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  • Hi guys! Dan here for BBC Learning English with this week's Learner Question.

    こんにちは!BBC ラーニング・イングリッシュの弾です。今週のラーナーズ・クエスチョンですよ。

  • Find out what it is after this.


  • OK! This week's learner question comes from...

    はい!今週のクエスチョンは、パキスタンのアシュファクさんから。「How are you?」と「How do you do?」、この 2 文の違いは何でしょう?ということです。

  • Ashfaq from Pakistan, who says, "What is the difference between these two sentences: 'How are you?' and 'How do you do?'"

  • Well, Ashfaq, "How do you do?" is quite formal and it's not used much these days.

    アシュファクさん、「how do you do?」というのはかなりフォーマルで、最近ではあまり使われません。

  • You might possibly use it the first time you meet somebody for business or with somebody very, very important.


  • It's usually accompanied with a handshake.


  • The response to "How do you do?" is: "How do you do", but with a slightly different emphasis.

    「how do you do」に対する返事は…「how do you do」です。でも少し、強調部分に違いがあります。

  • For example, - How do you do? - How do you do?"

    例えば、「How do you do?」「How do you do? (you に強調)」

  • Did you see the difference?


  • You could also say: "I'm pleased to meet you" or "It's very nice to meet you."

    また「I’m pleased to meet you」とか、「it’s very nice to meet you.」(お会いできて嬉しいです。)も使えます。

  • "How are you?" is used in both informal and formal circumstances.

    「How are you?」は、インフォーマルな場でもフォーマルな場でも使います。

  • So, usually it's quite a good question to begin a conversation with.


  • It's a question which asks about the other person's state of being.


  • But don't go into too much detail when you give the answer.


  • Standard replies include, "Very well thank you", "I'm fine thanks,"

    標準的な返事は「very well thank you.」や「I’m fine thanks.」(元気ですよ、ありがとう。)です。

  • And, of course, it's traditional to then return the question to the other person and ask, "And yourself?", "And you?", "How are you?"

    それから普通は、相手にも質問を向けます。「and yourself?」、「and you?」、「how are you?」(あなたは?)などと聞きます。

  • Very informal greetings include, "Hey", "Hi", "Hiya", "Heya", and are often accompanied by questions such as, "What's up?", "What's going on?", and "How's things?"

    非常にくだけた挨拶には「hey」、「hi」、「hiya」、「heya」などがあり、続けて「what’s up?」、「what’s going on?」、「how’s things?」などを続けます。

  • Finally, if we're talking about formal greetings, we should also talk about formal farewells.


  • Again, these are usually accompanied with a handshake.


  • And we might say, "It was a pleasure meeting you."

    「it was a pleasure meeting you.」(お会いできて嬉しかったです。)や

  • Or "It's been great meeting you. Thank you very much for your time."

    「it’s been great meeting you. Thank you very much for your time.」(お会いできて良かったです。お時間ありがとうございました。)などがあります。

  • Thank you for your time, Ashfaq. I hope that's answered your question.


  • If anybody else out there has a question for Learners' Questions, you can email us on:

    ラーナーズ・クエスチョンで尋ねたい質問がある方は、[email protected] までメールしてくださいね、

  • Please remember to include Learners' Questions in the subject box and your name and the country that you're writing from.

    メールの件名には Learners’ Questions と入れ、あなたの名前とどこの国からメールを送ってくれているか、教えてくださいね。

  • We can't answer every single question, guyswe just get too manybut we do read every single one.


  • And for more information, go to our website:

    詳しい情報は、ウェブサイト をチェックしてください。

  • That's it for this week's Learners' Question. I'll see you next time.


Hi guys! Dan here for BBC Learning English with this week's Learner Question.

こんにちは!BBC ラーニング・イングリッシュの弾です。今週のラーナーズ・クエスチョンですよ。

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