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do a dance to take dance first.
A challenge is she does my make up.
She has a different interpretation of the way I should look like Thio Pretty some molding, caching, waits, carding.
Okay, today is a new day, and I am so excited to shoot something different today.
I feel like in the last year I would say I got way more into beauty and fashion and blobs, but on YouTube, it all started from you with recipes.
So I am excited to start getting more welcome back into wellness and food and recipes.
So today, actually, having Yvonne, who is an amazing chef, actually found a line.
After watching game changers, I decided that I want to learn a little bit more about plant based food about not necessarily vegan but planned basis derived description for what I'm looking for.
We eat a lot of what other families eat like chicken and you know, carbs and sellers, and it's all good.
But I feel like I really wanted to educate myself a little bit more and find, just like easy staples that a lot of families cook in a healthier, more clean ingredients list.
So that's what we're shooting today.
We're gonna shoot three plan face recipes, and, um, you can take the shirt and Stephanie's birthday.
Happy birthday to you.
So how much is too much?
This is enough.
That's work.
And then you just makes it.
Oh, goodness.
So good.
Finished with hats.
And now we're back to the office.
We have a company meeting.
We have a little client brief.
Gary told me not to touch me.
How are you?
Good morning.
Rats and shat Ross and shy today I'm starting a little bit later.
We are shooting a fun little thing.
But I need to leave the house at 1 p.m. Which is so great, because instead, it was so mad Today it's just gonna stay.
And that Janice until 12.
At least not gonna be bothered today until 12 p.m. Or you could be choose today.
Do a dance.
Take dance first.
Okay, Okay.
Just walk over from the office to this studio.
It's not ready yet, but we're shooting some.
I think some content with the new hearing collection.
This slide is not gonna work for me.
We're getting closer to get the car ready.
We painted in.
If we did some other stuff to it, we order the furniture from the design package of God from Hello.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
Okay, Little update.
So we got the wall up.
This is gonna be our look book area.
The next thing is a wallpaper and stuff.
Get all of this.
So and then next, next is here.
If we're doing just here, no one get this is gone.
You don't smell it.
Don't do that.
Way Going, people going upstairs.
You love going upstairs, don't you?
I know you love it.
Where you gonna go?
To Jake and Ben's room.
Thio the reading.
Okay, I have to share it with you guys.
I shared a little bit on Instagram that he knows the ABC because Nori's Supernanny and she got him to ABC.
What letter is this?
But then she also taught him 1 to 10.
His 50 months and he knows numbers 1 to 10.
You're lucky that you have nori this Supernanny.
I have to say I get asked quite often.
How do I motivate myself to get up so early and go to the gym?
And I can't explain the feeling.
Why don't you just stay here?
Camera still move.
I can't explain the feeling of just like tackling this in the morning, and at first it was very, very, very difficult.
But I really, really pushed through days where, like normal people would have given up, like when there's snow storm or minus 30.
But for me was more about really showing up for myself.
I made kind of a pact with myself that I'm not gonna slot when it comes to my health.
For me, it's not about having a nice body.
It's really more about just being healthy and setting a really strong example for my kids.
I'm still young and the way a treatment body today I will leave the benefits like now as well, but also when I'm older.
And once I switched that state of mind off, you know, I just want to be, like, really fit and have a six back to.
I want to be healthy and enjoying life and be vibrant and set an example.
I feel like that's when it became a little bit, is here and accept the fact that it's gonna suck like it sucks.
I'm not looking forward to it, but I know that when I do do it and what I start moving my body and working out and after the workout, I just feel invincible.
So I usually start with a little warm up.
We'll do like a quick walk growing today.
It's gonna be a long hi, Mexico.
Hi, my TV book.
You're so serious.
Get and move on.
Okay, So I stopped by our studio to see the progress we have right now.
People in here just making a few changes.
I wanted to update you guys ensure you what's going on?
So we build a wall here to make it more of a usable space for look books.
And this morning, so pretty some molding.
Ka ching waits, carting.
Do you like it?
And then there's something really cool happening in the bathroom.
When we lived here, I did this like Mosaic, Swarovski, something.
I showed you guys, but we decided to take it out and heard a really cool kind of design.
The cool part.
I can't show you right now, because there haven't started doing it yet.
But in the creases, like between the panels, it's gonna be this like pinkish brown color.
It's gonna look beautiful.
I can't wait to show it and we're gonna start ordering the furniture way are doing a special video with my mama Victoria.
The great challenge is basically she does my make up.
She has a different interpretation of the way I should look and I have a different I think she should look like, so divided.
Oh my God, Wow!
At the school in religious, That's it.
I deal with the classiness moral 90 kind of you.
Thank you so much for joining us for a week With Black will be having an amazing Sunday to check out first time ice skating.
Apparently goals, old parenting failure.