Ormaybeyoucouldput a picklestandintheChineserestaurantduringmean, like, work.
Let's gointhere.
Oh, youknow, I cameherefromChinesefood.
Youcouldget a pickle, a picklestand, and I'llgetChinesefood.
I'm notdrunk.
Lastnight, I dreamtWhitneyHoustonopenforJimGaffigan, and I brought a cattotheshow.
I think I needtherapy.
I mean, youneedtherapy, butyoualso I thinkyouneedtoreaduponcurrenteventsbecause I don't knowhowtobreakthistoyou, but, like, can't Youcan't bring a catto a concert.
Well, I don't googleit.
Hi, I'm JimGaffiganfromthenewfilmAmericanDreamer, and I'm abouttoreadsomedreamsthatpeopletweetedaboutme.