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  • Hello everybody welcome once again to yet another brand new lesson on Let’s Talk and

  • I’m your new trainer Alisha and of course before we begin I know what you have to do

  • and you already are probably doing it, subscribe to our channel and do click on the bell icon.

  • So what do I have today for you? Today I want to share my top six tips to improve your vocabulary

  • in English and you must be wondering, what is vocabulary, and why is it essential to

  • improve it? Well vocabulary simply means, the collection of words. What kind of words

  • do you use and why is it important? Well we do a lot of work every day in English, it

  • can be oral work, which is verbal conversation or work that you write, writing maybe an email

  • at work or ummjob application for different avenues. So imagine if you have a good vocabulary,

  • it will become the most impressive trait of you as a communicator. And moreover a good

  • vocabulary gives you the chance to express yourself in the best possible manner. Well

  • I'm gonna give you the top essentials to have a great vocabulary. Let's go to the board,

  • I'm sure you're looking at this and you're saying oh my god, ‘readagain? Well I

  • want to substitute that for you, you can choose toread’, ‘listenorwatch’.

  • Reading is by far one of the best ways to expose yourself to new words and I know some

  • of us may not have the time or the inclination to read. Well I know but all of us to watch

  • our favorite movie. Go watch your favorite movie or your favorite TV serial and play

  • very close attention to the subtitles below. The subtitles will leave you with the word

  • that you perhaps don't know. ‘Listen’, listen to an interview of your favorite movie

  • star or your favorite sports person. You are likely to come across words that you do not

  • know and when it comes to reading, read whatever you like, maybe a fashion magazine or an article

  • on health. ‘Reading’, ‘listeningandwatchingwill expose you to words

  • that you're not familiar with and then what you do next? But before that let me share

  • with you how I learned a new word while I was watching my favorite movie, so I was once

  • watching my favorite movie on TV and I came across a word, ‘precarious’… how do

  • you spell it? pre-cari-ous and I had no idea what it means, but i quickly

  • went to my dictionary and I learned precarious means something which is likely to collapse

  • very, very soon. So there you go, I watched a movie, and I learned a new word. Dictionary,

  • it's critical, it must be your best friend if you want to have a better vocabulary. Because

  • every new word that you're exposed to will have to be learned, you will have to understand

  • the definition and the meaning of the word and keeping a dictionary handy will help you

  • to do that. There are various types of dictionaries available. An online dictionary like a thesaurus,

  • thesaurusit's an online dictionary. Remember it also has antonyms and synonyms and there

  • you go, you know the word you also will get a sentence in which the word has been implemented

  • and you will have the antonyms and the synonyms of the word. The next one that I have for

  • you, is to keep a journal. Keeping a journal is basically collecting the words that you

  • have learnt. Your journal must have thewordwith the meaning of the word in simple English

  • and preferably a sentence with that word. So let me demonstrate an example, so when

  • I learned the word, ‘abysmal’, it is spelt asabysmal’… abysmal means something

  • extremely appalling, terrible, horrible and I wrote the meaning of the word next to it,

  • which is say, horrible and then I made a sentence out of it, so let me give you a sentence which

  • is extremely relevant to us, ‘the traffic sometimes here gets abysmal’… I'm sure

  • you agree with that. So keep a journal it'll be an inventory of all the words that you

  • have learned with the meaning of the word next to it in simple English and of course

  • a sentence, so you'll never forget the meaning of the word. Okay, what is to learn a word

  • a day? Learning a new word every day is essential because that is going to help you to improve

  • your vocabulary. We also have a channel calledDaily Video Vocabularyand the link

  • for that channel is somewhere here, you need to click on that link because that's going

  • to take you to our channel. This channel provides you with one word every day and guess what,

  • you'll have ten sentences with that very same word. So there you go we're gonna help you

  • again to improve your vocabulary. Now how do you learn a word a day? You've got to have

  • the hunger to do that, like I said, go read an article, watch would you like, read something,

  • listen and if you get a word that you don't know about, go and figure it out and of course

  • please come to our channel and subscribe. So let me share an example how I learned a

  • new word. I heard my teacher saying you need toenunciateclearly and I didn't know

  • what does it mean and then I figured it out enunciation meaning pronouncing or saying

  • something clearly, let me write that word for you, e-nun-ciate, so there you go, one

  • word a day. And then of course, play games. Who said learning English is boring. It can

  • be a lot of fun. Remember how in school used to play a game calledname, place animal

  • and thing”, so where you would be given a letter and you got to make a name out of

  • it, an animal, a place and a thingso a game which is going to help you improve your

  • vocabulary. Another game can beScrabble’, ‘crossword’… participate in all the

  • crosswords in the newspapers and it's going to take your vocabulary to the next level.

  • And of course engage in conversations. Insist in having conversations completely in English.

  • Researchers have proven that, children surrounded with people speaking English are more likely

  • to pick up the language and were no different, if we constantly practice and engage ourselves

  • in conversations in a language that we want to be proficient in, we're going to do better.

  • So alright friends I'm very, very happy to share my tips with you. These are tips that

  • I practice every day and they work for me and I'm sure they're gonna work for you as

  • well. Alright, so let's do a quick recap to ensure we understand these tips, the first

  • one being, ‘read’, ‘listen, orwatch’… amalgamate, do what suits you, but go ahead

  • and do these things. ‘Dictionary’, your dictionary should be your best friend, use

  • an online dictionary or use an electronic dictionary but that should be handy. ‘Keep

  • a journal’, make a list of all the new words that you have learnt and you'll be amused

  • at the number of words that you've learnt in just a week. Andlearn a word a day’,

  • learning a new word a day and of course the channel that we have for you is one of the

  • best tools that you can make the most of. ‘Play games”, I told you learning English

  • is extremely, funny because it's a lot of fun and there's a lot of games and activities

  • involved in it, so go ahead play a game. And of course, ‘engage in conversationsbecause

  • that is the implementation and practice of your vocabulary. So with all of these tips

  • that I shared with you I'm thoroughly excited and I know they're gonna add a lot of value

  • to you just as they did it to me. So keep the practice on until next time, be healthy

  • and see you again.

Hello everybody welcome once again to yet another brand new lesson on Let’s Talk and


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英単語を早く増やす6つのコツ|流暢に自信を持って英語を話す (6 Tips To Increase Your English Vocabulary Faster | Speak English Fluently & Confidently)

  • 8 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日