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  • Hey, Bob the Canadian here, welcome to this English lesson.


  • I was just outside, and it's actually too cold outside right now and too windy to make a video out there, so we're going to do this one in the classroom today.


  • It's a little bit, it's a little bit warmer in here, and I think that will just go better.


  • In this English lesson what I think I'm going to do is talk about how to respond when someone asks you to do something in English that you don't want to do.


  • So let's do that.


  • Let's look at, let's say six ways that you can respond to someone when they ask you if you want to do something and, and it's something that you're just not going to do.

    やりたくないこと、やるつもりのないことを誰かに頼まれたり、誘われた時に断るための、6 つの言い方です。

  • You're going to say no to them.


  • Well hey, Bob the Canadian here, learn English with Bob the Canadian.


  • Welcome to this video.


  • If this is your first time here don't forget to click the subscribe button below, give me a thumbs up if this video helps you learn English.


  • So, sometimes in life people ask you if you want to do something, and sometimes you want to say no.


  • So in this video, let's look at some ways that you can say, "no".


  • For the first example, let's imagine that a friend has asked if you want to go and see a movie.

    1 つ目の表現です。友達に映画に行こうと誘われたとします。

  • You could respond with the simplest way of declining.


  • To decline is to say no.


  • And that's to say, "No thanks!" or "No thank you!"

    その際に、「No thanks!」や「No thank you!」と、「結構です」という意味の表現の仕方をしましょう。

  • So your friend says, "Would you like to go see a movie tonight?" and you could respond by saying, "No thanks!" or "No thank you!"

    友達が「今夜、映画を見に行かない?」と言ったら、「No thanks!」や「No thank you!」という言い方で答えることできます。

  • A second way that you could decline or say no to someone when they ask you if you would like to do something is to say, "I'm not interested."

    何か頼みごとをされたり、誘われたりした時に断るための 2 つ目の方法は、「I'm not interested.」「興味がない=気乗りしない」という意味の表現です。

  • So let's say someone has asked you if you wanted to go out for dinner with them.


  • You could say, "I'm not really interested tonight, I have a lot of other things going on." or "I'm not really interested at the moment, I'd rather do something else."

    「I'm not really interested tonight.(今夜はあまり気乗りがしないな)」,「I have a lot of other things going on.(色々やることもあるし)」 とか、「I'm not really interested at the moment.(今はあまり気乗りしない)」,「I'd rather do something else.(他の用事を済ませたい)」などと言って断ることができます。

  • So another way to say no is to say that you're not interested.

    ということで、2 つ目の断り方は、「not interested」を使って「興味がない」ことを伝えます。

  • A third way to say no to someone is to say, "I'd rather not."

    3 つ目の断り方は、 「I'd rather not.(やめておく)」です。

  • So maybe someone says to you, "Would you like to go to the shopping mall?"


  • "I'd like to go to the shopping mall and do some shopping, would you like to come with?"


  • And you could respond by saying, "I'd rather not," which is another way of saying that you're not interested.

    「I'd rather not.」と言って返事をすることができます。これは、「not interested」「興味がない」ことを表す別の表現です。

  • "I'd rather not go right now. I have other things that I need to do." or "I'd rather not go because I'm not interested."

    「I'd rather not go right now.(今は行かないでおく)」、「I have other things that I need to do.(やらなきゃならないことがあるから)」 、「I'd rather not go because I'm not interested.(ちょっと気乗りしないからやめておく)」など。

  • So if someone says to you in English, "I'd rather not," it means the same as saying no or that they're not interested.

    ですから、誰かに英語で「I'd rather not.」と言われたら、お断りの意志と同じ、あるいは気乗りしていないということです。

  • A fourth way that you can let someone know that you don't want to do something is to say, "I don't want to."

    自分が望んでいないことを知ってもらうための 4 つ目の表現は、「I don't want to.(したくない)」です。

  • So maybe someone says to you, "I'd like to go for a long drive out in the country. It's a beautiful day."


  • You could say to them, "I don't want to."

    「I don't want to.」と言って、「自分は出かけたくない」と伝えることができます。

  • So you're just expressing to them that it's not something that interests you.


  • It's not something that you would like to do, so you would say to them, "No, sorry I don't want to."

    あなたがやりたいことじゃないんだ、とね。ですから、「No, sorry I don't want to.(いや、申し訳ないけど、行きたくないな)」と言うと良いでしょう。

  • "I don't want to go for a drive out in the country today."

    「I don't want to go for a drive out in the country today. (今日は車で遠出したくないな)」とね。

  • A fifth way to let someone know that you're not interested in doing something is to say, "I don't feel like it."

    申し出に対して興味がないことを相手に伝えるための 5 つ目の言い方は、「I don't feel like it.(気が進まない)」です。

  • So maybe someone says to you, "Would you like to come over to my house for supper tonight? Would you like to come over to my house for dinner?"


  • You could say, "You know what, I just don't feel like it."

    「You know what, I, I just don't feel like it. (実は、ちょっと気が進まないな。)」

  • "I don't feel like it today."

    「I don't feel like it today. (今日は気が進まないかな)」

  • "It's been a long day."


  • "I'm quite tired."


  • "I don't feel like coming over to your house for dinner."

    「I don't feel like coming over to your house for dinner.(君んちに夕食に行くのは気が進まない)」

  • And you can say, "I'm sorry" as well because that would make it a little more polite like, "I'm sorry I just don't feel like it today."

    それから、「I'm sorry.」と付け加えると良いでしょう。少し丁寧な雰囲気になります。「I'm sorry I just don't feel like it today.(ごめんね。今日は気が進まないな)」みたいにね。

  • And the last way for this video, the last way to let someone know that you don't want to do something is to just say that you're not really in the mood.

    では、本日の動画の最後の表現です。望んでいないことを相手に示す最後の表現は、「not really in the mood(その気分じゃない)」です。

  • You're not in the mood to do the thing they're asking you to do.


  • So maybe someone wants to take you to the library and you just say, "You know what, I'm not really in the mood."

    誰かに図書館に行こうと誘われたら、「You know what, I'm not, I'm not really in the mood. (実はね、ちょっとその気分じゃないかな)」と言うことができます。

  • "I'd rather stay home."


  • "So I'm not really in the mood for reading, so I'm not really in the mood to go to the library to get books."

    「I'm not really in the mood for reading. (読書って気分じゃない)」(本を借りに図書館に行く気分じゃない)」

  • That's one of the last ways that you can say, "no" to someone.


  • So that's six ways that you can tell someone that you don't want to do something.

    ここまでで 6 つの断り方を学びましたね。

  • Hopefully you've taken some notes and you've written some of these down.


  • Bob the Canadian here.


  • You're learning English with Bob the Canadian right now.


  • Don't forget if this video was helpful that you click the subscribe button below and give me a thumbs up at some point, and share the video with a friend.


  • Hopefully next week things are a bit warmer.


  • I do like winter, but it's just a little too cold to go outside today, but hopefully this indoor video helped you learn a few new English phrases, and I'll see you in the next video.


Hey, Bob the Canadian here, welcome to this English lesson.


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