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  • With fluffy ears, round heads, and spoon-shaped noses, koalas are known for their lovable faces.


  • But these sleepy, Australian tree dwellers are full of surprises.


  • Koalas are not bears, they're marsupials.


  • Often mislabeled koala bears because of their teddy bear-like appearance, koalas are marsupials: mammals that give birth to undeveloped young.


  • Like most marsupials, mother koalas have pouches, where baby koalas, or joeys, drink their mother's milk and continue to develop for around six months.

    その他の有袋哺乳動物と同じく、母コアラは袋を持っており、赤ちゃんコアラはその中でミルクを飲みながら最初の 6 カ月間を過ごします。

  • But unlike most other marsupials, koala pouches open toward the bottom.


  • This allows joeys to access and consume a substance their mother secretes, which aids in the baby koala's digestion.


  • Koalas have six opposable thumbs.

    コアラには 6 つの親指があり、互いに向き合わせることができます。

  • With sharp pointed claws and rough pads, koala hands and feet are uniquely designed to grip branches.


  • Their front paws have five digits.

    前足には指が 5 本あり

  • Two digits oppose the other three like a pair of thumbs.

    そのうちの 2 本が親指のように対になっていて、他の 3 本と向き合わせることができるようになっています。

  • Their back paws each have one large clawless opposable digit, which allows them to grasp branches with their feet, freeing their hands to forage.


  • Koala feet also have built-in combs.


  • The second and third toes are fused together and are used for grooming their wooly fur.

    2 番目と 3 番目の指は融合しており、フカフカの毛皮を手入れするのに使われます。

  • Koalas eat leaves that are poisonous to many animals.


  • The koala diet consists almost entirely of eucalyptus leaves.


  • Of the roughly 650 species of eucalypt trees in Australia, koalas prefer only about 30 of them.

    オーストラリアにあるおよそ 650 種類のユーカリの木のうち、コアラが好んで食べるのは 30 種類ほどです。

  • The leathery leaves are very high in fiber and contain chemicals toxic to other animals.


  • To process this specialized diet, koalas have a closed-ended digestive organ called a caecum, which helps digest the leaf fibers via fermentation.


  • Koalas sleep up to 22 hours per day.

    コアラは毎日最長 22 時間眠ります。

  • Because of their low nutrition diets and sluggish metabolism, koalas must conserve their energy.


  • Koalas spend about 10% of their day eating and around 90% of their time sleeping.

    1 日のうち約10%を食べて過ごし、90% は寝ているだけです。

  • To accommodate so much time spent sleeping in tree branches, koalas have curved spines and tail-less rears padded with cartilage and extra thick fur.


  • Koala habitat is quickly disappearing.


  • Koalas only live in eastern and southeastern Australia, and once numbered in the millions.


  • Now, wild koala population estimates vary from 43,000 to around 350,000.

    現在の野生のコアラの数はおよそ 4 万 3 千から 35 万頭あたりではないかと推測されています。

  • Vast tree clearing due to urbanization, along with droughts and forest fires, have drastically reduced koala habitats since the early 1900s.

    都市化が進む中で多くの木が伐採され、干ばつや山火事といった要素も絡んで 1900 年代はじめからコアラの生息域が急激に縮小してきているのです。

  • These stressors have made koalas vulnerable to diseases, as well as dog attacks and vehicle strikes.


  • Australia's conservation plans include designating and protecting koala habitat, and funding koala hospitals and disease research.


  • These combined efforts are critical to protect the beloved koala from extinction.


With fluffy ears, round heads, and spoon-shaped noses, koalas are known for their lovable faces.


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