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  • Mao Zedong wan suilive 10,000 years.

    毛沢東、万歳― 1 万年の命なり。

  • In 1966, Mao Zedong had a problem.

    1966 年、毛沢東は問題を抱えていました。

  • The Chinese leader who had led a peasant army to victory in the Chinese Civil War, and established the communist People's Republic of China in 1949, was getting old.

    農民軍を国共内戦勝利へと導き、1949 年に中華人民共和国を建国したこの中国の指導者は、老いてきていました。

  • Worse, his radical policies had devastated the country, and triggered the deadliest famine known to human history.


  • By the early 1960s, Mao's once-great influence and public presence were at an all-time low, and there were rumors that he was dying, or even dead already.

    1960 年代初めまでに、毛がかつて誇った偉大な影響力と社会的存在感は、史上最低にまで落ち込み、彼が瀕死の状態だとか、もう死んだとまで噂されていました。

  • He needed to find a way to seal his legacy as the face of Chinese communism.


  • And a new revolution to lead.


  • It started in a river.


  • -The Great Leap Forward was a disaster. [Chapter one: Mao loses his grip.]


  • It was Mao's 1958 plan to quickly industrialize China by working its massive peasant population nonstop.

    大量の農民をノンストップで働かせることで、中国を急速に工業化させるというのが、毛の 1958 年の計画でした。

  • He promises to transform the People's Republic into an instant paradise through the sheer force of numbers.


  • Forcing workers in the countryside to farm crops on government-run communes.


  • And millions more to manufacture crude steel in homemade blast furnaces.


  • And even though Mao told the world that the plan was succeeding


  • Everywhere, the communists report, production records are being broken.


  • The truth was much more desperate.


  • They flood the fields, exhaust the soil, and farm production instead of going up, goes down.


  • The Chinese people were being forced to work tirelessly on land they once owned themselves and they were starting to lose morale.


  • And despite reports of widespread famine, with millions of people starving to death, Mao kept production quotas high.


  • The pace grows more frantic.


  • Ceaselessly, without rest, one observer writes.


  • "The countryside is in convulsion.".


  • Mao's Great Leap Forward ended in 1962.

    毛の大躍進政策は、1962 年に終わりを迎えました。

  • By that time somewhere between 23 and 55 million people had died in the famine.

    その時までには、飢餓により、2300 ~ 5500 万人が命を落としていました。

  • Over in the Soviet Union, a different political upheaval was happening.


  • Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, who Mao modeled himself after, was dead.


  • And Mao watched as Nikita Krushchev, Stalin's successor, implemented a period known as "de-Stalinization.".


  • Where Krushchev set out to reverse many of Stalin's policies and dismantle the personality cult that had formed around him.


  • Mao saw his own legacy potentially suffering the same fate.


  • His communist revolution was long over, and his ideas weren't taken as seriously after the disaster of the Great Leap Forward.


  • It was starting to look like Mao's place in the pantheon of powerful communist figures, like Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx, was in peril.


  • This is where the river comes in. [Chapter two: the swim.]


  • Mao had a reputation for being a strong swimmer.


  • And even used it as a symbol of his ideology.


  • In 1956, he swam across China's biggest river, the Yangtze, in three highly-publicized swims.

    1956 年、毛は中国最長の川、長江を 3 回にわたって泳ぎ、それは大々的に報道されました。

  • To demonstrate that big things, like U.S. imperialism, didn't intimidate him.


  • 10 years later, Mao took on the Yangtze again, to dispel rumors of his failing health.

    10 年後、毛は健康衰退の噂を払拭すべく、再び長江に挑みました。

  • This time with cheering crowds swimming alongside him.


  • He brought his personal photographer, who snapped this photo of the aging dictator in the river.


  • And another one showing Mao waving to his fellow swimmers, with the landmark Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge behind him.

    もう 1 枚の写真です。毛が、共に泳いだ人たちに向かって手を振っており、彼の後ろには、ランドマークの武漢長江大橋も写っています。

  • An iconic architectural achievement of the communist government, and proof that he was at the Yangtze.


  • The swim made the front page of China's state newspaper, reporting that Mao swam around 15 kilometers, a little more than 9 miles, in a span of 65 minutes.

    この長江水泳は、中国国営新聞の一面に掲載され、毛が 15 km( 9 マイルを少し上回る距離)を、65分で泳いだと報じられました。

  • Which meant the 72-year-old would have shattered world speed records.

    つまり、72 歳が世界記録を打ち破ったことになります。

  • A lot of people outside of China laughed at the outlandish story, but some saw the swim for what it was: a sinister sign.


  • Pointing out that Mao's swims from a decade earlier preceded the catastrophic Great Leap Forward.

    そういった人たちは、10 年前に毛が長江を泳いだ時は、悲惨な大躍進政策に先立っていたことを指摘しました。

  • Experts feared that Mao was on the verge of kicking off another disastrous period of turmoil in China.


  • They were right.


  • Two months before the swim, Mao had announced the beginning of his Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. -[Chapter three: the cultural revolution.]

    長江水泳の 2 か月前、毛は、プロレタリア文化大革命の始まりを宣言していました。[第 3 章:文化革命]

  • A call to hunt down and eliminate the "bourgeoisie who had sneaked into the party.".


  • Basically to purge the government of anyone who strayed from principles of Maoism.


  • And it kicked into high gear after his historic swim.


  • Which prompted a craze for swimming in China, but more importantly, a craze for Mao.


  • Especially among the group that Mao wanted to influence the most: China's youth.


  • Writer Liang Heng recalled that seeing Mao as "human flesh and blood" after the Yangtze swim resolved him to "serve him with all his heart.".


  • Millions of Chinese youth organized into the fanatical Red Guards, a paramilitary force concentrated mostly in Chinese cities.


  • And, with Mao's blessing, they wreaked havoc in the name of Cultural Revolution.


  • Their mission was to destroy the Four Olds.


  • Old culture.


  • Old ideology.


  • Old customs.


  • Old traditionsall of the olds must be destroyed.


  • The idea was basically to tear down the vestiges of imperial China and rewrite history centered around Mao Zedong.


  • Renaming buildings and streets, destroying cultural sites, and violently humiliating, and often torturing and murdering, anyone they accused of opposing Mao's ideas.


  • Which they plastered all over the cities.


  • And carried in their pockets in the form of Mao's Little Red Book, a collection of his sayings and principles.


  • And although the violent Red Guards were basically dissolved by 1969, the Cultural Revolution is considered to have continued until Mao's death in 1976.

    暴力的な紅衛兵は、1969 年に実質解体されましたが、文化革命は、1976 年の毛の死まで継続したと考えられています。

  • Ending a decade of destruction that had elevated the leader to god-like levels.

    そして、指導者を神格化させた、10 年間にわたる破壊状態は終結したのです。

  • And resulted in over one million people dead.

    これにより、100 万人以上が命を落としました。

  • The chaos of the Cultural Revolution scarred China for generations.


  • But Mao basically got what he wanted.


  • Even though the Chinese Communist Party condemned the Cultural Revolution in 1981, and Chinese communism diverted away from Maoism, they didn't denounce Mao himself.

    1981 年、中国共産党は文化革命を糾弾し、中国共産主義は、毛沢東主義からは逸れましたが、毛沢東が非難されることはありませんでした。

  • The Cultural Revolution solidified Mao's cult of personality, and that influence has lasted.


  • Mao's swim, which is still commemorated each year in China, was more than a display of strength.


  • It was a message: to get behind Mao as he began his last revolution.


Mao Zedong wan suilive 10,000 years.

毛沢東、万歳― 1 万年の命なり。

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