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  • If only we knew someone who recently got married

  • or is getting married.

  • Yeah. Yeah.

  • Wait, where's Marina at?

  • Where's Marina at?

  • Marina!

  • Marina is one of

  • our executive producers.

  • She's been with us

  • for many, many seasons

  • and also has recently lost her wife in the produce.

  • Ahh! I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

  • It's, like, you announce it. I'm, like, "Oh, I got this."

  • And then, it's just, like, "Oh, God, I really have to do this."

  • [ Laughs ]

  • Hi, so sorry.

  • I lost my wife, actually,

  • and I don't have my phone on me.

  • No, no, no, totally. I just wonder--

  • was wondering if maybe

  • you've seen her.

  • Um, she's...

  • "She's 4'8."

  • She's 4'8. Kind of tiny.

  • "She walks like she just swallowed a live eel."

  • "She sort of walks like she just swallowed, like, a live eel."

  • You know, just sort of,

  • like, a little...

  • "Mad cleavage,

  • covered in poison ivy."

  • But mad, mad cleavage, kind of covered in poison ivy,

  • but mad cleavage...

  • Okay.

  • ...I mean...

  • Wow, Marina!

  • "She's legally a service dog."

  • [ Chuckles ]

  • She's legally a service dog,

  • but she's still one hell of a bitch.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • "She's got a medically necessary

  • third tit."

  • She has a -- [ Chuckles ] She --

  • [ Laughter ]

  • [ Laughing ] She has a medically necessary third tit.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • So to recap --

  • 4'8, walks like an eel,

  • technically a service dog,

  • mad cleavage,

  • covered in poison ivy,

  • but a third tit

  • not covered in poison ivy.

  • Maybe.

  • Really, maybe?

  • Yeah, maybe

  • in the frozen-food section.

  • In the frozen-food section!

  • I think I saw her.

  • Dude, awesome!

  • All: Oh!

  • Thank you. I'll go look. All right, appreciate it.

  • Sal: Yeah!

  • Q: Wow!

  • Marina wins it!

If only we knew someone who recently got married


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B2 中上級

非実用ジョーカーズ - うなぎのように歩く妻を見たことがあるか?| ウナギのように歩く妻を見たことがありますか? (Impractical Jokers - Have You Seen My Wife Who Walks Like An Eel? | truTV)

  • 158 1
    林邑泉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日