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  • Hi and welcome back.


  • In this video, I'm going to teach you one simple trick that you can use to become a fluent English speaker by spending just 10 minutes a day.

    このビデオでは、毎日 10 分練習するだけで英語が流暢に話せるようになる簡単な方法をお伝えします。

  • The best part about this is that you don't need a partneryou can do this by yourself.

    一番の長所は相手がいなくてもできるという点です。自分 1 人で出来るのです。

  • This is a technique that has worked for many of my students.


  • And if you do what I tell you in this video, I guarantee that you will become more fluent in English.


  • So what is this trick?


  • Well, it's a technique known as JAM.

    それは JAM(ジャム)と呼ばれるものです。

  • Uh, no, not that kind of jam.


  • This is actually a little fluency game based on a show that airs on BBC radio.

    この名前は、BBC ラジオで流れている言葉遊びのゲームからきているのですが、

  • The reason it's called JAM is because it's short for Just A Minute.

    JAM と呼ばれる理由は、Just A Minute の頭文字を取っているからです。

  • This game has three stages.

    このゲームは 3 ステージから成っていて、

  • So here's how you play it.


  • You're going to talk about a topic for one minute.

    トピックを決めてそれについて 1 分間話します。

  • That is, you're going to give a speech without any preparation.


  • So you just pick a topic - you can either take general topics like sports, hobbies, friends, books etc. or you can choose a question.

    皆さんがトピックを選ぶわけですが、スポーツや趣味、友だちや本など、もしくは質問を選んでも OK です。

  • For example, what is your favorite mode of transport?


  • And once you have a topic, you speak.


  • Now when you do, there are some rules.


  • The first rule is that you cannot stop speaking.


  • You must talk for the full minute.

    必ず 1 分間フルに話し続けてください。

  • If you have to pause to catch your breath, it's OK, but you cannot pause for more than three seconds.

    息継ぎに止まる分には構いませんが、3 秒以上間を開けてはダメです。

  • Even if you say nonsense or you say something unrelated to the topic it doesn't matter.


  • You're just going to keep talking.


  • So that's rule number one.


  • Rule number two is you cannot repeat the same ideas.

    ルールその 2 は、同じ内容を繰り返してはダメです。

  • That means you can't just say the same things over and over and over again.


  • This isn't pronunciation practiceit's fluency development, so no repetition of the same ideas.


  • And rule number three is no writing.

    そして 3 つ目のルールは、書いてはダメだということです。

  • You cannot make any notes while you are speaking, you must only concentrate on speaking.


  • These are just the three rules.

    この 3 つのルールだけです。

  • So to begin, you need a timer, this can be on your smartphone for example.


  • You start stage one by starting the timer and you speak until the one minute is reached.

    ステージ 1 は、タイマーをスタートさせて 1 分経過するまでの間話し続けます。

  • I'm going to give you an example of how to do this.


  • I'm going to take this question: "What is your favorite mode of transport?" and I'm going to speak for a minute on this topic.

    試しに「あなたの最も好きな移動手段は何ですか?」というトピックを選んで、それについて 1 分間話したいと思います。

  • Now I haven't done any preparation, so let's see how I do.


  • OK, so what's my favorite mode of transport?


  • I would have to say that it's the train.


  • That's because um, actually, you get to see a lot of nice scenery, beautiful landscapes and things like that.


  • And you know, train journeys generally tend to be longer than other types of, or rather, other modes of transport.


  • You can see that I'm really struggling for ideas but I can't stop.


  • I have to keep going, so I'm saying whatever comes to mind, that's no problem.


  • But back to the topic at hand, yeah, train journeys because they're longer, they're more relaxing.


  • And one last thing I want to mention is that I've had the opportunity to meet interesting people and make friends on many train journeys.


  • As a kid I used to ride the train a lot with my family.


  • We used to go to lots of places by train and it's actually something that I really enjoyed.


  • Phew!


  • That was hard.


  • But that's OK.


  • That's the whole point of this exercise.


  • That was stage one.

    今のがステージ 1 です。

  • Now we're going to move on to stage two.

    では、ステージ 2 に移りましょう。

  • Here's where we're really going to start building our fluency.


  • The first part of stage two is making notesso you can use a paper and pen now.

    ステージ 2 の最初の部分ではメモを取ります。ですから紙とペンを使って構いません。

  • And you're going to think back to the speech that you just gave, and collect ideas you came up with.


  • In my speech, I remember that I had three ideas.

    私のスピーチの場合は、3 つの事を思い出せます。

  • The first was that on train journeys, you get to see a lot of beautiful scenery.

    1 つ目は、電車で旅をすればきれいな景色をたくさん見られるということです。

  • The second idea was that train journeys are longer, so they're more relaxing.


  • The third idea was that you get to meet interesting people and make friends.

    3 個目のアイデアは、素敵な人たちに出会えて友だちになれる、というものです。

  • So once you have these ideas down, you're going to repeat the exercise.


  • That means, you're going to set your timer for one minute and you're going to speak again on the same topic.

    つまり、タイマーを 1 分にセットして同じトピックに関して話すのです。

  • But now, you can use your notes to guide you.


  • You will notice that this time, you are actually able to speak more fluently because you have some good ideas on paper.


  • And you will be able to expand on your ideas and give more information.


  • Once the timer hits one minute, you stop.

    タイマーが 1 分経ったら、おしまいにします。

  • And we move on to stage three.

    そしてステージ 3 に移ります。

  • Just like in stage two, you're going to go to paper and pen.

    ステージ 2 同様、紙とペンを使います。

  • But this time, you're going to add more ideas to your notes based on your second speech.

    でも今回は、2 回目のスピーチの上にさらにアイデアを付け足していく形になります。

  • I added some ideas like this.


  • So nowfor one final time, you're going to speak again.

    さて、では最後にもう 1 回だけ、スピーチをします。

  • This is your final speech.


  • So you set your timer for one minute, you use your notes and speak.

    いつものようにタイマーを 1 分にセットして、メモを見ながら話していきます。

  • I'm going to give you my final speech based on my notes so you can see the difference.


  • So here we go.


  • My favorite mode of transport is actually the train.


  • I love train travel for two or three reasons.


  • The first is that the journey is usually longer than when you fly on a plane, or even when you travel by car or bus.


  • So, as a result, it's very relaxing.


  • Another big advantage is that you get to see a lot of scenery when you ride a train.


  • Now if you're riding the subway and your train is going through a tunnel the whole time, then obviously you won't see any natural beauty.


  • But if you're lucky enough to ride a train through the countryside, I'll tell you, that's an incredible experience.


  • But for me, personally, the best part about trains is that you get to meet people and make friends, especially on some of the longer journeys.


  • Even if you don't take each other's phone numbers or become best buddies, you still get to have great conversations and meet some really interesting people.


  • So those are the three reasons why I enjoy train travel so much.

    というわけで、私が電車で旅行するのが好きな理由はこれら 3 つです。

  • Alright, I know that was a little over a minute but that's OK.

    こんな感じですね、1 分をちょっと過ぎましたけど、全然大丈夫です。

  • If you are in the flow, you don't have to stop at one minute.

    良い流れで話している場合は、無理に 1 分きっかりで終わる必要はありません。

  • You can keep going.


  • As your fluency improves, you can challenge yourself by setting your timer for two, three or even five minutes.

    より流暢に話せるようになるにつれて、タイマーを 2 分もしくは 3 分、思い切って 5 分に設定して練習してみてもいいでしょう。

  • But did you notice how much better my second speech was?

    でも、私の 2 回目のスピーチの方がずいぶん良かったことに気付きましたか?

  • I actually improved my fluency on this topic over the three stages.

    私のトピックに関する話し方の流暢さは、実は 3 段階に分けて向上していったんです。

  • Now I know I said that there are three stages to this exercise but there's a bonus stage if you're really serious about improving your English.

    それから、この練習にはステージは 3 つあると言いましたが、本当に真剣に英語を上達させたい方にはボーナスステージも用意しています。

  • That stage is: record yourself.


  • Once you have finished speaking for the third time, you can give your speech once again.

    3 回目を話し終えたら、もう 1 回スピーチをします。

  • But now, you speak into your cell phone or a voice recorder.


  • This is fantastic for two reasons.

    これは 2 つの理由からとても効果的です。

  • Because first, you can then listen back to the recording and you can identify what areas you need to improve, particularly your pronunciation.


  • But also, if you keep your recordings on your phone or save them to your computer, you can come back after a few weeks or a few months and listen to them and see how much you have improved since that time.


  • I know that many of us hate listening to our own voiceswe feel really shy and embarrassed.


  • But trust me, this is a very powerful way to improve your speaking: recording and listening to yourself.


  • Of course, if you don't want to do that you can just do JAMthe three stages.

    もちろん、それをやりたくないという場合は、ただ JAM だけを実践して 3 つのステージでおしまいにして大丈夫です。

  • And that will help you to improve your fluency.


  • And it takes only ten minutes.

    そしてたった 10 分しかかかりません。

  • I suggest that you make this your daily fluency workoutdo it at least once a day.

    是非毎日この練習をしてほしいと思います。少なくとも 1 日 1 回。

  • Practice doing JAM on many different topics.

    色々なトピックで JAM をやってみてください。

  • And if you do, I guarantee you, you will become more fluent, just practicing by yourself.


  • Alright, if you liked this lesson, give it a thumbs up by hitting the like button.


  • Also remember to subscribe to this channel by clicking the subscribe button to get my latest lessons right here on YouTube.

    それからチャンネル登録をして、私の Youtube での最新のレッスンの配信もお見逃しなく。

  • Happy learning and I will see you in another lesson soon.


Hi and welcome back.



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