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  • みなさんこんにちは、ViVi モデルの河北麻友子です。

  • 今回は、ViVi を代表して日本デビューを果たしたショーン・メンデスさんにインタビューにきました。

  • - Ok, so first of all. I'd like to congratulate you on your debut in Japan. -Thank you very much.

    - まずは、日本デビューおめでとうございます。 - ありがとう

  • And how do you feel about it?


  • Great, I feel so good, I mean, I know the fans knew this music just from YouTube for a while now.

    とてもうれしいです。 これまで日本のファンには YouTube などで聞いてくれていたと思うけど、

  • But it's nice to know that they can actually just go on if they want to listen to it now.


  • - I'd like to give you a present. - Oh great!

    - おみやげがあるんです。- ありがとう!

  • It's a t-shirt.


  • Oh awesome, cool!


  • And it actually says your name in Japanese - in Japanese


  • I was gonna say, cause I have no idea what that says.


  • Cool, thanks!


  • And we also got you...this is like, it's Japanese Wagashi.


  • It's called Wagashi. - It's very heavy. It's food? - Yeah

    - 和菓子って言うんです。- すごく重いね、これ食べものなの? - そうですよ。

  • Oh my god, this looks crazy.


  • - It's Daihuku. - What is it?

    - 大福っていうの。- 何でできてるの?

  • What's the most Americanized thing you can (describe with)? A donut?


  • - It's rice and it has like beans inside, and it has red beans inside as well. - Beans!

    - お米と、小豆が入っていて。- 豆も入ってるの??

  • Do you like Japanese food? Did you eat anything while you were over here?


  • Erm, obviously, I love sushi, but I haven't gotten to, that crazy. But last time I was here I went to a Paddle restaurant.


  • Where they serve you the stuff on the big long paddle.


  • Do you know what I'm talking about? Do you have a name for it?


  • 炉端焼き?知らない!

  • I don't even know about that.


  • Oh, um, It's like this crazy thing and very little chairs and you sit around and the chef is in the middle.

    ちっちゃな椅子に座って、 カウンターの真ん中に料理人がいて、

  • And he is on his knees kind of cooking over the fire and he just hands everything on the paddle.


  • - Did you like that? - I did. It was nice.

    - 美味しかった? - 美味しかったよ。

  • I think we're gonna go tomorrow again.


  • Maybe, see like what kind of fashion do you like for girls?


  • I think like, I think it depends on the girl because everyone's personality is different, so, something that shows your personality.

    どんな女の子かによるんじゃないかな。個性はそれぞれだし 着るものでその個性ってわかるよね。

  • But I.. I don't know. All this stuff is really nice that they're wearing. This is cool. This bag.


  • If you were gonna go on a date with a girl, where would you take her?


  • I thought you were gonna say what should she wear, I was like, I don't know.


  • I'd do something fun. I think I wouldn't, I probably wouldn't go to like a nice restaurant because that's too high pressure.

    たぶん、なんか楽しいところ。いいレストランなんかにはいかないな、 どっちかっていうとプレッシャーになっちゃう。

  • So maybe I'd take her to do, like go see like a, a musical or like a show or, a concert or something.

    そうだな、ミュージカルとかショーとか コンサートかな。

  • - So not your concert? - Not my concert, someone else's concert.

    - ショーンのコンサートじゃないよね。- 僕のじゃないよ。誰か別の人の。

  • Oh there is like a booth. - Yeah, it's a booth.


  • You've never done this?


  • Oh my god, yay, this is your first time.


  • - Can it get the shirt? - Yes, we do.

    - Tシャツ映るかな? - 大丈夫よ。

  • Oh my god, look what we got! Makes us look so weird.

    オーマイガッ。女の子みたい。 なんか変な感じ。

  • Go ahead, dig it. Your first Purikura.


  • 怖い〜!

  • What did you just say?


  • - I look scary, look at my eyes! - Yeah, you do look scary actually.

    - 私の顔怖い、目見て! - そうだね、たしかに怖いかも。

  • Hi everyone reading ViVi!

    ViVi 読者のみなさん!

  • Wear clothes that make your personality shine! I love you guys!


みなさんこんにちは、ViVi モデルの河北麻友子です。


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