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  • Hi, everyone.

  • And welcome to this Q and a session with Marissa Pierre, What we're gonna be talking about today your biggest questions of nurse appears New Quest with Mine Valley rapid transformational hypnotherapy.

  • So there's a second part to this video where Marissa answers your biggest questions on hypnotherapy itself.

  • Because I know you guys submitted a ton of questions, but what we're gonna do in this video is addressed questions specific to a new quest with Marissa.

  • So the first question is, I don't believe you can heal life traumas in such a short amount of time.

  • I could.

  • It takes years.

  • How does your program accomplish this?

  • Well, I think what my program does well, I know what it does is there now teaching it in many, many doctors, It starts to get your mind to dialogue with your body or your mind dialogues with your body.

  • Anyway, your body is run by a network of intelligence, which is influenced by your mind.

  • When you couldn't influence that network of intelligence.

  • There's no limit to what you could do, and I've taught many doctors.

  • I was at the New York Academy of Medicine just last month, teaching people how to work with auto immune disease.

  • There's disease that the immune system, skin diseases, diseases of the nervous system.

  • And actually the results are outstanding.

  • I worked with someone with I work with all kinds of physical issues.

  • But you see, doctors will tell you that one doctor told me that 70% of all going to Annie, they can't really fix because they have physical symptoms, that they are driven by the mind by the imagination.

  • And that's why hypnosis R TT hypnosis is so powerful because it goes back and reasons with the mind and starts to undo the physical reaction that we get to a thought.

  • Fantastic.

  • Except so this is an interesting question person, as I prefer to deal with my trauma spy for getting them and letting them go.

  • Could I be doing this wrong?

  • Yes, very much so.

  • Because the mind never forgets the mind keeps the scores like someone who says, You know, my father died.

  • I went straight back to work.

  • I just carried on, and then two years later, I know what happened.

  • But I had a nervous breakdown because you have to deal with what's going on your feelings are the most really thing.

  • You haven't.

  • Yes, you can suppress them.

  • Pushed them down, ignore them.

  • They will regroup, get stronger and come back until you learn to deal with them.

  • So trying to push it away sounds like a great idea.

  • But we know that post traumatic stress disorder is exactly because of not dealing with your feelings.

  • And look how many people have that.

  • So in other words, it's important to deal with the root cause.

  • Of course, this person s is this program a permanent fix for my problems?

  • If I do the quest, could the problems re emerge in my life after disappearing for a while at?

  • No, they absolutely can't.

  • Because our T T hypnotherapy is all about getting to the root cause, uncovering the root cause, making sense of the root cause and then eliminating it, letting it go, overcoming it.

  • And that's why it is so powerful because it is absolutely permanent.

  • Can discourse help me improve my relationships?

  • And if so, do I need to take it with my partner?

  • It can 100% improve your relationships.

  • I'd go as far as to say I guarantee it will.

  • Yes, you can take it with a partner.

  • Many people have written to me and said, You know, your therapy has changed my marriage.

  • It's changed my relationship with my Children.

  • But if you don't have a partner, then of course you can do it yourself, and it will help you to attract not just a person but the right person in an existing relationship.

  • It can only make it better, I promise you that.

  • How is this different from you have to programs with mind.

  • Molly.

  • How is rapid, transformational hypnotherapy the quest different from uncompromised life?

  • Well, uncompromised life is a program that's really about self esteem and the secrets of success and howto wire that into yourself on this course is about abundance in four key areas.

  • Relationship abundance.

  • Well, financial abundance, health abundance and mind set abundant.

  • So it's about the blocks you have and how to overcome them in all those key areas.

  • Toe have success in a ll, those p areas.

  • And finally, how is rapid transformational hypnotherapy different from regular hypnotherapy?

  • So I've been doing it for a long time, and I learned very quickly what works and what doesn't work.

  • And even within hypnotherapy people want fast results.

  • They no longer want to go and talk about their problems and then have a session to relax another session to relax deeper.

  • They want results Now on my clients and the people I train in R T T hitting therapy jokingly say this is like Skip knows because we skip through all the long drawn out.

  • Let's start at your toes and go right up to your head to relax.

  • That takes half an hour.

  • I want people to be getting results in that half on hour, so it's certainly faster.

  • It's very rapid and transformational, and it really works.

  • And I trained many hypnotherapy to say I much prefer this way and they should because, Inspector thank you, Marisa.

  • And for sure we've seen from the hundreds and now close the thousands of letters we've gotten wrong.

  • Students of Marissa Pierre, who have taken her programs.

  • The results have bean profound.

  • If you were to read my book, the code of the extraordinary mind where I talk about many of the teachers that influence my life, one teacher gets more mentioned than anybody else, more so than Elon Musk, a Richard Branson, nor anybody else.

  • And that's Marissa Pierre.

  • Cas.

  • I can vouch for how transformative techniques are when applied to your life.

  • So I hope you guys take a chance to check out this quest with Marissa Pierre.

  • I believe it will be one of the most transformative things you ever do for your life.

  • Thank you.

  • And thank you, Marissa.

  • Yeah?

Hi, everyone.


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ラピッドトランスフォーメーショナルヒプノセラピーについての最大の疑問|Vishen LakhianiとMarisa Peer (Your Biggest Questions About Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy | Vishen Lakhiani and Marisa Peer)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日