字幕表 動画を再生する 審査済み この字幕は審査済みです 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Some people are so full of life and energy, but for some reason even when you seem to get more than enough sleep, you're still fighting off yawns and fatigue through the day. いつも元気がいっぱいの人がいますが、なんらかの理由で So, why are you always tired? 十分な睡眠を取っていても、 If you know the number of hours of sleep isn't the problem, the second most common cause of fatigue comes from lack of physical activity and a poor diet. 1日中、あくびや疲れと戦っている人がいます。 Study after study finds that adults who began light exercise a few times a week reported more energy after six weeks. なぜいつも疲れているのでしょうか。 People who exercise more regularly also report sleeping better, even though studies show that they aren't sleeping any longer. 睡眠時間が問題ではないとわかったら、 But if that doesn't help, don't go straight for your cup of joe. 2番目に疲れの原因となるものは、 While many studies show coffee is good for your health, research shows that your reliance on it can make you more sleepy. 体を使った活動が不足していたり、栄養が偏った食事にあります。 Caffeine blocks adenosine in your brain which normally accumulates through the day and makes you sleepy at night. いくつもの研究で、 But consuming coffee or energy drinks less than six hours before bed can ultimately affect your sleep quality. 1週間に数回軽い運動を始めた大人は6週間後にもっとエネルギーが出たと報告されました。 As a result people who don't use caffeine often report feeling less tired in the morning. 定期的にエクササイズをする人々はよく眠れることも報告されています。 You might consider making sure you're fully hydrated with some water first too. その人たちは人より長く眠っているわけではないことも研究で示されています。 One study found that a drop of 1.5 percent in our bodies normal water levels can cause difficulty concentrating. しかし役に立たないからといって、すぐコーヒーに飛びつくのはやめましょう。 Your blood thickens which slows down nutrients and oxygen getting to your muscles and organs. コーヒーは健康に良いと多くの研究が示す一方で、 However, a 2 percent drop is enough to make you feel thirsty so while there's no need to gulping down gallons of water, staying hydrated throughout the day will certainly help. それに頼ることは、もっと眠たくなることにつながると明らかになっています。 Urine should be pale yellow. カフェインは通常1日かけて蓄積される Any darker, and it's time for some water. 脳の中のアデノシンを妨害して Those glasses of wine or beers before bed may also be affecting your day. 夜に眠たくさせます。 Studies have found that after becoming intoxicated (that) while test subjects would fall asleep faster their quality of sleep was actually much lower, particularly during the second half of their night's sleep. しかしコーヒーや栄養ドリンクを寝る6時間前に飲むと Ultimately, alcohol reduces the amount of REM sleep you get. 睡眠の質にかなり影響します。 And, if you're binge drinking and sleeping in on the weekends be aware that a consistent sleep schedule is key. 結果として、カフェインを摂取しない人は Try waking up close to your normal time on weekends and having short 20-minute naps in the day. 朝にあまり疲れを感じないと言われています。 These will still recharge your body without going into deep sleep and making you more tired. しっかりと水分補給を最初にしましょう。 You're also more likely to fall asleep at a correct time on Sunday evening, making Monday morning easier. 体内で通常の水分レベルよりも1.5%下降すると Of course your mental well-being plays a role too. 集中するのが難しくなると研究が明らかにしています。 Anxiety is a big one. 血液は濃くなって栄養や酸素が Worrying what people think, always feeling tense about work or being overly concerned about every decision can be physically exhausting. 筋肉や組織に行くのを遅くさせます。 And fatigue is one of the main symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. しかしながら、2%の下降で喉が渇いたと感じるので Not only that, but anxiety may be affecting your sleep quality. 水を何倍も飲む必要がない間に、 On another serious end, depression can cause both physical, and emotional fatigue which more sleep won't necessarily relieve. 水分補給をしっかりとすることは確実に良いことです。 For some it causes insomnia or the inability to fall asleep in the first place. 尿は薄い黄色であるべきで Unfortunately, there's no quick fix for the 10 percent of Americans who do suffer from depression. それよりも暗い色の場合は、水分を取る時間です。 So if you think you may be depressed see your physician or psychologist. ワインやビールを寝る前に飲むことも Finally, you might also simply be a night owl. 1日に影響しているかもしれません。 Around 20 percent of population have genetics making them predisposed to staying up late. 酔った後に But living in our 9-to-5 world may make it difficult for you to get the proper amount of sleep. 被験者は眠りにつくのが早かった一方で、 In fact, scientists call this phenomenon social jet lag. 睡眠の質は実際、もっと低かった。 Well, night owls feel like they're living in the wrong time zone every day. 夜寝ている間の後半部分では特に。 If nothing seems to help, there may be an underlying medical condition causing your fatigue which should be talked about with your physician. 最終的に、アルコールは REM 睡眠の時間を削減します。 Got a burning question you want answered? そして週末に飲んで眠る場合は、 Ask it in the comments or on Facebook and twitter. 一定の睡眠計画がカギとなることを覚えておきましょう。 And subscribe for more weekly science videos. 平日のように通常に近い時間に起きるようにして、
B1 中級 日本語 米 睡眠 疲れ 水分 うつ 眠り 時間 寝不足?いつも疲れている本当の理由は何なのか? (Why Are You Always Tired?) 145010 10050 韓澐 に公開 2019 年 03 月 03 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語