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  • When Amazon moves into a new line of business,

  • its rivals tend to panic.

  • One by one, chains in books, toys, clothing,

  • and sports goods have disappeared,

  • as Amazon's Everything Store offers

  • cheaper online alternatives.

  • Amazon can cost companies billions of dollars

  • in lost market value.

  • Last year, executives spoke more about Jeff Bezos' company

  • than any other during calls with their investors.

  • Since Amazon was founded in 1994,

  • it has transformed from a money-losing internet bookstore

  • to a profitable mega-conglomerate with revenues

  • of $233bn last year.

  • Profits are rising too.

  • Last year, Amazon's Ebitda margin

  • was a record 12 per cent.

  • The company is still expanding.

  • In the past three years, it has purchased online pharmacy

  • PillPack, supermarket Whole Foods, and home security maker

  • Blink.

  • How much bigger could it become?

  • The FT's Lex team examines five fears surrounding Amazon

  • and asks whether they are prescient or paranoid.

  • Fear the first - Amazon will conquer the world.

  • Amazon is expanding into new businesses

  • and ramping up plans to sell more products

  • under its own brand.

  • In the US, it accounts for 49 per cent of online sales,

  • but elsewhere, Amazon faces fierce competition.

  • International revenue makes up only one quarter of the total.

  • Earlier this year, Amazon announced

  • that it was closing its local e-commerce business in China.

  • Across Asia, the Tencent-SoftBank

  • industrial complex is winning.

  • Probability rating - two out of ten.

  • Fear the second - Amazon will replace banks.

  • Between 2011 and 2017, Amazon says

  • that it loaned more than $3bn to its own vendors.

  • But the business remains secretive

  • and has not been offered more broadly to consumers.

  • Amazon relies heavily on its own data

  • and lacks credit history information

  • that would help it take on banks,

  • suggesting it will remain a niche-length facility.

  • Probability rating - three out of ten.

  • Fear the third - Amazon will deliver your customers lunch.

  • Amazon's acquisition of Whole Foods was its biggest to date,

  • and it is investing heavily in logistics.

  • But it has a mixed record in delivering fresh products.

  • Grocery service AmazonFresh failed

  • to revolutionise food distribution,

  • and it recently shut its restaurant delivery service.

  • In the US, online grocery market sales

  • account for just five per cent of the $700bn market.

  • To take on a retailer like Walmart,

  • Amazon will need many more physical stores.

  • Probability rating - five out of ten.

  • Fear the fourth - Amazon will hog data.

  • Amazon Web Services dominates the cloud services market

  • and is the company's most profitable business.

  • Amazon has helped companies store and process data

  • far more efficiently by moving it to AWS servers.

  • But rivals like Google and Microsoft

  • are trying to expand their own offers

  • of internet-connected public cloud services.

  • The cloud wars are just getting started.

  • Probability rating - six out of ten.

  • Fear the fifth - Amazon will play doctors.

  • The US health care system is right to worry

  • about Amazon's interest in the $450bn

  • that Americans spend on prescription drugs each year.

  • Last year, Amazon bought online pharmacy PillPack,

  • and it was also working with Berkshire Hathaway and JP

  • Morgan on a joint health care venture.

  • The sector is notoriously complex and highly regulated,

  • but Amazon is better placed to offer online distribution

  • than any pharmacy chain.

  • Probability rating - eight out of ten.

  • Amazon is already one of the world's biggest companies.

  • It accounts for $0.50 in every dollar spent online in the US,

  • and it hit a $1tn market capitalization more quickly

  • than Apple.

  • World domination will be stymied by tech giants from Asia,

  • but Amazon's wide-ranging interests

  • and fondness for experimentation mean the next trillion dollars

  • is likely to come from health care, advertising, or AI

  • as online shopping.

When Amazon moves into a new line of business,


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業界がアマゾンを恐れる理由|FT (Why industries should fear Amazon | FT)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日