better and smoothly. The next example is,

  • the law is very strict in this country, you need an old hand in law to help you get

  • out of it”, that means somebody's actually stuck in the law and order of a country and

  • that person needs an old hand, an expert to help him or her to get out of the troublesome

  • affair, whichever it be that the person is stuck in, that is how we can usean old

  • handto describe a person, a personality. “Fresh as a daisy”. Imagine if somebody

  • asks you, “how are you?” Everybody says, “I'm finethere's one of the phrases

  • that we learnt, in one of the lessons and that isfit as a fiddlebut besides

  • that if you're short of phrases and collocations what can you use? You can say this, ‘fresh

  • as a daisy’. What is fresh as a daisy? Feeling energetic, that means I am feeling energetic

  • thank you very much. “After bathing he was feeling as fresh as a daisythat means

  • he felt quite fresh and energetic after taking a bath. Next is, “be as fresh as a daisy

  • on your first day to work”, whenever you go in the first talk in the organization that

  • you work on your first day be as fresh as a daisy, don't just be fine be as fresh as

  • a daisy. The next word isgood for nothing”. Now this is something that is actually not

  • quite, that is not used in quite a positive sense, it means ‘a worthless personor

  • ‘a worthless item’. Something that is actually of no use. For example, “don't

  • expect anything from him, he's a good-for-nothing creature.” He's a good-for-nothing creature

  • that means, he has nothing good to do or nothing good to say and nothing good to give to the

  • people that he's connected with, so do not expect anything from him. Next one is, “I

  • just broken up with Dev, right now I feel good for nothingthat means right now I

  • feel like a worthless creature, so somebody's saying it probably for her boyfriend and so

  • the person is saying I feel like a worthless person. The next isnerves of steel”.

  • Now this is a very, very strong phrase and it means when nothing can scare you or make

  • you feel nervous, you're such a strong personality. You're so strong in your demeanour, your personality,

  • in your appearance that people call you nerves of steel that means, nothing can scare you.

  • For example, “he has got nerves of steel, I have seen him handling all the difficult

  • situations calmly.” There is this person who never gets nervous and people have seen

  • that person dealing with all the possible difficult situations calmly. This was about

  • nerves of steel’. If you have somebody in your life who you think never gets scared

  • and is always calm in difficult situations please do let me know in the comments section

  • below, ‘nerves of steel’. Next one is, “not born yesterday”. This is quite again,

  • we've spoken about quite a lot of sarcastic phrases, and this is one, ‘not born yesterday’.

  • For example if somebody is trying to fool you and you say, “dude thank you very much

  • for your advices but I'm not born yesterdaythat means I'm not so immature to not understand

  • it. For example, “no more an inexperienced personor you can say it's simply, somebody

  • who's not immature. Remember not mature, not immature. “I understand all your tricks,

  • I'm not born yesterday”. So someone is saying that do not try to trick me please, I understand

  • all of that and I'm not born yesterday. Use this phrase because it can be very, very sarcastic.

  • Next one is, “I trust that you can take the responsibility of handling all the administrative

  • work, you're not born yesterday”. This is actually a good example wherein someone is

  • entrusting their trust in someone, in the other person and telling the person, you can

  • do this, I do trust in you because you're not born yesterday, because you have the experience

  • of handling such a situation, so use this phrase accordingly. The next one is, “a

  • rare bird”. A rare bird means, an exceptional, unusual person. Someone who's really good

  • or really bad in something, so it can be used in both positive situations and negative situations

  • as well, an exceptional or unusual person. For example, “he's a rare bird that you

  • can find in any social gatheringthat does not mean that you can find that person anywhere

  • that means he's a rare bird who can't be found at any social gathering just like that casually

  • he's very good or very exceptional. “You are a rare bird, I want to know you more

  • well probably a gutsy person is saying this to somebody he or she likes and the person

  • is saying, ‘I think you're a rare bird and I would like to know you more’. ‘I think

  • you're an exceptionally good one or bad onein the context that that person is talking

  • about and the person is saying, I want to know you a little more. The next example is,

  • cock of the walk”. What is cock of the walk? It meansan arrogant person’. So

  • somebody who's really arrogant and very rude what at all times that person is called, ‘cock

  • of the walk’. For example. “after winning the competition, James became cock of the

  • walk for a few days”, or for many daysso James, a person who participated in a competition,

  • actually became cock of the walk, that means very arrogant, like this, for many days. Another

  • example would be, “Mike's boss is cock of the walk at all times, he speaks very rudely”.

  • Mike is an employee in an organization and in the same organization his boss works too,

  • but he's always cock of the walk that means, he's always arrogant and rude to his subordinates.

  • That's how you can use cock of the walk, somebody who's really arrogant at all times. Next one

  • on the list is, “cat burglar”. What is cat burglar? Someone who smartly gets away

  • from things without letting other people know about it. Smartly gets away without other

  • people knowing about it. So imagine there's a person let's say, a thief who always gets

  • away after a robbery without even giving a hint of the evidence left behind about the

  • things that he has done or about how he has done it, for example, “Finally the police

  • caught on the cat burglars who were the cause of many thefts in our house.” Cat burglars

  • or cat burglar who were the cause of many thefts in the house or in the community. Another

  • example, “you've been a cat burglar for long, you won't get away this time in fooling

  • othersthat means, you've been that person who has been doing wrong things without letting

  • other people know about it. You will not get away at this time. So a person who does wrong

  • things and gets away very easily without letting other people know who and how he did that

  • too, that is the situation where you use cat burglar. “Cut a dash”. What is cut a dash?

  • It means to become the centre of attention of an event on the basis of your appearance.

  • If you remember in the beginning of the lesson I did talk to you about how we can describe

  • appearances and personality, this one phrase here, this one collocation is actually used

  • to describe personality and personality of a person who's really attractive and gets

  • all the attention of people wherever he or she goes. The first example is, “she cuts

  • a dash wherever she wears this dress”, so there's this particular dress that let's say

  • a girl wears and she always cuts a dash whenever she goes out in that dress or let's say a

  • man who wears a particular attire and let's say a suit, a tuxedo and that person cuts

  • a dash wherever that person goes. Another example is, “he's got a very charming personality,

  • he cuts a dash wherever he goes and in whatsoever he does”. We're talking about a person who's

  • got a very, very charming personality and that person cuts a dash, everybody gets attracted

  • to that person whenever that person goes out, wherever he goes out. That's all that we have

  • for this lesson when it comes to vocabulary and phrases of talking about people and appearances.

  • Thank you very much for being with me and if you have any questions and recommendations

  • for future lessons, please do let me know in the comments section below, bye-bye.

Have you met beautiful people in your life? Well beautiful from the heart but also from


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A2 初級

スーパーキャッチーなフレーズで人、外見、性格を表現する - 上級英語スピーキングレッスン (Super Catchy Phrases To Describe People, Appearance & Personality - Advanced English Speaking Lesson)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日