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  • What castle is this? Kiyosu, in Aichi.

  • How many times have I come to visit you, and you've never brought me here?

  • Um, I took other foreigners.

  • You took everyone except your wife.

  • Sorry.

  • It just looks like a face.

  • R: It's the only thing I can see. J: I never thought about it, but yeah, maybe.

  • R: How could you not? J: I don't know. I just don't look at castles

  • like that. R: It looks kind of angry.

  • J: Feudal lord (tonosama / 殿様).

  • R: Do you think you could climb the rock?

  • J: Uhhh without any tools? R: And get into the castle?

  • J: I guess I'd have to be a ninja. I think ninja could do it. I think they used to do

  • it. R: Really?

  • J: Yeah. R: Is that what their job was? Scale the castle

  • walls? J: I don't know, like the claws, like the

  • main guy from X-men has. R: Oh, the claws?

  • J: Yeah, the claws. R: If you had Wolverine claws.

  • J: Yeah, Wolverine claws.

  • R: It has faces on all sides!

  • It's the four-faced castle.

  • These are all sakura. In the spring it's really pretty.

  • All the trees over there are sakura, too.

  • R: Those ones on the other side of the river? J: Yeah. They're all sakura.

  • R: How come you never brought me here! J: You weren't here when it was spring.

  • R: So they don't have to open the big gates--if they just want to let a little person through.

  • J: This is not for a little person. R: It's a little man door.

  • J: This is for a normal person.

  • R: It's a little door for a person.

  • R: This type of zen garden with the sand or rocks-

  • J: Nihon teien.

  • R: Are they playing music?

  • J: Sounds like it. I think it's koto. You know what koto is?

  • R: Yeah, the... J: Japanese stringed instrument.

  • R: Yeah, this. That's my motion for koto.

  • R: That's such a beautiful tree.

  • J: That's momiji. I told you this is my favorite tree.

  • R: I love momiji. J: Yeah, it's beautiful.

  • R: Especially when they're red. J: Yeah.

  • R: They're gorgeous. I want momiji in our garden. J: That'd be nice.

  • R: Pretty! J: Yeah, I know.

  • R: Beautiful.

  • R: He's following the small one.

  • R: I wanna go for a walk down by the river!

  • R: I'm getting wet!

  • J: Hey Rachel, look over there! There's a face thing!

  • R: I wanna do the face thing! J: But her hair's black. It doesn't match

  • up with your hair.

  • R: Jun's waiting for me to come out of the bathroom.

  • J: Are you recording?

  • R: Yeah.

What castle is this? Kiyosu, in Aichi.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

清洲城(きよすじょう)、清洲城(せいしゅうじょう)、清洲城(せいしゅうじょう (Kiyosu Castle 散歩・清州城 Japan)

  • 38 3
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日