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  • Hey guys! Welcome to our new series!


  • This one, we're looking at how to get a British accent.


  • I say British accent, but really I mean London.


  • Why London?


  • Because, one, it's my accent, and, two, because, well, let's just say... Harry Potter wasn't from Manchester, and he wouldn't be as cool if he was from Manchester.


  • Apologies to any Mancunians!

  • So, there is a method to these lessons.


  • You must follow the correct sequence of lessons to properly understand and use the British accent correctly.


  • You're ready? Let's go!


  • Today, we're looking at the "Glottal T" and the "True T."

    今日は「声門の T」と「はっきり発音する T」を見ていきます。

  • What are they?


  • Well, I'm sure that you've heard the way that British people pronounce "Water."

    イギリス人が "water" という単語を発音するの、聞いたことがありますよね。

  • There is a T in the middle, but, usually, not always, but usually, British people don't pronounce the T.

    真ん中に T があります。でも通常、いつもではありませんが、イギリス人は、この T を発音しません。

  • We pronounce it like it's stuck in the throat.


  • Like this.


  • Wa'er (water with the glottal T).

    Wa'er (声門の T で "water" を発音)

  • This, it's sometimes represented by an apostrophe.


  • It sounds like the middle of Uh-Oh..

    "Uh-Oh" と言う時の中間みたいな音ですね…

  • It's stuck in the throat. It's called glottal.


  • Obviously, not just in water, in other words...

    もちろん、"water" だけじゃなくて、他の単語もですよ…

  • Bottle can become bo'le (bottle with the glottal T).

    "Bottle" は "Bo'le" となり得ます(声門の T で "bottle" を発音)。

  • So, the T is there when you spell it, but when you say it, it comes a little like bo'le.

    つづる時は T を書きますが、言う時には "bo'le" という感じになるんです。

  • Button could be bu'on (button with the Glottal T).

    "Button" は "bu'on"(声門の T で "button" を発音)。

  • Other words, like great could become grea' (great with the glottal T).

    あとは、"great" は "grea'" となりますね(声門の T で "great" を発音)。

  • And it's very common to hear this, and it's most common with words which end in T.

    これを耳にする機会はすごく多いでしょう。T で終わる単語で、声門の T が最も一般的に使われます。

  • For example : but (bu'), it (i'), that (tha'), not (no').

    例えば、"but (bu')"、"it (i')"、"that (tha')"、"not (no')"です。

  • And all contractions of "not".

    それから、"not" の縮約形。

  • For example : can't (can'), couldn't (couldn'), don't (don'), wouldn't (wouldn'), shouldn't (shouldn'), mustn't (musn').

    例えば、"can't (can')"、"couldn't (couldn')"、"don't (don')"、"wouldn't (wouldn')"、"shouldn't (shouldn')"、"mustn't (musn')" です。

  • A common question is: does this sound informal or stupid?


  • Well, it can if you use it too much.


  • We don't use the glottal T or the true T every single time.

    毎度毎度、声門の T を使ったり、T をはっきり発音したり、ということはしません。

  • What sounds more natural is when you have a mix of the two.

    自然に聞こえるのは、この 2 種類を混ぜた時です。

  • For example, in a sentence like : "A little bit."

    例えば、このような文章。"A little bit."

  • You could pronounce both Ts, but it sounds more natural to use a mix.

    両方の T を発音することもできますが、2 種類を混ぜると、より自然に聞こえます。

  • Like for example: "A li'le bit" (little with the glottal T) or "A li'le bi' "(little and bit with glottal Ts).

    例えば、"A li'le bit"(声門の T で"little"を発音)もしくは、"A li'le bi'"(声門のTで"little"も"bit"も発音)です。

  • Could be both glottal Ts.


  • Could be one glottal T and a true T.

    1 つを声門、もう 1 つをはっきり発音することもできます。

  • It's up to you, and it sounds more natural to mix things up.


  • But, again, you don't want to use this in every single T in the sentence, because, yes that does sound stupid.

    でも再度になりますが、文章の全ての T でこれを使うわけではありません。だってそうすると、バカバカしく聞こえてしまいますからね。

  • There are some words which you should never use the glottal T, because it always sounds stupid, just because it does.

    声門の T を絶対に使うべきではない単語も、いくつかあります。バカバカしく聞こえるので―というのが理由です。

  • For example, like "mountain", we never pronounce it moun'ain (mountain with the glottal T).

    例えば "mountain" という単語は、"moun'ain"(声門のTで "mountain" を発音)とは言いません。

  • It sounds horrible.


  • Same with "hotel".

    "hotel" も同じです。

  • No, we never say ho'el (hotel with the glottal T).

    "ho'el" とは言いません(声門の T で "hotel" を発音)。

  • Never, it's.. it sounds horrible!


  • So, there is your lesson on the glottal T and the true T.

    以上、声門の T とはっきり発音する T のレッスンです。

  • Remember, use it as a mix not always glottal T, not always true T.

    覚えておいてください。2 種類を混ぜて使うことです。常に声門の T を使ったり、常に T をはっきり発音したりするのではありません。

  • Have a mix of them together in the sentence.

    文章では、2 種類を混ぜて使いましょう。

  • That's how you sound more natural.


  • Ok, I'll see you in the next class!


  • "In this word, where is the stress?"


  • "Well, it's in "-lice".

    "-lice" の部分にアクセントがきます。

  • "The stress is here".


Hey guys! Welcome to our new series!


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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