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you guys air adored, adored by women everywhere.
Not just women, but wouldn't go crazy for you.
They go nuts for you.
Who was better with the ladies growing up?
Oh, my God.
I saw not Drew Drew.
It was like watching a Ben Stiller character.
It was so awkward when we were younger.
So Drew's the robot.
That was his nickname when we were growing up because he had no emotions, that he was aware of efficient.
And so he was terrible with girls.
Couldn't talk him.
So he read a book about challenging himself to talk to girls.
And so he made us a book on how to talk to gray hair.
Many really about, apparently.
But I challenge myself.
So today I will talk to one girl.
Tomorrow I will talk to two.
Next they'll ask one out and I got in.
It were good.
He eventually.
Then the pendulum swung the other way and he became a total douche.
And he was like hyper confident.
Here under the book was called How to Be a douche by your applause You can rape the do Cherie of this.
We're singing a bar.
So we're at the time I don't know.
We were, like, maybe 19 something like Canada.
You can go to the Barn 19 and so we're at the bar and there's this girl who's cute across the bar and Drew's like, Watch this.
He's sitting there.
He's like, Hey, I saw you staring.
So we're gonna do this.
And it worked.
They went on a date.
For the record, I never said We're gonna do this.
We did do that.
No, but I say as much as I read the book and got good at the end of the day, doesn't really matter because I'm still a dork and I don't really have moves I don't hit with.
You know, I just I do awkward things and it works for my wife.
That's how I hooked her in my line with her was, Where'd you get that water?
So I did.
It would do, He regressed, and now he's useless again.
That's like the line you used on your wife when you met her with worded get that water.
So she she was We're at this fashion event, and Johnson were these celebrity models, and anyway, we're at the back backstage and I saw her she was holding a bottle of water is telling me the whole time about all of this girl.
She's beautiful.
Look, is amazing.
And then this hand holding.
I was having pizza.
She's hauling water.
My big line her was.
Where'd you get that water?
And her response was, Where'd you get that pizza?
And yet again.
And here we are, 10 years.
Yeah, I don't is Ah, I'll teach you, I think know you're gonna say something.
I'm gonna suggest that it helps to be good looking because I'm gonna suggest, because in my life, throughout my entire life, when I've asked women, where did you get that water?
They say over there, I go over there and get the water, and when I come back, they're gone.
That's that's not a line that works.
My thing is, when you say to them, Are you doing some look creepy eyebrow thing?
Like, where'd you get that water?
You should really go do that when you're doing.
You know, I'm not doing anything creepy.
I'm merely saying, Where did you get that water?
I'm not, uh anyone ever hit on you while you were filming an episode?
He gets it more than I do The rugged contra.
I was single for a long time and it didn't even matter if they were saying we had this one homeowner not to be named.
She would hit on me so bad with her husband right there.
And he was oblivious to what was going on.
I want to show you I need a doorway.
I'm gonna go over the doorway here.
I would be working and he would whisper things at me like I'm not hitting on you.
We don't know where he is.
We're looking for her everywhere.
And then all of a sudden, music comes on and this is all we see.
She'd be in the deep background of the world.
Music comes on and she locks eyes with Jonathan.
And she would do this like weird ballsy.
I connect these days in front of her husband.
And so what we actually did when it shows up, you got to realize we shoot a lot.
We worked with 400 families on our shows.
Now we just had our 400 episodes and we have helped a lot of people get a kitchen, you get a kitchen.
So with all of that.
There's definitely probably a dozen homeowners who have been so bad, so creepy, so weird.
And we made a montage just for internally.
First of you, of some of the worst moments and that one was in there with them are amazing.
And they're thankful in there every now and then.
They're just a few that want a piece of Jonathan, right?
They want Jonathan to put a little hard wood in the bedroom.
Oh, yeah?
So I don't know just by hardwood in the bedroom, A soft oak that There you go.
Now you're talking my language.
Be playing a little place.
Yes, if you think about it, though most construction terms are derived from a pervert somewhere your hardwood there's your cock.
You gotta put cock everywhere.
There's always a minute.
Who said you have to put Cox?
Have you never handled tall?
I got it.
I got all these things like, you know, everything in construction.
If you think go Google all the terms for construction they're derived from the weirdest, most perverted things.
I don't know what's in Jonathan's book.
Yeah, so it is that you find that to be true and you're a handy guy.
Uh, well, there's, like, weird.
Like there's plumbing parts I called nipple like and that was, like, you know, aren't like the way things are male and female for screw things.
Weird because you have two nipples.
Not weird.
No, I don't I don't know.
I just think it's weird.
Couldn't you call it like, uh, you know, a stake?
Little sense of metal with Right, Right.
I don't know why, but that's what everyone says the industry.
But when you see these, like, big, burly construction trades and they're over there like, yeah, you gotta lube up the nipples.
Now, let's go over there and lay some cock.
You can't help but turn into looking.
I talk like that all the time, and I do I do not do any construction around the house.
Your hands.
This could be I would watch that today.
We're gonna lube up the nipples and wipe wipe around the cock, right?
I don't know.
Of a d h d video by that.
That's after learn.
No, monsieur won't air.