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  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.

  • Now, if you have Facebook, then you've more than likely come across the Facebook marketplace the integrated buying and selling site that a lot of people post their unwanted sometimes junk on.

  • Now, I've had mixed experiences with this.

  • I've bought a few PC parts from there in the past, some of which have turned out to be the real deal on dhe.

  • Some I've got for a pretty decent price, but other times I've bean ripped off all that side.

  • And when I saw this PC on there, I decided I just I had to have it, considering it looks quite decent spec wise.

  • Now, this was listed as coming with an eye five genetics 7 70 as well as a one terabyte hard drive, all for the grand sum off £120.

  • Roughly 150 U.

  • S.

  • Dollars now expected to have to killing it up a little bit, as you normally do with used peces or components.

  • But I was more than happy to pay this asking price.

  • However, things took a pretty dramatic and hectic turn.

  • It seems that everybody was after this PC on the cellar kept messaging me saying, Oh, I've got someone else offering me this.

  • Someone else's offered me this.

  • Can you come and pick out first?

  • Because if you can, you can have it literally.

  • There was a long waiting list for this system because as soon as someone spots a bargain on there, everyone jumps on it.

  • And I thought, Right, I've got to get this thing.

  • So I jumped in my car, drove a couple of towns over which in the U.

  • K.

  • Means about 30 minutes.

  • So nothing significant on dhe.

  • I picked it up.

  • I ended up paying £150 because someone said they would match the asking price.

  • And I thought, You know what?

  • I'll slip him an extra 10.

  • I went on there.

  • Now, as far as the base expects were concerned, I knew that there was another five processor in here.

  • Eight gigs of Ram and a Jew text 7 70 from the pictures.

  • What?

  • I didn't know, though.

  • Waas.

  • What?

  • The exact specs were what the other items like the motherboard, the P S U on the hard drive make waas, for example.

  • So when we got home.

  • It was time to slide, open the case and see exactly what was inside.

  • But first, as you can imagine, this system needed a little bit off a clean up, so the first thing to do was to determine the specifications of this machine.

  • The case is a good place to start, as it seems to be a bit Fenix prodigy and I text enclosure used in this case by PC Specialist.

  • This one's seen better days.

  • It's got a few blemishes here and there, and one of the handles has snapped off of the screw, so it's a little loose.

  • It's also very dusty, but to be honest, most secondhand peces I buy are on a bit of Don't never put me off.

  • I wanted to take a little peek inside first, so I attempted to take the top mesh part off here.

  • As you can see on it took me a lot longer than it should have.

  • I do like the design and shape of this system and the way that everything sits inside here, but it will only accommodate I t X motherboards from what I understand, and it seems a little fiddly toe work on But to be honest, if you're not always swapping out your PC specs like me, then this won't be a massive issue.

  • Opening up the case one handed also proved to be quite the challenge.

  • But I was excited to get an idea of the full specifications, as well as the overall condition of this machine, both inside and out.

  • The first thing you'll notice is the palate Duty X 7 70 It seems the spider had at one point decided to make this one.

  • It's home, and I don't blame it, because the triple found design of this card provides the perfect call airflow during the warm summer months, I was also surprised to see an SSD hiding around the back here because I had read there was one terabyte of storage, but not a separate, dedicated arrest, dr, which was a nice bonus.

  • It's a Kingston one, too, which is pretty cool.

  • I turned it on to test it in.

  • During this time, I discovered that the full specifications are as follows.

  • An intel core I 5 46 70 k eight gigs of 1600 megahertz, hyper ex DDR three, a one terabyte Satur hard drive with the aforementioned 120 gig s s D a DVD drive the bit Fenix I t X case And, of course, the palate 7 70 which is the two gig version.

  • Oh, on a course lvs 6 50 which is a questionable unit and finds itself in the second to last year of my go to P s you quality list over at Linus Tech Tips, an IOC 19 inch monitor was also included in the price.

  • As you can see, I disassembled the whole system to clean it up on.

  • This gave me a better chance to see how the case looked inside.

  • It's a very aesthetically pleasing chassis, and you ever get the feeling you're being watched anyway, The fans of the 7 70 should give you an idea of the dust that had built out over the years, not just here, but across all the components.

  • After spending about three hours outside, this PC was looking pretty tidy.

  • I've also removed the dust filters that sat behind the front and the top mesh because they were too far gone to clean.

  • And this is okay to do.

  • If you don't mind dusting your system a little more often.

  • I certainly don't.

  • In fact, I find it pretty fun.

  • Is that just may?

  • I'm really happy with the over welcome here.

  • But the next step is to see how well these specs work together when it comes to running new games.

  • First things first, though, and it was time to test the processes performance.

  • I've had numerous forums regarding the 46 70 Kay's abilities even today, with some people discouraging others from upgrading just yet, as this thing is apparently still quite capable.

  • In the multi corps test, it found itself sitting between the older I 5 34 50 on an eye 7 37 70 about 100 points either way.

  • Actually, I'm sure there's closer competitors out there, but these are the only examples I have access to.

  • To compare it with.

  • You can see a modern forecourt, a thread CPU, like the rise in 5 1400 pulls ahead.

  • The single thread would result is more interesting, though, because this is where performance exceeds the modern horizon.

  • It's not a massive difference, but it does mean the 46 70 k should still be a decent gamer, and that's not taking into consideration the fact that this can also be over clocked thanks to the K in the title.

  • As we move on to games, you'll see it's the graphics card in this build that lets it down.

  • The 7 70 was once a fantastic choice, like many cards, in fact, but it just doesn't seem to have aged well.

  • It's essentially a refresh of a 6 80 with faster memory, but like the more powerful 7 80 it falls short in some modern instances.

  • Maybe it's because in video don't care about Kepler enough anymore to optimize drivers for it.

  • Or maybe it's the architecture itself.

  • Furthermore, it might be the two gigs of Vero.

  • Whatever is 7 70 isn't a GPU I'd recommend anymore.

  • Okay, it depends on the price and the circumstances.

  • But let's say that in a large, open sea of used graphics cards, there are better choices swimming around out there at a similar price point that will offer more performance.

  • Nonetheless, let's talk about that performance in Apex legends.

  • The card was running at 99% usage as we played a 10 80 p.

  • With a mixture of settings, you'll see more than 60 frames per second if you drop the render resolution.

  • But this will, of course, make things look a bit blurry.

  • The full native 10 80 p experience will mean a return of 45 F.

  • P.

  • S on average.

  • This average was determined over the course of one game.

  • One thing I was pleased to see was that there were no significant status all framed drops during this game play.

  • So it's not a bad experience as long as you don't decide to turnings upto high in Battlefield five, I played the opening introductory mission hit a few times over to see a similar average tow apex at Medium.

  • The graphics card run about 99% usage most of the time, but there were some cases where the process sir would touch 100.

  • It's not surprising, considering that this has just for threats.

  • Now that's not bad.

  • I'm not saying oh, just four threads.

  • But in a game like this, that seems to be very cbu dependent.

  • It will mean you'll be bottlenecked in some situations.

  • If you were to pair the 46 70 k with a more powerful graphics card, it's still a pretty good looking game, but it's not gonna get any prettier with this combination of parts without us having to make some pretty big performance sacrifices.

  • Remember, each level will differ with regards to F.

  • P s Far Cry five a 10 80 p normal, so return of 40 frames per second.

  • You can see here that the CPU and GPU often running at 199% respectively.

  • But you be.

  • Subtitles tend to do this to processes, and I remember when I first tried running Assassin's Creed or to see on my eye 5 44 60 a while back, only to find that I was getting some pretty bad stuttering.

  • Just like that CPU.

  • This has four cause and threads.

  • And just like Assassin's creed, Far Cry five is an ubi soft title.

  • I reiterate that because you'll tend to see higher CPU usage, or at least I do.

  • I found six core rise and processes tend to be the sweet spot for a nice 60 FBS experience.

  • Fortnight, however, were unjust.

  • Fine.

  • High settings were easily doable, but I was using medium here.

  • Apparently, I was having Internet travels according to the game, so it crushed back to the lobby after about a minute.

  • This happened every time I tested it with these parts, which was weird, especially considering it didn't happen with my main PC.

  • But in the very short time I played it, I can tell you that you will get at least 60 frames per second with medium settings or even high.

  • My game play was cut short, so I didn't want to put any figures up on screen regarding averages etcetera, because they might not have been entirely accurate.

  • Any I 5 46 70 k or 7 70 owners and Fortnight fans out there need not worry, though, if you want to play this one because you'll have a great time.

  • This system loves average frame rates around 40.

  • I'll tell you that much because in just calls for the average frame rate came back his 41.

  • This game tends to be more reliant on a decent graphics card, and you'll see by the figures in the top left corner that are.

  • I five wasn't really being pushed all that much, whereas the 7 70 was working very hard to produce playable figures.

  • This takes place on a massive map, so you'll see variations here and there.

  • But honestly, it was quite a smooth experience.

  • And this is the title that will really enjoy the company of an eye five to play on.

  • But what it will like more is a powerful mid range graphics card, like a 10 60 or Rx 5 80 met.

  • Your exodus ran to, which was a surprise, considering how good it looks.

  • But just like I said in my last video, the developers have seemingly tried to be very inclusive about PC specs with their minimum requirements stating and I 5 44 40 Onda GTX 6 70 When we remember that the 7 70 is essentially a 6 80 refresh, it makes me wonder just how well those minimums specs would do here, though, the average was okay.

  • But during this opening level, the frame time was all over the place, an unsteady frame time Willie to stutters, and in this case, there were quite a few.

  • What's interesting is that after a while, the car seemed to just give up and started running the game at 16 frames per second.

  • For awhile toward the end of my test, I'm sure this would have picked up again, but the game it's sort of all over the place.

  • After going back and capping it to 30 during this level, it seemed to fix things a bit, so that may be worth trying if your game is jumping all over the place like mine.

  • Finally, I decided 30 FBS was a more realistic target for shadow of the Tomb Raider, and this was certainly achievable with the medium sittings a 10 80 p.

  • The I five will jump to 100% usage in some cases, but it won't stay there long, and it's the graphics card that struggles Maur.

  • As is the case most of the time, I think that if you cap the frame rate, it will be a smoother overall experience to conclude.

  • I think this PC was priced pretty well, not taking just the CPU and GPU into consideration.

  • But the other components like the case as well, which can still retail of upwards of £70.

  • Here in the UK the I five, I think, really needs a chance to shine on its own.

  • Preparing this with a more powerful card would still give you pretty decent results.

  • If you're shopping around on the used market and want something reasonably priced and over clickable.

  • Speaking of what track didn't do that here because the GPU would've still limited performance.

  • But I'll be testing the true power of this process in a later video.

  • For now, though, well, I hope you've enjoyed seeing my Facebook find PC in action.

  • If you did leave a like on this video, if you didn't leave a dislike on it, subscribe to the channel.

  • If you haven't done so already, let me know if you run with either of these components in your PC.

  • Ondas always.

  • I hope to see you all in the next one.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.


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私は£150を買った ($200) FacebookからゲームのPC - しかし、内部には何があるのですか? (I Bought a £150 ($200) Gaming PC From Facebook - But What's Inside?)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日