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  • What you got here?

  • I got a old movie poster, in 1957,

  • "The Hunchback of Notre Dame."

  • Oh, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," huh?

  • Yeah.

  • And it's about what everybody comes to Vegas for.

  • The big hotels and the casinos, the hotties or the freaks.

  • - Well, this is a church, so-- - [laughs]

  • [church bell chimes]

  • [woman screams]

  • I came to the pawn shop today because I

  • want to sell this old "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"

  • poster that I have.

  • It's got some folds.

  • And it's got a couple of pinholes.

  • But, overall, the color is still pretty good.

  • It's a nice piece for somebody to hang in their home.

  • I don't know a whole lot about the movie, other than I

  • like Gina Lollobrigida. - Yeah.

  • "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" even

  • if you have never seen the movie,

  • you still know what it's about.

  • Let's see, a hunchback named Quasimodo.

  • He was a bell-ringer at the Notre Dame Cathedral.

  • And he fell in love with this beauty right here.

  • I think later on in the movie, she

  • kind of pitied him after he got beat up by this angry mob

  • of people here.

  • Yeah.

  • Let's see what you got here.

  • I know that was made in 1957.

  • And as I look around it's got a little more

  • damage than I first thought.

  • There's a little tear there.

  • There's a tear there.

  • I mean, it's definitely a nice piece

  • and the colors do look good.

  • They're still very bright.

  • So how much are you looking to get for it?

  • I would like to get about 700 for it today.

  • That $700 is going to be way--

  • way out of my price range.

  • Well, what are you thinking your price range is?

  • I'm really looking, you know, at like the $75 range.

  • I've seen these things for go as low as $40.

  • I can't do 75.

  • How about making it 100, so I don't feel like I got

  • beat up all that bad in here today?

  • I really wish I could, man.

  • I really do.

  • I'm going to be firm at $75, man.

  • I don't want to take it home with me.

  • It's too far. All right.

  • So let's do it.

  • $75.

  • It's a deal. - All right.

  • All right. Sold.

  • You can just leave this right here.

  • I didn't get what I wanted today.

  • But I'm going to take it to the Sportsbook,

  • and I'm going to put it on Alabama to win the National

  • Championship next year.

  • Roll Tide.

What you got here?


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A2 初級

ポーン・スターズ。チャムはハード・バーゲンを駆ける (シーズン13) |歴史 (Pawn Stars: CHUM DRIVES A HARD BARGAIN (Season 13) | History)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日