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  • They were designed to be the best


  • they met enemies face to face,


  • endured tragedies and enjoyed victories


  • they went down in history due to the bravery of their crews


  • they are the ships that deserve to be called


  • Naval Legends!”

    「海の英雄」 シリーズ

  • In this episode,


  • watch Yamato

    「大和 -

  • Life and Death of the Legendary Battleship.

    伝説的戦艦の生涯」 です。

  • By spring 1945, it became clear that only a miracle could save Japan from defeat in World War II.


  • The Land of the Rising Sun had lost virtually all its naval and air forces,

    この 「日出ずる国」 は事実上すべての海上・航空戦力を喪失し、

  • and US troops were already landing on the Japanese islands.


  • On the morning of April 6, Japan's legendary battleship Yamato sailed off to fight her last battle.

    4 月 6 日朝、大和は彼女の最後の戦いのために出航しました。

  • The last bit of hope the Japanese possessed


  • rested with this steel giant - the largest and most powerful battleship of the time.


  • That naval operation in the Pacific, dubbed Ten-ichi-go (Heaven One),

    「天一号」 と命名されたこの作戦は、

  • was a dangerous mission. But the faith in Yamato was almost religious,


  • and the Japanese believed luck would go hand in hand with the ship.


  • The history of battleship Yamato began 10 years before the ship's legendary last mission.

    大和の艦歴は、この伝説的な最後の作戦より 10 年前に始まりました。

  • In October 1935, Japanese engineers put together a first draft of the famous naval giant.

    1935 年 10 月、日本人技師たちはこの高名な戦艦に関する最初の設計図を作成しました。

  • Unlike the Americans, whose ships were limited to a size that could pass through the Panama Canal


  • nothing restricted the Japanese from building ships of a large size and displacement


  • and arming them as heavily as possible.


  • Japanese designers set out to make battleships powerful enough to outmatch all existing foreign counterparts


  • and any ships that would be built in the upcoming years.


  • The production facilities behind me were the Kure Naval Arsenal in those days.


  • Its dockyard saw the birth of battleship Yamato .


  • Her keel was laid in 1937, and the ship was completed 1941.

    起工が 1937 年、就役が 1941 年です。

  • Yamato was the heaviest battleship in the world. Back then, the total construction expenses amounted to 130 million yen.

    大和は世界最大の戦艦でした。当時、総建造費用は 1 億 3 千万円に達しました。

  • That would be over 1 trillion yen ($8 billion) in today's prices.

    現在の時価に換算すると 1 兆円以上になります。

  • Initially Japan planned to build a total of four Yamato-class ships.

    もともと、日本は 4 隻の大和型戦艦を建造予定でした。

  • However, the Pacific War began, and after completing the second ship, Musashi,

    しかし、太平洋戦争が始まったため、2 番艦である武蔵の後、

  • Japan stopped building the third ship, Shinano,

    日本は 3 番艦信濃の建造を中断し、

  • and never started the fourth one.

    4 番艦は建造されませんでした。

  • Eventually, Shinano was converted to an aircraft carrier.


  • Yamato is the ancient name for Japan, meaning "great harmony."


  • Strict secrecy was maintained throughout her construction: a high fence of mats surrounded the dockyard,


  • all engineers swore a solemn oath of non-disclosure,


  • and the workers going in and out were compared with their photos.


  • Japanese shipbuilders certainly had something big to hide...


  • Total displacement: 72,808 t

    総排水量: 72,808 t

  • Length: 863 ft

    全長: 263 m

  • Beam: 128 ft

    船幅: 38.9 m

  • Draft: 35 ft

    吃水: 10.8 m

  • Armament Main battery

    兵装 主砲

  • Three turrets each having three 40-SK Mod. 94 guns

    九四式四〇糎三連装砲 3 基

  • Caliber: 18 in

    口径: 46 cm

  • Secondary battery


  • Two turrets each having three Type 3 guns Caliber: 6 in

    三年式 15.5 cm 三連装砲 2 基

  • Anti-aircraft artillery


  • Twelve coaxial Type 89 guns Caliber: 5 inch

    八九式 12.7 cm 二連装砲 12 基

  • Fifty triple-barrel and two single-barrel Type 96 automatic cannons. Caliber: 0.98 in

    九六式 25 mm 三連装機銃 50基 および単装機銃 2 基

  • Air group 7 seaplanes (reconnaissance planes and spotting aircraft).

    搭載機: 7 機 (偵察機および観測機)

  • Armor Main belt: 11–16 in

    装甲 主装甲帯: 27 ― 41 cm

  • Main turrets: 7–26 in

    主砲塔: 19 ― 65cm

  • Conning tower: 12–20 in

    司令塔: 30 ― 50 cm

  • Power plant


  • 4 Kampon turbines and 12 Kampon RO boilers

    艦本式タービン 4 基およびロ号艦本式ボイラー 12 缶

  • Power: 154,000 shp

    出力: 154,000 馬力

  • Maximum speed: over 27 knots

    最大速力: 27:4 ノット

  • Operational range: 7,200 nautical miles at 16 knots

    航続距離: 7,200 海里 (16ノット時)

  • Yamato's key features are her main turrets, each having three 18-inch guns.

    大和の最大の特徴はその主砲塔で、各砲塔が 46 cm 砲を 3 門搭載していました。

  • The guns could fire shells weighing almost 1.5 tons with a muzzle speed of 2,600 feet per second.

    この主砲は約 1.5 t の砲弾を射出でき、その初速は秒速 790 m でした。

  • A gun turret, including the barbette, weighed 3,000 tons. It could contain over 150 men.

    バーベットを含めた各砲塔の重量は 3,000 t、その内部では 150 人の乗組員が作業を行いました。

  • Yamato's main turrets were guided by a fire control system, consisting of a director that provided parameters of fire,


  • range-finders, and electromechanical calculators (a form of early computers).


  • It was a state-of-the-art system for the time:


  • lack of fire control radars for engaging surface targets was compensated for by top-notch grouping of salvoes.


  • This gave the Japanese firing capability on par with that of the world's leading navies.


  • The ship's secondary battery consisted of two turrets, each having three 6-inch guns.

    大和の副砲塔は 2 基で、各砲塔が 3 門の 15.5 cm 砲を搭載していました。

  • The guns featured excellent ballistic characteristics and could penetrate the armor of a typical cruiser;


  • however, their rate of fire was pretty low.


  • When commissioned, Yamato had six coaxial 5-inch anti-aircraft guns for long-range engagement,

    大和は就役時に、遠距離迎撃用に 6 基の 12.7 cm 二連装対空砲を、

  • plus short-range anti-aircraft artillery consisted of eight triple-barrel 0.98-inch cannons.

    そして短距離迎撃用に 8 基の 25 mm 三連装機関銃を搭載していました。

  • The number of AA guns was constantly built up during the war.


  • The 5-inch anti-aircraft guns and the 0.98-inch guns had different ranges of fire.

    12.7 cm 対空砲と 25 mm 機関銃は異なる射程を有していました。

  • So if an enemy aircraft flew into this gap, neither of the guns was able to effectively intercept it.


  • Furthermore, the 5-inch guns had relatively low traverse speed and poor elevation and depression characteristics,

    さらに、12.7 cm 対空砲は旋回速度が比較的遅い上に仰俯角性能が悪く、

  • while the 0.98-inch guns failed to fire at the declared rate of 14 rounds per minute if the elevation was high or low.

    一方の 25 mm 機関銃は仰角次第では最大の毎分 14 発の発射速度に達しないことがありました。

  • Yamato enjoyed the heaviest armor in shipbuilding history - its US analog, battleship Iowa

    大和は建艦史上最も重装甲の艦でした。ライバルであるアメリカのアイオワ (Iowa) は、

  • had armor that was on average 4 inches thinner.

    大和よりも平均 100 mm 装甲が薄かったのです。

  • The armor belt of the Japanese giant formed a citadel that covered slightly over half of her waterline length.


  • The most protected part was the ship's conning tower


  • The weapon systems became literally giant. 210815SUCHABIGSHIP


  • The Japanese built a superbattleship that was like 10 or 15 others put together.

    日本は他の艦を 10~15 隻集めたような 1 隻の超大型戦艦を建造したのです。

  • But the problem was that it did not pay off.


  • You can build one Yamato-class battleship,

    大和型戦艦を 1 隻建造したとしても、

  • but she would still be destroyed when facing 2, 3, or 10 US battleships.

    アメリカの 2、3 隻、あるいは 10 隻の戦艦相手にはおそらく負けてしまうでしょう。

  • There are still such characteristics as mobility, quantity, quality, salvoes per side...


  • Yamato was commissioned in late 1941.

    大和は 1941 年末に就役しました。

  • In her first mission, the Battle of Midway, Yamato served as the flagship of the Japanese Combined Fleet.


  • During the battle, on June 4 through 6, 1942,

    1942 年 6 月 4 日から 6 日にかけての戦闘中に

  • Yamato did not fire a single shot and was used only as an HQ ship.


  • The Japanese military command was definitely saving their two best battleships


  • for an upcoming major battle against the US fleet.


  • As a result, Japanese seamen started to feel disappointed with their flagship.


  • They even made up a saying that the world's three most useless things were

    彼らは 「世界三大無用の長物」 として、

  • China's Great Wall, the Egyptian pyramids, and battleship Yamato .


  • It was not until autumn 1944 that the Japanese naval giant fought its first real battle.


  • Together with her sister ship Musashi, Yamato attacked US landing craft near the island of Leyte.


  • In that battle, Yamato was only slightly damaged,


  • demonstrated her power, and recovered the status of an unsinkable giant.


  • However, the situation in the Pacific theater had changed by that time...


  • Progress in military technology basically follows the laws of philosophy.


  • When making a new weapon system, designers and the military usually seek to enhance its specifications:


  • bigger caliber, thicker armor, etc.


  • Then they come to a dead end, where they are no longer developing the navy,


  • but improving a separate weapon type within the existing limits.


  • A radical change is carrier-borne aviation and, later, missile systems.


  • Yamato is the peak, the peak in the construction of battleships.


  • It is not about progress, it is about reaching the peak.


  • In 1945, World War II reached Japan's home islands.

    1945 年、太平洋戦争の戦線は日本本土に及びました。

  • The command of the Japanese Combined Fleet made a Bushido-style decision:


  • Yamato, with the help of a light cruiser and eight destroyers,

    大和に期待されたのは、彼女を護衛する軽巡洋艦 1 隻と駆逐艦 8 隻と共に

  • was to defend the island of Okinawa and prevent the US troops from getting any further inland,


  • or fight to the end and finish her journey gloriously.


  • Executing this order, on April 6, 1945,

    この指令を受け、1945 年 4 月 6 日、

  • the legendary Japanese battleship sailed off to fight her last battle....


  • The United States sent its Task Force 58 to intercept the flagship of the Japanese Combined Fleet.

    アメリカは第 58 任務部隊を送り日本の連合艦隊旗艦を迎撃しました。

  • The Americans would not miss the chance to destroy the symbol of Japan's naval power.


  • As early as at 10 a.m., the first US squadrons took off from five heavy and four light aircraft carriers,

    午前 10 時、大和から約 300 マイル離れたところに位置する 5 隻の正規空母および

  • located about 300 miles away from Yamato.

    4 隻の軽空母から、最初の米軍航空機の編隊が発艦しました。

  • A total of 227 aircraft took part in the destruction of the Japanese force.

    合計 227 機の航空機が、日本艦隊を撃滅するための戦いに加わったのです。

  • The battle began at 12:34. Four aerial bombs hit Yamato,

    戦闘は 12 時 34 分に始まりました。大和は 4 発の航空爆弾を被弾し、

  • taking out a 5-inch gun and several automatic cannons.

    1 基の 12.7 cm 対空砲と数門の機関銃が失われました。

  • In just 20 minutes, two more bombs struck the battleship, and a torpedo hit her port side.

    その20分後、大和はさらに 2 発の爆弾を被弾し、左舷に 1 発の魚雷が命中しました。

  • In response, Yamato fired her anti-aircraft weapons.


  • At 14:02, the Americans launched the last attack on the wounded, but still combat capable, Yamato

    14 時 2 分、アメリカは最後の攻撃隊を、傷つきつつも未だに戦闘力を有する大和に対して発艦させました…

  • It was a demonstrative execution:


  • four torpedoes (three to the port side and one to the starboard side)

    大和は左舷に 3 発、右舷に 1 発、計 4 発の魚雷を被弾し、

  • destroyed the ship's damage control center.


  • Yamato stopped moving and started listing to port more and more every minute


  • and when this huge ship capsized, a monstrous explosion erupted.


  • The pride and hope of the Japanese fleet went under.


  • Together with the ship, 3,000 crew members were lost,

    艦隊司令官および艦長を含めた約 3000 人の乗組員が

  • including the commanders of the Japanese force and the ship.


  • For the Japanese,


  • Yamato still remains a symbol of the nation's might that fell in battle like a true samurai.


  • The city where the legendary battleship was built opened a museum,


  • whose centerpiece is an 85-foot model of Yamato .

    その中央を飾るのは大和の 10 分の 1 模型です。

  • The Kure Municipal Museum of Naval History and Science was built 10 years ago to preserve

    呉海事歴史科学館は今から 10 年前、呉市の豊かな海の伝統を

  • the rich naval tradition of the city.


  • Now it is known as the Yamato Museum.


  • The exhibits reflect the naval history of Kure;


  • in other words, the history of naval affairs and technologies.


  • The museum has become quite popular.


  • Fans of battleships come here from all over the country.


  • However, we should remember that it was originally dedicated to all kinds of shipbuilding.


  • The violent explosion that finished the destruction of Yamato


  • was caused by the detonation of her main battery magazines.


  • However, there is plenty of debate about the reason for that tremendous explosion.


  • The answer is probably hidden on the bottom of the ocean:


  • so far researchers have been unable to lift what is left from the giant battleship...


  • It is true that Yamato had a number of drawbacks.


  • Like her sister ship, Musashi, the battleship was sunk as a result of air strikes.


  • The key reason for that was the ships' fundamental lack of ability to resist massive air attacks.


  • Yamato remains the largest and most powerful battleship in history.


  • For every person who takes interest in the history of military ships,


  • Yamato embodies military might.


  • Born to terrify and crush enemies,


  • this formidable steel giant managed to glorify her name even as she was defeated.


  • She represented a pinnacle in large battleship design, one that will probably never be surpassed,


  • and in that sense,


  • Yamato will always remain a symbol and a legend.


They were designed to be the best



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