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the band play heavy metal when you came out.
Okay, Here it is time for bridge Rock out.
So much to talk about First, Will you teach history of French society at Cornell?
So how did you get into bread?
How did that happen?
Well bred.
Is that the center of the social experience?
It's it's It's what keeps people together.
It's what it's what enables people to survive.
So if you want to understand the mysteries of how a society can survive over a long period of time, bread is a terrific point of entry.
Brad is sort of where we all come together is people.
We all enjoy bread.
We break bread and we exchange, bred and bred binds us.
Uh, how long?
That was cheap.
How long?
How long have you been studying, Brad?
Probably close to 40 years now.
40 years you've been studying bread.
Where did U S 0 19 sixties started in the sixties and I went to do my dissertation and I discovered that to write convincingly about bread, I needed to learn how to be a baker.
So I did some training and as a baker and what was arrested.
He was that bread is our live substance.
You make it every day, and it's it's it's It's very vai.
Vast city makes it difficult to control.
And making bread is pretty much like a sexual act.
It involves Oh, my God, it involves.
It involves in so away.
Is it a sexual One?
Inseminate the flower with a fermenting agent.
One mounts the flower to need.
How do you make bread swells?
Has a gestational period.
Bread swells?
Yes, I mean it minutes.
Something off the experience of reproduction.
Yeah, So it's interesting.
Oh, my God.
All right.
So for you you realize this is a sensual experience, handling bread and and fondling bread.
And then you decided I must know more about we're gonna taste some bread today, is that correct?
And tasting is important because we should not leave tasting to be the monopoly of this snobbish wine Drinkers.
Yes, bridges more democratic.
But it doesn't mean that bird shouldn't be given the same majesty of tasting.
So I think we should place Okay, Good.
Well, here it is eventually, uh, and this is the bread, and that's okay, fellas.
It's fine.
So tell us now.
Yeah, okay.
This is actually Is this all different kinds of bread or I don't travel on planes with this.
Yeah, this will enable us to do some work.
All right.
And what do you want to taste some bread.
We wantto examine five qualities of bread.
The first, the first disappearance.
Bread has to be good to think before.
It's good to eat.
It has to have an architecture that's appealing.
That's not a line that makes us eager to provoke a stroking it.
Theo, you're gonna get us all in trouble.
And it's bread.
This bread is this.
Bread is repugnant.
It's it's why?
What's wrong with this bread?
This bread doesn't look that different from that Red doesn't have.
It doesn't have the indentations slashes.
It doesn't have the kinds of qualities of crust, right?
It's golden nature studies.
You find a spread hideous.
Look at this.
Let's get rid of this bread.
This is even more red.
This'll bread was was big.
Too close to the birth next to it.
We call that bridge that were copulating.
Oh, my God.
Is everything all right?
So police are looking for you by the way, first man's been exposing himself in a bakery window.
Thief, Fellow Chronic nature of Brady is something we shouldn't really be talking about.
Yeah, well, you keep bringing it up.
Isn't that interesting?
Let's we want a section the bread vertically to avoid lacerating its structure of the crumb.
Yeah, here we go.
That's when other words you just slice the bread.
Nice to be doing it like this.
Okay, I guess you're way better way.
Want to feel the surgeon off a guy's er of aromas?
Theo, come on, Catholic.
Squeeze it.
That's good.
That's good bread.
So you want, You know, that smells like Professor.
It smells like bread.
No, that's that is the tautology in which in which non believers are locked into this thing smells.
This smells like it smells like butter.
Okay, like, it smells like hazelnut angel night.
It snows.
It smells like winter vegetables.
It has even a little bit of butter.
Scotch into the crust is caramelized, and the older from the crust migrates to the crumb.
This is a wonderful bread and look at the structure of a crime.
It has these little sites of memory these holes of different sizes, which testifies to a good fermentation.
It has a sensuality to it.
It's the camera's over there.
It's not anorexic.
Its flesh is flesh.
Yeah, When you press it, it springs back.
When you poke it This way.
It resonates.
Yes, it has.
It appeals to the site.
It appeals to the sound.
You feel it?
Cracking, which gives it.
How many restaurants have been thrown out of recent comes brings you the bread you're poking and prodding and mounting and thrust.
Yes, I have my bread in my briefcase.
If the brain is a piece of the way Keith Olbermann is showing dirty cards were raping bread.
This is Do we ever Okay, we've smelled the bread.
We've poked the bread.
We've We've fondled the bread and stroke the bread.
Are we gonna taste some bread at some point?
If you acknowledge the fact that it's tactile and the fact that you don't need to have a fork, then we could give you a piece to taste.
Can I have what you just were rubbing that for this one right here?
No problem, because this one right here, Yeah.
Is this one.
By your standards, you like this.
Now you want me to eat that?
One can have a technology.
It's immunology is filled with chronology.
Has no theology, so a Catholic shouldn't be worried about.
Okay, So it has a nice smile field.
It doesn't.
It's not offensive.
It doesn't attack too aggressively.
It has a taste, which is nothing and pleasant.
This is This is good.
No, it's good bread.
It's How much have you eaten?
I go out, I wonder bread.
I imagine Suddenly you don't like Wonder Bread.
How much wrong with Wonder Bread?
It's tasteless.
It's insipid.
It's without any interest in has no crusted as a criminal charge with chemicals.
While should I like wonder bread ever sponsor on the show job?
It is, Theo.
You're in something.
Some of the best bread ever made.
Um, now I'm so you You eat a lot of bread.
Then you must.
When you're tasting bread, you must eat pounds and pounds of bread.
Do not You don't No excuses.
I spit on.
You know what?
They're in the great taxonomy of things.
There are swallowers and I guess that would make me a swallow.
This segment airs tonight.
I'll be very surprised.
Well, the book looks innocent enough.
Looks like it wouldn't need a brown wrapper over it.
Considerable labor?
Yes, Another sexual image.
What ever labor going into labor.
Oh, my God.
Okay, you keep going.
I'm trying to get us out of here before the cops show up.
Professor, the book is called Good Bread is back and very entertaining.
Talking to you, Steven Kaplan, so much.