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you go today we are going drifting for a special reason.
I am starting a website which I think you guys may know at this point I'm trying to get excited.
I'm excited.
Basically, as you guys know, I've been drifting and reselling stuff for a while now, but as like oh God, this exposure.
But as I've been telling more and more stuff and as my channels grown, I thought it would be time to take the next step.
For me, that means starting a website.
That's where they're always taking out the recycling.
Well, I'm trying to fill what I was thinking about how I wanted to do it.
I remembered that I had built a website with Spurs face over winter break just for my portfolio site.
For those of you guys got this exposure again.
For those of you who don't know, I'm also a film student.
So I just needed a website to show off all of my work and stuff.
Really work with the camera, work with me.
So basically I know your space and I was like, Hey, do you wanna help me build this website?
And they were like, Yeah, let's do it.
You guys hear about scores from so many YouTubers.
But honestly, you two thank you to them for making this whole website and the studio possible.
I'm just gonna set this camera down because I feel like I am not a great longer, But the first step in this process is gonna be gonna go drifting.
Oh, God.
But you're gonna hit the drifting round today, and hopefully we'll find some country radio.
I just realized I forgot my wallet.
So we gotta head back, okay?
I love country, but this song is It's different for girls.
And this long, it's an actual sexist ass, even though it's so catchy.
But it's so sexist.
So I gotta hate it.
Everything ruined by being a feminist.
I don't worry about tomorrow.
Still drinking from the bottle.
I know my time is Barbara.
Spend it all right.
Now, I don't have enough Feel it.
I live for the week waiting for that either.
I want it All right now, guys.
It is the Wednesday before I'm supposed to launch the site.
I have hardly built any of the site, and I haven't shot any of the clothes that are supposed to be on it.
Currently, they're all sitting on the bed right over here.
I spent about $300 on stock for my online store.
I spent like $150 at one thrift store, and I was a little bit scared.
But you know what they say.
You gotta spend money to make money or spend money to lose money because nobody wants to buy your damn clothing.
Ashley, I have been freaking out a little bit all week because I have a lot of work to do.
I haven't filmed the thrift hall that's supposed to come out next Thursday with the announcement, either.
I am a ton of videos that it for my side job.
I had a shoot for my editing class, and I'm on my period as well.
So you know things are great, But if there's one thing I d'oh, it's me.
My deadlines just barely.
I've also just been so tired and in like a whole slump this week that this morning I drank about six cups of black tea, and now I can't stand still without my legs shaking.
So that's good.
At about two hours before my roommates come home I'm just gonna shoot as many of these outfits as possible.
Okay, so I have to put this down arms shaking because I'm so caffeinated.
So I've already cleaned up my room, the cleanest it has probably ever been.
In several months I've done my hair and makeup, but before I start, I have a separate pile of items that I need to cross for.
I'm thinking of cropping still try those on now and crop anything that I d'oh.
A lot of guys ask about how I cross things, and basically my process is folding up the shirt, too.
About the length that I think it would be good cropped and I can kind of visualize the place.
And then I just take a safety pin and put it along the bottom where I want them to have to be.
So now is the most exciting, but also the most nerve wracking part.
Even though I've been filming with this camera for around six months now, I always get really, really nervous whenever I upload it to my computer.
Everything looks so nice on this little tiny like to buy three inch display, but when I actually put it on my computer.
Sometimes it looks like a complete ass.
So let's see.
I've got my old computer friend here.
I actually edit all my videos off this hard drive because around a year ago, my tea kettle, which happened to be on my desk with my computer because I'm an idiot, exploded all over my computer, like, literally just leaked all of its contents all over the keyboard.
And I just turned off my laptop and let it dry for a couple of days, and it works completely fine.
So I thought I got away with it.
But recently it's been glitch ing like all over the place.
And one time when I was editing my makeup tutorial, it just randomly deleted like an hour's worth of editing, where the only thing more painstaking that editing a video is editing the exact same thing all over again.
So ever since then, I've just been working off his hard drive, backing everything up on my computer and waiting for it to give in and die one day, just like the rest of us.
Okay, so I went ahead and imported everything and just all first glance, it looks pretty good right now, everything is sideways, and I haven't really shot a whole lot in this vertical format before.
But what I think I'm gonna dio is create a new project and final cut with vertical dimensions.
I'm just gonna take the normal horizontal dimensions and flip them and I'm gonna rotate my video inside my project.
So the lighting on this looks pretty good, but I'm just gonna do a little bit of color correction, so it turns out a little bit brighter.
Since the background of my website is white, I'm gonna try to get my background as close toe white as possible without looking super process.
Okay, so I just went through and exported all of my photos.
And now because I want to make this, that's complicated for myself as possible.
I'm just gonna air drop everything to my phone and on my phone.
I'm going to filter all of the photos in disc.
Honestly, I'm not sure if this step is necessary or sustainable.
Once I put more products on the website, what photo quality is like, really important to me, especially because there's no brand name associated with the stuff that I'm selling.
The visuals are so so important to make it look good.
And also, I'm just like feeding for that aesthetic, So ignoring my actually disgusting.
Come here We are in viscose is what the photo looks like after I just did some initial color correction in final cut and sew in Visco.
Ah, used height beast, too.
In case you guys are wondering, this is also the filter that I used on all of my instagram photos.
I don't know.
This is such a godsend.
It's not one of the original ones that comes with this.
You have to go into the store and downloaded.
It is free, which is good, but I refused to do enough purchases, so I just take that and smack a little bit of it.
And now that I have all my editing photos of an air, drop them back to my computer and then we're gonna put them on squarespace way, get crack a lacking on this website building.
I am running right now.
I'm running off like a spicy three hours of sleep.
So I apologize in this segment of the video.
I was up to look for him last night and I haven't done that since I was in high school.
Things were getting like real wild by the end there, too.
I was like making out phrases and Japanese in my head, which in retrospect is a little bit weird and racist.
But here I am now, thanks to my superb time management skills.
I only have a couple days before the website launch, and I haven't really done much on the site at all.
I'm hoping that I'll be able to get a good chunk of the work done today.
I'm one of those, like, really neurotic people that wants things to look exactly how I want them to look.
But I also get really overwhelmed by too many choices, so hopefully being able to start out with a template will give me kind of like the base.
And then I could just put my finishing touches on it, and I won't have like an existential crisis halfway through.
But that's always a distinct possibility.
Welcome to the only other angle of my desk that doesn't show what a disaster the bathroom is over there.
So pretty much the only thing that I've looked at so far is the template squarespace has, like, a shit ton of templates to start with an old their sample sites, like fucking beautiful.
The main thing that help me narrow it down is that I knew that I wanted a template that had navigation access.
As you scroll through the page from the online store ones, I haven't narrowed down Thio either supply or indigo.
The main advantage for supply is that the navigation, so like the sections like dresses and tops and skirts would all be available at the side of the browser, which I think is, like, super duper handy.
But I don't really like where the logo is placed for the other template into go.
I really liked that as you school down.
Like, the logo does this transparent overlay with the rest of the images, which I think looks really cool and professional.
Okay, I feel like I'm leaning towards Indigo right now.
This is I'm incredibly indecisive.
Which is why this process is, like, so painstaking.
Okay, let's give this one a shot.
I guess this is how professional decision making works.
I feel that the main big decision for me is gonna be how in one of brand my website, since I do want the website to be called the same thing as my channel or it's gonna be best dressed store because somebody already bought the domain.
Best dressed kinda wanna go for some type of consistent branding?
Okay, Title font.
Let's see.
Oh, my God.
Okay, there are so many funds.
I kind of like something that's cursive, but like a good hand written looking cursive and not one that super cheesy.
I kind of like this one, but I'm kind of on the fence about it cause I think it might look really cheesy, but it also kind of gives me, like, really funky in your face of retro vibes, which I like.
Another issue with branding, which is like my own fault is that my YouTube doesn't have, like, a super consistent font that I use all the time, my videos.
I use this special to de font in order to get my little like on screen texts.
But sometimes I do handwriting.
And then normally in my film nails, I use aerial and italics, but with extra turning so I could give that a shot as well.
You know, that doesn't look that I like it.
Color is gonna be important, but that is also a lot easier branding mind.
I still really like that, like, light, dusty pink that I use on my windscreen and on the cover page for my channel.
So I think I'm just gonna stick to that.
It shouldn't be too hard to recreate in square space and hopefully, that way everything will be really nice and consistent.
It is Day two of trying to shoot all these outfits.
I'm slowly starting to realize that it may not physically be possible to model everything in the time that I have left, but I'm gonna try my best.
I've sorted out everything that was on my bed, as you can see.
So this is the stuff that I shot.
This is the stuff that I still have left to shoot.
Honestly, we're about halfway through.
It could be worried.
I'll show you what I have on the website so far.
So here's what it looks like right now, guys.
I have to say my photography could be better like this.
This looks a little bit amateur, but it isn't really exciting.
This is the most professional looking thing that I've ever made.
When I was cropping the photos, I originally thought it was going to look really weird that I had this kind of line in the background between the super overexposed wall and then the shadow.
But I kind of like how it looked because, like, this part blends in with the background of the site.
So it kind of I don't know.
I think it has a cool effect.
Although the photos aren't that consistent, I'm just gonna continue with the same setup from yesterday and try my best to get these photos up on the Web site in time.
Wish me looks.
So today is the day of the website launch.
I just posted the thrift call announcing my website a couple hours ago.
I just, like, literally rolled out of bed in the morning to do it and then, like, sprinted to class and still managed to be late.
But all my lecture I was reloading my YouTube comments and looking at all the nice things that you guys said.
Thank you so much for being so supportive.
Especially while I have sponsors and stuff too.
You guys are so nice about it.
So a few updates for today.
When I came home, I already saw that I had, like, five meals from you guys from the site contact before.
The 1st 1 that I noticed was somebody telling me that my checkout page literally wasn't open yet because, like an idiot, I somehow assumed that squarespace would like automatically accept sales for you and you could set up your bank account.
Information later is something, even though that is evidently not the case.
So I had to really quickly set up all my payment information, and then I got check out rolling and pretty much within, like one minute of me setting up the checkout page two of my items already sold.
I don't know why I'm so excited about this.
Like I know.
Technically, it's the same thing as selling something off posh Marco Macari.
It feels really good that it's like on my own platform and knowing that you guys came out especially to buy my stuff.
I don't know.
It's really exciting, and it makes me feel like a really legit human.
For some reason, guys gonna open my laptop to show you, but it has run out of battery, everything in my life is running out of battery all the time, including me.
I need to sleep because this entire week I've slept maybe like, five hours a night.
Okay, I'm gonna go sleep now.
So today is Monday, February 26.
It's about a week and 1/2 since I want the website.
So since the launch, everything has run pretty smoothly.
I've gotten 16 orders so far.
You should actually be a super religious about logging all of my like item costs and shipping costs and fees involved.
But I kind of lost track of that at this point because I did buy so much stock for this website, and I haven't had time to go back and keep track of all of it.
So I'm just running on good faith here.
All in all, as I hope this video has shown, you guys are a lot of things to take into consideration when you're starting a business even when it seems relatively simple, like drifting and reselling close.
It's really not like a get rich scheme at all.
If anything, I'm probably making around minimum wage doing this, but at least it's something I enjoy.
If you guys have any more like specific business related questions that I could answer.
Leave them in the comments below or like G m e on insta if it's a more personal question and I'll do my best to answer them.
At the end of the day, I will say that the Web design part was actually probably one of the easiest things in this whole process.
So here's the part of the video that you've been waiting for.
If you guys do need ah website, where domain or you want to start an online store or make a portfolio site like I did for my films, please consider using square space.
There is a code link below.
Or you could just type in the code best dress and you could get 10% off.
That is all for this video.
I think.
I hope that helps you guys if you guys are interested in starting a business or if you just wanted to, like, watch me drop around hope it also served a purpose for you.