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If you want to develop strength and most of mass buddy don't have access to a gym, there is a way, and I want to show you how I am.
I am the head of the health and fitness department at mine Value.
In over the past five years, I worked a couple of thousands off people in their health and fitness journey.
And one of the things that I know the truth is that no all exercises are made equal.
If you want to get Fintor, there's a myriad off things that it can do.
But one of the most fundamental types off exercises is strength trains.
And that's because it goes beyond your muscles when you're doing strength training, not only becoming stronger than the Vala pure muscle mass, but we also extending your longevity, you know, from the book body by science that is written by a doctor, Doc Magoo's that when you're contracting your muscles under tension, you release a chemical compound called my ass, and they work like messengers.
They go from the front muscles, toe other parts of the body, for example to the bones and warred with bones increase born density or they go.
They go from the muscles to the heart and work with the heart to improve cardiac functions, to protect your heart from from cardiovascular diseases and their go around the body, improving and strengthening the whole body.
And this is how we know that, for example, someone who is over 60 the stronger their grip is the loader their health scare.
Little issue here is a strength training.
Is that the more complicated to do at home?
Because we think we need to go to the gym and lift weights.
But there's a way to do it at home and we need very little equipment for the exercise that I want to show you to date everything that we're going to use our resistance bands.
We're going to use two types.
One of them are called loop resistance bands.
You can see that they are close and they are rubber bands that they offer resistance when you pull them apart.
The other type are open ended resistance.
Man, you see that they have two handles here, and if you get yourself set off resistance bands, what, you're going to see that they have different colors and different type off.
Resistance is so why do you want to be complete?
Is to have two cents one off open ended in one off Luke Resistance bands that are light, new and heavy.
Resist With this you are sent.
Then the next question is, what exercises should you do before you think about exercise?
I want you to think about movement.
Let's take a step back.
And if you look at your upper body, you have a horizontal plane in a vertical plane of movement and each one of those planes you can push movements are could do cool movements.
So with this four type of movements, push and pull, push and pull.
You work all your upper body and then for your lower body.
If you think of the type of movement that you do when you're sitting and when you are standing up so he's squatting, push yourself up.
If you use resistance for this type of exercise, then you can tidy up the biggest muscles on the legacy.
So all we need is five exercises and some resistance into the next thing that comes is how we executed.
How much of this exercise is should we do?
And Here's one of what I want you to pay attention to bust for the execution off this exercise is what we want to do is that we want to do them in a low manner, mostly because we want to target specific muscle fibers and attention on them.
This is how we signal to the body that the muscles need to be stronger and they need to get bigger.
That is when you fatty, specific muscle fibers.
But if your jerky movement are using momentum, you are still move ears to a lifting weight.
But you're not necessarily putting that tension on the muscle fiber that you want, So if you do them a nice, low manner, it's easier to control to get the technique down.
The second thing Thio pay attention, chews on to win, and you do those exercises.
How much?
If you start doing squats, for example, you see that the first repetitions will be easy at some point, maybe shaky.
Maybe it hurts a little is do you want to you?
There will be a time cannot possibly get off the ground, but you try to push yourself in the legs.
Just don't go.
This is what you think that is the end of exercise.
You stopped when your muscles are showing you because that reaches a fatigue state.
And when that fatigue state comes to the muscle, it gives a signal to the body that says we need to get stronger where we recover way need to go.
You learned that the next time that we do this type of exercise.
So if you pair, they're signaling at that very strong fatigue with the raw material.
You offer your body with nutrition and then time for recovery with deep.
Then you have everything you need to be strength.
And now I want to show you the five exercise that we're going to do using the resistance bands.
If you're beginning to restrict training out, only need to do is do this routine.
It wants to twice a week each exercise you do for one set until you heat muscular failure and then for this will be important to select different types of resistance bands.
For me, I got one resistance band that is a open ended, but it's a heavy one.
Well, I'm going to do an exercise for the back with this guy over here.
And then I got Chu loop resistance bands one that one of them is thicker for bigger muscles, like the legs in the chest and one of them that is a bit lighter for a smaller muscle like shoulder.
We're going to start with a upper body and with the horizontal push movement.
And for these, we're going to use Bush up now for push up that are different levels of intensity, that you can do this.
And if you cannot do a full push up on the floor, your first option will be to find the surface like a table, like a couch or a chair.
Just make sure that it doesn't move as you push it and you make a incline push up first.
The higher the surface is, the easiest is going to be.
So here's what I'm going to do a inclined push up that you be easier on my chest, triceps and shoulders.
I'm just going to hold them model s shoulder with apart.
I'll bring my feet back in a lower my chest to the table.
From here, I push.
One thing that's important to notice is that I don't open the elbows to the site.
I bring my elbows back, Martin, 45 degrees close to my upper body, and I pushed up and do.
This is lonely so that can control the movement and focus on making the contractors with my chest.
Now, if it's easy for me to do this, I could like 30 repetitions, and I still don't get tired.
Then the next level of increasing the intensity of the push up is doing them on the floor, but with your knees on the floor, so will be a very similar technique.
But the only thing is that instead of being inclined, I have my needs of the farm.
Make sure that might lower back straight into my elbows are not flaring to decide they're going behind, and I'll bring my chest in my chin to the floor from here.
A push up in goes load as well.
When this becomes easier, you can either do a full push up when your knees are not touching the floor and you're thinking if you can keep going with this guy.
Well, Dan is when you use a heavy resistance band, so if you can do a full push up and you know you can go and they don't get tired.
Then what it is that you put around your hands, bring it back behind her back.
And now I have increased resistance when I'm on the top of the movement.
So here at the bottom, there's almost no resistance.
But as I push, the resistance bed pushed me down.
So I need to make more effort with my chest.
With my shoulders and my triceps I'm continue to do this is lowly bringing my elbows behind until you hit that point that that I feel that I am here on the top and back and my muscles just don't go forward anymore.
This is exactly what I want to finish this exercise.
Now we are done with a horizontal push.
We're now going to do a horizontal pool for a horizontal pool.
I'm also going to use a thick resistance bed because when I'm pulling, I'm using mostly my back muscles.
And they're quite a big muscle for this to be a horizontal.
What he needs to happen is that the movement is perpendicular to my upper body.
So I will step on the resistance band and I will hold it close to my feet The closer to my feet I hold the more intense is going to be the closer to the top of the last intense the exercise So there's a world close to my feet Are we stand up And now I lean forward So when I bring my elbows back is the horizontal poo is perpendicular to my upper body Here I am using my latte muscles to contract and pull my elbows behind.
So when they when they are on top, I had peaked contractions my hands up more or less in line with my valley button.
And when I lower is lowly, I'm Sue controlling the movement with my back muscles.
And from here, peak contraction is squeezed the back of my also and his lowly Bring it back until I hit a point that I cannot pull anymore.
This is when I get muscle failure and I'm there with six exercise.
Now we're done with the horizontal plane.
We're gonna go for vertical for vertical extracting with push.
I needed a lighter resistance.
Been because when I push vertically, I take my chest off the equation and using mostly off my shoulders which is mauler muscle.
So we need last resistance.
We also step on top of the resistance band and instead of holding close your feet night hold closer top.
Because now I want to bring my hands to my shoulder level and imagine that I want to punch the ceiling from here.
Hands go straight up now I'm using mostly my shoulders and my triceps and is lowly.
Come back down to the way to the left off her shoulders.
Make sure that your back is a straight and not collapsing.
So your core is engaged and I was literally bring it out and push it up again until I reached the point of fatigue that I tried to push my my hands go up until here.
If I make all the effort that I can, they don't pass this through this level.
This is when I reach most of failure.
So then we stopped that we're done with this movement and now we go for another vertical.
But now is a pool movement for this.
This is when I use a open end it resistance band.
And this is when we also need a help off the hook that I can find, for example, in ah, in the door handle.
Just make sure that this is something solid that you're not gonna bring your house down when you're working out.
It's like have something solid and also using Mostly, you can either lock the door or use our bullet against the the position that the dark clothes so it doesn't open on your face while you're pulling it, and I use the open end it and pull them.
Use it around the door handle.
I would take a few steps back to pre loaded.
The resistance bands are already giving some tension and because a vertical pool I need to lean forward.
So now when I pull my elbows back, it's parallel to my upper body.
Here I am doing is lowly and controlled, and instead of wishing my elbows to the front, I push my elbows to the site until they touch this side of my body.
Here, it's big contraction.
I can you squeeze my back muscles, and here there's almost no resistance.
If you need a bit more resistance, you can step back a bit more and it gets it gets even hotter when you are in big contraction.
There will be a time without get fatigued and I cannot pull more than here gets stuck.
This is when I reach fatigue and his exercises done.
Now we've done vertical, horizontal and vertical plains of movement for exercise covered entire upper party.
Now we're going to use one of the most fundamental exercises for the lower body that is the squats.
There's going to tidy the biggest muscles in your leg because the leg is a pretty powerful muscle.
I'll get a peek resistance band as well in a closed one so I can step on it holder more or less in the middle, because I want to bring my hand up and behind my shoulders as if I was in the gym with a bar bell.
From here, I am going to lower my body and it's quiet down.
I will see that there's almost no tension at the bottom of the movement here.
I'm just just with my body weight.
But as I pushed forward, the resistance band makes it hotter, and this is when I need to contract Maur off my quad muscles.
So this is why I do.
This is lowly because if I do it too fast, I can jerk the movement and I will use my my legs.
So here's when a control and make sure that my lower back is a straight I go as low as I can.
If I almost sitting on the floor and from here is lowly.
Push up.
Now this is a guy that will take some time to get fatigued, So that would be a time after movable, several repetitions that you cannot leave yourself up from here.
This is when you reach failure and now you are done with the five exercises.
Now you learn this five exercises that are really basic and fundamental.
You can develop a lot of strength and muscle mass just with this type of exercises, but they're not the only answer, and they may not even be the best answer.
They are one that worse, but there's so much more than it can learn, and in practice not only for the strength training but hold.
We can also develop your in June.
You can develop your cardiovascular fitness.
There's a lot of things that can do and in mind body.
We developed a program with bang gratitude and myself.
All this the longevity blueprint.
And this program gives you a whole toolbox off different routines and fishes exercises in a lot of them that you can do it home to develop your fitness levels in a holistic way.
If you want to know more about this program right now, click here and you're gonna go there straight away.
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I see you there.