字幕表 動画を再生する
Welcome back, everybody.
I'm sorry.
We're having some technical difficulties.
I guess there's a lot of traffic on the four G signal out here.
Once again, I'm on.
Let me start this all over again because this is the second time I'm explaining this.
I'm on route three at the intersection of route one around three in Central Kumamoto.
And I'm hitchhiking here because I thought this would be the best spot to pick up people going towards Fukuoka.
Um, the Kyushu Highway Expressway is that way.
About 30 20 kilometers.
So everybody who's living in the city is gonna be coming this way.
I've already made the sign I'm gonna put.
Put the camera down here so you can see me.
I'm not sure the signal is going to go, but hopefully we stay live for a while and you could see if somebody picks me up in the next 20 minutes or so.
But here's the sign that I made You could see, says Loca.
It's important.
Have a smile on the matter where you are.
Uh, this isn't the ideal place to hitchhike because you want to be in a spot where cars get stopped.
This red lane you see here that's actually a bus lane.
And when the bus comes, nobody can pulls in here.
But my thinking is if somebody really wants to pick me up, we could pull into the 7 11 here and tap me on the shoulder or let me know I if they could take me to put book or someplace nearby, be really appreciative.
In fact, if you're driving to put Broken how guys, please pick me up and take me to look.
Uh, so I get that before nightfall.
It's 3 p.m. here in.
Okay, let's do this.
My bags down here.
I have a go pro camera here is well, record this later editing.
So wish me luck, everybody.
I won't be able to see your questions.
Makayla eyes, If you're watching this Micaela come down and pick me up because the people are commenting that you live in Fukuoka and that's true.
But I didn't coordinate anything with her.
Let's just survive today, All right, Somebody.
I'm already having problems because of the car coming through.
Now the car is gone.
We're good to go.
We're good to roll, folks.
I don't think the motorbikes could take me right here.
Come the cards For me, it was a little break in the traffic now.
So until the signal turns, I can I can see your questions.
All right, now, I can't.
The signal change.
Here they come.
And the bus took my spot.
Andrew comes another bus.
You could see this isn't the ideal spot to hitchhike.
And there's another bus right there.
But after that, it looks like it's all clear.
Every car that goes by is a potential car that I'm missing the chance to get to ride with.
So excited.
I wonder who's gonna pick me up this time.
Last time it was a really lovely girl.
I think she was.
Such was 24 years old and she worked in Kakashi Much picked me up the day before yesterday.
A guy was working and he picked me up and drop me up here.
All right, we're in the clear.
That car that just went by you could see the number plates.
The license plates has said Fukuoka on it.
Not everyone's going to stop.
Here comes some more traffic.
He apologized for not picking me up.
There's a couple of buses going through.
It's good because if I keep the sign of high, people concede more clearly from a distance that if I hold it down.
But the problem with that is my arms get so tired holding it up, I I'll be okay for about 30 45 minutes and then it gets really, um, really, I got these buses going by.
One more try.
The problem is, I missed about 10 cars that just took a left onto here.
That's so nice that you ever gave me a nice nice about just either respect to our because I'm really silly.
It's hard to tell with right here they come.
Okay, take a break.
The traffic's coming again.
Every single Carla goes by its potential.
Carly could take me to Fukuoka, even this little break in the traffic.
It's so funny to see people's faces when they go by.
Some of the more apologetic.
Some of them are taking pictures of me, some of them going this to apologize.
Some of them are laughing, but most of them are laughing, and that's that.
That's sort of the good side of the hitchhiking thing.
It's entertainment for some of these people just for a second.
Barely coming in.
Your people won't even look at me at all.
Don't totally ignore it because I don't still ignore me and look away like this because they don't wanna feel guilty for not picking me up.
And that's an interesting side cultural thing.
Maybe it's pretty.
It is fun in a way, starting to taste the exhaust.
Maybe the bad side of hitchhiking would never think about how much, you know, exhausted hiking gas were springing it, but part of the risks being on the road.
Here you go.
Hey, did I lose you guys?
All right, Phone still good.
All right, P.
Not yet.
Not yet, folks.
Come on, people, pick me up.
Keep at it.
You could see the other way.
Let me turn you around just for a second.
You can see that's what I'm up against That's what I see.
So every now and then, when the light turns green, all the traffic starts pouring through as well as the buses.
So we're going to keep on going.
Get the fuck loca.
Here they come.
All right.
It's been about 25 minutes.
They're coming again.
Thing is when you really get a fight harder, really hard to make sure that the sunlight is hitting my face.
And the sign?
I don't know if you noticed.
All right.
Live streams going on for a long time.
I don't know whether or not to cut it off.
Let it keep going.
He has seen my misery.
I'm not gonna give up until I get a ride.
Here they come.
Thank you.
It's, I think.
Yeah, Got it.
I think so.
Some really good advice.
Go to the interchange, which is key Wicky interchange.
And there's a higher chance of getting a ride from there.
These people are quite busy.
So, uh, try for a little bit longer, and then I'm gonna goto Ueki.
So thanks for the advice.
I switched from Fukuoka to lucky.
I see.
With the higher possibility of getting a ride from there, tuning in now, hitchhiking to Fukuoka, there was some trouble finding a rides up switch into the energy, which is lucky.
A small break.
So you gotta keep smiling.
The longer it goes, the harder it becomes.
My arms get tired.
You know it's hot out here.
It's about 2023 Celsius or 65 70 degrees.
They get closer.
Just someone could stop in any time.
Right now, I had a feeling.
You know, one of these Spider senses liked England.
Right now it seems like this could be it.
Yeah, I think.
All right.
So we're gonna I'm gonna go to Kumamoto Interchange.
It's about 40 minutes from here.
My job.
Somebody stopped.
Could be Somebody stopped.
All right.
No, Kana.
Maybe not.
Wow, this is awesome!
Hunted up.
Somebody's coming!
Somebody's coming!
What did you Uh Fukuoka Mari Ramos Takeda Wacky interchange of the Modi geologist.
Okay, I got the Wow.
People are so friendly, aren't they?
I mean, he's so me And he pulled into a 7 11 like a thought.
And now he's you too.
This is happening.
Oh, my by a godawful guy.
Uh, Coco Loco Demo.
Look out!
I'm still here.
You got a car junction?
Hey, Kagoshima.
Uh, come, come my whiskey.
Much, huh?
Killed Takatsu kun today for Google your tie or isn't in?
What has token token is America.
Uh, but you could gets calm.
Kagoshima Cloud of Hokkaido my status.
What does she know?
Let me go.
A medical.
You know, I Ohio.
Shoot it today.
I could You might like it.
Don't talk your niece in today.
All right?
Okay, everybody.
Thank you.
On the way to Fukuoka or to Lucky Interchange.
And then from there I can Finally they get so much for hanging in.
Hang in there with me.
This is fun.
See you on the other side and, uh, see it next time I broadcast on the road.
Bye, guys.