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  • Let's start this video by throwing a mouse, a dog, and an elephant


  • from a skyscraper onto something soft.


  • Let's say, a stack of mattresses.


  • The mouse lands and is stunned for a moment,


  • before it shakes itself off,


  • and walks away pretty annoyed,


  • because that's a very rude thing to do.

    なぜなら高い所から落とすというのは 大変失礼なことだからです。

  • The dog breaks all of its bones


  • and dies in an unspectacular way,


  • and the elephant explodes into a red puddle of bones and insides

    象は砕け散り 骨の入り混じった血の水だまりに姿を変え

  • and has no chance to be annoyed.


  • Why does the mouse survive,


  • but the elephant and dog don't?


  • The answer is size.


  • Size is the most underappreciated regulator of living things.

    大きさというのは生き物にとって1番 過小評価されている大事な調節装置であり、

  • Size determines everything about our biology,


  • how we are built, how we experience the world, how we live and die.


  • It does so because the physical laws are different for different sized animals.

    それはなぜかというと、それは物理的な物事の感じ方が 大きさによって変わるからなのです。

  • Life spans seven orders of magnitude, from invisible bacteria to mites, ants,


  • mice, dogs, humans, elephants and, blue whales. Every size lives in its own


  • unique universe right next to each other, each with its own rules, upsides, and

    またそれぞれの世界は密接に関わり合っていて、 異なった自然の法則や重力の捉え方をしています。

  • downsides. We'll explore these different worlds in a series of videos. Let's get


  • back to the initial question: Why did our mouse survive the fall? Because of how


  • scaling size changes everything; a principle that we'll meet over and


  • over again. Very small things, for example, are practically immune to falling from

    例えば小さい生物は実質、 高い所からの落下に対して無敵であり、

  • great heights because the smaller you are the less you care about the effect

    それはなぜかと言うと小さければ小さいほど 重力の影響が小さくなるからです。

  • of gravity. Imagine a theoretical spherical animal

    ここでビー玉の様な架空の 丸い小さな動物を想像してみましょう。

  • the size of a marble. It has three features: its length, its surface area,


  • (which is covered in skin) and its volume, or all the stuff inside it like organs,


  • muscles, hopes and dreams. If we make it ten times longer, say the size of a

    筋肉や夢や希望が詰まっています。 もしも全長の長さが10倍なら、その大きさは

  • basketball, the rest of its features don't just grow ten times. Its skin will

    バスケットボールくらいになりますが、 表面積や体積は単に10倍になる訳ではありません。

  • grow 100 times and it's inside (so it's volume) grows by 1000 times. The volume

    表面積はおよそ100倍になり 体積は1000倍にもなります。体積というのは

  • determines the weight, or more accurately, mass of the animal. The more mass you

    重さ、そしてより厳密に言うと質量を決定付けます。 質量が大きければ大きいほど

  • have, the higher your kinetic energy before you hit the ground and the

    地面にぶつかる時の運動エネルギーが大きくなり、 そして衝撃も大きくなります。

  • stronger the impact shock. The more surface area in relation to your volume

    体積や質量と関わりのある 表面積が大きくなればなるほど

  • or mass you have, the more the impact gets distributed and softened, and also


  • the more air resistance will slow you down. An elephant is so big that it has


  • extremely little surface area in ratio to its volume. So a lot of kinetic energy


  • gets distributed over a small space and the air doesn't slow it down much at all.

    小さな面積にしか分配されず、 空気抵抗も落下の速度を減らす役目を果たしません。

  • That's why it's completely destroyed in an impressive explosion of goo when it


  • hits the ground. The other extreme, insects, have a huge surface area in


  • relation to their tiny mass so you can literally throw an ant from an airplane


  • and it will not be seriously harmed. But while falling is irrelevant in the small


  • world there are other forces for the harmless for us but extremely dangerous


  • for small beings. Like surface tension which turns water into a potentially

    例えば表面張力は水を小さな生き物にとって 生死に関わる危険な物質に変えてしまいます。

  • deadly substance for insects. How does it work? Water has the tendency to stick to

    どうしてその様なことが起こるのでしょうか。 水はお互いがお互いを引っ張り合う性質があります。

  • itself; its molecules are attracted to each other through a force called


  • cohesion which creates a tension on its surface that you can imagine as a sort


  • of invisible skin. For us this skin is so weak that we don't even notice it

    その膜は人間にとっては 日常的には気付かないほど弱いものです。

  • normally. If you get wet about 800 grams of water or about one percent of your

    もしも私たちの全身が水浸しになったら800グラム、 もしくは体重の1%の水が体の周りに付着し、

  • body weight sticks to you. A wet mouse has about 3 grams of water sticking to


  • it, which is more than 10% of its body weight. Imagine having eight full water

    それは鼠の体重の10%以上にも及びます。 シャワーから上がった後、

  • bottle sticking to you when you leave the shower. But for an insect the force


  • of water surface tension is so strong that getting wet is a question of life


  • and death. If we were to shrink you to the size of


  • an ant and you touch water it would be like you were reaching into glue. It


  • would quickly engulf you, its surface tension too hard for you to break and

    水は瞬く間にあなたを呑み込み、表面張力は 抜け出すのが困難なほど強く溺れてしまいます。

  • you'd drown. So insects evolved to be water repellent. For one their exoskeleton is

    だから虫は水をはじくように進化したのです。 まず1つに、外骨格は

  • covered with a thin layer of wax just like a car. This makes their surface at

    車の表面の様に薄いワックスの膜で覆われていて、 それが虫の外骨格を

  • least partly water repellent because it can't stick to it very well. Many insects

    部分的にではあれ水を付着し辛くする 防水の性質をもたらします。

  • are also covered with tiny hairs that serve as a barrier. They vastly increase

    また、多くの虫は表面がバリアの役目を果たす 小さな毛で覆われています。

  • their surface area and prevent the droplets from touching their exoskeleton

    それらの毛が表面積を多大に増やし、 水滴が外骨格に触れるのを妨げ、

  • and make it easier to get rid of droplets. To make use of surface tension

    そして水滴を弾くのを容易にします。 表面張力を活用することによって、

  • evolution cracked nanotechnology billions of years before us. Some insects

    数十億年もの年月をかけて、 進化が極小の世界に亀裂を入れたのです。

  • have evolved a surface covered by a short and extremely dense coat of water

    ある虫は毛ではなく表面を極めて濃度の高い水の上着で 覆い水から身を守ります。

  • repelling hair. Some have more than a million hairs per square millimeter when

    また、他のある虫は1平方ミリメートルあたり 100万本もの毛で覆われ

  • the insect dives under water air stays inside their fur and forms a coat of air.

    水に飛び込んだ時も 毛の中に空気の層を留まらせます。

  • Water can't enter it because their hairs are too tiny to break its surface tension.

    なぜ水が染みこまないのかというと、その毛は 表面張力では破れないくらい小さいものだからです。

  • But it gets even better, as the oxygen of the air bubble runs out, new oxygen

    しかしそれはより一層良いもので、 水の中で酸素が尽きていく中で、

  • diffuses into the bubble from the water around, it while the carbon dioxide

    水中に拡散した新たな酸素の泡を水の中から取り込み、 同時に二酸化炭素を排出することができます。

  • diffuses outwards into the water. And so the insect carries its own outside lung

    虫は気門と呼ばれる肺の役目を果たす 穴が体の外側にあり

  • around and can basically breathe underwater thanks to surface tension.

    表面張力のおかげで基本的に 水の中で呼吸することができます。

  • This is the same principle that enables pond skaters to walk on water by the way,

    また、同じ原理で小さな防水の毛を持つアメンボは 水の上を歩くことができます。

  • tiny anti-water hairs. The smaller you get the weirder the environment becomes. At

    小さくなればなるほど 環境も奇妙に変化していくのです。

  • some point even air becomes more and more solid. Let's now zoom down to the

    いくつかの見方に立ってみると空気ですら 固いものへと変貌するのです。

  • smallest insects known, about half the size of a grain of salt,

    砂糖の粒の半分ほどの大きさ、約0.15ミリメートル の大きさの虫にズームしてみましょう。

  • only 0.15 millimeters long: the Fairy Fly. They live in a world even weirder than

    ホソハネコバチと呼ばれるその虫は、その他の虫よりも いっそう奇妙な世界に住んでいます。

  • another insects. For them air itself is like thin jello, a syrup-like mass

    ホソハネコバチにとって空気は常に体の周りを取り囲む 薄いゼリーやシロップの様な塊の様なものです。

  • surrounding them at all times. Movement through it is not easy. Flying


  • on this level is not like elegant gliding; they have to kind of grab and

    このレベルで飛行しようと思ったら、それは優雅な 滑空飛行の様なものとは大きく異なります。

  • hold onto air. So their wings look like big hairy arms rather than proper insect

    それはある種、空気をつかみ続ける様なものです。 羽は普通の羽というよりかは

  • wings. They literally swim through the air, like a tiny gross alien through


  • syrup. Things only become stranger from here on


  • as we explore more universes of different sizes. The physical rules are


  • so different for each size that evolution had to engineer around them

    物理の法則はそれぞれの生命の大きさによって違うもの であり、生命はそれぞれの大きさの世界の中で

  • over and over as life grew in size in the last billion years. So why are there

    ここ10億年の間に何度も何度も 変貌を遂げ進化していきました。

  • no ants the size of horses? Why are no elephants the size of amoeba? Why?

    それではなぜ馬のサイズの蟻がいないのでしょうか? なぜアメーバのサイズの馬がいないのでしょうか?

  • We'll discuss this in the next part.


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  • you don't want to miss new videos and for bonus videos.


Let's start this video by throwing a mouse, a dog, and an elephant



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