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  • Hi guys, I really appreciate all of you watching, because how hard work speaking English can

  • be sometimes. Now some of you are working hard just to make ends meet. Some of you are

  • studying hard as well so you are having to work and study at the same time and well I

  • know that some of you are trying really hard to get a date with your crush. So whatever

  • your reasons are, I think that working hard is sometimes not enough to show just how hard

  • that you are trying. Now in today’s lesson I would like to help you to expand your vocabulary

  • by saying this phrase in many other ways. So please stay tuned with me Kat and we can

  • go through all the different ways of saying that you are working hard so people can really

  • appreciate you. Now the first expression that you could use is I’m burning the candle

  • at both ends. I’m burning the candle at both ends, now this is a way of saying that

  • you are staying up late at night and you are getting up early to start up working in the

  • morning, so you are burning the candle at both ends. So if you imagine youve got

  • a candle and its lit at both ends, you are doing everything you can youre working

  • hard. An example of a conversation that you might use this phrase that could be, Uh, you

  • look so worn out, what’s going with you? Ah, I know, it’s just that I’ve be burning

  • the candle at both ends, working two jobs at once. Burning the candle at both ends.

  • I hope youve got that. Next up is the phrase, I’ll go the extra mile. Now if someone goes

  • the extra mile, they do more than expected of them. Now this phrase is used especially

  • when you are in a job, taking instructions from your boss but delivering more than you

  • are committed to. An example of a conversation that you may use this phrase in could be as

  • follows, Ah Great youve finished this project in record time, plus youve been a great

  • help with the new hires, youve really gone the extra mile here. Gone the extra mile,

  • you have gone the extra mile. I hope that phrase is going to be useful for you. Another

  • phrase you may want to use is He is pulling his own weight. He is pulling his own weight,

  • now this means that you do your share of the work you don’t depend on anybody else to

  • do your work for you. An example of a conversation you may use this phrase in could be like this

  • I don’t think everyone on this team is pulling their weight, it seems just a few are actually

  • doing any work. Pulling your own weight now you need to make sure that your job, you are

  • pulling your weight and not relying on other people. Pulling your own weight. Another phrase

  • that you may want to use is I am buckling down. Now buckling down means to focus and

  • to put a lot of energy into a project or a task. Another way you could say is knuckle

  • down but in this case to buckle down. An example could be, enough of goofing around, we really

  • need to buckle down and study hard for the exam. That’s right we have got a paper in

  • less than a week. You need to buckle down. Another hard working phrase for you is to

  • sweat blood. Now as you know hard produces sweat and some people work extraordinarily

  • hard so when you put extraordinary effort to complete the task, your hard work is compared

  • to sweating blood. Now this expression is used, when you have bright success because

  • of hard work. You are sweating blood. For example you may say it to someone, I had to

  • sweat blood to get this business running. Sweating blood. Another phrase that you may

  • want to use to express how hard you working is by the sweat of your brow. Now if you are

  • doing hard in physical labor, this when you earn by the sweat of your brow. You are working

  • so hard that your head has starting to sweat. For example immigrants have to work by the

  • sweat of their brow, just to get into any new country. The sweat of their brow. They

  • are working so hard. Up next is a phrase, I have my work cut out for me. Now as you

  • now sometimes you need to work against the deadline and get those assignments on time.

  • However the work seems to be even harder when what you are going to do is extremely difficult.

  • So the expression, I have my work cut out for me is used to say that you have difficult

  • work to do. I have my work cut out for me. Now to accomplish a work youve got only

  • short time to do so. An example of using this phrase could be I do not wish to be disturbed

  • I have my work cut out for me this afternoon. I have my work cut out for me. I hope that

  • this phrase helps you. Up next is expression Swamped. Now swamped, this word means to be

  • over swamped with work. And it can also be used to say that you have too many problems.

  • In a sentence you could say, I am swamped with constant phone calls, there’s just

  • so much work for me to do. You are swamped. Your work load has swamped you, youve got

  • too many things to do. Another expression to show how hard you are working could be

  • work your fingers to the bone. Now have you ever been tired at the end of a hard day’s

  • work? Well if you have then you have probably worked your fingers to the bone. Now this

  • is a way of saying that you have worked to the point of exhaustion. You have worked your

  • fingers to the bone. An example of this phrase could be, As children it would break our heart

  • to see our mother work her fingers to the bone. She is bending over back to them and

  • working her fingers to the bone. Another phrase that you could use, so show how hard you are

  • working is to, give it a 110%. Now this expression is used to reply how you have made the maximum

  • possible efforts. If you are a student working of your science project, you might say I’ve

  • given my project a 110%, I know that it’s going to be a huge success. People would usually

  • say putting a 100% but to put in a 110% means you have gone further. Our next phrase is,

  • Raise the bar. Now when you work hard, you strive to create something extraordinary.

  • And the expression for raising the bar, means that you are working too hard to raise the

  • standard of quality, for something, even higher. You have raised the bar. An example of this

  • expression could be, we rehearsed day & night and this performance is definitely going to

  • raise the bar. It is going to be beyond expectations and better than we thought. Raise the bar.

  • Up next is the expression, Stay ahead of the game. Now this is an expression that is used

  • to show, that you work harder than anyone else on the job and I’m sure some of you

  • know what I mean. You have got more knowledge and more expertise compared to others because

  • of your hard work. An Example of using this phrase could be, To grow up the corporate

  • ladder, its important to stay ahead of one’s game. To stay ahead of the game you are reading

  • into to what has expected and you are going past it. You are staying ahead of the game.

  • Thank you so much for joining me in today’s lesson now if you do know any other ways to

  • say you work hard, then please leave a comment in the section below, we would love to hear

  • from you. I’ll be back next time with some more lessons but before I go, why don’t

  • you like the video, subscribe to our channel and don’t forget to press the bell icon

  • to make sure that you are staying up to date with the regular videos that come out. I’m

  • Kat and thank you for joining me in today’s lesson of working hard. Take care and keep smiling :)

Hi guys, I really appreciate all of you watching, because how hard work speaking English can


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A2 初級

上級者向け英語レッスン - 「私は一生懸命働いています」と言うのはやめよう - 10の創造的な英語フレーズ・表現を学ぼう (Advanced English Lesson - Stop saying ‘I work hard’ - Learn 10 Creative English Phrases/ Expressions)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日