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  • There's an episode of Friends where Ross and Chandler are checking out of a hotel in Vermont.


  • Could you have some complimentary toiletries sent up to my room?


  • As Ross picks up his suitcase to leave, it bursts open and an avalanche of mini soaps and lotions comes tumbling out.


  • It's admittedly a lot of stuff, but not compared to what's actually left behind in hotel rooms.


  • So what happens to the toiletries that don't fit into Ross' suitcase?


  • Shawn Seipler used to stay in around 150 hotel rooms a year.

    ショーン・セイプラーさんは、以前は年間 150 部屋以上のホテルに泊まっていました。

  • One day, a thought hit him.


  • What happens to all the half-used soaps he leaves behind?


  • When he called the front desk to ask, they told him it all just gets tossed.


  • So in 2009, he started Clean the World out of a one-car garage in Florida.

    そこで、2009 年にフロリダにある 1 台分のガレージを使って Clean the World プロジェクトを始めたのです。

  • With a few friends, some potato peelers, meat grinders, and cookers, Seipler developed a way to recycle used bars of soap into new, sterile ones, which can then be donated to children and families around the world who don't have easy access to soap.


  • That makes them susceptible to diseases like pneumonia and diarrhoea, which kill almost 1.5 million children under five every year but can be prevented by hand washing.

    肺炎や下痢などの病気により、毎年5歳以下の子どもがほぼ 150 万人亡くなっていますが、これは手を洗うことで予防することができるものです。

  • Since 2009, Clean the World has distributed more than 50 million bars of soap to people in 127 countries.

    2009 年以降、Clean the World は 127 ヶ国に 5000 万個以上の石鹸を送り届けてきています。

  • The nonprofit initiative quickly outgrew the garage and now has recycling facilities in Orlando, Las Vegas, Montreal, and Hong Kong.


  • And it works with 8,000 hotel and resort partners, including Walt Disney World Hotels, Marriott, and Hilton.

    そして、Walt Disney World Hotels やマリオット、ヒルトンなどを含む 8000 に渡るホテルリゾートと業務提携をしています。

  • Hilton joined forces with Clean the World in March 2019.

    ヒルトンは 2019 年 3 月に Clean the World と提携を結びました。

  • In its first seven months, Hilton donated 2 million pounds of toiletries, which contributed to 7.6 million bars of recycled soap.

    最初の 7 カ月で、ヒルトンは 200 万ポンドの洗面用具を寄付しましたが、そこからリサイクル石鹸が 760 万個作られました。

  • But how do you clean the thing that does the cleaning?


  • Here's how it works.


  • Starting at the hotel, staff members are trained on the collection and recycling process.


  • Housekeeping collects the used bars and bottles and deposits them in special bins.


  • The bins are then transported to one of Clean the World's recycling facilities.

    その容器は Clean the World のリサイクル施設に移送されます。

  • There the toiletries are sorted by product before entering the first stage of the recycling process.


  • For bar soap, it's first surface cleaned before going through a sterilization process that eliminates all pathogens.


  • The sterilized bars are then ground up and put through a manufacturing line where they're remolded into new bars.


  • Once they're boxed and loaded onto pallets, the bars are distributed to homeless shelters and organizations in the US and to people in need around the world.


  • Hilton has pledged to divert all of its soap from ending up in the trash by 2030.

    ヒルトンは、2030 年までに石鹸の廃棄を完全に回避する方向性を示しています。

  • And Clean the World has kept 20 million pounds of hotel waste from polluting North American landfills since it was founded.

    そして、Clean the World は設立以降北米地域において 2000 万ポンドに当たる量のホテル廃棄物をゴミにすることなく再利用してきました。

  • Some hotels are starting to take a different approach to cutting down waste by eliminating single-use toiletries from their rooms entirely, instead opting for bulk offerings.


  • Clean the World knows that this is a possibility for its hotel partners as well.

    Clean the World としても、提携ホテルがこのアプローチに切り替える可能性があることは十分理解しています。

  • The plan would be to create new "impact products" like hygiene kits and corporate event packages to make up for the potential drop in production and revenue.


  • As of now, Hilton hasn't decided to make the switch from individual to bulk toiletries.


  • So if you're staying in a Hilton hotel or another of Clean the World's partners, don't be like Ross.

    ですから、皆さんがヒルトンや他の Clean the World の提携宿泊施設に泊まったら、ロスみたいなことはしないでください。

  • Instead of taking one, um, I take six.

    1 個だけじゃなくて、えっと、6 個もらっていこっかな。

  • Leave that stuff behind.


  • Your twice-used soaps won't go to waste.

    例え 2 回しか使わなかった石鹸でも、無駄に捨てられることはありませんから。

There's an episode of Friends where Ross and Chandler are checking out of a hotel in Vermont.


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