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  • DAVID MALAN: All right.

  • This is CS50 and this is lecture 1.

  • And you'll recall, of course, that just a few days ago, we

  • introduced programming and some fundamentals of computing

  • and computational thinking, so to speak.

  • And today, we're going to build on those ideas

  • but begin to transition to a more cryptic looking

  • but nonetheless much more powerful language-- transitioning ultimately

  • from Scratch.

  • So odds are by now, you had an opportunity with problem

  • set zero to experiment with Scratch and drag and drop puzzle pieces

  • and recall that the real point of Scratch,

  • beyond having a bit of fun in showing off,

  • which you can do with something like that,

  • is to explore ideas like loops and functions and conditions.

  • Maybe some Boolean expressions or events.

  • Really depends on how you pull those ingredients together.

  • But today, we introduce a language that's

  • been around for quite awhile longer--

  • decades-- called C. And it's an older language

  • and frankly, after CS50, odds are you're not likely

  • to use this language all that much, if ever.

  • But it's been a foundation for a lot of the more modern languages that

  • have come in.

  • So roughly mid-semester when we transition to another language--

  • Python and then thereafter SQL and then thereafter

  • JavaScript-- you'll see a lot of those same origins and syntax and ideas.

  • And indeed, everything we did last week in Scratch, you're going to see

  • permeates all of these various languages.

  • Because at the end of the day, you're not learning C in CS50.

  • You're not learning Scratch or Python or JavaScript.

  • You're learning the fundamentals of computer science and ultimately,

  • the tool of programming.

  • So today, let's begin to translate some of last times ideas

  • into more cryptic looking but nonetheless fundamentally identical

  • ideas as follows.

  • So this was a super simple program that simply

  • displayed on the screen out of the mouth of a cat by default, hello world.

  • Well, let's begin to translate this to something textual

  • as most programming languages actually are,

  • by first focusing on just this block.

  • This purple puzzle piece--

  • we called an example of what kind of programming construct?

  • It was like a function.

  • A verb or an action, do something in Scratch.

  • MIT decided to make them purple but that was just arbitrary

  • but they're consistent in the program because they're all

  • very similar in spirit.

  • Now in C, starting today and for several weeks hereafter,

  • that same purple puzzle piece is going to start to look like this.

  • And we saw a glimpse of this last time-- printf, hello, world.

  • But notice there's a few salient characteristics

  • beyond just the words, hello world.

  • There's printf and we'll see what the f stands for today.

  • There's a parenthesis and a closed parenthesis over here.

  • And that kind of balance is going to be important, not intellectually, but just

  • syntactically because the computer is going

  • to expect you to be super precise.

  • The quote and unquote, we'll see, surround words

  • that you write in a program.

  • So whereas last time in Scratch, you simply typed a word in a white box,

  • now you're going to do the same thing on your keyboard

  • but surrounding it with quotes.

  • And then lastly, there's going to be this nuisance, this semi-colon, which

  • a lot of languages have which simply says, end of thought.

  • It's like the programmer's equivalent of a period in an English sentence.

  • And you'll find that among the frustrations

  • that new programmers experience, myself included back in the day,

  • is you don't really notice these things from the get go.

  • And you might type out all of your logic and feel good

  • about your program try to run it and the thing doesn't work because of something

  • stupid like you forgot this.

  • So the key takeaway for today especially is don't

  • get frustrated by the stupid stuff.

  • You're absolutely going to bump against walls, not quite

  • seeing what someone like I might see after all these years of practice.

  • But in just a few weeks time, you'll start to notice patterns.

  • And the mistakes you might make in the first week

  • are going to be much more obvious to you in the second and third and beyond.

  • So this then would be a function in C. Let's

  • combine it as a complete program, which we did see a glimpse of last time.

  • So if you were to implement this same program,

  • hello, world in C, these are the several lines you would have to type.

  • You can't just type printf.

  • You have to sort of set up the program.

  • Now why is that?

  • Well, we can tease this apart by looking at just a few of the keywords

  • in this example here.

  • So highlighted now in yellow is main.

  • And some humans, years ago, just decided,

  • you know what, when another human is writing a program,

  • he or she has just got to call their function, as we'll soon see, main.

  • They could have called it anything they want

  • but main is kind of a nice word for it the main part of your program.

  • So this is the equivalent of our when green flag clicked in the language

  • called C.

  • Meanwhile, if we highlight another key word printf,

  • this is going to be the C equivalent of the say block in purple.

  • So printf is just going to print something on the screen.

  • Meanwhile, in yellow here now is what we're going to start calling a string.

  • A string is just a technical word for sequence of characters or words,

  • phrases, paragraphs, whatever it is.

  • So that is a string highlighted now in yellow.

  • And notice that it's sort of being supplied, as we'll see, to printf.

  • If it's immediately coming after the word printf just like hello,

  • world in the white box immediately came after the word say.

  • And now things get a little more arcane now highlighted in yellow is stdio.h.

  • Definitely the most cryptic of the key word so far.

  • This happens the stand for standard inputs and outputs.

  • And that's just a fancy way of saying this file, as we'll soon see,

  • is somehow related to printing and somehow, which is output,

  • and somehow related to keyboards, which is input.

  • So somewhere in that file, we'll see is this sort of functionality

  • that you would hope a computer would have.

  • Outputting stuff and taking input.

  • And so we'll see that that's where we get

  • that kind of standard functionality.

  • Scratch does not have an equivalent.

  • It just all kind of works, which is nice in Scratch.

  • Meanwhile, this keyword, include, we're going to see,

  • is literally just saying that.

  • Hey computer, please include standard input and output functionality

  • so that I can do something interesting with my program.

  • And without that line of code, you couldn't do as much

  • in this language, C.

  • Now let's look quickly at a few other puzzle

  • pieces, a few concepts that intuitively are probably pretty straightforward.

  • And then we'll transition partway through today

  • to actually writing code and lots of actual examples

  • and running the code as well.

  • But last time, you might have implemented

  • an infinite loop, one that just goes forever, with a forever block.

  • And in Scratch, you would then have a say block or something else

  • on the inside.

  • Starting today, that same puzzle piece is going to look a little weird.

  • It's going to look like this.

  • While (true) printf hello, world.

  • And frankly, there's a bunch of different ways

  • you could implement this.

  • I'm just sort of choosing the simplest, relatively speaking, or most canonical.

  • But why is this the same?

  • Well, I've highlighted in yellow the first line, while true.

  • And while-- it's kind of a nice word in English and so far,

  • it just kind of intuitively suggests like,

  • while something is happening-- that's kind of loop like.

  • And meanwhile in parentheses, this is a Boolean expression

  • Scratch had these by dragging and dropping

  • those puzzle pieces on the equivalent block when you had conditions.

  • But in this case here, we're just saying while (true).

  • So (true).

  • (true) is like yes.

  • And the other day, we said yes is kind of like the number 1 whereas no is

  • like false or the number 0.

  • And that's great because if we have a true, false world or a yes,

  • no world, or 1, 0 world that wonderful [INAUDIBLE] to the hardware

  • we all have on our laps and in our pockets, which

  • is a computer based on transistors and electricity and all

  • of that we're going to now abstract away from.

  • Don't care how electricity works today and I don't care how 1's and 0's.

  • I just know that I can represent 1's or 0's, 1's or 0's.

  • Or equivalently (true).

  • So while this lamp is on or while this lamp is (true), printf hello, world.

  • So the reason, logically, that the code you

  • have on the screen there prints hello, world forever

  • is because it's as though we've never turned the light bulb off.

  • It's just while it's on.

  • Keep doing this doing this doing this doing this again and again

  • and again, just like in Scratch.

  • Meanwhile, we might also do the following

  • after a number of iterations of that.

  • We might have a finite number of iterations with this repeat block.

  • This one says, of course, repeat the following 50 times.

  • Now this one is going to look a little uglier, for sure.

  • This is probably the most conventional way

  • to translate this Scratch block to C. Now it looks like a lot all at once

  • but again, after a couple of days, couple of weeks,

  • you'll start to see the patterns.

  • Let me highlight some of the features of this code.

  • So highlighted in yellow here is what we're just

  • going to call an initialization.

  • This says, hey computer, give me a variable, call it i, just because.

  • I could have called it anything.

  • And initialize it to 0.

  • So again, just like an algebra, you might

  • have x equals 0 or y equals 0 this is just equal 0.

  • And even though we haven't talked about this,

  • you might be able to guess what does this keyword, int, perhaps mean?

  • Integer.

  • That's right.

  • I mean, we didn't have the same idea in Scratch.

  • In Scratch, if you want a number, you just type it.

  • If you want a word, you just type it.

  • But in C, you have to be a little more uptight.

  • You have to actually tell the computer what type of value

  • you're putting in your variables.

  • They're not just going to be numbers, integers.

  • Turns out we can put strings, we can put trues and falses,

  • we can put other things as well down the road.

  • So this is just saying, hey computer, give me

  • a variable that's going to store an integer, a number, like negative 1, 0,

  • 1, and so forth, but initialize it to 0.

  • Make it the number 0 by default. And that's it.

  • Succinct, if cryptic way of saying it.

  • Then this block of code says the following.

  • Hey computer, just to be safe, is i less than 50?

  • That's a Boolean expression, true or false?

  • So is i less than 50 at this moment in time?

  • Obviously, because it's 0.

  • That's of course, less than 50.

  • So the computer then does the following.

  • printf hello, world.

  • So it initializes the variable.

  • It checks that it is less than a certain number, 50 in this case.

  • And then if that condition is true, it proceeds to print hello, world.

  • And even if you've never seen code before,

  • perhaps by process of elimination, what step is probably going to come next?

  • What am I next probably going to highlight on the screen?

  • Yeah, the i plus plus.

  • Not obvious what it does quite yet but you can perhaps guess i plus plus

  • is a conventional way in this language to just say, you know what,

  • go ahead and change i's value by 1.

  • So if 0 becomes 1, 1 is going to become 2, 2 is going to become 3 and so forth.

  • But for now, we're just changing 0 to 1.

  • So at this point in the story, i is 1.

  • What does the computer do?

  • Now, it just kind of repeats things bunches of times.

  • It's going to check again, hey, is i less than 50?

  • Simple question.

  • i is 1, so is i less than 50 now?

  • Obviously so.

  • And so it's going to print hello, world again.

  • Then it's going to increment i.

  • So Now it's 2.

  • It's going to double check that condition.

  • Is 2 less than 50?

  • Obviously, yes.

  • And then it's going to print hello, world.

  • It's then going to implement i again, which is going to become 3.

  • It's going to double check that condition.

  • Is 3 less than 50?

  • Obviously.

  • And then it's going to print hello, world.

  • And it's going to continue that process, take a guess, how many times?

  • 50 in total because eventually-- and we won't bore ourselves with the whole

  • story--

  • i is going to equal 50 because of a whole bunch of plus pluses.

  • And at that point in the story, the computer's going to ask the question,

  • is 50 less than 50.

  • No, obviously not.

  • And at that point, the code stops executing.

  • And whatever is below it in your program--

  • like lower in your file--

  • that's what's going to happen next, even though there's nothing pictured there.

  • So again, cryptic.

  • But it follows this pattern.

  • And once you sort of get comfortable with that pattern,

  • you're going be able to bang this out on a keyboard

  • and just know what it's supposed to do without even having to think about it

  • so methodically.

  • Now the other day, this was perhaps the biggest set of puzzle pieces

  • we played with in person, even though it's probably

  • just a small piece of some of your own Scratch projects now.

  • But it actually maps pretty nicely to C code.

  • It's not colorful in the same way.

  • But you'll see that the other day when we asked is x less than y, in code,

  • it actually looks pretty identical.

  • In fact, it might be a little simpler to look at.

  • We just have some parentheses.

  • We have the less than sign.

  • And of course, x and y, which in this context,

  • are assumed to be variables-- like x and y in algebra.

  • Where do they come from?

  • I have no idea.

  • In this context, we're just assuming this is part of a bigger program.

  • So if x is less than y, print out x is less than y.

  • Else if x is greater than y, print out x is greater than y.

  • Else print x is equal to y.

  • And so just like this yellow puzzle pieces kind of

  • are embracing the purple puzzle pieces, similarly do

  • you have these curly braces, which maybe you have never actually

  • had occasion to use on your keyboard.

  • But odds are, they're, probably around your Enter key on a US keyboard.

  • These are like sort of wrapping the lines of code

  • that you want to actually execute.

  • Now there's a curiosity I haven't called out just yet

  • and we'll come back to this-- this this weird backslash n.

  • We'll see why that is there in just a moment.

  • So let me pause for just a moment because that was already a mouthful.

  • Any questions on functions or on loops or on conditions as we

  • begin to translate them from Scratch to C?

  • Anything at all?

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: Why are there two plus signs and not just one?

  • DAVID MALAN: Good question.

  • Why are there two plus signs and not just one?

  • If you have just one plus sign-- and we'll actually see this in a bit

  • in an example-- that literally means add one number on the left to one

  • number on the right.

  • So in this case, it's just because is kind of the trite answer.

  • It's because if we want to have this special operation where

  • there is no number on the right, you're just

  • adding 1 to the number on the left.

  • Humans, years ago, just decided plus plus is pretty succinct

  • and it's not used for other purposes yet.

  • So that's all.

  • Yeah?

  • Yeah, right there.


  • DAVID MALAN: Correct.

  • I wouldn't start thinking about it as having a loop inside of it

  • because we'll eventually see that you can literally put another for loop,

  • as it's called with the key word for, inside of another

  • by indenting it inside.

  • So think of when you're looking at a for loop--

  • like the one we just saw a moment ago--

  • the loop as really being all four of these lines.

  • And like something is just kind of happening cyclically

  • around the whole body of that code, so to speak.

  • Other questions?

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: Why do we in for the main method?

  • DAVID MALAN: Why do we use int for the main method?

  • Let me take the fifth on that for just a moment.

  • What you're alluding to, just to be clear,

  • is this example here whereby in our most canonical sort of simplest, relatively

  • speaking, but program that does the least amount of work possible,

  • we also mentioned int here.

  • We also mentioned this curiosity here, void.

  • Let me just defer that answer for a little bit

  • until we have a vocabulary with which to answer that.

  • All right.

  • So we've looked then it functions, at loops, and conditions.

  • But there are a couple of other puzzle pieces that we looked at before.

  • But for now, we're going to take those as our sole translations,

  • just to kind of give you a taste of the fact that even though the syntax is

  • different, you might have never heard of typed these characters on your keyboard

  • before, the ideas today are exactly the same as last time.

  • But of course, even as we humans begin to write code--

  • code is just characters on the screen like this--

  • the problem is per our first lecture computers don't speak pseudo code.

  • They don't speak English, per se.

  • And they don't even speak code, per se.

  • What's the only language we claim computers understand?

  • 1's and 0's or binary.

  • At the end of the day, they only understand 0's and 1's and they can do

  • a whole lot with those 0's and 1's.

  • But somehow, if me, the human, am going to type stuff like this on my screen

  • before my Mac or PC can understand it, unfortunately,

  • I'm going to have to literally convert it to 0's and 1's.

  • And back in the day--

  • back even on this campus years ago-- you might

  • have heard of punch cards growing up or in a history book or the like which

  • effectively captures symbologies like this,

  • people did way back in the day program in binary, at least early on.

  • Then they invented other languages that were a little nicer to use

  • and then they invented other languages that were yet nicer to use.

  • But at the end of the day, our computers, Intel Inside,

  • still just understands this.

  • But thankfully, we the humans don't need to worry

  • about why those 0's and 1's actually mean,

  • hey computer, print hello, world on the screen because of the following.

  • We henceforth are going to write source code.

  • And that's technically what you did with Scratch.

  • Even though you dragged and dropped puzzle pieces,

  • you were writing source code.

  • Sort of human like syntax that's just more digestible for us.

  • But we ultimately need to convert source code to what's called machine code--

  • 0's and 1's that Intel CPUs or other CPUs actually understand.

  • Thankfully, humans have come before us have invented software,

  • generally called compilers, whose sole purpose in life is to translate source

  • code like we've been seeing on the screen into machine code 0's and 1's.

  • And in fact, this is a whole research area

  • in computer science as to how to do this well, how to do it quickly,

  • especially for really big programs.

  • This is a tool that we'll use as a tool in the CS50 so as to not worry about

  • how those translations actually happen.

  • And to do that, we're generally going to use all the same environment--

  • something called CS50 IDE.

  • IDE stands for integrated development environment,

  • which is just a fancy way of saying a computing environment that's

  • identical for all of us.

  • Because frankly, especially when getting into programming,

  • one of the easy frustrations can be following a whole bunch of directions

  • on one's Mac or on one's PC just to get your environment

  • to be identical to someone next to you, but invariably, some of us

  • have different browser versions, some of us

  • have different versions of Mac OS or Windows.

  • And it's just a massive headache trying to get everyone onto the same page.

  • And so increasingly in industry, it's very common, even within companies,

  • for everyone to have kind of a uniform development environment,

  • even if they don't all have the same computers.

  • And so what you'll begin to have access to today

  • and even after the course ends is an environment that looks like this.

  • It's web based, this integrated development environment.

  • And those of you who did take some CS before, it's

  • similar in spirit to Eclipse or NetBeans or Visual Studio or tools like that.

  • But if you're not familiar, you can just think of it as a web application.

  • A site that you're going to have usernames and passwords on that's

  • going to allow you to log in and see, essentially, an environment

  • like this that has a big window here where you can write code,

  • like we've been seeing on the screen thus far.

  • It's going to have what's called a terminal window at the bottom

  • where just like we're about to do today, you can type some lower level commands

  • and tell the computer what to do, even without using a mouse.

  • And then much like Mac OS and Windows have,

  • you'll be able to see all of your files and folders.

  • This is in the cloud though, so to speak.

  • And so you have some number of gigabytes in the cloud

  • and you have only access or you or your teaching fellow,

  • if you grant him or her access, will have access to this environment.

  • And you can, of course, then access it anywhere on the internet.

  • And frankly, even if you don't have good internet on a vacation

  • or while traveling for school or for sports,

  • you can also download an offline version as well of the same environment.

  • So there's also night mode too, if you're that type.

  • But let's see actually how we use this environment.

  • But really, at the end of the day, how we program.

  • So I have logged in in advance already to see CS50 IDE.

  • I put myself in night mode here.

  • The address is and you can follow along here if you'd like.

  • But probably better to do this at a slower pace on your own,

  • whether for problem set one or later on today.

  • And so let me go ahead and write my very first program.

  • I don't really care about what's going on the left

  • because I have no files and folders yet except for this folder up here.

  • By default, all of you will have your own workspace folder

  • and that's where all of your problem sets and files can go.

  • But I'm going to go ahead and hide that by clicking this folder icon,

  • just to kind of simplify what we're looking at.

  • And now there's two parts to the screen.

  • The code editor up here where you can write code-- not that.

  • And then this so-called terminal window down here.

  • So let me go ahead and write my first program.

  • I'm going to go ahead first and do File, Save, just like on a Mac or PC.

  • And I'll call this hello.c.

  • By convention, any program you write in this language called C is supposed

  • to end in .c.

  • Just like in Scratch, somewhat oddly, it ends in .sb2,

  • if you noticed on your Mac or PC.

  • With C, it's literally just C. And by convention, always use lowercase.

  • And by convention, don't use spaces.

  • Use underscores or hyphens-- something like that when making files.

  • Otherwise, it just gets harder to find things in your workspace.

  • So now I have a file or a tab called hello.c.

  • I can do this pretty quickly because I've done it before.

  • But I'm going to go ahead and type out that program we keep seeing.

  • Quote, unquote "hello, world", semi-colon, and save.

  • Now you'll notice that somehow, my code is all

  • very colorful, even though I just kind of typed that out on my Mac's keyboard.

  • You would see the same thing on your PC.

  • That's just because a lot of IDEs, integrated development environments,

  • just color code your source code for you to kind of

  • draw your attention to the functions, to draw your attention to other key words.

  • It has no meaning and it's not stored in the file.

  • This is just kind of a graphical user interface feature

  • that you get automatically.

  • But how do I run this program?

  • Like on your Mac or PC, how do you typically run a program?

  • AUDIENCE: You click on it.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, you click on it.

  • You probably double click an icon.

  • On Android or iOS, you just tap an icon.

  • But with programming environments, you can make that possible.

  • And on Macs and PCs, you can absolutely write software as simple as this,

  • save it, and then double click on an icon.

  • But the reality is, for aspiring computer scientists or data scientists,

  • or really, just anyone who wants to do more powerful things with computers,

  • you can actually do a lot more with your keyboard,

  • even if you don't type all that quickly.

  • Because nothing we type at the keyboard is going to be all that long

  • or verbose.

  • But you'll find it's just a lot easier and more flexible

  • because you can do more than today's graphical environments do.

  • So this is all to say that if I want to run this program now,

  • I need to actually compile it.

  • Recall that compiling meant taking something that looks like this in code

  • and converting it to that.

  • So I somehow need to run my source code through a compiler

  • in order to get machine code.

  • And there's a few ways to do that.

  • The first way I'm going to do that is as follows.

  • I'm going to click in the blue part of my screen, which henceforth,

  • I'm just going to call a terminal window.

  • It's an old school term just describing a prompt

  • where you can type words and commands.

  • Zoom in here.

  • And I'm going to do the following.

  • clang, for C language-- it's a compiler for the C language--

  • and then I'm going to type literally, hello.c.

  • And you might not be in the habit of doing this on Macs and PCs these days,

  • but if you grew up with Dos or with Linux or some operating system,

  • you might have.

  • But now I'm going to hit Enter.

  • And nothing seems to happen.

  • And in this programming environment and CS50 IDE

  • is running an operating system called Ubuntu Linux, which

  • is sort of different but similar in spirit to Windows and Mac OS,

  • nothing happening apparently is generally a good thing.

  • Because if you don't see an error message,

  • it means the computer has nothing to complain about.

  • So what can I do next.

  • Well, notice the following.

  • If I open up my file browser up here, a couple of things have since appeared.

  • A couple of minutes ago, there was nothing except my workspace.

  • It makes sense, probably, that hello.c now exists because I made that.

  • I went to File, Save.

  • But what do you think a.out is?

  • It seems to be another file but I did not type this word.

  • Yeah?


  • DAVID MALAN: Say again?


  • DAVID MALAN: Another file?

  • AUDIENCE: Executable file.

  • DAVID MALAN: It's what I can execute, exactly.

  • So when I ran the compiler called Clang on my source code,

  • I promised in the slide a moment ago, that's going to output machine code--

  • 0's and 1's.

  • It would be a little annoying if it literally just spit out

  • 0's and 1's on the screen because that's not useful for me

  • and the computer doesn't need to see it on the screen.

  • So all those 0's and 1's got saved in a file called a.out, just by convention.

  • a is the first letter of the alphabet and out is output.

  • Though the origins are a little fancier than that.

  • But that's all-- just the default filename.

  • So how do I run this?

  • Well, on a Mac or PC, I would generally click it.

  • But that's not how I'm going to do this in a command line environment.

  • And that word-- command line environment or CLI is the acronym--

  • I literally have to do everything at the command line--

  • by typing commands with my keyboard.

  • And the way I do this is the following ./a.out.

  • So dot means look in my current directory, wherever I am,

  • like my workspace.

  • Slash is just a separator that you've probably seen on Macs and PCs

  • to separate folder names.

  • a.out is the name of the program.

  • And so now when I hit Enter, it's as though I just double clicked on an icon

  • on a more modern graphical interface, like Mac OS or Windows.

  • But I would argue this program is a little bit buggy, right?

  • My screen, beyond just looking sort of new to most people here,

  • it also looks a little stupid at the moment.

  • Why?

  • Aesthetically.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: It's on the same line as hello, world [INAUDIBLE] workspace.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • I mean, hello, world in white is on the same line is that workspace keyword.

  • And the workspace is just reminding me every line where I am.

  • Because again, it's not graphical right now, it's textual.

  • So I'm literally seeing in blue where I am, what folder I'm in.

  • And frankly, this just kind of bothers me.

  • I'm a little sort of anal and I don't like how this looks.

  • And arguably, it's a bug.

  • But why is that?

  • Well, it's simply because the computer took me literally.

  • In my source code up here, notice I deliberately

  • made this mistake or inconsistency with what we saw a moment ago.

  • I omitted something from this line.

  • What was that?

  • Yeah, the backslash n.

  • So what role is that clearly serving?

  • Well, backslash n is an explicit way of saying,

  • hey computer, put a new line here.

  • Hit the Enter key here.

  • And it's explicitly written as backslash n only because doing this--

  • it's just feels messy and kind of non-obvious what's supposed to happen.

  • So programmers, years ago, decided, you know

  • what, we're going to express the notion of hitting Enter symbolically

  • with backslash n.

  • That's all.

  • So now, if I go ahead and save the file, which I can do with command s

  • or control s or you can be more explicit and go to File, Save,

  • just like on your own computer, and now I go ahead and run ./a.out, Enter--

  • damn it.

  • What's wrong?

  • Yeah, I have to recompile.

  • So again, this is a process.

  • I saved the file.

  • My source code is now correct.

  • But my machine code is outdated because I haven't recompiled it.

  • Again, the computer is a pretty dumb device at the end of the day.

  • Fast though it may be, it's only going to do what I tell it to do.

  • So down here, I had better do clang hello.c again.

  • Nothing seems to happen.

  • But odds are, that changed a.out.

  • So indeed, if I do ./a.out, now I see hello, world.

  • It puts a seemingly invisible line break on the screen.

  • But now, everything looks a little cleaner.

  • But clang hello.c of course, yields a pretty stupid file name.

  • It would be nice if I could actually name my program hello or hello, world

  • or something like that.

  • And we can do this in a couple of ways.

  • So let me go ahead and zoom in down here again.

  • I'm going to clear the screen just to keep things neat.

  • And it turns out I can supply commands like clang and others

  • we'll eventually see with things called command line arguments.

  • I can actually specify, you know what, clang, instead of just taking hello.c

  • as your input, also do this.

  • Output a file name called hello.

  • And this varies by program.

  • clang is not the only program we're going

  • to see in this blue terminal window.

  • This is now saying, hey clang, output a file called hello

  • and take as input, that same files before, hello.c.

  • Why?

  • Well, humans years ago decided O is the first letter of the word outputs.

  • Dash o is a nice way of saying output.

  • So dash o hello means output a file called hello

  • instead of your default, a.out.

  • Again, nothing seems to happen but if I zoom out, look in my file browser,

  • you'll notice now I have the old a.out and hello in addition

  • to my source code.

  • So just intuitively, how do I go ahead and run this new version called hello?

  • It's ./ because dot means here.

  • Slash just separates here from the file name.

  • Hello, enter-- same exact thing.

  • Now I keep opening the file browser and closing it

  • just so we can kind of see things graphically.

  • But even that's not necessary.

  • It turns out that in a command line environment,

  • you have a whole bunch of commands.

  • For instance, I can type ls, which is a succinct way of saying list.

  • Hey computer, list all of the files in the current folder.

  • The current folder is called workspace.

  • That's why I keep getting reminded of in blue.

  • And now you'll see three things-- a.out with a star, hello with a star,

  • and hello.c.

  • And they're also color coded.

  • It turns out that in most text environments,

  • if you configure them this way, any program is highlighted in green

  • and it has a little star next to it, which means it's executable.

  • You can run it.

  • Not by double clicking but by doing dot slash program name.

  • Anything in white here is just a text file, like hello.c.

  • I only have one of those.

  • And it turns out if I had folders, I would actually see their names as well.

  • And I can create folders just like in Mac OS and Windows

  • in a couple of different ways.

  • I can actually go with my mouse up to my file browser up here.

  • I can Control click or right click on there

  • and I can scroll down to the bottom and say, New Folder.

  • And when I do that and zoom out, you'll see new folder.

  • And maybe I want to do this for pset1 one, problem set one.

  • And hit Enter.

  • And now I have a folder called pset1.

  • I can see this in my command line environment by typing ls again, Enter.

  • And now notice, I have those same two executables programs

  • that same text file, hello.c.

  • And now a directory in blue called pset1.

  • And the trailing slash just indicates, hey, , human I am a folder.

  • So how can I open pset1?

  • Well, in Mac OS and Windows, you would, of course, just double click

  • and things would expand and show you what's inside.

  • But this is again, a textual environment.

  • So let's put that away, go down here, and change into pset1 as follows.

  • CD is another command in a Linux environment.

  • And again, Linux is just another operating system like Mac OS or windows

  • that we are running in the cloud for you.

  • And if I do CD pset1, with or without the slash,

  • doesn't matter, and hit Enter, my prompt just changed.

  • And my prompt is just literally the words on the screen

  • just reminding me where I am.

  • In blue, it previously said workspace.

  • Now it says workspace/pset1 because I have done the equivalent

  • with my keyboard of double clicking on pset1

  • and opening it up and going into it.

  • So just a guess now.

  • If I type ls inside of my pset1 directory and hit Enter,

  • what should I see?

  • Hopefully, nothing because it'd be a little weird if all I did

  • was create a folder and suddenly, there's stuff in it.

  • And indeed, there is nothing in it.

  • Hitting ls and then Enter just shows me nothing, which means nothing is in it.

  • Meanwhile, if I decide this was a mistake, I'm getting ahead of myself,

  • I can go back.

  • And this might be a little non-obvious, but cd space

  • dot dot means go back one directory or technically go into your parent.

  • You can actually think of your Mac or PC folder structure and the IDEs

  • as this tree.

  • Like a family tree.

  • And I just went down into the child of workspace called pset1.

  • So cd dot dot Takes you back if you prefer that mindset or takes you up

  • if you prefer the family tree mental model.

  • If I hit Enter now, my prompt changes back to workspace.

  • If I type ls, I'm comfortable again, I see the things I know.

  • And if I want to remove that directory, I

  • can just type rmdir, for remove directory, pset1.

  • And it's gone.

  • And I can confirm is much with ls.

  • So in short, this is the textual way of doing things

  • that you've probably been doing for years on your Mac or PC or even phone

  • these days.

  • OK.

  • So none of that is sort of intellectually interesting.

  • Like we learned how to make files and folders.

  • Let's now actually dive in deeper to some of the code

  • and the ideas with which we actually solve problems.

  • This first program didn't do all that much

  • but it did kind of express an idea.

  • And we're going to start to take for granted

  • even more so what a function actually is.

  • And maybe just to make this point clear, let me go ahead and do this.

  • Let me change the screen to just a blank canvas.

  • That's all the circles I was drawing earlier.

  • Get one volunteer, maybe exchange for a stress ball?

  • OK, very quickly, come on up.

  • What is your name?

  • AUDIENCE: Sam.

  • DAVID MALAN: All right.

  • So Sam, we have a name tag here for you.

  • But instead of calling you Sam, we're going

  • to call you for the moment printf.

  • So if you don't mind, hello, my name is printf.

  • AUDIENCE: Hello, my name is printf.

  • DAVID MALAN: OK, thank you.

  • Put that wherever.

  • All right, you can stay there for just a moment.

  • I, for the moment, am the programmer on my computer here.

  • And my goal is to simply print out onto the screen hello, world.

  • Now I've been programming for years.

  • I have different monitors over the course of the years.

  • And I don't really care how the words I type in my program

  • actually get on the screen.

  • I kind of want to delegate that functionality to someone or something

  • else.

  • And thankfully, Sam has been programming for some time.

  • He knows how to talk to computer screens or print things out on the screen.

  • And so I can literally kind of outsource functionality that I want to use.

  • But I don't want to care about how it is implemented

  • or how Sam implemented it by just kind of calling Sam over and asking

  • him to do something.

  • So in this case, Sam, you are now actually printf.

  • I'm going to go ahead on a piece of paper and I'm just going to tell you,

  • if you don't mind, by passing you input, I'm

  • going to hand Sam a slip of paper that literally says, hello, world.

  • And if you don't mind, can you go print this on the screen

  • since you are indeed, printf.

  • And you can do so just with your finger on the screen.

  • So here I am, the computer program.

  • I have no idea how print is working.

  • I just know that I wrote a line of code.

  • I ran the program.

  • printf is in motion.

  • It's doing its thing.

  • And perfect.

  • Sam, come back to me.

  • And now Sam is done executing, if you would.

  • Thank you very much.

  • And that was ridiculously belabored way of making

  • the point that functions aren't intellectually all that interesting.

  • It really is just this packaging up of functionality

  • that I don't necessarily need to know or care how it works.

  • But I want to get the job done.

  • And in fact, we can do one more job.

  • If you don't mind changing your name for just a moment.

  • How about in exchange for two stress balls?

  • So now I'm actually going to call you or rename you get_string Because it

  • turns out that in the computing world--

  • technically, it doesn't add all that much to put this on, but that's OK.

  • So in the computing world, there's a whole bunch

  • of other functionality that you can use, some of which is CS50 specific.

  • But most of which, is not.

  • And so in fact, if I go ahead and open up here this list,

  • some of the functions we're about to start using and taking for granted

  • are these.

  • get_char or get me a character. get_int for get me an integer. get_string

  • for get me a string or a sentence.

  • get_float for something even different.

  • And still, I don't know how those work.

  • I don't really know how keyboards work or where the input comes from.

  • But thankfully, someone else did.

  • Sam, in this case, he implemented get_string.

  • And so now, if you wouldn't mind, Sam, I'm

  • going to write another program with you right there.

  • And it's going to look instead like this.

  • I'm going to go ahead and create a new file called string.c.

  • I'm going to go ahead and do include stdio.h.

  • Int main void, which is just copy and paste from before.

  • But instead of just typing out hello, world,

  • I'm going to do this string s get_string name.

  • And then I'm going to do printf quote, unquote, hello comma percent

  • s backslash n s semi-colon.

  • Now what is going on?

  • We'll come back to line 6 in a moment.

  • But line 5 is now doing two things on the left hand side,

  • it's declaring a variable called s that's

  • going to store, apparently, what type of data?

  • A string, which is like a word or sentence or paragraph or whatever.

  • It's characters from the keyboard.

  • And what's going to go inside of s?

  • When we talked about variables earlier, we put inside of another variable

  • called i, the number 0.

  • Here on the right hand side of the equal sign,

  • we're instead putting the name of a function, which is kind of interesting.

  • Because before, when Sam was a function called printf he just did something

  • and he came back to me but he didn't hand me anything.

  • I just sort of thanked him and moved on.

  • But in this case, I actually want Sam, if you would, just

  • go into the audience for a moment with this pen and piece of paper,

  • just go literally get me a string.

  • Get me the name of someone, if you could.

  • Anyone you want.

  • So again, I have no idea how this is implemented.

  • It might have taken Sam five lines of code, 20 lines of code, 100 in order

  • to support the process of getting input from a human.

  • But what's different in this case of this function

  • is he's going to now come back to me and not just be done executing.

  • He's going to actually bring something back to me

  • and we're going to start calling this-- thank you,

  • Sam-- a return value, the name of which is Katrina.

  • And so he's literally handed me what we're going to call a return value.

  • I'm now going to go ahead and do something with that.

  • And how do I plug that into my string?

  • I do that with this line 6 here.

  • I say printf, not just hello but, hello comma percent s.

  • Percent s is just a cryptic way of saying put some string here.

  • What string do I want to put?

  • Well immediately after the comma, notice that I've

  • mentioned the name of the very variable, s, into which

  • I stored whatever it was Sam handed me.

  • And so we're not, for every function we write, use an actual volunteer.

  • But that's all that's happening.

  • I have no idea who Sam was going out to reach out to.

  • I have no idea whether he was going to write

  • in cursive or in non-cursive writing on the screen.

  • I just know that he was capable of doing that.

  • So if we could, maybe just a quick round of applause for Sam here.

  • Thank you.

  • So suffice it to say, there are other functions, not just get_string.

  • But if you want to get an int, there's another function for that.

  • If you want to get a single character, get_char is another function for that.

  • But there are other things here too.

  • Double and float and long_long and whatever those actually mean.

  • Well, it turns out that computers, especially with languages like C,

  • you do need to be super precise as to what types of data

  • you're actually storing in them.

  • And so you have to specify in advance, is it a string, is it an int, is it

  • something with like a decimal point, not just an integer.

  • So let's actually go ahead and do a different example here

  • as follows, this time using an integer.

  • I'm going to go back into the IDE.

  • I'm going to go ahead and create myself a new file called int.c.

  • and I'm going to go ahead and start the files before, include stdio.h.

  • Int main void.

  • And then here, I'm going to do this time,

  • int i get_string integer semi-colon.

  • And then printf.

  • How about just hello percent--

  • not s, because s is for string--

  • but percent i, for integer, backslash n and then semi-colon.

  • This looks like a complete program, even though we've not used--

  • sorry, bug-- get_int.

  • So it looks like a complete program, even though a lot of the syntax

  • might be new to you.

  • So let's go ahead and try to run it.

  • How do I run this program?

  • I can't run it yet.

  • What's step one?

  • Yeah, I have to compile it first.

  • And how do I compile it?

  • Yeah, so clang.

  • I can do dash o.

  • I can call this int because if I want the name of the program to be int.

  • Frankly, this is just annoying.

  • I don't want to have to constantly type clang, dash o, name a file.

  • I just want to make the program.

  • I won't have to care about this.

  • And it turns out there are ways to do that.

  • Because installed in the IDE for you is a very popular command literally called

  • make.

  • And make allows you to type literally just this--

  • make int.

  • You don't specify .c.

  • You just specify the start of the file's name.

  • So if it's int.c, you say int.

  • If it's hello.c, so you say hello.

  • And you literally just write make int.

  • And make is a different program.

  • It's not technically not a compiler.

  • But it's a program that knows how to use a compiler.

  • And when you hit Enter, notice the crazy long output that it spits out.

  • It mentions the words clang but then it mentions all of these other command

  • line arguments that you would never want to try to remember or let

  • alone type out yourself.

  • It would be incredibly tedious.

  • But that's simply because we, the staff, pre-configured

  • the IDE to just configure clang in a certain way

  • to give it certain features without you having to enable these features

  • yourself all the time.

  • But unfortunately, even though I tried to compile my code,

  • this cannot possibly be good.

  • Seeing three errors in a program that is barely three lines long.

  • This is not very promising.

  • Well, turns out you needn't get overwhelmed

  • when you see bunches of errors on the screen

  • after writing a program because sometimes,

  • the computer just gets confused.

  • And the most important error is probably the very first one

  • that the computer noticed because the others might just

  • be dependencies sort of resulting from that first error.

  • So don't get overwhelmed by the number of errors.

  • Instead, look at the very first and you'll see this.

  • Implicit declaration of function get_int is

  • invalid in C99 and then some other cryptic stuff.

  • And then I see one line of my code as the third line of that output.

  • I really don't know what that means offhand.

  • But it does seem to be an error somehow related to get_int.

  • Now why is that?

  • Well, turns out that get_int does not come with C.

  • It's sort of a training wheel that we use

  • for the first few weeks of the class before removing those training

  • wheels just to make it easier in C to get input.

  • In Scratch, you just already have a lot of puzzle pieces

  • that make it easy to do things.

  • In C, you don't.

  • If you simply want to get input from the user,

  • you actually have to jump through a few hoops,

  • so to speak, and write more lines of code than might be ideal.

  • So we the staff wrote what's called a library, a collection of functions--

  • like a whole bunch of Sam's--

  • that know how to do very specific things.

  • And we gave them names like get_int and get_string and so forth.

  • But the catch is that therefore, because CS50 made them,

  • they're not in the standard input and output library.

  • They're in the CS50 library.

  • So if I want to use some of this functionality in the course's

  • first week, I actually have to add one more inclusion.

  • I have to say, hey computer, also include not

  • just the standard input and output library

  • where libraries are just a collection of someone else's code

  • and in this case, used to contain just printf.

  • But now the CS50 library also contains get_int and get_string

  • and other pieces of functionality.

  • So let me go ahead and save the file, go back down to my terminal window here.

  • And now rerun make int.

  • Crossing my fingers, Enter.

  • Dammit.

  • What actually happened here?

  • It's my second bug but it's progress.

  • Now I'm down to two red errors.

  • And this time it says, error, more percent conversions

  • than data arguments.

  • I can kind of wrap my mind around that.

  • But notice, I haven't practiced what I preached a moment ago.

  • What is missing from line 7 that I've highlighted?

  • AUDIENCE: You have to put a comma after the string

  • and then include the variable.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, exactly.

  • I have this placeholder, percent i, says put an integer here.

  • But I didn't finish the thought.

  • Like some Scratch puzzle pieces have multiple white boxes

  • into which to type or drag other puzzle pieces.

  • So I haven't finished the thought.

  • I need to actually say what value do I want to plug into this string.

  • And you do that in C by separating your inputs with commas.

  • And in fact, these inputs to functions are called parameters or arguments,

  • depending on the context.

  • And so what argument do I want to pass in?

  • Well, I want to pass in i as a second white box in a scratch puzzle

  • piece that somehow influences the first input, otherwise known as an argument.

  • And now, if I really cross my fingers after saving the file and rerun make

  • int, I get no errors.

  • And no errors is good.

  • And now if I type ls, what file should I hopefully see among my others?

  • Hopefully a program called int.

  • And indeed, there it is in green with a star after it meaning,

  • I can do dot slash int, integer.

  • Give me a number.

  • 3, I heard first.

  • Hello, 3.

  • Let's run it again.

  • I heard 6 earlier.

  • Hello, 6.

  • And we can do this all day long unless I get a little random and type monkey.

  • But the program is going to notice that.

  • And that is some of the functionality you get from library code.

  • We took the time, staff, to implement get_int in such a way

  • that if you, the human, don't give us an int,

  • we're just going reprompt you, reprompt you, reprompt you.

  • So in this case, typing a word doesn't work.

  • Typing something like 1.23 doesn't work because that's not an integer.

  • That's what we're going to call a real number.

  • But really, a floating point number, where there's literally a point in it.

  • But if I do type something like 42, then I get my hello 42.

  • Let me pause there because that was a lot

  • and it was a lot lower level for any questions.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: So I get that you all made a library for us to use.

  • But when you just a hashtag [INAUDIBLE] library, where is it getting it from?

  • DAVID MALAN: Really good question.

  • So when you just put that one line of code at the very top of the program,

  • where is the code?

  • It has been pre-installed somewhere in the cloud,

  • literally in some folder in your CS50 IDE.

  • And because we have installed industry standard software, that software,

  • like Clang, literally just knows where to look on the hard drive to which you

  • have access.

  • So we have a file that we wrote in the past called CS50.c that literally has

  • all of the C code that implements it.

  • In CS50.h, there's really just a summary.

  • A .h, we'll soon see, is called a header file.

  • And it literally just has a succinct summary

  • of the functionality to which you have access

  • so that you simply have to write one line

  • and therefore, you get access to the whole toolbox of functionality

  • in CS50's library, in the standard I/O library, or in something else.

  • That's what you get.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] and then like, hey, [INAUDIBLE]..

  • DAVID MALAN: Exactly.

  • You can use any of these functions. get_int, get_float, get_string.

  • And we haven't even talked about what some of those are.

  • But so long as you store it in the right type of variable,

  • changing into to string or string to something else, then yes,

  • you can use any of those to just get input from the user

  • so that your programs are actually dynamic.

  • They're not going to involve mouse clicks and so forth.

  • But at least you can take textual input from the user.

  • Let me go ahead now and open up a program that I wrote in advance.

  • Let me go ahead and grab this here.

  • And it's called ints, plural.

  • And I'm going to go ahead and open this as follows.

  • So this is code that's already on the course's web site

  • too, so you can take a look at it at any time.

  • But it's a little more complicated.

  • But it looks as follows.

  • So at the top of the file, notice it starts with slash slash.

  • Turns out that programming languages like C

  • support what are called comments.

  • Comments are not code, they're just kind of sticky notes to yourself

  • that remind you or someone you're working with

  • or your teaching fellow what the program is supposed to do.

  • And in this case, I want to demonstrate integer arithmetic, whatever that soon

  • means.

  • Now I have a couple of includes and I've clustered them.

  • I put some blank lines but that's just kind enough

  • to keep everything neat and tidy.

  • It's not strictly necessary.

  • Here, I have main and we'll come back next time most likely

  • to tease apart why we have ints and why we have void.

  • But for today, let's just assume that that is the equivalent

  • of when green flag clicked.

  • And now we have a few lines of code here.

  • I have two comments which literally tell you

  • what's going on-- prompt the user for x and prompt the user for y.

  • Beneath each of those comments is the actual lines of code that do that.

  • And how do you think about this line of code?

  • It's pretty similar to what we just saw, albeit with different names.

  • On the left hand side of line 9.

  • We're saying, hey computer, give me a variable

  • called x and plan to store what type of data in it.

  • int, an integer like a number.

  • Then then on the right hand side, it literally calls

  • get_int, which is like another version of Sam that goes off

  • and gets an integer from the user where the user, he or she types it

  • at the keyboard, hits Enter, and then get_int returns it to the program.

  • And because that get_int is on the right hand side of an equal sign,

  • that value, just like Sam handed me a piece of paper,

  • is going to get transferred from right to left

  • and stored in the variable on the left hand side.

  • So if I type in the number 1, x is going to contain the number one.

  • Meanwhile, if the next number I type is the number 2,

  • the variable y is going to store the number 2 from right to left.

  • And now this is a little overwhelming at first glance

  • but it's just a copy paste of some of the same ideas.

  • Perform arithmetic.

  • So I wanted to demonstrate in this program

  • a few arithmetic operations that C supports.

  • You can add numbers, subtract numbers, multiply, divide.

  • Might not be obvious what symbol to use and that's why we see this.

  • On line 15, we see the following example.

  • We have the string here, which says plug in some value,

  • then literally say that word plus, then plug in some value,

  • then literally say the word "is", then say the third value.

  • All of these values are integers,

  • because after this highlighted string, I have three additional inputs

  • to this printf function.

  • Three additional values to plug in: x literally, y literally.

  • And it turns out if you want to do math in C, you literally just type x plus 1

  • and that will return 1 plus 2 or whatever the values actually are.

  • And again, there are three values separated by commas

  • here because there are three placeholders on the left hand side.

  • Meanwhile, the rest of this is just like copy paste of that

  • but with different words and operators.

  • So something minus something is something.

  • And how do I get that output, x and y and then x minus y.

  • So minus is what you would expect it to be.

  • x something times something is something.

  • Well, that's x comma y comma x star y.

  • So the asterisk in C represents multiplication.

  • And then x something divided by something is something

  • x y and then x slash y gives you division.

  • And then the last one is probably the only weird one or one

  • that you've never like typed out on a keyboard.

  • The remainder of something when divided by something is something.

  • And that character is the percent sign.

  • So you have probably never written that as a command

  • unless you've done modular arithmetic but you've thought

  • about it in grade school, probably.

  • Divide one number by another, what's the remainder?

  • This percent sign is how you express that same idea.

  • So let me go ahead and compile this program.

  • And again, to recap, what's the most succinct way for me

  • to compile a program that's in a file called int.c?

  • Make ints.

  • And again, we're abstracting away all those details.

  • And this is going to be a pattern.

  • Just when things seem really detailed and really nitty gritty,

  • we sort of layer on top of it a simpler way of doing things

  • and just take for granted that we know that something

  • is happening underneath the hood.

  • Make ints seems to have worked because no error messages.

  • So ./int Enter.

  • X will be say, 1.

  • Let's actually do this.

  • Let's do 2.

  • 2 and 2, enter.

  • All right, 2 plus 2 is 4.

  • 2 minus 2 is 0.

  • 2 times 2 is 4.

  • 2 divided by 2 is 1.

  • Remainder of 2 divided by 2 is 0.

  • I think all of those actually do check out.

  • But-- but, but, but--

  • I am a little curious that proof by example is not really a proof.

  • So let's try it at least once more.

  • 1 for x.

  • 2 for y.

  • OK, 1 plus 2 is 3.

  • 1 minus 2 is negative 1.

  • 1 times 2 was 2.

  • 1 divided by 2 is 0?

  • What should it be?

  • Probably 0.5, right?

  • Like 1/2.

  • 1 divided by 2 is not zero mathematically.

  • But remainder of 1 divided by 2 is 1.

  • So for some reason, division is broken.

  • Like, my computer does not apparently do division correctly.

  • But why is that?

  • Well, you can probably guess, even if it's not obvious,

  • like why might this be?

  • What is going on?

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: Looking for integer.

  • DAVID MALAN: Looking for an integer.

  • So divided 1 by 2 .

  • And if the output has to be an integer because of the percent s,

  • you kind of have to pick one way or the other.

  • And so what a computer program does is it throws away

  • everything at the decimal point.

  • If you are using ints and ints should not have decimal points--

  • those would be real numbers instead, irrational numbers--

  • we're just going to throw away everything after the decimal point

  • and we're left, of course, then with zero.

  • Because 1 divided by 2 is technically 0.5.

  • So we lose everything after the dot.

  • So how do we fix this?

  • Well, it turns out we can fix this in a couple of ways.

  • But perhaps the simplest is to do the following.

  • Let me go ahead and grab one other example that I wrote in advance.

  • This one is called float.c And float is an allusion

  • to floating point arithmetic.

  • Floating point literally is referring to a period

  • that can move left and right depending on what value you're trying to express.

  • And in this case, notice I've pretty much just changed the program to use

  • not ints anymore but literally, floats.

  • So a third data type.

  • We had string.

  • We had int.

  • And we had float.

  • And float allows our numbers to have periods in them.

  • And so now, if I do some arithmetic here, just one line of it,

  • this is the same line of code as before.

  • But now I'm using percent f instead of percent i

  • to print a floating point value.

  • Let's go ahead and make float--

  • Enter.

  • ./floats.

  • And let's try it again.

  • 1, 2.

  • And now I get the answer I actually expect.

  • So that's kind of interesting.

  • Now I just have to be ever more precise as to what's going on.

  • So we have strings, we have ints, we have floats.

  • Let me pause here to any questions now on what are generally

  • called data types-- types of variables.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: How do you increase the number of decimal points?

  • DAVID MALAN: Oh, really good question.

  • How do you increase the number of decimal points?

  • So we can do this in a very specific way.

  • So right now, we have one, two, three, four, five, six values

  • printing by default. Let's say we want to do 10 instead.

  • It's a little cryptic but I can literally

  • do .10, which is just a official way of saying give me

  • 10 numbers after the decimal point.

  • And frankly, I forget these kinds of details all the time.

  • You just Google and you can kind of pull that kind of information up.

  • Let's go ahead and try it. make floats.

  • And now ./floats.

  • 1, 2.

  • And now I get even more 0's after the decimal point.

  • And you can go the other direction to sort of do implicit rounding as well.

  • Yeah, question.

  • AUDIENCE: Can you have the first two integers [INAUDIBLE]??

  • DAVID MALAN: Ah, good question.

  • Can you make the first two integers and make the last two a float?

  • So could I do int x, get int.

  • int y, get int.

  • And then change these, of course, to i, i, but leave this as just float.

  • That's a good question.

  • And frankly, not to be trite here, any time

  • you have these kinds of questions, when you're on your own

  • and not in an environment like this, literally just try it.

  • And so make floats again.

  • And that's not good but the compiler noticed

  • that I was doing something that isn't legitimate to do.

  • The compiler-- it's always a little cryptic, these error messages.

  • But format specifies type double.

  • Double, turns out, is a floating point value

  • but with even more capacity for numbers after the decimal point.

  • Long story short, float generally uses 32 bits,

  • which gives you that many 0's and 1's with which

  • to represent a floating point value or a real number.

  • If you use a double instead, you get 64 bits,

  • which per our conversation in the first lecture,

  • just means you have even more range of values, or more precision.

  • So we specify type double but the argument has type int.

  • So the compiler caught it and we just can't do it.

  • We could turn off this warning and we could try to do it

  • but we might get unexpected behavior.

  • Great question.

  • And was there another question here before?

  • No?

  • OK.

  • All right, so that's then a different type of value.

  • But let's introduce now a few of those logical constructs that we promised

  • were coming.

  • Let me go ahead and do this.

  • Let me go ahead and grab a file--

  • and all of these, again, are on the course's website--

  • called conditions.c.

  • So here too is a program I wrote in advance that does a bit of logic.

  • I again, am kind of following a pattern.

  • So that each program kind of introduces just one or two new ideas.

  • So I have get_int twice, storing the values in x and y.

  • And then I'm just doing some logical operations.

  • So this is really just copy and paste from what we saw before.

  • But this, in code, is how I might compare two variables.

  • Earlier I said, I have no idea where x and y came from, right?

  • We looked at the example out of context.

  • Now we have context.

  • The few lines above we're calling get_int twice,

  • storing the values in x and y respectively.

  • So now, x and y actually exist in my program.

  • So here on down, I'm just doing the exact same thing

  • that really big collection of Scratch puzzle pieces

  • did so if I compile and run this program, conditions.c, let's go ahead

  • and see what happens.

  • make conditions and now let's do ./conditions.

  • 1 and I'll type in 2 and logically, what should this actually print?

  • Hopefully, x is less than y.

  • And indeed, that's exactly what the program does.

  • If I run it again with 2 and 1, x is greater than y.

  • And if I run it with 1 and 1, x is equal to y.

  • So again, I've just translating to Scratch puzzle pieces

  • in this case to see, to give me something a little different.

  • But what if I don't want to just compare one thing?

  • Very quickly in Scratch did you probably kind of construct scenarios

  • where you want to check multiple things at once

  • or you want to ask multiple questions, perhaps.

  • Or even if not, odds are you'll cross that bridge before long.

  • So let me go ahead and do another example.

  • This one will do from scratch.

  • I'm going to call this noswitch.c for reasons

  • that will become clear in a moment.

  • And I'm going to go ahead and include the CS50 library.

  • I'm going to go ahead and include the standard library so

  • that I can get input and print output.

  • int main void, which is the one line we'll just take for granted today.

  • And then here, I'm going to do the following. char c, get_char.

  • And I just want this to be the user's answer.

  • char is a single character, not a string, which

  • might be a whole phrase or paragraph.

  • And then I'm going to do the following.

  • If c equals equals quote, unquote "y", then

  • I'm going to go ahead and print out yes.

  • else if c equals equals quote, unquote, "n",

  • I'm going to go ahead and print out quote, unquote, "no" semi-colon.

  • And that's it.

  • So what's this program doing?

  • Well, if you've ever run a program that has like a yes no button to click

  • or maybe it is a command line program or you're using your keyboard

  • and you have to type, yes, I agree to the terms and conditions

  • or no, I do not, this is kind of like a super simple way of checking

  • did the human type y for yes or n for no.

  • So let's run this and then come back to why it's implemented in the way it is.

  • So make noswitch.

  • And again, I'll come back to why the name is what it is.

  • Let me go ahead now and run .slash noswitch.

  • Enter.

  • And my answer shall be y for yes.

  • It's buggy.

  • what.

  • Was I expecting?

  • Yeah, I was kind of expecting if I hit y, then print yes.

  • But let's think about what my code is asking.

  • Wherein lies the bug?

  • Why did my program not print Y-E-S?

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: It's not capitals?

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, it's as simple as that.

  • It's not capitalized.

  • So here too, precision-- super important.

  • I wrote a program that says if c, if the char the user

  • has typed in equals capital Y, print this.

  • Else, if it equals capital N, print that.

  • I didn't do either of that.

  • So the program is not broken per se.

  • It's just missing a feature, if you will.

  • It's lacking support for lowercase.

  • But if I do do an uppercase Y, that, of course, works.

  • So why is this written in the way it is?

  • Well, there's a couple of details here.

  • And this may be a question you would have based on your comment earlier.

  • Why is it equals equals and not just equals, like in math?

  • Seems a little weird.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: One equals is for assigning values [INAUDIBLE]..

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, it's the same kind of answer.

  • Humans already used up the equal sign for a different purpose--

  • for assignment, as it's called.

  • Move a value from the right to the left.

  • So when they realized, oh shoot, we kind of painted ourselves into a corner,

  • how do we now check for equality like in arithmetic?

  • Well, you need a different symbol so the computer knows the difference.

  • So equals equals means, unfortunately, equals.

  • And equals means assignments.

  • And that's all.

  • And once you kind of remember that, it's all pretty straightforward

  • but that's why.

  • There's another thing I did a little differently.

  • And this is an annoying detail.

  • Why did I suddenly switch, do you think, to single characters--

  • dammit.

  • Why, all of a sudden, did I switch to single apostrophes instead

  • of double quotes, like I did before?

  • AUDIENCE: Single quotes only work for characters.

  • DAVID MALAN: Why, yes.

  • How astute.

  • Yes, so that's exactly it.

  • Single quotes, as I just wrote, are literally

  • meant for when you have single characters, like y or n in this case.

  • Double quotes are used when you have multiple characters for proper strings.

  • And we'll tease apart why that is on before long.

  • But for now, that's literally the reason.

  • If you're checking one character, it's literally single quotes.

  • If it's more than one character, you absolutely

  • need double quotes for multiple characters.

  • But there's a way to fix this.

  • I could certainly just kind of cheat, be like, OK, I fixed my program.

  • So now I can do make noswitch.

  • Now I can run noswitch again.

  • And now I can type in y and it works.

  • Unfortunately, now I can't type capital Y so this is all kind of dumb.

  • So what would be a better fix, do you think, to the program up here?

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] both of them.

  • DAVID MALAN: Accept both of them somehow.

  • So how would you do that in Scratch, for instance?

  • What would you do?

  • What kind of puzzle piece would you try again?

  • AUDIENCE: Use an or.

  • DAVID MALAN: OK, we can use an or.

  • Exactly.

  • So there's an or puzzle piece, which you may or may not have used.

  • And I would like to be able to just type the word or but

  • computers are generally a little cryptic, although some languages--

  • Python-- will literally introduce the word or again.

  • In C, it's two vertical bars.

  • And you just have to remember that.

  • Two vertical bars allows you to say, if c equals equals capital

  • Y and down here, I can say, if c equals equals capital N,

  • now I can ask two questions at once.

  • And so now if I zoom out and recompile this, make noswitch, Enter.

  • And then go ahead and run next here dot slash noswitch.

  • And now I can do lower case y, I can do capital Y, I can do lowercase n,

  • I can do capital N. But I can't do like a question mark

  • because there's no support for that.

  • s doesn't work either.

  • It wasn't one character and the last was not y or n.

  • There's another way it could have done this.

  • How else could I have implemented this, especially

  • if I didn't even know that these two vertical bars existed?

  • What other puzzle piece or a block of code could I use?


  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, exactly.

  • I could just have another else if.

  • I could say if the character equals y, just as it was a moment ago.

  • But I could also do this. else if c equals equals capital Y,

  • then go ahead and print out quote, unquote, "yes" as well.

  • And then I could do the same for no.

  • So how do you choose between these two options?

  • Because this is just the first of many times

  • where you're going to have to make a decision as

  • to how to implement something.

  • Someone like to argue in favor or against either of these?

  • Little farther back?

  • Yeah.


  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, the first one used fewer lines of code

  • and frankly, that's a good thing.

  • Because the fewer lines of code, frankly the less likely

  • you are to have mistakes, perhaps, in your program.

  • Because you've written less code, fewer places to make mistakes.

  • And there's another argument I think in favor of the first one.

  • Not just fewer lines of code, but what else?


  • DAVID MALAN: Exactly.

  • The second one is also redundant in so far as I'm literally saying,

  • printf yes twice.

  • And that's just kind of seems unnecessary, right?

  • We saw examples in Scratch where why do things multiple times

  • if you have a loop.

  • Well, same here with conditions.

  • Why do things multiple times if you can combine them into one?

  • Because plus, if you decide later on that you

  • want to change the output to yes exclamation point,

  • it could have updated it in half as many places

  • if there were only one block instead of two.

  • Now you might disagree and a reasonable person

  • could make the case that no, this is cleaner

  • because it's just super explicit now what I'm checking for.

  • And this is what's going to boil down in a class like this to something

  • called design.

  • There's going to be correctness, which is your code working as prescribed.

  • But is it well designed?

  • Like, would a reasonable person kind of vote in your favor

  • that yes, you did a good job implementing this.

  • The equivalent of someone evaluating an essay.

  • Like yes, you expressed your thoughts but they were all over the place.

  • And you also have a third axis of evaluation style.

  • You'll notice that all of my code to date has been very nicely indented

  • and I have comments in the files that I wrote in advance.

  • That's a matter of good style, which means

  • you have sort of pretty looking code that's

  • just easier to read than if you just wrote everything out onto one line.

  • But more on those in just a bit.

  • So let me go ahead and open up one alternative

  • and not do this one from scratch.

  • Let me go ahead and open up a file called switch.c,

  • just to introduce one other idea or one other feature.

  • Whoops.

  • OK, accidental but good takeaway.

  • What did I just do and why is this looking the way it is?

  • I misclicked.

  • AUDIENCE: You opened the compiled file.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, I opened the compiled file, the program, not the source code.

  • So what I'm looking at is machine code.

  • And because my browser doesn't know it's machine code, 0's and 1's, it's

  • kind of misinterpreting the 0's and 1's as though they are ASCII characters.

  • Recall that ASCII was like capital A is 65, capital B is 66.

  • The IDE is trying to interpret the 0's and 1's in my programs machine code

  • as though it's characters.

  • But it's not actually English or English like syntax.

  • It's just random 0's and 1's in a sense.

  • And so that's why we're seeing the crazy characters and colors.

  • Because it's being misinterpreted as colors or characters

  • that I didn't myself type.

  • So no worries.

  • Ignore the problem and close it.

  • And then open up instead switch.c.

  • So this is not a feature that Scratch had but it's just to demonstrate--

  • and even in C, there's even more ways of implementing the same idea.

  • Let me scroll up ever so slightly.

  • And you'll see that up toward the top of this file, I have main as before.

  • I prompt the user for a char.

  • But this time, I'm not using if's and else's.

  • Notice I'm using a new keyword that we didn't have in Scratch called switch.

  • It takes between parentheses, a variable that you want to look at

  • and a variable or value on which you want

  • to make decisions-- on the basis of which you want to make decisions.

  • So you have four cases, it seems here, which

  • are kind of nice in that they kind of say what they are.

  • What does this program do when run?

  • Even though we've never actually looked at the switch statement before.

  • What does it seem to do?

  • What's that?

  • AUDIENCE: Different cases, different options.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, different cases, different options.

  • So if I type in a capital Y to this program when it's run,

  • what is it going to do?

  • It's going to print yes.

  • If I type in a capital N?


  • DAVID MALAN: Lowercase n?


  • DAVID MALAN: And so forth.

  • It's actually the exact same program.

  • It's just written with a different feature

  • so there's different ways of expressing yourself,

  • just like if two people are writing the same position on a court case paper.

  • They might have the same opinions but they're

  • going express themselves differently in English.

  • So in C, you can write the same program, behaves exactly the same,

  • but you're using a different approach and you're using different constructs

  • like switches.

  • And so in this case, case capital Y, case lowercase y

  • just means that if either of these two cases apply,

  • do the indented code beneath them.

  • But then break.

  • Breaks make sure that you don't keep executing everything below it.

  • Because if I didn't have the break, the program

  • would keep executing lines of code below it.

  • And actually, if I typed y, it might incorrectly

  • say yes, no because I didn't break out.

  • You get the breakages for free in a sense with if conditions

  • because you have those curly braces.

  • The switch does not use curly braces on the inside,

  • it uses a slightly different syntax.

  • Which one is better?

  • It kind of depends.

  • Sometimes, it just looks better [INAUDIBLE] the switch in some sense,

  • a reasonable person could say [INAUDIBLE] a better

  • version of the program we just wrote.

  • Because it's just so much more compact, right?

  • It's just easier to digest visually.

  • I typed fewer characters.

  • But maybe someone else would disagree and say, I rarely use switches,

  • I never remember how they work.

  • This is actually less readable to me.

  • So again, it's sort of to each his or her own

  • in cases like this when it comes to design.

  • All right.

  • So let's introduce one other idea one other building block

  • that we've seen before, but we haven't done ourselves

  • I'm going to go ahead and do the following.

  • I'm going to create a program here called return.c

  • so that I can kind of implement the idea that Sam acted out for us.

  • I'm going to go ahead and include the CS50 library.

  • Then I'm going to go ahead and include the standard library.

  • And then I'm going to do this-- int main void, as before.

  • And then down here, I'm going to do int x gets get_int.

  • And I'm just going to prompt the user with the x.

  • And then I'm going to say printf percent i backslash n.

  • And now I want to square x.

  • So x times itself will give me x squared.

  • Now that's straightforward.

  • This is not a hard program to write, especially

  • once you know multiplication.

  • And this would seem to do exactly that.

  • If you type in 2, give me 2 squared, like four and so forth.

  • But you know, squaring maybe is a function that I like to use a lot,

  • right?

  • It's kind of a mathematical operation.

  • And yes, it's obviously trivial to implement it with x times x.

  • But it would be nice to abstract that away and just literally say

  • the word square.

  • Well, if your programming language doesn't come with a function

  • called square, no big deal.

  • We can implement it ourselves.

  • We can do it as follows.

  • Down here, I'm going to do the following.

  • int square open bracket int n.

  • And then here, return n times n.

  • So what have I just done?

  • You might not have done this in your own Scratch programs,

  • but you might recall from last lecture, we

  • did briefly have a cough example with a custom puzzle piece

  • that was a purple puzzle piece.

  • Coughing was not a block that existed when my team made scratch

  • but we made it.

  • Squaring might not exist in C, the libraries that we're using.

  • So we're going to make it.

  • How do you do it?

  • Well, now we can begin to address in part

  • the question that came up earlier about int and void, though only partially

  • today.

  • This is the name of my function.

  • It's my custom puzzle piece, if you will.

  • It takes as input, per the parentheses, one value that I'm arbitrarily

  • calling n.

  • I could call it m or o or p or anything I want.

  • But n stands for number, so I went with n, as a computer scientist tends to.

  • And all it does is execute one line of code.

  • n times n.

  • But then it returns the value.

  • And this special keyword highlighted here

  • is just like when Sam handed me back a slip of paper.

  • He literally returned to me a value, a slip of paper.

  • Here, I'm literally returning n times n.

  • And that implies that what type of data is this custom function returning

  • to whoever uses it?

  • It's an integer because n is an integer.

  • And it stands to reason the n times n is an integer.

  • And so that is why I have also specified int here.

  • It turns out that functions, to be clear, can take input

  • and they can return output.

  • If they take input, it's in between the parentheses,

  • just like I've highlighted on line 10 here.

  • And it's one input in this case, a variable called n of type int.

  • But this function also, just like Sam's implementation of get_string

  • returns a value-- not a string but an integer.

  • So I have to tell the computer, hey, this custom function

  • I just wrote is going to return to whoever uses it, an integer.

  • And it's this line of code, line 12 that actually

  • implements the functionality from which you get the value you care about.

  • So now I don't need to do this anymore and reinvent the wheel.

  • I can now use square as a keyword in all of my programs.

  • But how do I call it?

  • Thus far, any time I've called functions, I've done like this.

  • Like int squared value I could do.

  • And then I could do square of x semi-colon.

  • Now I'm just kind of doing this intuitively, right?

  • I don't know if this is best but it does follow a pattern.

  • On the left hand side, I've declared a variable called squared value,

  • though that's a little verbose.

  • We could probably do better.

  • But squared value and it's a type integer.

  • On the right hand side, I'm calling square

  • by just calling its name, open parenthesis.

  • And then the value I'm passing in is input

  • just like I handed Sam a slip of paper with input on it.

  • And then I'm returning from the right to the left, that value.

  • And using the assignment operator, the single equal sign.

  • So how can I improve line 8 to finish that thought?

  • Instead of typing x times x, what can I simply type here?

  • Squared value, which is again, a little dumb in that now I've

  • typed more characters and really achieved the exact same thing.

  • But I don't need this intermediate value and here's

  • an opportunity for better design.

  • If I'm only declaring a variable on line 7

  • and then immediately using it in line 8, kind of doesn't need to exist.

  • Because you can nest blocks of code as follows.

  • I can just take the square of x, which I know returns the square of x.

  • I can delete line 7 altogether.

  • And I can more elegantly just do this, much like you can nest puzzle pieces.

  • And this will be better designed arguably

  • because it's fewer lines of code.

  • It just says what it does.

  • And you don't have some random temporary variable just there to go from one line

  • to the next.

  • Maybe it's less readable-- again, to each his or her own--

  • but now I've at least done this.

  • But there's one problem.

  • Even if all of this makes sense, even if it's super new to many of you,

  • I do have an error.

  • I do have an error.

  • And how can I go about resolving this?

  • Implicit declaration of a function square is invalid in C99.

  • C99 means the 1999 version of a language called C. Implicit

  • declaration of function square.

  • Well, turns out-- and I haven't said this explicitly yet--

  • C is kind of dumb.

  • It only does what you tell it to do.

  • And unfortunately-- and this is a bug-- on line 7,

  • I'm calling the square function by mentioning its name.

  • Unfortunately, on what line of code do I teach the computer that square even

  • exists?

  • Not until a few lines later-- line 10 onward.

  • So it's too late.

  • I tried to use square even before it existed.

  • So I could fix this in a couple of ways.

  • I could take this block of code and just move it up here and then save it again.

  • And run make return and that works.

  • But that's kind of a cat and mouse game.

  • Eventually, you're going to find, when your programs get complicated enough,

  • you can't move every function above every other function.

  • At some point, you'll construct a scenario

  • where every function can't be above every other function.

  • But that's OK.

  • Because what we could also do is undo this and put square at the bottom

  • and keep main at the top, which is better practice.

  • It's nicer to keep main at the top because that is the default function

  • that the human is going to care about.

  • And I can actually just be a little bit redundant.

  • But it's OK in this case.

  • I can just give the compiler, clang in this case, a hint as to what's to come.

  • I don't have to tell it how it's implemented.

  • But on line 4, I can use what's called a prototype.

  • A little teaser like a movie trailer of a function that

  • eventually is going to get implemented.

  • All clang needs to know from the get go though is

  • what its inputs and its outputs are.

  • The actual implementation between curly braces can come later.

  • So if I now do make return again, now the program

  • seems to compile successfully and I can do return.

  • And then if I want to type in x is 3, x squared

  • it's going to be 9 in this case.

  • And we can do this kind of abstraction in many different contexts

  • by implementing some idea like squaring, thereafter calling it

  • by its name square but actually not worrying

  • about how it's actually implemented.

  • But unfortunately, we're going to bump up against some limits.

  • We're going to bump up against some limits as follows.

  • Let me go ahead and remind us of a visual

  • you might not have seen inside of your computer.

  • But that's this.

  • In fact, inside of your Mac or PC or laptop or even phones

  • are things like this.

  • These are sticks of RAM or memory.

  • When you say my computer has a gigabyte of memory or two gigabytes of memory,

  • it's generally got one or more of these things.

  • And it might be slightly different shapes.

  • This, for instance, is from a laptop there.

  • And there's other things inside of your computer which have limits too.

  • But for now, we just care about this.

  • This is a physical device.

  • It stores 0's and 1's while your computer is running.

  • When you double click an icon on Mac OS or Windows and you load a program or do

  • some math or write an essay, it is stored in this physical hardware

  • as 0's and 1's.

  • Unfortunately, the ram, the memory you and I have in our computers, is finite.

  • This is literally only some number of inches by some number of inches.

  • It literally only store some number of millions or billions of bits

  • and that's it.

  • So you have a fixed amount of memory.

  • That's not a good thing when it comes to writing programs

  • that don't know in advance how big the numbers are

  • that the humans are going to type in.

  • Or how long of an essay that the human is going to type in.

  • You could certainly contrive a scenario where your essay is just so damn wordy,

  • it does not fit in your computer's memory.

  • Or your number just has so many digits, it

  • does not fit inside of your computer's memory because it's fixed.

  • You only have a finite amount.

  • And this has very real implications for two problems at least.

  • There's something fairly arcane called integer overflow

  • and you can actually spot this from time to time

  • in the media as a real world issue.

  • Here, for instance, are 8 bits.

  • Last time we looked at just three but here's eight.

  • And notice, this is pretty high number.

  • It's a lot of 1's.

  • And this happens-- if you do the math per last time--

  • to represent 254.

  • What happens if I increment this number by 1?

  • Which bit changes based on last time's lesson?

  • Yeah, the rightmost one.

  • The 0 becomes a 1.

  • And then this whole thing becomes all 1's,

  • which happens to be, if you do out the math with the places, 255.

  • If you add one more 1 to this, what's going to happen?

  • In the human world, we'd ideally just get like a marker or chalk

  • and write one more number.

  • But in the computer world, if you only have a fixed amount of memory--

  • hopefully it's more than 8 bits--

  • there could be millions or billions-- but at some point, you'll run out.

  • And indeed, all of the data types we talked about today like int and char

  • and float literally use a finite number of bits.

  • It's usually 8 or 16 or 32 or 64.

  • It's a power of two but it's fixed, which means with a computer program

  • using ints and chars and floats, you can only count so high,

  • even though we humans can theoretically count toward infinity.

  • And the problem is if you take a number like this

  • that's already as big as it can be with all 1 bits, all the light bulbs on,

  • if you add one more to it--

  • and you can't just write down a new one--

  • it's as though all those values suddenly became 0.

  • And your integers overflow.

  • You get to number 255 and guess what comes after 255 if you only have 8 bits.

  • Zero, apparently, because all the little 1's flip over and become 0's.

  • So a computer therefore can only count so high using an int, using a float,

  • using a double.

  • And at some point, if you try to add one more to it,

  • the numbers kind of can overflow and end up

  • being something you don't expect it to be.

  • Maybe it's positive, maybe it's negative, or maybe it's 0 itself.

  • And we can actually see this.

  • Let me open up one quick program here called

  • Overflow, which is also available online, that literally just does this

  • if I run it.

  • Make overflow.

  • ./overflow.

  • As I run this program, it's just going to keep counting up from 1 to 2 to 4

  • to 8 to 16.

  • I simply wrote a program that just doubles

  • the number every iteration of the loop.

  • And I also used another function called sleep

  • just so that this wouldn't fly by the screen.

  • I wanted to pause, just like in Scratch.

  • You can wait.

  • It's getting bigger and bigger and this is exponential.

  • So it's going to get bigger and bigger faster, which

  • is nice because it's not going to take us forever

  • to get to a really big number.

  • But I'm using an int.

  • And with an int, you can only count up to roughly 4 billion

  • and technically only to 2 billion if you want negative numbers as well.

  • If you want half as many negative and half as many positives.

  • And there it is.

  • Eventually, if I talk long enough, I will double this integer so many times

  • that it just doesn't fit in 32 bits and the computer notices

  • and has a runtime error.

  • And then weird stuff happens.

  • Now I'm stuck at 0.

  • And so you can actually see this for real.

  • But there's one other issue too and this is perhaps a super simple program

  • that you wouldn't think has an opportunity for error but it does.

  • I'm going to go ahead and write a really quick program here,

  • including the standard library.

  • Int main void as before.

  • I'm going to go ahead and save this as imprecision, a different problem,

  • dot c.

  • And I'm going to simply do this.

  • I'm going to print out quote, unquote, percent f backslash n

  • 1.0 divided by 10.0.

  • Now based on grade school, what should that answer be?

  • AUDIENCE: 0.1.

  • DAVID MALAN: 0.1.

  • That's 10%.

  • 0.1.

  • And let me go ahead and run ./imprecision.

  • And it's indeed .10000, which is the same thing.

  • But I am willing to wager at least like a dollar that we've all been lied to.

  • That this 1 divided by 10 is not actually 0.1.

  • Anyone want to go in on this?

  • I should have made that claim before I took out the $1.

  • Sorry, I showed my hand.

  • So I make this claim because of the following.

  • Maybe I'm just not looking far enough into the number.

  • When you asked earlier how we can show more decimal digits-- you know what,

  • let me see 10 of them.

  • Let me just get some comfort here.

  • Let me recompile the program.

  • Let me rerun it.

  • Losing the dollar.

  • Let me go ahead and change to like 55 possible digits.

  • Let's really look deeply into the number.

  • imprecision.

  • Interesting.

  • So if someone else played this, I would take the dollar back at this point.

  • And now, we see that 1 divided by 10 is not in fact 0.10000,

  • like our grade school teachers told us-- that those 0's should go out

  • to infinity.

  • It's imprecise.

  • And why might this be?

  • Why is 1 divided by 10, at least on my Mac or in CS50 IDE here,

  • not actually 0.1?

  • What's the intuition?

  • Well, if you only have a finite amount of this stuff,

  • you can only represent a finite number of numbers, right?

  • If you only have like 32 bits or 64 bits, however many bits you have,

  • you can only permute them in a finite number of ways.

  • Eventually, you run out of patterns of 0's and 1's.

  • And it turns out that 1 divided by 10, at least in this computer,

  • cannot be represented precisely because we don't have an infinite number

  • of patterns of 0's and 1's to represent all possible real numbers, a.k.a.

  • Floating point values.

  • Because of course, there's infinitely many of those

  • and only a finite amount of memory.

  • And to conclude-- and this has very real world implications as follows--

  • one, if you ever played Lego Star Wars too long,

  • you might notice that the largest number of coins you can collect

  • is four billion.

  • And they rounded it a little bit.

  • Technically, you can count a little higher but 4 billion--

  • and that's probably because what data type was Lego

  • using to store the number of coins?

  • Integers, which are 32 bits.

  • Meanwhile, that's all fine and good.

  • Like, they actually anticipated that and thought about that.

  • Here is a Boeing 787.

  • Or actually, there's a funny story here.

  • Well, here is a Boeing 787 that actually ended up

  • having documentation associated with it that says you need

  • to reboot your plane every 248 days.

  • Specifically, this model 787 airplane that has been powered continuously

  • for 248 days, if not rebooted, can lose all of its alternating current--

  • electrical power-- due to the computer simultaneously going into

  • fail safe mode.

  • This condition is caused by a software counter

  • internal to the computer that will overflow

  • after 248 days of continuous power.

  • So literally, a company like Boeing did not

  • realize that if you leave your plane on long enough

  • and you only use an integer or 32 bits or whatnot

  • those numbers might creep up big enough that it's

  • going to roll over and have catastrophic consequences like the plane turning off

  • in this case.

  • And a little less frightening but nonetheless real--

  • there's one final tale before we wrap up here

  • and it involves civilization or Gandhi in this case here.

  • So if you actually in the game of civilization

  • choose the character Gandhi, who was a very peaceful character by definition

  • in the game, he had an aggressiveness level

  • of just one, which just mean very unaggressive.

  • But the authors of this game, Civilization,

  • only used 8 bits, which means you can only count as high as 255.

  • So 255 would be like a lot of aggression.

  • So 1 is not much aggression at all.

  • But there is a feature in the game whereby if Gandhi, in his civilization

  • adopted democracy, there was a line of code that

  • said any time a civilization adopts democracy,

  • decrease their aggressiveness by two because they are content people.

  • Unfortunately, if your aggressiveness level starts at 1 and you subtract 2,

  • just as though you can overflow, you can also underflow such that 1 minus 2

  • is not negative 1.

  • That is actually 255.

  • And so it looked back to the ludicrously high figure of 255,

  • making Gandhi as aggressive as a civilization could possibly be.

  • So there are very real world design decisions here.

  • And what we will do in next lecture on Friday and beyond is actually

  • explore these issues, start solving problems with them.

  • Until then, problems set one is online.

  • Orientation meeting is today and tomorrow.

  • Stick around if you have any one on one questions.

  • And we will see you next on Friday.

DAVID MALAN: All right.


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CS50 2017 - リーディング1 - C (CS50 2017 - Lecture 1 - C)

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    王秉民 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日