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  • Hi. James from EngVid. Just looking at my work. I don't know when I'm going to get any more downtime.


  • I mean, I haven't had spare time or time off in so long. I haven't done any of my interests or hobbies and --


  • you know what I mean, right? You don't? Oh, that's today's lesson.


  • We're going to talk to you about conversation skills and how you can improve them.


  • While talking about your downtime, hobbies, and time off. You know? Oh, you don't know? Let's do it, then. Let's go to the board.


  • Well, let's start off with what is a "hobby".


  • Well, a "hobby" is something -- and you can think of the word "habit".


  • I think most of you know "habit" is something you do regularly. Well, a "hobby" starts with a "h", and it means "something you do regularly".

    "hobby "とは「定期的に行うもの」ということをご存知の方が多いと思います。さて、"hobby "は "h "で始まり、「定期的に行うもの」という意味になります。

  • But in this case, it's something that's fun, you do it regularly, and you don't get paid for it.


  • That's what we usually call your "hobby".


  • So you might even spend money and time to do it, but you get a lot of fun from it, and you do it regularly.


  • Now, another word for "hobby" is "interest".


  • And the funny thing about "interest" is that I could say to you, "What are your hobbies?" Or I could say to you "What are your interests?"

    "興味 "の面白いところは "趣味は何ですか?"と言うことです"何に興味があるの?"と言うこともできる

  • And it's almost the same. And we use them, English speakers, almost interchangeably,


  • which means we can just change them, and it doesn't really matter.


  • But there's a slight difference. Remember "hobby" and "habit" go together, you do regularly.


  • Well, "interest" means "I like it". Like, I'm interested in the theater, but I don't go all the time, maybe once every two years.

    まあ、"興味 "というのは "好き "という意味なんですよ。演劇には興味はあるけど いつも行くわけじゃない 2年に1回くらいかな?

  • But my hobby is collecting comic books, which means I actually -- every week -- buy the comic books.


  • Like, I have it, and I get enjoyment from both.


  • So remember, you can use the words, but one is more specific, all right?


  • So you could say, you know, you could say, "I'm interested in reading." -- I don't have time to do it, but I like the idea of it.

    だから、"読書に興味がある "と言えばいいんですよね。-- 時間がないけど そのアイデアが好きなんだ

  • versus "My hobby is reading.", which is, that's what I do when I don't have anything to do. All right?


  • So let's go over here. What kind of hobbies or interests can a person have? Well, one


  • of them is collecting. Now, what does "collecting" mean? It means "to bring together a group of things",


  • All right? But in this case, collecting is very specific. Personally, I collect comic books.


  • And I dare you to go back and watch how many videos I've done wearing a Batman T-shirt, and you'll know I'm a real collector, okay?


  • I love Batman. But let's just say I bought Batman No. 1.


  • Now, if I'm a collector, I'll also buy Batman No. 2 and Batman No. 3 and so on and so on.


  • I'll continue to buy. And I will keep them. I'm not going to sell them.


  • I'm not trying to make money, and I'm going to enjoy them as a collector.


  • I will go back after reading them and read them again. Just like when you collect -- we say comics; you can collect books.


  • You can also collect art and music. You guys know -- you collect music.


  • You like Duran Duran, right? -- that great group. "Girls on Film" ~ oh, I'm old.

    デュラン・デュランが好きなんだろ?-- あの偉大なグループだ"Girls on Film "だよ

  • No, that new guy, Justin Timberlake, yeah? "Mirror" -- yeah. I can't sing that song.


  • But you know what I mean. You can collect music. You can collect art -- Van Gogh, Picasso

    でも、わかるでしょう?音楽を集めることができる。芸術も集められる ゴッホ ピカソ

  • -- music, again -- Beethoven, Bach, Brahms. Collect and enjoy, right?

    -- また音楽か ベートーベン バッハ ブラームス集めて楽しむんだろ?

  • For yourself or your friends. What else can you do? Well, you can also play.


  • And in this case, we're talking about playing sports. I enjoy playing sports. I enjoy playing golf? No, I don't.


  • But sports. You can enjoy playing cards or games. So sports: "I enjoy playing soccer." I'm saying "i-n-g".

    でもスポーツ。トランプやゲームを楽しむことができます。だからスポーツは"サッカーを楽しむ""i-n-g "と言っています。

  • "I enjoy playing soccer." or "I enjoy playing volleyball at the beach."

    "サッカーを楽しんでいる "とか "ビーチでバレーボールを楽しんでいる "とか

  • Cards: "I enjoy playing poker, solitaire" -- "Nobody loves me" because "solitaire" means to be by yourself.

    カードのこと。"私はポーカー、ソリティアを楽しんでいます" -- 「誰にも愛されていない」というのは、「ソリティア」が「一人でいる」という意味だからだ。

  • Or I enjoy playing poker. Five-card stud, because I'm a stud, baby. Okay.

    ポーカーを楽しんでる5枚のカードのスタッド 私はスタッドだからねそうなんだ

  • Now -- or games. Now, when I enjoy playing games, right, I can do "gaming".

    今 -- あるいはゲーム。さて、ゲームを楽しむと、そう、「ゲーム」ができる。

  • It's a little different. Games can be board games like chess or checkers or Monopoly, and "gaming"


  • -- which we changed to "I enjoy gaming", so you would just say "gaming" instead of "playing" that.

    -- それを「ゲームを楽しむ」に変更したので、「遊ぶ」のではなく「ゲーム」と言うことになります。

  • It's a "Gaming" -- everybody knows it's electronic, okay? Good.

    "ゲーミング "だよ -- みんな電子機器だと知ってるだろ?よかった。

  • Now, "traveling" -- but I'll explain because it seems obvious. "Traveling" means anything outside of your city.

    さて、"traveling" -- しかし、当たり前のような気がするので説明します。"旅行 "とは自分の街以外のことを意味します

  • If you go to the library in your city, you're not travelling, boys and girls. You're just going to the library.


  • But if you have a big country -- like, I'm in Canada.

    でも、もしあなたが大きな国を持っているなら -- 私はカナダにいます。

  • We like traveling to other parts of Canada because it's like going to Europe.


  • But you can travel in North America. You can travel in Europe. You can travel to Africa -- leave Europe.

    しかし、北米を旅行することができます。ヨーロッパを旅することができる。アフリカにも行ける ヨーロッパを離れて

  • Oh, my gosh, yes. You can travel between countries, continents, and large regions.


  • So when you say, "I enjoy travelling", it can be from a city in one part of your country to another,


  • or to different countries, or different continents. Cool? You should leave.


  • Travel a little, learn a little. "Going to": "Going to" means -- because I'm going from one place to another to do the activity,

    少し旅をして、少し学ぶ。"Going to""Going to "の意味は--活動をするために、ある場所から別の場所に行くからです。

  • and that is the activity, "going to" to do it, all right?


  • In this case, movies: "I enjoy going to the movies." That's my hobby.


  • Every week I see a new movie. I have a friend who watches one movie every night.


  • He goes to a cheap theater, and he watches movies. He loves them. That's his hobby.


  • Two hours a day, he gets to heaven. You know, he flies away and enjoys them, you know?


  • Or going to the beach. Some people like going to the beach. Like little turkeys, they lie in the sun --it's called "tanning"

    ビーチに行くのが好きな人もビーチに行くのが好きな人もいる。小さな七面鳥のように 太陽の下で寝そべって「日焼け」と呼ばれています

  • -- and then they turn over at two o'clock and turn over at three o'clock and turn back.

    -- 二時にひっくり返って三時にひっくり返って引き返す。

  • And they cook themselves. I don't know why, but they enjoy going to the beach.


  • Some people like going to the theater. You know, masterpiece theater. Watch the theater. It's very intellectual, theater.


  • And you get to say "theater". Can't say that with movies.

    "劇場 "と言えばいい映画では言えない

  • It doesn't -- "movies". Sounds like a -- well, whatever.

    "映画 "じゃないそれは...まあ、なんでもいいけど。

  • Okay: baking and cooking. So another hobby is baking and cooking, and it's not just for women anymore.


  • No, sir. I like cooking too. I like cooking shows, Top Chef and whatnot, right?


  • Iron Chef. So you watch, and then you copy the recipe, and you make it.


  • So you say, "My hobby is cooking." If it is, please send me an invite, me and the worm. We're coming over.

    "趣味は料理 "って言うんですね。もしそうなら、私とミミズを誘ってください。(美月)今から行くよ

  • I don't care where you live. We're coming for a visit. And make it good, son, because I don't travel for no reason,

    あなたがどこに住んでいようと気にしません。訪ねて行くだけだ良い旅にしてくれ 息子よ 理由もなく旅行はしない

  • All right? Next, this is going to be funny. I know some of you are laughing right now because,


  • you know, "James, we do things we enjoy, yes?"


  • But in school, I have to read and write. You're telling me this is hobby? Yeah, there are.


  • some crazy people who like to read and write. Well, reading anyway, like, I enjoy a good book.


  • I enjoy comic books. But some people enjoy writing and doing poems and stories,


  • and some people enjoy reading books, horror, drama, and whatnot, right? "Whatnot" means

    と、本を読むのが好きな人、ホラーやドラマを読むのが好きな人、Whatnotを読むのが好きな人もいますよね?"Whatnot "の意味は

  • "anything". So, this is what we're talking about here. These are things that could be hobbies,

    "何でもあり "ですね。ここでいう「何でも」とはこういうことなんですね。これらは趣味になりそうなものです。

  • but we have to talk about questions because I said


  • this is going to help you with conversation. You don't walk up to people and go, "I enjoy


  • cooking. I enjoy reading, and I enjoy playing soccer." They

    料理をしています。読書を楽しんだり サッカーをしたりしています"彼らは

  • will say, "Why are you talking to me? I didn't ask you that." So we can look at the questions

    と聞くと "何で私に話しかけているの?そんなことは聞いていません"ということで、質問を見てみると

  • that you can ask somebody or they might ask you, and when you respond, you'll find out that


  • -- well, guess what? You have things -- what we call "things in common" -- that

    -- まあ、何だと思う?あなた達には共通のものがあるのね

  • help us talk to each other and get to know each other. Our interests, when they are similar,


  • we can become friends. Or even if they are different, we can learn from each other.

    友達になることができます。あるいは 違っていても お互いに学び合うことができます

  • Let's go to the board, shall we? All right, so the first thing we look at is,


  • "What do you do in your" -- there's a "d". "D" is for "dummy". Wait. Don't be so rudy.

    "What do you do in your" -- "d "がある。"D "は "ダミー "の意味だ待ってくれそんな失礼なこと言わないで

  • "D" is for "downtime". Downtime.

    "D "は "ダウンタイム "のこと。ダウンタイム。

  • Downtime. "What do you do in your downtime?" Now, you notice it says, "in".

    ダウンタイム。"ダウンタイムに何をする?"今、"in "と書いてあるのに気付きましたね。

  • The preposition is "in". Well, because we are "in" time, right? There's a


  • beginning to time and an end to time, and you're somewhere "in" this time. So we say

    時の始まりと終わりがあります この時間のどこかに "入っている "のですということで、私たちは

  • "downtime": this is your relaxing time -- time when you're not "up" and working; you're "down" in time.

    "ダウンタイム": これはあなたのリラックスした時間 -- あなたが "アップ "して仕事をしていない時間; あなたは時間の中で "ダウン "しています。

  • So you can relax. So a lot of native speakers go, "Hey, what do you do in your downtime?"

    リラックスできるんですね。多くのネイティブスピーカーは "ダウンタイムは何をしてるの?"って言うの

  • What time you're not working -- relaxing time, okay?


  • Next one we're going to do is, "What do you do with your spare time?" Well, we know what "time" is,

    次は "暇な時は何をしてる?"ですまあ、"暇 "というのは分かっています。

  • but what does "spare" mean? "Spare" means "extra". It has many meanings, but today,

    でも "スペア "の意味は?"スペア "とは「余分な」という意味ですいろいろな意味がありますが、今日は

  • the basic meaning is "extra". Now, we have spare change. When you have paper money -- a dollar --


  • and you go to the store and they give you money back and it's little metal money,


  • that's called your "spare change" or "coins". You do -- your spare change isn't enough to buy big things,

    それは「予備の小銭」または「コイン」と呼ばれていますそうだな -- 予備の小銭では大きなものを買うには不十分だ

  • You buy usually gum or candy or pay for parking. Yeah, that's fun -- fun things with the spare change.

    ガムやお菓子を買ったり、駐車場代を払ったり。ああ、それは楽しいな -- 小銭を使って楽しいことを。

  • We do the same thing with our spare time. With our "spare" time --

    暇な時も同じことをしています。私たちの「余暇」の時間を使って --

  • it's our "extra" time -- remember, "spare." Because you sleep for eight hours,

    私たちの "余分な "時間だ。"スペア "を覚えておいてくれ。あなたは8時間寝ているから。

  • you work for eight hours, you have to eat and poo-poo -- I said it. I'm sorry. --


  • but then you only have two or three hours a day for yourself, and that's your "spare" time.


  • What do you do for fun with your spare time, right? We use this preposition, "with",


  • to say, "Look. There's you, and there's time. How do they come together?" Well, they come together for me


  • for collecting things, like comics, right?


  • Now, we've got one more. What could that be? "What do you do when you have time off?"


  • "Time off". Well, what do you do when you have time off? Time off from what? From life? No. No.


  • I was thinking, "Could it be possible?" Time off from work, right? That's when travelling would come in.

    "もしかして... "って思ってたんだけど仕事を休む時間ですよね?そこに旅行の出番が来るんですよ

  • "In my time off, I'm going travelling." Because it's usually a longer period of time, right?


  • So you say, "travelling" -- so your time off. We could also use it for other things,

    "旅行 "と言うことは 休暇のことですね他のことにも使える

  • like collecting and that -- probably "spare time", you would say, or "downtime".


  • Your hobbies are collecting, but time off most likely travelling, but you can still use it.


  • It's something we say, right? So, what do you do when you have time off?


  • What do you do? You can say, well, "I enjoy" or "I like to. James, 'enjoyand 'like' are the same."

    あなたは何をしていますか?まあ、"I enjoy "とか "I like to "とか。ジェームズ、"楽しむ "と "好き "は同じだよ。"

  • I know, and I'm separating them for a reason. There're another couple reasons that


  • I don't have time to go into, but the key here is, if you remember this simple rule,


  • you can use it, and you'll be right, like, 90 percent of the time, no problem.


  • "You enjoy" -- don't use "to". Don't use this particle, this preposition "to". Don't use it.

    "You enjoy" -- "to "を使うな。この助詞 この前置詞 "to "を使うな使わないで

  • But you can say, "I enjoy i-n-g." So I enjoy --sorry. Give me a second here.

    "I enjoy i -n-g "と言えばいいのよ"I enjoy i -n -gちょっと待って

  • Take a good look. You got that? But you can say this. Now, ready? Read it with me.


  • "I enjoy i-n-g. I enjoy i-n-g." What am I saying? "I enjoy playing." "I enjoy dancing."

    "I enjoy i -n-g."I enjoy i -n -g."何を言ってるんだ?"I enjoy playing.""I enjoy dancing."

  • "I enjoy singing." "I enjoy going." That's right. Okay? So that's, "I enjoy 'i-n-g.'"

    "歌うのが楽しい""行くのが楽しい"そうだないいですか?"I enjoy 'i -n -g. "だな

  • What about "I like to"? Because we know I enjoy 'i-n-g'-ing, but "I like to". Well,

    "I like to "は?"i-n-g'-ing "を楽しんでるのは知ってるけど "I like to "は?そうですね。

  • here -- "I like to" -- the verb that follows has to be in the base form, okay?

    ここでは、"I like to "の後に続く動詞は基本形でなければなりません。

  • "Base form" means don't change it, so "travel", "play", "collect", right? "I like to" collect comic books."

    "基本形 "は変えるなという意味だから "旅行" "遊び" "収集 "だよね?"漫画を集めるのが好きです"

  • "I enjoy collecting comic books." Do you see the difference? So we can do it with anything here, right?


  • "I enjoy travelling to different countries." "I like to travel."


  • I'm going to put "base", base form. So this means, don't change the verb, okay? So if

    "base "をつけます、基本形ですね。これは動詞を変えるなという意味ですね?だから、もし

  • you can remember these two words -- if you're going to say "I enjoy 'i-n-g'", and

    あなたはこの2つの言葉を覚えることができます -- 「'i-n-g'を楽しむ」と言うのであれば

  • "I like to base". How low can you go? Turn it up. I'm just joking.


  • That's an old rapper reference, all right? But "base verb", so you want to use the base verb here, okay?


  • So let's give an example. "I enjoy traveling." "You like to -- that's right -- travel." Cool.


  • Excellent. All right? Now, the response to all of this when you go through this long conversation with somebody --


  • "yadda yadda", or, you know, "blah, blah"

    "ヤダヤダヤダ "とか、"ボケボケ "とか。

  • -- when they finish, you go, "Hey, man, that's cool. Yeah, that's really cool." or "Dude,

    -- 彼らが終わったら "おい、いいぞ。とか、「おい。

  • that's interesting." You don't have to the "dude" part. You don't have to say that, but you can go,

    "それは面白い""男 "の部分は言わなくてもいいよ言わなくてもいいけど 行ってもいいよ

  • "That's rather interesting. You enjoy the theater. Wow. I like to go swimming. That's cool, isn't it?The water is cool."


  • Made a funny, okay? Wait -- not that funny.


  • But to wrap up the lesson -- remember "wrap up" means "finish" or "complete", okay?

    しかし、レッスンをまとめるということは... "rap up "は「終了する」「完了する」という意味だと覚えておいてくださいね。

  • "What are your hobbies?" These are -- remember, "h" for "habits". These are things that I like to do,

    "あなたの趣味は何ですか?"これは...覚えておいてくれ "h "は "習慣 "の意味だ私の好きなことです

  • enjoy doing, and do regularly, and I don't get paid for it, right?


  • Another word is "interests", but "interests" could be "what do I like" -- it doesn't mean it's a hobby,

    もう一つの言葉は「興味」ですが、「興味」は「何が好きなのか」ということにもなりかねません -- 趣味という意味ではありません。

  • but I'm interested in this and that, okay? We talked about that.


  • We've got three others here: "Downtime", "spare time", and "time off" are all similar, right? And finally, "enjoy".

    他にも3つありますね。"Downtime" "暇" "time off" どれも似たようなものですよね。そして最後に「楽しむ」。

  • "I enjoy i-n-g. I enjoy i-n-g." Yeah, you like that. Can't see my butt move, my butt -- my bottom.

    "I enjoy i -n-g."I enjoy i -n -g."好きなんだなお尻が動いて見えない お尻が...

  • It's really nice, though. It's cute. It's good. And finally, "base"

    でも、本当にいいですよね。可愛いし。いいですよね。最後に "ベース"

  • -- how low do you go? "I like toverb in the base'", all right? Now, and the final thing is,

    -- どこまでやるんだ?"動詞をベースにした "のが好きなんです」、いいですか?さて、最後に

  • "Oh, that's cool. That's really interesting." Those are good responses after someone tells you these are the -- these are their hobbies, okay?


  • So I got to go. Hey, it's like Superman. I just popped that shirt. See that?


  • I enjoy being Superman. That's my secret identity -- my hobby. Okay, Mr. E and I are out.


  • We're going to have some fun right now -- going to go play sometimes. We're not going to go read anything.


  • That's his thing. I lied. I hate reading. I don't know how to read. I'm illiterate. Illiterate. You know that?


  • Anyway. So -- okay. I'm out, but before I go, you have to go to,

    とにかくそれで...帰るけど その前に に行ってね

  • where "eng" stands for "English" and "vid" stands for "video" -- okay?

    "eng "は "English "で "vid "は "video "です。

  • -- where myself -- Mr. E is always present, and there's, like --

    -- E氏は常に同席していて、そこには...

  • I think there're like 975 new teachers. It's incredible. It's just crazy out there.


  • I'm just playing with you. It's my hobby. See? I enjoy doing that.


  • I'm really interested in what you have to say, though, so don't forget to go do the quiz when you're done.


  • Got to go. Bye.


Hi. James from EngVid. Just looking at my work. I don't know when I'm going to get any more downtime.


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