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  • Hi Bob the Canadian here.


  • Welcome to this English lesson.


  • Have you ever had it where someone apologized to you in English or someone said sorry to you in English?


  • And did you know what to say afterwards?


  • Well, in this English lesson I will go over eight different phrases that you can use after somebody apologizes to you, or after they say sorry to you in English.

    今回のレッスンでは、誰かに英語で謝られたり、ゴメンナサイと言われた時に使える 8 つのフレーズを見ていきたいと思います。

  • Well hey, welcome to this little English lesson on what to say after someone apologizes to you in English.


  • If this is your first time here though, don't forget to click that red Subscribe button below, and give me a thumbs up at some point during this video if it's helping you learn just a little bit more English.


  • So, what I'm going to try and do is give you eight different situations where someone might apologize to you.

    さて、今回は誰かに英語で謝られた時に使える 8 つのフレーズを見ていきたいと思います。

  • And then give you the best phrase I think that you should use in that situation.


  • The first example would be if someone forgets your birthday.


  • Maybe your birthday is on July 1st, and it is now July 2nd, and your brother has not phoned you to say happy birthday to you.

    誕生日は7月1日だったのに、今日は 7 月 2 日で、お兄ちゃんが電話をして誕生日おめでとうのメッセージをくれなかったとしましょう。

  • Maybe on July 2nd the phone rings and it's your brother.

    そうしたら 2 日にお兄ちゃんから電話が来るわけです。

  • And your brother says, "I'm sorry, I forgot your birthday."


  • Two things you could say, "It's ok!" or "That's ok!"

    そういう時には、「It's ok!」もしくは「That's ok!」の 2 種類で返答できます。

  • Those would both be great responses in a situation where someone forgets your birthday.


  • Hopefully people don't forget your birthday too often.


  • For our second phrase, let's imagine a situation where you are sitting at a restaurant waiting for a friend of yours to meet you.


  • Maybe you have planned to have lunch together at one o'clock and the clock is ticking and your friend is late.

    ランチを一緒に食べようとしてたのに、もう 1 時になっていて友だちはまだ現れません。

  • When your friend shows up they might say "I'm sorry I'm late, I had a few things to take care of at work, and it was hard for me to get here on time."


  • You could respond by saying, "Hey, it happens!"

    そういう時は、「Hey, it happens!」と言えばOKです。

  • That is a great way to make your friend feel at ease.


  • I'm assuming you're not upset that they're late if you respond that way.


  • And I would say that is just a great way to accept their apology for being late.


  • For our third way to respond to an apology, let's imagine that your car is in the garage being repaired, and the mechanic told you that they would have your car done by four o'clock.

    3 つ目の例は、車を修理に出していて、メカニックは 4 時には作業が終わると言っていた場合を想定しましょう。

  • Maybe your mechanic phones you and says, "We're sorry, your car isn't going to be done until five."

    そんな時に携帯が鳴って、メカニックが「申し訳ありませんが、作業が終わるのは 5 時頃にずれ込みそうです」と言うとします。

  • A great way to respond would be to say, "That's no problem!" or "That's not a problem!"

    こういう時にする返答で良い例は、「That's no problem!」や「That's not a problem!」です。

  • Because hopefully you can wait just one more hour to have your car repaired.

    車を修理するのに、たった 1 時間なら延長されても待てると思いますしね。

  • For our fourth phrase, let's imagine a situation where a friend of yours has borrowed your car and when they return your car they say, "Hey, thank you so much for letting me borrow your car, but I'm sorry I forgot to put a little bit of gas in the gas tank."

    4 つ目のフレーズですが、友だちに車を貸して帰ってきた際に「貸してくれてありがとう、でもガソリンを満タンにしておくの忘れちゃった」と言われた場面を想像して下さい。

  • You would just say to them, "It's cool!"

    そういう時は、「It's cool」と言えば大丈夫です。

  • Hopefully that's what you would say to your friend.


  • Usually when you borrow someone's car it is nice to put a little bit of gas in the tank.


  • But if your friend was genuinely sorry and said, "I'm sorry I forgot to put a little bit of gas in the tank," it would be very nice of you to just say, "Hey, it's cool!"

    でも友だちが本当に申し訳ないと思った上で、「ゴメン、ガソリンを満タンにしておくの忘れちゃった」と言ってきたなら、軽く「Hey, it's cool!」と返してやればいいでしょう。

  • For our fifth phrase, let's imagine a situation where you lent your phone to a friend, and while they were using it they dropped it on the ground and broke it.

    5 つ目のフレーズは、携帯を友だちに貸している時に、向こうが使っている最中に地面に落として壊してしまった場面を想定します。

  • If it was an old phone, and if you were planning to buy a new phone anyways, when your friend says, "I'm so sorry, I dropped your phone on the ground and broke it!" you could respond by saying, "Don't worry about it I was going to buy a new one next week anyways."

    もし電話は古いモデルでちょうど新しいのに買い換えようと思っていたところだったら、友だちが「借りてた携帯落として壊しちゃった、ゴメン!」と言った際には「Don't worry about it、来週新しいの買おうと思ってたところだったから」と言って返すのが良いですね。

  • Or there's a shorter form of don't worry about it, which is, "No worries!"

    もしくは、心配しなくて大丈夫という短めの言い方で「No worries!」というのもあります。

  • We often in English, in an informal way, will respond to someone who apologizes by saying, "Ah, no worries, I was going to buy a new one next week anyways."

    英語では、誰かに謝られた時もこういうカジュアルな感じで「Ah, no worries, 来週新しいの買おうと思ってたところだったから」と言う場合も多くあります。

  • I'm not sure what you would say though if your phone was brand new and your friend dropped it on the ground, but I'll let you think about that one.


  • For our sixth phrase, imagine you're at a busy subway station and someone bumps into you and they say, of course, "I'm sorry!" a great response would be to say, "It's all good."

    6 つめのフレーズですが、例えば混みあった地下鉄の駅で誰かがぶつかってきて、まあ当然ながら「すいません!」と言うでしょうから、その時は「It's all good.」と返すのが良いですね。

  • When someone bumps into you and you don't get hurt and they say that they are sorry, when you say it's all good, what you're saying is that "it's okay, I wasn't hurt, it was just a soft bump, everything is okay."

    誰かにぶつかられても特に痛い思いをしなくて、申し訳ないと先方が言ってきた場合に、it's all good と返してやれば「大して痛くなかったし、全然平気ですよ」という意味になります。

  • So a great way to respond is to say, "It's all good."

    ですから、「It's all good.」というのはとてもいい返答ですね。

  • So the last two phrases I'm going to look at at the same time.

    さて、最後の 2 つのフレーズは一緒にまとめて考えましょう。

  • And those phrases are, "I forgive you." or "I accept your apology."

    「I forgive you」もしくは「I accept your apology」です。

  • Both of these you would use in a more serious situation when someone is apologizing for something very, very serious.


  • A good example would be maybe a brother or sister of yours was really mean to you when you were a kid, and later in life as an adult they might come and apologize to you.


  • They might come and say, "I just want to apologize for being so mean to you when we were kids."


  • This would be a more serious apology, and therefore it merits or it deserves a more serious response, so you would respond to that by saying, "I accept your apology" or "I forgive you."

    この手の謝罪はより深刻な内容ですから、こちらもそれを踏まえてそれなりの返答をしてやるべきです。ですから、こういう時は「I accept your apology」または「I forgive you」という言い方を選ぶわけです。

  • Those would be two really good answers for that type of apology.

    この 2 つは、こういった感じの謝罪に対する返答としては効果的です。

  • Well hey that was just a few ways to respond in English if someone was to apologize to you for something.


  • I hope that you were able to learn just a few more English words and phrases from me today.


  • I'm Bob the Canadian, thank you so much for watching.


  • If you're new here, don't forget to click that red Subscribe button below, and give me a thumbs up if this video helped you learn just a little bit more English.


  • And while you're here why don't you stick around and watch another video or two?


  • I'd really appreciate it.


  • Have a great day.


Hi Bob the Canadian here.


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