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  • Hi. James from I'd normally be reading, but I'm putting my finishing touches.

    こんにちは、 のジェームスです。いつもは読んでいるはずなのに、仕上げの作業をしています。

  • Our expensive prop department -- "props" are things you use in movies to demonstrate things, or


  • a "prop" might be a marker or a pen or a car.


  • Our prop department is so poor I had to draw a hat on a box, but it will help demonstrate the 3 tricks to learn English.


  • Now, there are three little tricks that you can do


  • and even better, you can do with a friend -- to learn English. So you can actually have partner practice.

    さらに良いことに 友人と一緒に英語を学ぶことができます実際にパートナーの練習をすることができます

  • We haven't really discussed this much here, but why not? I mean probably,


  • you may not go to an English school, so you don't have anyone but your friend who is probably


  • watching with you right now. So here are three quick little tricks you can do, and the beauty


  • of these are - they're going to help you with, No.1, vocab -- vocabulary. Okay? No.2, we're

    これらはあなたの助けになるわ その1 ボキャブラリーよいいですか?その2、私たちは

  • going to work on prepositions. And No. 3, we'll work on structure of English. How's that?

    は前置詞に取り組みますその3 英語の構造を勉強しますどうですか?

  • You paid nothing, and you're getting lots. And the best thing is they'll all be


  • fun -- fun. Cough, there. All right. First thing we're going to talk


  • about is a hat trick. In hockey, a "hat trick" is three things: You score three goals. One,

    についてはハットトリックです。ホッケーでは "ハットトリック "とは 3つのことです3つのゴールを決めること1つだ

  • two, and three, just like in English football or European football. Three goals is a

    イングランドサッカーやヨーロッパサッカーと同じように 2点、3点です3つのゴールは

  • hat trick. Don't know why they call it that, but that's what they call it. Our hat trick is


  • called a "hat pull", "hat pull". What's a "hat pull"? Well, you learn your vocabulary,


  • and there's lots and lots of vocabulary. Every day something new. Even when I said things


  • like "hat trick" in this very lesson, there are probably three vocabulary words that you


  • hadn't heard before, that you had to go, "What does he mean?", and I taught you. But


  • wouldn't it be cool if you had a fun trick to play? A lot of people play flash cards,


  • you know, they get a card. They put the meaning of the word. They turn it over and try and


  • remember. This is a variation that a friend taught me. It's quite fun. What you do is,


  • take your hat, okay? Learn five, ten, words -- 20 even. When you learn them or think you


  • know them, put them in the hat. And you and a friend can then put your hand in the hat


  • and take out the word, and then say something like "philosophy". And the other person has


  • to say, "It's this word. It means this." If they get it right, then they can put their

    "この言葉だから "と言って"これはこれを意味する"それを正しく理解していれば、その人たちは自分たちの

  • hand in, take out another vocabulary word, and go, "What's this word?" And you can keep

    手を入れて 別の単語を取り出して "この単語は何だっけ?"ってとか言ってみてください。

  • playing to help master vocabulary. Cool, right? You're having fun, you're challenging each


  • other. Collect cards. See who wins the game. Or if you're doing it by yourself, just pull


  • it out, turn it over, and try and think of what is the word that's in your hand. It helps

    それを出してひっくり返してみて 手に持っている言葉は何か考えてみてくださいそれは助けになります。

  • to "jog your memory", which is an idiom that means to help you remember or reminds you


  • of the meaning of words. You can play it with one friend, two friends, three friends. That's


  • kind of cool, right? You can even do it in a classroom. Suggest it for your teacher.


  • Go, "Hey, can we play the hat game?" "The hat game? Son, you're too young to play the


  • hat game." You go, "No, Pops, it's a good game." Just get a hat and some paper or tissue

    "帽子ゲーム""おじいちゃん、いいゲームだよ "って言うんだ帽子と紙やティッシュで

  • paper. Hee hee hee. Sorry. Moving on. Next one: I got the hat pull, and you'll see


  • it goes to this one. This is really long: "random sentence generator". And it seems


  • like it's really, really hard. I mean, this one we worked on vocabulary, right? Building


  • our vocabulary, remembering our vocabulary. The second trick, the "random sentence generator"

    私たちのボキャブラリーを覚える2つ目のトリックは "ランダム文生成器 "です

  • -- I just had to say it twice because it sounds so nice. Well, random sentence. You can use

    -- いい響きだから二度言っただけだよまあ、ランダムな文章だ。使ってもいいわよ

  • this game to go to this game to make it more complicated or -- and "complicated" means


  • "difficult" -- you can just simply play it by itself. Take a word -- random. Okay, there's

    "難しい" -- 単にそれだけで弾くことができます。単語を取ってランダムによし、そこに

  • a word, "random". Now, "generate" means "to create or make". Make a sentence like that

    ランダム」という言葉があります。さて "generate "は「作る、作る」という意味ですのような文章を作ります。

  • -- random. "He randomly created a sentence from nothing." Right? Yeah, I just took this

    -- ランダムだ"彼は無からランダムに文章を作った"だろ?ええ、私はこれを

  • word and I just made it. I could say, "develop": "In order to develop your mind you have to

    という言葉があって、それを作っただけです。"開発する "と言ってもいいかもしれません"心を開発するためには

  • read many books." I'm going really quickly because I want you to understand that when


  • you do it randomly, it has to be quick. You can't say "blah, blah, blah" very slowly.


  • The whole thing is: speed. This will help you with English structure because if you


  • say it incorrectly, you or your friend will actually notice it and try and correct it.


  • What's the structure? Why can't you put "random" here or there? Is it a verb? Is it an adjective?


  • What is its purpose in a sentence when you're making the sentence? So by quickly and randomly


  • -- remember, "random" means "without structure"; it just happens -- making the sentence up

    -- ランダム」というのは「構造のない」という意味であることを覚えておいてください。

  • from the words you have or the vocabulary word, you'll understand its position or its


  • job in structure in a sentence. You like that? And if you put it with this one here, the


  • "hat pull", it's fun for the whole family. All right. I've got one more for you. This


  • one says, "Look at me now!" Why is that? A lot of people have trouble with prepositions,

    "今の私を見て!"と言う人がいる それはなぜでしょうか?多くの人が前置詞で悩んでいます

  • and English people use prepositions everywhere. We even put prepositions


  • in places we ought not to, okay? Oops. Did I just say "ought not to"? There we go. We

    置いてはいけない場所で、いい?おっと"すべきじゃない "って言った?それでいい私達は

  • call them dangling modifiers or whatnot. What we want to do with this, with "look at me

    ぶら下がり修飾語と呼んだりします。これで何をしたいかというと "look at me "で

  • now" is while you're in the middle of something, just stop yourself, and in the language -- or

    今 "は、何かの途中で、ちょうど自分自身を停止している間に、言語で - または

  • English, in this case -- you're trying to learn, just stop, and in English try and tell


  • yourself what you're doing. "Right now, I am teaching." That's too easy. How about this:


  • "I am in a room -- there's my preposition -- teaching." I am standing on the second


  • floor." Other preposition, "on". "And we are at --" See, you keep going on and on. Just

    "床の上"他の前置詞 "on""And we are at --"ほら、あなたは何度も何度も何度も繰り返している。ただ

  • use your prepositions, but just do it for what are you doing now. It's great. You can

    前置詞を使ってください でも今何をしているのかだけでいいんですそれは素晴らしいことですあなたは

  • be sitting in the toilet -- I'm sitting on the toilet in the bathroom. No, I'm not. If

    トイレに座っている -- トイレの便器に座っています。違うわよもし

  • the camera moves around, you'll notice it's a classroom. There's no toilet imagery, okay?


  • But I can use it to work on my prepositions. You can use it for other things, you know,


  • verbs and adjectives, working them into sentences, saying what are you doing now. "I am speaking


  • very slowly." When you use a modifier to show the speed of my speech, right? And I can do


  • that for other things. Cool? "You are learning very quickly." Got the modifier. You like


  • that? So this can be used for prepositions specifically, but you can turn around and


  • say, "What am I doing now?" Or, "look at me now" and then use, you know, describe it in


  • English as best you can -- pick a subject or an area you want to talk about, like my


  • verbs, my adjectives, my prepositions, or idioms, and then quickly try and use them


  • in the moment. It will help you master the language, and that's what I mean, actually


  • master the language. Well, I have given you three tricks -- a hat

    言葉をマスターするさて、私はあなたに3つのトリックを与えました -- 帽子を

  • trick, so to speak. Okay? Mr. E has helped out, of course, with the hat pull, remember?


  • Put words in a hat. Pull them out. It can be vocabulary. You can pick the type of vocabulary


  • -- specific vocabulary, whatever. You can use the random sentence generator, take these

    -- 特定の語彙でも何でもいいランダム・センテンス・ジェネレーターを使うことができます

  • same words, and have to make a sentence. When you really get advanced, and this is when


  • you really master the language, you can use two or three random words and put them in


  • one sentence. It's really cool, and it's really difficult. I've done as much as ten, but I'm


  • a native speaker. How many can you do? And then "look at me now". What are you doing now?


  • You're watching me. Where are you watching me? "I am in my living room watching you in


  • YouTube? On You -- on EngVid?" Which one is it? In or on? Figure it out, right? Speaking

    YouTube?On You -- on EngVid?"どっちなんだ?入っているのか、入っているのか?わかるよね?そういえば...

  • of which, I'm sorry, it's time for me to go. But I've given you three cool tricks. You


  • can be the new teacher in your school. Teach your teacher. Teach your friends. But bring


  • them back. Bring them back to as in "English video". Right? Where you'll

    に戻してください。英語の動画」のように に戻してください。だろう?どこにあるかというと

  • find me and my fantastic friend and several other teachers who want to teach you. And


  • before I forget: to make it easy so you don't have to be reminded, why don't you subscribe?

    before I forget: 思い出す必要がないように簡単にするために、購読してみてはいかがでしょうか?

  • Hit "subscribe", and you'll know the latest video that I've completed. It will come right


  • to you direct. No effort on your part. Anyway, you have a great day, and I'll see you soon.


  • Mr. E, I'm out of here. Pull your own damn hat.


Hi. James from I'd normally be reading, but I'm putting my finishing touches.

こんにちは、 のジェームスです。いつもは読んでいるはずなのに、仕上げの作業をしています。

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