We'regonnastopforsomelunchandthenhave a factoryto, uhOkay, so I couldn't filmitbecausewhenallowed, Butwejustwenton a tourthroughtheAsahi, be a brewery.
I know a beertastetesting, which I canfilmsomean a tastetestsomebeersforyou.
I neverlikedhimbeforehand.
I reallyfindAustralia.
Indiahas a reallystrongflavor, andit's toomuchformecomingtoJapan.
Thebighereismuchlighterandcrisp A and I enjoyitsomuchmoreso.
I didn't knowhisbiguntil I camehere.
That's onesogood.
Thisone's a littlebitmorbidup.
Andthisone's a littlebitmorespearsgot a blackoneandsuperdrive e I can't tellwhichone I prefer.
I reallyneedissomefreakyoldprettygood, tobehonest.