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  • - We're back, we're in Tokyo, we're Worth It Japan part dwa.

    - 帰ってきました!東京に来ました!Worth It Japan part dwaです。

  • - Is dwa a two in any language?

    - ドワはどの言語でも2なのか?

  • - It's French.

    - フランスのものです。

  • - Un, deaux, trois. - (laughing) wait, what.

    - Un, deaux, trois.- (笑) 待って、何。

  • - You combined two and three.

    - 2と3を合わせたのか

  • You know how you know we're in Tokyo?


  • The Tokyo Tower and the sound of cicadas.


  • (loud growl) You hear that?


  • - We had to bring along our friend, translator,

    - 友人の翻訳者を連れてきていました。

  • tasty producer, lovely person all around, Rie McClenny.


  • - Hi.

    - こんにちは。

  • - We're gonna be eating things that come on rice.

    - ご飯の上に乗っかってくるものを食べることになりそうです。

  • - [Rie] In a shell.

    - 貝殻の中で

  • - We may even put on some fancy clothing,

    - 派手な服を着ることもあるかもしれません。

  • which we've never done for a restaurant before.


  • We're doin sushi.


  • - Well, let's go, how do you say let's go?

    - さて、レッツゴー、レッツゴーって何て言うの?

  • - (speaking foreign language)


  • - [Group] (speaking in foreign language)

    - グループ](外国語で話す)

  • - Today on Worth It, we're gonna be

    - 今日のWorth Itでは、私たちは

  • trying three excellent sushi places


  • at three drastically different price points


  • to find out which one is the most worth it at its price.


  • - [Steven] And we made the mistake

    - 我々は間違いを犯した

  • of coming in 95 degree heat.


  • - Worth it.

    - その価値はある

  • - I'm super excited, the first place we're going to

    - 超興奮しています、最初に行く場所は

  • is an highly automated sushi restaurant called Kura Sushi.


  • - We call it Kaiten-zushi, kaiten is like spin.

    - 回転寿司と呼んでいますが、回転寿司はスピンのようなものです。

  • - Sushi is brought out to you on a conveyor belt.

    - お寿司はベルトコンベアーで運ばれてきます。

  • - I wish I could be conveyor belted

    - ベルトコンベアーになりたい

  • to this restaurant right now.


  • - You want me to try?

    - やってみようか?

  • - Yeah, conveyor belt me.

    - ベルトコンベアーで

  • - Alright.

    - いいだろう

  • (grunt)


  • - [Rie] Bye.

    - さようなら。

  • - [Steven] I fought Yoshi.

    - ヨッシーと戦ったんだ

  • (laughing)


  • (upbeat percussion music)


  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - For somebody who's never been

    - 一度も行ったことがない人にとっては

  • to a conveyor belt sushi before,


  • can you explain how it works?


  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - What are the advantages to having

    - を持つことのメリットは何でしょうか?

  • the automated systems in the restaurant?


  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - Wow. - Whoa.

    - うわー- おっと

  • (laughing)


  • - [Steven] So excited, each of these plates is 100 yen.

    - スティーブン】興奮して、このお皿が1枚100円。

  • - Approximately one US dollar.

    - 約1米ドル。

  • Then we have self service green tea here.


  • - [Steven] Woo!

    - スティーブン!

  • - [Andrew] Never seen someone so excited for hot water.

    - お湯に興奮している人を見たことがない

  • - Hot running water.

    - お湯が出ます。

  • - Yeah at your table.

    - あなたのテーブルで

  • - Come on, sometimes my shower doesn't even do that.

    - 私のシャワーでもない時があるのよ

  • - Kanpai.

    - カンパイ。

  • - Kanpai.

    - カンパイ。

  • - Hot!

    - 暑い!

  • This is the optimal time, it's like enough time


  • for you to look at it, decide if you want it,


  • but then it's like if you don't get it,


  • you're not gonna get it.


  • - It's like the Tinder of dining.

    - ダイニングのティンダーみたいなものです。

  • - Yes, swipe,

    - はい、スワイプです。

  • right. - Swipe right.

    右にスワイプします。- 右にスワイプして

  • Alright, here we have two beautiful shrimp coming by,


  • come on Steven. - Okay,

    スティーブン- いいわよ

  • maybe we should just go for it.


  • Pop it open, pop it.


  • - [Andrew] First hit, here we go.

    - 初ヒット!

  • - [Steven] Oh yeah.

    - そうなんだ

  • - Here Steven,

    - スティーブン卿

  • - [Andrew and Steven] (speaking in foreign language)

    - [アンドリューとスティーブン](外国語で話す

  • - Perfect!

    - 完ぺき!

  • - Oh, now I'm excited, now I'm gonna grab,

    - ああ、今からワクワクして、掴みに行くよ。

  • hey how about some tuna.


  • - [Steven] Tuna!

    - マグロ!

  • - [Andrew] I love tuna.

    - マグロが好きなんだ

  • - [Steven] Look at this long cut of tuna.

    - この長いマグロを見てください。

  • Cheers it up, that's so great!


  • - [Andrew] Yeah, we can have as many as we want,

    - 欲しいものがあればいくらでも手に入る

  • they just keep coming.


  • - Ahh!

    - あああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ

  • - Ever been in a lazy river?

    - 怠惰な川に入ったことがあるか?

  • - Yes, oh my God.

    - そうですね、なんということでしょう。

  • - This is the lazy river of food,

    - これは怠惰な食べ物の川です。

  • instead of you in the river,


  • the food is in the river, you just seize the river.


  • - [Rie] Sanma, it's a pike mackerel.

    - 理恵】さんまさん、カマス鯖です。

  • - [Steven] Mm, the fish was tender,

    - 魚は柔らかかった

  • the rice was well packed, like satisfactory


  • in all of the ways that you want sushi to be, what is this?


  • - [Rie] If you get five plates.

    - お皿が5枚になったら

  • - [Andrew] You get to play the game.

    - アンドリュー】ゲームをプレイすることになる。

  • - [Andrew and Steven] Oh no!

    - やめてくれ!

  • - [Andrew] What happened?

    - 何があった?

  • - [Rie] You lost.

    - リエ】負けたんですね。

  • - [Andrew and Steven] Aww.

    - アンドリューとスティーブン

  • - So if we won, what would happen.

    - で、勝ったらどうなるかというと

  • - You get the toy in a plastic ball.

    - プラスチックのボールに入ったおもちゃを手に入れる。

  • - And then I want dessert, next.

    - そして、次はデザートが食べたい。

  • Oh, fluffy ice with green tea red bean.


  • - [Andrew] Nice, the order was heard,

    - いいぞ 命令を聞いた

  • thank you. - Was heard.

    ありがとうございます。- 聞かされました。

  • (gasp)


  • - [Andrew] Oh here it is.

    - ここにある

  • - [Steven] Cheers!

    - 乾杯!

  • - Mm, that's what you need when it's hot outside.

    - うーん、外が暑い時に必要なのはそれだな。

  • - (whistled blow) Ice blast.

    - (口笛吹いて)氷の爆風。

  • We're at eight plate count.


  • - [Andrew and Steven] Nine.

    - アンドリューとスティーブン

  • - [Andrew] I'll just do it.

    - 俺がやるよ

  • - I touched it.

    - 触ってみました。

  • - Okay, we're at the baseball stadium,

    - よし、野球場に着いた。

  • I like it. - Come on.

    気に入ったわ- いいじゃないか

  • Yeah, get home.


  • Oh, we won! - Did we really?

    勝った!- 本当にそうだったのか?

  • - [Rie] Yeah.

    - リエ】うん。

  • - [Andrew] No way, it's coming out.

    - まさか、出てくるとは。

  • (excited laughing)


  • Got some stickers.


  • - So I thank you for the meal.

    - ということで、ごちそうさまでした。

  • (speaking in foreign language)

  • - [Andrew and Steven] (speaking in foreign language)

    - [アンドリューとスティーブン](外国語で話す

  • - That was wonderful.

    - それはそれは素晴らしいことでした。

  • - Fun and cheap.

    - 楽しくて安い。

  • - Yeah and very technologically advanced,

    - ええ、そして非常に技術的に進んでいます。

  • which I appreciate.


  • - So, we're headed to our next sushi spot,

    - ということで、次のお寿司屋さんに向かいます。

  • but before we do that, we asked Rie for a suggestion


  • on any desserts that would look fish shaped.


  • - [Rie] We're here.

    - 着いたぞ

  • - [Steven] Here we are, here we are.

    - 着いたぞ

  • I love it, it's a beautiful stand.


  • - [Rie] Konnichiwa.

    - リエ】コンニチハ。

  • We are eating taiyaki, it's a fish shape pancake.


  • What do you want?


  • - [Steven] I want a red bean taiyaki.

    - スティーブン】小豆のたい焼きが食べたい。

  • - [Rie] Okay.

    - 理恵】いいですよ。

  • - [Steven] Andy wants matcha.

    - アンディが抹茶を欲しがっている

  • You can have the matcha one Andy.


  • Aw, it's so cute, I got the red bean.


  • - [Rie] It's a green tea.

    - リエ】緑茶です。

  • - Alright, we're gonna try this taiyaki now.

    - よし、今からこのたい焼きを食べてみよう。

  • I also have red bean.


  • - Alright.

    - いいだろう

  • - Look, fish, cheers.

    - 見て、魚、乾杯。

  • - [Andrew and Rie] Cheers.

    - 乾杯

  • - [Group] Mm.

    - 集団] うむ

  • - [Steven] (speaking in foreign language)

    - [スティーブン](外国語で話す

  • In the 1980s, Norway had too much salmon.


  • And so there was a guy who was tasked


  • by the Norwegian government to sell some of it to Japan.


  • He was able to strike a deal with a company called Nishi Ren


  • and that catapulted salmon into the sushi market in Japan.


  • - We didn't have salmon sushi before that.

    - それまでは鮭寿司は食べていなかったのですが

  • - That is a great international collab,

    - さすが国際的なコラボですね。

  • to bring a new all star food into prominence.


  • - [Rie] When you eat fish shape food,

    - 理恵】魚の形をした食べ物を食べるとき。

  • do you eat from the head or but?


  • - [Steven] Head.

    - スティーブン・ヘッド

  • - [Rie] Head.

    - 頭を

  • - Where we goin next Andrew?

    - 次はどこに行くんだ?

  • - So next we're on our way to a place,

    - ということで、次はある場所に向かうことになりました。

  • called Shun sushi, is that right?


  • - I'm here.

    - 私はここにいます。

  • And it comes recommended by one


  • of our colleagues named Hitomi actually.


  • - Yep, my work wife.

    - そう、私の仕事の妻です。

  • - Your work wife?

    - 仕事の奥さん?

  • - [Rie] Yeah so this restaurant is neighborhood sushi joint.

    - ここは近所のお寿司屋さんなんですね。

  • Somewhere you wanna go once in a while


  • when you are craving sushi, sushi chef knows you.


  • - Oh, that's what I want.

    - ああ、それがいいんだ。

  • - Yeah.

    - そうだな

  • - I want my sushi chef to know me.

    - 寿司職人に知ってもらいたい

  • How do you get a work wife?


  • - You have a work wife.

    - 仕事の奥さんがいるんですね。

  • - [Steven] Who?

    - 誰?

  • (laughing)


  • (upbeat piano music)


  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - I'm curious how long you've worked as a sushi chef.

    - 寿司職人としてどれくらいの期間働いているのか気になりますね。

  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - Today we're gonna be ordering the omakase set.

    - 今日はおまかせセットの注文です。

  • - Hai.

    - はーい

  • - What is the choice of fish

    - 魚の選び方とは

  • that you're gonna be serving us.


  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - Yes, absolutely. - Yes.

    - はい、絶対に。- (達也)そうだよね

  • - So what do we have coming first Rie?

    - 最初に来るのは何かな?

  • - [Andrew] Sake.

    - アンドリュー】日本酒。

  • - [Group] Kanpai.

    - カンパイ。

  • - Do we shot this, or, no we just, okay.

    - これを撃つのか、いや、俺たちはただ、大丈夫だ。

  • (laughing)


  • - [Andrew] Ooh, he's grating wasabi.

    - ワサビをすりおろしてる

  • - You know what I love about sushi?

    - 俺が寿司のどこが好きなのか知ってるか?

  • You're seeing everything that goes into


  • what your money is going to.


  • - [Rie] So this is chutoro.

    - これがチュトロなんですね。

  • - Here we go, first bite.

    - さあ、ファーストバイト。

  • - [Andrew and Steven] (speaking in foreign language)

    - [アンドリューとスティーブン](外国語で話す

  • - Pure and utter joy.

    - 純粋で完全な喜び。

  • - You know it's not like a piece of fish

    - 魚のかけらとは違うんだよ

  • on top of some rice.


  • It tastes like a single unit.


  • - Yeah.

    - そうだな

  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - That was delicious.

    - 美味しかったですね。

  • - Mm, so happy.

    - うむ、とても幸せだ。

  • - Very pleasant texture, it's also really interesting,

    - とても気持ちの良い質感、それもまた本当に面白いです。

  • the temperature that it arrives.


  • Sushi, I don't think, is a cold food.


  • It becomes a part of your mouth instantly.


  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - The best temp, is body temp.

    - 最高の温度は、体温です。

  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - It's unbelievably sweet.

    - 信じられないほど甘い。

  • - Yeah, it's kinda light.

    - ああ、ちょっと軽いな。

  • - What did you do to the uni?

    - ユニに何をしたの?

  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - It tastes like melon.

    - メロンの味がします。

  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - Mm, the squid was, ex-squid-zit.

    - うむ、イカは、元イカズィットだった。

  • - In a word, it was, Squidward.

    - 一言で言えば、イカワードでした。

  • (laughing)


  • - What do you think is the special elements

    - 特別な要素は何だと思いますか?

  • about a sushi dinner like this, like us sitting here?


  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - So is it mini shrimp?

    - ということは、ミニエビなのかな?

  • - [Rie] Yeah.

    - リエ】うん。

  • - [Andrew and Steven] Wow!

    - アンドリューとスティーブン

  • - [Steven] All raw.

    - 全て生だ

  • Mm, oh my God.


  • - [Rie] Saltwater eel called anago.

    - リエ】アナゴと呼ばれる塩水ウナギ。

  • - Yeah, Annie's face just perked up,

    - ああ、アニーの顔がピクピクした。

  • it comes out and she's like.


  • - [Andrew] Wow, look at it.

    - 見てみろよ

  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - Hey yo, it was almost like biting into a crepe cake.

    - クレープケーキを かじってるみたいだった

  • - Yes.

    - そうですね。

  • - I saved it for Annie, tamagoyaki.

    - アニーのために取っておいたんだよ、たまご焼き。

  • We really appreciate it, thank you very much.


  • - Shun sushi.

    - シュン寿司。

  • - It ended too shun.

    - シュンとしすぎて終わった。

  • (sarcastic laughing)

  • - I love it, it was very comfortable.

    - とても着心地が良くて気に入りました。

  • Chef was very friendly, and I loved the conversation.


  • - I realize today, I want a sushi chef

    - 今日気がついた、寿司職人が欲しい

  • like I want a hair stylist.


  • My hair stylist is the person I see


  • probably more regularly than everybody else in my life.


  • I want that for a sushi chef.


  • - Yeah.

    - そうだな

  • - This is my sushi dance, I've decided.

    - これが私の寿司ダンスだと決めた。

  • - [Rie] What partied sushi.

    - お寿司は何を食べてたの?

  • - We're going to our final sushi spot,

    - 最後のお寿司屋さんに行きます。

  • a place called Kyubey, and from what I understand,


  • we need to get a little bit fancy.


  • Rie, what's goin on here?

    リエ どうしたんだ?

  • - It's rimi shransta sushi, everyone knows Kyubey.

    - 誰もが知っているキュゥべえの「りみシュランスタ寿司」です。

  • The chef from Shun knows, my dads know, it's very famous.


  • - Alright, let's go get that Kyubey.

    - よし、キュゥべえを捕まえに行こう。

  • - Oh, the reason we're dressed up is because

    - あ、お洒落をしている理由は

  • we're eating in a restaurant with a dress code.


  • I cannot believe that we got such


  • a prestigious sushi restaurant in Tokyo.


  • - Let's do it.

    - やってみましょう。

  • (upbeat orchestral music)


  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - Everybody we've talked to in Japan says Kyubey is amazing.

    - 日本で話を聞いた人はみんなキュゥべえがすごいって言ってるよ。

  • Why do you think Kyubey is so popular here?


  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - I mean, this has gotta be one of the,

    - つまり、これは、これは、1つでなければなりません。

  • I don't even know how to talk, let's just eat.


  • - One of the greatest opportunities we've had on this show.

    - この番組の最大のチャンスの一つです。

  • - Yes, I'm a little nervous.

    - はい、ちょっと緊張しています。

  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - [Andrew] Wow.

    - アンドリュー] うわー。

  • - Big inhale.

    - 大きく吸い込む。

  • No, no, no, more, more, more.


  • Don't afraid, and this is a top tool to grind.


  • This is shark skin.


  • - Oh, wow. - Wow.

    - うわぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ- うわー

  • - Please touch it here.

    - こちらで触ってみてください。

  • - [Andrew] Real shark skin?

    - 本物のサメの皮?

  • Arigatou, Gozaimasu.


  • - [Chef] Just one hand is okay, too polite.

    - 料理長】片手でいいんですよ、丁寧すぎて。

  • (laughing)


  • - I'll be less polite.

    - 丁寧さが減る

  • (laughing)


  • - [Group] Kanpai.

    - カンパイ。

  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - Mm, it's gonna be a good night.

    - うーん、いい夜になりそうだ。

  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - [Rie] So this is tai snapper.

    - 理恵】これが鯛なんですね。

  • - [Andrew] Why does he tap it with the knife?

    - なぜナイフで叩くのか?

  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • Feel? - Yeah

    感じる?- 噫

  • - Here, no? - No, sorry.

    - ここだよね?- いいえ、ごめんなさい。

  • - I'll make wasabi double than them.

    - ワサビは彼らより2倍にします。

  • - [Steven] You're not strong enough Andrew.

    - 君は力不足だ アンドリュー

  • - I'm scared.

    - 怖いです。

  • - [Chef] Don't feel?

    - 感じない?

  • - Mm, I feel it now, very good, yeah.

    - うーん、今、感じている、とても良い、うん。

  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - [Andrew] Oh wow, there's green onion underneath them.

    - 下にネギがあるぞ

  • So excited.


  • - [Steven] What is this fish?

    - この魚は何だ?

  • - [Chef] This is turbot.

    - シェフ】これはターボットです。

  • - [Andrew] Oh, turbot?

    - アンドリュー】あ、ターボットか?

  • - And touch top the sushi, this side, bottom and fish.

    - そして、寿司、こちら側、底と魚の上に触れる。

  • Softly, softly, and you have.


  • - It was really amazing.

    - 本当にすごかったです。

  • - Yeah, the springiness of it.

    - そう、その春らしさ。

  • - You try the next way to pick up with the finger.

    - 次は指でつまむ方法を試してみてください。

  • - Okay. - Okay.

    - いいわよ- いいわよ

  • - Thumb and center finger.

    - 親指と中指。

  • - [Steven] Are you gonna eat that?

    - それを食べるのか?

  • - [Rie] He keeps those live shrimp

    - 生きたエビを飼っている

  • in a same temperature as the sea water.


  • Slightly warm rice with cold shrimp.


  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - [Steven] Finger.

    - スティーブン・フィンガー

  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - [Rie] (speaking in foreign language)

    - りえ

  • So he's gonna give Annie a cooked shrimp.


  • - Already seasoned.

    - すでに味付け済み。

  • - Uuuuni.

    - うううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう

  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - Are you kidding me? - Are you kidding me?

    - 冗談じゃないよな?

  • - [Andrew] Your father invented this style?

    - 君の父親がこのスタイルを発明したのか?

  • - [Chef] Yes.

    - はい。

  • - They make this in Ohio.

    - オハイオ州で作られています。

  • - Please go while the seaweed is dry,

    - 海苔が乾いているうちに行ってください。

  • I want to hear the crispy noise of seaweed.


  • - That is incredible tasting.

    - 信じられないほどの試食ですね。

  • - That was everything, cold, uni, the wasabi burn,

    - あれが全てだった、寒さ、ユニ、わさび焼き。

  • the warm rice, the crunchy seaweed, everything.


  • - I would have thought that,

    - と思っていたのですが

  • that was like hundreds of years old.


  • - That style called Gunkan-maki, Gunkan is a battleship.

    - 軍艦巻きと呼ばれるあのスタイル、軍艦は戦艦です。

  • - Oh, Gunkan-maki.

    - あ、軍艦巻き。

  • - I love that.

    - 私はそれが大好きです。

  • - Battleships.

    - 戦艦だ

  • - Cause they kinda look like battleships.

    - 戦艦に似ているからだ

  • - That's my favorite.

    - それは私のお気に入りです。

  • - We should get some more sake.

    - もっと日本酒を手に入れよう

  • - No, would you like some Adam?

    - いや、アダムはどう?

  • Adam's a sucker for good glasses.


  • Adam took a sip of the sake and said,


  • I just realized how all sake


  • was supposed to taste for the first time.


  • - Yeah.

    - そうだな

  • - [Chef] Head of shrimp.

    - 料理長】海老の頭。

  • - [Rie] I think he wanna utilize all the ingredients,

    - すべての食材を活用したいんだと思う。

  • the real head to tail.


  • (laughing)


  • - It's like a little shrimp chip.

    - ちょっとしたエビチップみたいな感じです。

  • - [Rie] (speaking in foreign language)

    - りえ

  • - Mm, wow, wow. - Oh, oh, mm.

    - うむ、うわぁ、うわぁ。- おう、おう、うーん。

  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - [Steven] It's so beautiful.

    - とても美しい

  • - Oh wow, that was really new tasting for me,

    - わあ、私にとっては本当に新しい試食でした。

  • because I've had a lot of sardines before


  • but never like this baby taste.


  • - Yeah I was expecting more of a fishier taste.

    - ああ、もっと魚っぽい味を期待していたんだ。

  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - [Andrew and Steven] Mm.

    - アンドリューとスティーブン

  • - Wow, it's so custardy, it's like flan.

    - うわー、カスタード感があってフランみたい。

  • - Wow.

    - うわー

  • - And then Adam died.

    - そしてアダムは死んだ。

  • - [Chef] (speaking in foreign language)

    - シェフ](外国語で話す)

  • - [Group] Aw.

    - おやおや。

  • - [Rie] What a hospitality.

    - 理恵】なんというおもてなしでしょう。

  • - Usually when I put on my suit

    - 普段はスーツを着ると

  • I have to go somewhere I'm thinking


  • what is this night gonna bring me but havin a great.


  • (gasping)


  • (laughing)


  • - [Rie] Abalone.

    - リエ】アワビ

  • - Wow.

    - うわー

  • - Havin a great time.

    - 楽しかったよ

  • Feel like I'm hangin out

    Feel like I'm hangin out

  • in somebody's basement just playing video games.


  • - I feel like I've stepped in something I can never go back.

    - もう二度と戻れないものを踏んでしまったような気がします。

  • - The thing that was, every piece had

    - それは、どの作品にも

  • its own kick about it, or it's own character.


  • - It's own personality.

    - それは自分の個性です。

  • - Yeah.

    - そうだな

  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - [Rie] This is it.

    - これだよ

  • - Have a question?

    - 質問がありますか?

  • - I do, I have one question?

    - そうだな、一つ質問があるんだが?

  • Why is sushi so great?


  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - Well thank you very much. - Thank you so much.

    - そうですか......ありがとうございました。- 本当にありがとうございました。

  • - (speaking in foreign language)

    - 縡

  • - We are glad you enjoyed.

    - 楽しんでいただけたようで何よりです。

  • - [Andrew] It was so good.

    - アンドリュー】とても良かった。

  • - Thank you very much.

    - ありがとうございました。

  • - I'll never forget it.

    - 絶対に忘れられない。

  • - Guys I wanna say, ya'll look snazzy today.

    - 今日の君たちは素敵だよ

  • Adam especially.


  • - You don't look too bad yourself there.

    - あなたはそこまで悪い人には見えませんよ。

  • - Thank you very much.

    - ありがとうございました。

  • Doesn't change the fact that we have to do our jobs.


  • And our job today is which sushi restaurant


  • was the most worth it to you at its price?


  • - I truly loved every place we went to,

    - どの場所に行っても本当に大好きでした。

  • although at first glance a lot


  • of the preparations might look the same,


  • you really got a completely different thing


  • at every restaurant.


  • And I think each would be worth


  • going to at their price point.


  • For me, if I came back to Tokyo,


  • I would go to Kyubey, I think it's that good,


  • it would be worth the price every time.


  • - Rie?

    - 笑う?

  • - I liked this episode a lot,

    - このエピソードは結構好きでした。

  • sushi's something special in Japan


  • and you can enjoy different level.


  • My Worth It winner is Kyubey.


  • - [Steven] Oh, I knew it.

    - ああ、やっぱりね。

  • It's also not too expensive.


  • - You can spend a lot more at a restaurant.

    - 飲食店ではもっと多くのお金を使うことができます。

  • - I wanted Shun to be my winner

    - シュンに優勝して欲しかった

  • because it was like my barber of sushi.


  • But I do also have to go Kyubey.


  • He paid attention to every detail, Annie?


  • - Kura sushi.

    - くら寿司。

  • - Wow, Adam?

    - アダム?

  • - [Adam] I liked Kyubey.

    - アダム】キュゥべえが好きだった

  • - [Steven] Kyubey,

    - スティーブン・キュゥべえ

  • Kyubey. - Wow.

    キュゥべえ- うわー

  • - That's it for sushi, quick shout out to Daiki,

    - お寿司はこれでおしまい、大樹さんに早速声をかけていただきました。

  • all this way from Taisai, Japan,


  • who helped us get into Kyubey.


  • We're still in Japan, we got one more episode here.


  • - It's Rie's favorite food.

    - 理恵さんの大好物です。

  • And we're visiting a special old friend


  • next week on Worth It.

    来週のWorth Itで

  • - [Andrew] He noticed you were left handed right away.

    - 彼は君が左利きだと気付いた

  • Have you ever felt so noticed?


  • - [Steven] No, I didn't feel noticed

    - 気づかれたとは思わなかった

  • when I went into seventh grade


  • and all the chairs were built for right handed people.


  • So, he's better than chair manufacturers, that's for sure.


  • - [Steven] Oh, yes!

    - そうなんだ!

- We're back, we're in Tokyo, we're Worth It Japan part dwa.

- 帰ってきました!東京に来ました!Worth It Japan part dwaです。

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