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  • Downright apocalyptic images coming out of Australia right now.


  • There are now six fires burning at emergency levels.

    緊急レベルでの火災が、6 件発生しています。

  • The smoke is so intense and so thick, it can be seen from space.


  • 2,000 homes have been destroyed.

    2000 軒の家が焼き尽くされ、

  • Six million hectares of land charred.

    600 万ヘクタールの土地が焼失しました。

  • A staggering toll on the nation's wildlife.


  • This is just heartbreaking.


  • These record-breaking bushfires in Australia have been kicked off by things like lightning strikes, a few cases of arson, and winds.


  • But one of the biggest reasons they've become so extreme is the same reason that East Africa is flooding.


  • Bushfires in Australia are a natural part of the country's ecosystem.


  • Their "fire season" varies across regions.


  • Even New South Wales, the most populous state, is used to blazes breaking out.


  • In 1974, fires burned 3.5 million hectares, and in 2003, another 2 million hectares were lost to fire.

    1974 年には、火事により 350 万ヘクタールが焼失し、2003 年には、さらに 200 万ヘクタールが火事によって失われました。

  • But the fires that started in 2019 are even worse: 4.9 million hectares in New South Wales have burned already, and it's only going to grow.

    しかし、2019 年に始まった火事は、もっと深刻なものなのです。ニューサウスウェールズ州で、490 万ヘクタールがすでに焼き尽くされています。そしてこの数字は、大きくなるばかりです。

  • So, why is this fire season so awful?


  • For starters, as the world is getting warmer from climate change, so is Australia.


  • 2019 was its hottest year on record, with parts of the country reaching 45 degrees Celsius in December.

    2019 年は、オーストラリア史上最も暑い 1 年で、12 月には、セ氏 45 度に達した地域もありました。

  • 2019 was also it's driest

    2019 年はまた、最も乾燥した 1 年でもありました。

  • The places here in gray have seen historic droughts.


  • Together, that provides the perfect conditions for bushfires to start and spread quickly.


  • Throughout the year, other large-scale climate drivers affect Australia's weather, and its likeliness to burn.

    2019 年 1 年を通し、他の大規模な気候変動要素により、オーストラリアの天気や火災の可能性に影響が出ました。

  • But one of the most influential is the Indian Ocean Dipole, or the IOD.

    しかし、最も影響力が大きかった要素の 1 つは、ダイポールモード現象(IOD)です。

  • The IOD is a big temperature gradient that affects the surface water in the Indian Ocean from the edge of Africa to the edge of Australia.

    IOD とは大規模な温度勾配のことで、アフリカの端からオーストラリアの端までのインド洋における地表水に、影響を与えます。

  • Meteorologists have been measuring these temperature shifts for decades in three phases: positive, neutral, and negative.


  • When the IOD is neutral, the surface water in the Indian Ocean is evenly warm.

    IOD が中間の時は、インド洋の地表水は平等な温かさにあります。

  • A negative phase is when winds come in from the west and shift the warm water toward Australia.


  • Warmer water means more evaporation, which means more rain.


  • So, Australia gets more rain than usual, sometimes even floods.


  • But the colder water near East Africa means they get less rain and even drought.


  • A positive phase is what's happening now.


  • It's when the winds come in from the east and shift the warm water towards Africa, which causes flooding there, and drought in Australia.


  • The entire process of shifting water temperatures is natural.


  • But 2019's was extreme.

    しかし、2019 年は極端でした。

  • The positive IOD was one of the strongest on record, with the water temperature difference between Africa and Australia being unusually high.

    2019 年の正の IOD は史上最高レベルで、アフリカとオーストラリアの水温の差が、異常に大きかったのです。

  • Hence, extreme weather in Australia, but also in Africa.


  • The worst flooding in two decades.

    過去 20 年で最悪の洪水です。

  • More than three times their annual rainfall in only four days.

    たった 4 日間で、年間降水量の 3 倍の降雨を観測しました。

  • Scientists believe it's linked to record temperatures in the Indian Ocean.


  • The good news is the IOD is already shifting to neutral, which should bring some much-needed relief to Australia and Africa in early 2020.

    幸いにも、IOD はすでに中間段階に移行しています。そのため、2020 年前半には、オーストラリアとアフリカに、待ち望んでいた安堵が訪れるでしょう。

  • But as the planet continues to warm, some scientists are concerned about how that might affect weather phenomenons like the IOD.

    しかし、地球が温暖化し続ける中、科学者の中には、この温暖化が IOD のような気象現象にどのような影響を与えるか、懸念している人もいます。

  • One study predicts positive IODs, like what we're seeing now, could happen more frequently as global temperatures rise and warm the Indian Ocean.

    ある研究では、世界の気温が上昇してインド洋が温暖化するにつれ、現在目の当たりにしているような、正段階の IOD が、より頻繁に起こる可能性があると予想しています。

  • Combine that with the rising overall temperature of Australia, and these kinds of devastating fires, fueled by unusually dry vegetation, could become the new normal.


Downright apocalyptic images coming out of Australia right now.


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