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  • Obviously, you've got a lot of big projects going, but you're ah, game show host now.

  • Yeah, yeah, I hosted a game show hasn't come out yet, but, um, yeah, it was a crazy experience, and I really have I feel like I have this, um, appreciation now for what you do.

  • Like, I had never walked out to an audience cheering and say hello and then talk to to contest it like it's really crazy.

  • It feels like a like a like you're on the running man the entire time, which is obviously, in a reference that really lands.

  • Uh, I have this appreciation for what you do, which I feel really comes down to the talent of acting interested when people say stuff.

  • Yeah, see if you want to do it.

  • If you want him to respond, you got to say his name.

  • Okay, Right.

  • I really I really feel like I have this appreciation for you now, because what I think it really comes down to is being like looking like you're interested when people say stuff, Conan.

  • Yeah, I would say good.

  • One of the things that you'll probably find as you do this first of all.

  • Did you take the whole season?

  • How many of these did you take?

  • Uh, we take, I think, eight of them.

  • And what's the premise of the called Don't?

  • And it's all about people not doing things.

  • They're trying to resist doing things.

  • Wow, money from not doing something.

  • Don't blink your eyes and stuff like that, right?

  • So it's It's it's It's, uh I mean, there I see.

  • So it's it's watching someone trying not to do anything that they would not want to.

  • D'oh!

  • Okay.

  • And did you like it?

  • Did you like doing that?

  • Was like, Do you like being a game show host?

  • Sure.

  • I Yeah.

  • No, I did.

  • I just don't feel like it.

  • It feels like a weird dream that happens.

Obviously, you've got a lot of big projects going, but you're ah, game show host now.


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Adam Scott Has A Newfound Appreciation For Conan’s Job - CONAN on TBS

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    林宜悉 に公開 2020 年 03 月 23 日